Washington, D.C. 20549









PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF



July 3rd, 2023


Commission File Number 001-10888




TotalEnergies SE

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)




2, place Jean Millier

La Défense 6

92400 Courbevoie


(Address of principal executive offices)




Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


Form 20-F  x       Form 40-F  ¨


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):  ¨


Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted solely to provide an attached annual report to security holders.


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):  ¨


Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted to furnish a report or other document that the registrant foreign private issuer must furnish and make public under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the registrant is incorporated, domiciled or legally organized (the registrant’s “home country”), or under the rules of the home country exchange on which the registrant’s securities are traded, as long as the report or other document is not a press release, is not required to be and has not been distributed to the registrant’s security holders, and, if discussing a material event, has already been the subject of a Form 6-K submission or other Commission filing on EDGAR.







TotalEnergies SE is providing on this Form 6-K a description of certain recent developments relating to its business.







Exhibit No. Description
Exhibit 99.1 Jeanine Wai is appointed Vice President, Investor Relations North America of TotalEnergies (June 1, 2023).
Exhibit 99.2 Capital increase reserved for employees of TotalEnergies in 2023 (June 1, 2023).
Exhibit 99.3 Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares (June 5, 2023).
Exhibit 99.4 TotalEnergies Steps up Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production at Grandpuits (June 7, 2023).
Exhibit 99.5 Kazakhstan: TotalEnergies signs a 25-year PPA for a 1 GW Wind Project (June 9, 2023).
Exhibit 99.6 Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares (June 12, 2023).
Exhibit 99.7 Nigeria: TotalEnergies makes oil and gas discovery in offshore OML 102 (June 13, 2023).
Exhibit 99.8 United States: TotalEnergies Strengthens its Position in LNG by Partnering with GIP and NextDecade on a new LNG project in Texas (June 14, 2023).
Exhibit 99.9 Paris Air Show : TotalEnergies Committed to the Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel to Meet Its Aviation Customers’ need (June 19, 2023).
Exhibit 99.10 Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares (June 19, 2023).
Exhibit 99.11 Decarbonizing Industry in France: TotalEnergies to Supply Certified Sustainable Biomethane to Saint-Gobain (June 20, 2023).
Exhibit 99.12 Fourniture de gaz : TotalEnergies annonce une réduction de 10 % sur le kWh pendant 1 an pour ses nouveaux clients particuliers en gaz (June 20, 2023).
Exhibit 99.13 Germany: TotalEnergies and VNG join Forces on Green Hydrogen to Decarbonize the Leuna Refinery (June 21, 2023).
Exhibit 99.14 Aramco and TotalEnergies award contracts for $11 billion Amiral project (June 24, 2023).
Exhibit 99.15 Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares (June 26, 2023).
Exhibit 99.16 TotalEnergies partners with Petronas and Mitsui on a Carbon Storage hub in Malaysia (June 26, 2023).
Exhibit 99.17 Energy transition & Renewables: TotalEnergies partners with Petronas in Asia-Pacific (June 26, 2023).
Exhibit 99.18 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur : un nouvel investissement majeur de TotalEnergies à la bioraffinerie de La Mède en 2024 (June 28, 2023).







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  TotalEnergies SE
Date: July 3rd, 2023 By: /s/ MARIE-SOPHIE WOLKENSTEIN
    Name: Marie-Sophie Wolkenstein
    Title: Company Treasurer






Exhibit 99.1






Jeanine Wai is appointed Vice President,
Investor Relations North America of TotalEnergies



Paris, June 1, 2023 – Jeanine Wai is appointed Vice President Investor Relations for North America of TotalEnergies, effective June 1, 2023. She replaces Robert Hammond who elected to retire from the Company.


Jeanine Wai began her career in 2001 with Chevron as a process engineer in Downstream specializing in hydrocracking and base oils. From 2009, she alternatively held corporate, buy-side and sell-side positions, including Oil & Gas financial analysis and M&A at Bechtel, as an Exploration & Production analyst at Nexus Asset Management, and 13 years of Upstream Oil & Gas equity research at JPMorgan, Citi, and most recently as the Senior US Integrated Oil and Exploration & Production analyst at Barclays since 2018.


Jeanine Wai is graduated with honors with a B.S in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and holds an M.B.A from the MIT Sloan School of Management.





