4 years ago
My understanding form a few months ago is 365BET, a company from China doing online betting in the UK was taking over the company. I went back yesterday to confirm this and found nothing. Again, if anyone here has the number of the company, someone officer of the company, or the market maker, I would appreciate you posting the information or private messaging me.
Interesting action on the stock.
19 years ago
Reverse mergers.
It's easy for anyone to "take their company public," thanks to the fact that there are hundreds of shell companies trading on the Pink Sheets that exist on paper but have no assets.
Consider Wind Farming, created when William Telander bought a Pink Sheets-listed company called Applied Research. Applied had no assets, just a Pink Sheets listing, according to an SEC complaint filed this year. After buying Applied, Telander changed the name to Wind Farming, which allowed him to avoid regulatory scrutiny because he took over another company rather than issuing new stock. Starting as far back as summer 2004, Telander began issuing trumped-up and "false" press releases extolling Applied's success, the SEC complaint says, including fabricated business contracts. Trading volume soared from basically nothing to more than a million shares a day, the SEC says, allowing Telander and a group of partners to make hundreds of thousands selling shares. The attorney representing Wind Farming declined to comment.
20 years ago
fatty129, Thanks for the post.
I hate to say it, but if management is out after a quick buck, they probably have succeeded here, at stockholder's expense. That is how it goes.
I can remember when I first went to the uswf website, I saw photos of guys on roof types with little cylindrical tonka toy wind catchers that drove tiny little generators. It looked kind of phony to me then, and it smells kind of bad right now. Oh well, you can't keep a good man down, and you cannot breath character into people who have none. Telander..... What goes around, comes around.