About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations:+33 (0)1 47 44 46 99l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations:+33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com


  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  





Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.2






Capital increase reserved for employees
of TotalEnergies in 2023


Paris, June 1, 2023 – In accordance with its policy in favour of employee shareholding, the Board of Directors of TotalEnergies SE decided, on September 22, 2022, to carry out a capital increase reserved for eligible employees and former employees of TotalEnergies SE and its French and foreign subsidiaries in which the Company holds directly or indirectly more than 50% (in terms of capital or voting rights), that are members of the PEG-A Group savings plan, in France and abroad, under the conditions set by the twenty-second resolution at the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 25, 2022.


On April 26, 2023, the Chairman and CEO set (i) the subscription period from April 28 to May 15, 2023 (included) and (ii) the subscription price at 45.60 euros per share, corresponding to the average of the closing prices of the TotalEnergies share on Euronext over the twenty trading sessions preceding the date of this decision, reduced by a 20% discount and rounded off to the highest tenth of a euro.


At the end of this period, 52,602 employees in 94 countries, representing 45.8 % of the eligible employees and former employees, subscribed to this capital increase for an amount of 353.9 million euros. These results are on the rise compared to the last two years in terms of participation rate and amount subscribed.


“The development of employee share ownership is at the heart of TotalEnergies' value share policy as it represents the best way to closely associate employees with its economic performance, strengthen their sense of belonging and align the interests of employees and shareholders. Once again this year, TotalEnergies' employees have confirmed their attachment to the Company and fully supported the strategy of transforming TotalEnergies into a multi-energy company, by subscribing largely to the capital increase reserved for them", declared Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies.


As a result, 8,002,155 new shares will be issued on June 7, 2023. They will carry immediate dividend rights and will be fully assimilated with TotalEnergies shares already listed on Euronext.





Following this issuance, the employee shareholders in TotalEnergies SE’s share capital, within the meaning of Article L. 225-102 of the French Commercial Code, will represent 7.67% of the Company’s share capital as of June 7, 2023.




About TotalEnergies


TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts


Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99
presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com


TotalEnergies on social media


Twitter : @TotalEnergies
LinkedIn : TotalEnergies
Facebook : TotalEnergies
Instagram : TotalEnergies


Cautionary Note
The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. TotalEnergies SE has no liability for the acts or omissions of these entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.3




Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares



Paris, June 05, 2023 – In accordance with the authorization given by the ordinary shareholders’ general meeting on May 26, 2023 to trade on its shares and pursuant to applicable law on share repurchase, TotalEnergies SE (LEI: 529900S21EQ1BO4ESM68) declares the following purchases of its own shares (FR0000120271) from May 29 to June 02, 2023:


Transaction Date

Total daily volume
(number of shares)

Daily weighted
average purchase
price of shares

Amount of
transactions (EUR)

Market (MIC Code)

29/05/2023 339,725 55.848163 18,973,017.18 XPAR
29/05/2023 115,743 55.858738 6,465,257.91 CEUX
29/05/2023 34,039 55.867473 1,901,672.91 TQEX
29/05/2023 11,808 55.897572 660,038.53 AQEU
30/05/2023 320,471 54.626485 17,506,204.27 XPAR
30/05/2023 120,602 54.656482 6,591,681.04 CEUX
30/05/2023 43,295 54.609197 2,364,305.18 TQEX
30/05/2023 28,155 54.618827 1,537,793.07 AQEU
31/05/2023 322,041 52.986451 17,063,809.67 XPAR
31/05/2023 154,999 52.962358 8,209,112.53 CEUX
31/05/2023 40,406 52.969569 2,140,288.41 TQEX
31/05/2023 29,950 52.981132 1,586,784.90 AQEU
01/06/2023 320,972 53.613226 17,208,344.38 XPAR
01/06/2023 150,000 53.597199 8,039,579.85 CEUX
01/06/2023 40,000 53.597604 2,143,904.16 TQEX
01/06/2023 30,000 53.605072 1,608,152.16 AQEU
02/06/2023 307,304 54.925679 16,878,880.98 XPAR
02/06/2023 148,311 54.924370 8,145,888.19 CEUX
02/06/2023 43,037 54.940904 2,364,491.70 TQEX
02/06/2023 29,320 54.936459 1,610,736.98 AQEU
Total 2,630,178 54.368923 142,999,944.01  



Transaction details

In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (the Market Abuse Regulation) a full breakdown of the individual trades are disclosed on the TotalEnergies website: https://totalenergies.com/investors/shares-and-dividends/total-shares/info/company-share-transactions


About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


* * * * *


TotalEnergies contacts

Media Relations: +33 1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com






Exhibit 99.4





TotalEnergies Steps up Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Production at Grandpuits



Paris, June 7, 2023– Ahead of the Paris Air Show held in Le Bourget, TotalEnergies is stepping up production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and low carbon energies of its Grandpuits site. These investments reflect the Company’s ambition to develop low carbon energies and the circular economy, and consist of:


·The doubling of SAF production at Grandpuits, bringing the site’s annual production capacity to 285,000 tons, i.e. more than double the capacity announced in 2020. This new investment responds to the gradual increase in minimum SAF shares mandated by the EU, and set at 6% for 2030.


·The development of low carbon energies at the Grandpuits zero-crude platform, with the construction of a biomethane production unit with annual capacity of 80 gigawatthours (GWh), equivalent to the annual demand of 16,000 people. It will be supplied with organic waste from the biorefinery, and will prevent the emission of almost 20,000 tons of CO2 every year. The unit strengthens TotalEnergies’ position as leader in biogas production in France.


"The zero-crude platform at Grandpuits will be a major French site for the production of sustainable aviation fuel, which is the most effective solution for immediately cutting CO2 emissions from air transport. These new projects further strengthen the site’s conversion, toward sustainability, decarbonization and the circular economy," said Bernard Pinatel, President, Refining & Chemicals at TotalEnergies.


The Company has also noted the decision taken by its partner Corbion not to pursue the bioplastic production project, owing to increased costs. In the light of the new investments announced today and others to come, TotalEnergies confirms the maintenance of 250 jobs at the site, in line with the commitments it made in September 2020.






TotalEnergies and Sustainable Aviation Fuels

TotalEnergies is developing Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). These are biofuels produced from waste and residues from the circular economy (animal fats, used cooking oils, etc.) and "e-jets", synthetic fuels for aviation. These sustainable aviation fuels will significantly reduce CO2 emissions from air transport.


TotalEnergies and biogas

TotalEnergies is a leading company in the European biogas segment with production capacity of 1.1 TWh. The Company aims to become a major player in the international market by joining forces with leading partners such as Clean Energy, Veolia, and Ductor. It is active across the entire value chain, from project development to marketing of this renewable gas and its byproducts, including biofertilizers and bioCO2. TotalEnergies aims to produce 20 TWh per year by 2030, equivalent to the average annual gas demand of four million French consumers and a reduction in CO2 emissions of around four million tons.





About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l@TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  




Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).






Exhibit 99.5





Kazakhstan: TotalEnergies signs a 25-year PPA
for a 1 GW Wind Project



Paris, June 9th, 2023 – TotalEnergies confirms its commitment to the energy transition in Kazakhstan with the signature of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the Mirny project. This will be the first PPA signed in the country for a wind project of such scale. Located in the Zhambyl region, the project aims to build a 1 GW onshore wind farm combined with a 600 MWh battery energy storage system for a reliable power supply. It represents an investment of about $1.4 billion. After Irak, it is another prime example of TotalEnergies’ ability to leverage its position as a major partner in the upstream sector to speed up the development of renewable energy in oil and gas countries.


The electricity to be produced by the Mirny project will be sold in its entirety to the Financial Settlement Center of Renewable Energy, a public entity owned by the Government of Kazakhstan, for the supply of the national grid. The project will provide electricity to 1 million people.


This agreement has been signed in Astana between Total Eren, an affiliate of TotalEnergies, and the FSC, in the presence of Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almasadam Satkaliyev. TotalEnergies will develop the Mirny project in partnership with the National Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna and the National Company KazMunayGas, which will each own a 20% stake in the project.


“This project will contribute to the transition of Kazakhstan to the green energy and will be a breakthrough in strengthening French-Kazakh investment cooperation,” said Almassadam Satkaliyev, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


"As a global energy leader, TotalEnergies is proud to drive the energy transition in Kazakhstan through such an innovative project as Mirny. This wind and battery project will contribute to the supply and security of the Kazakh power grid. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Kazakh authorities for their support and collaboration throughout this process. This represents a significant milestone in TotalEnergies' multi-energy strategy. TotalEnergies will bring its expertise in managing large-scale projects to make it a success, " said Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies.


A wind project contributing to Kazakhstan’s renewable push


The Mirny project, which will consist of around 200 turbines, is the largest wind energy initiative ever undertaken in Kazakhstan. Supported, by both the Kazakh and French authorities, the project will be a strong contributor to the Kazakh Government's target of achieving 15% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030. It will avoid the emission of approximately 3.5 million tons of CO2 annually over the duration of the PPA signed today.


A successful renewable track-record for Total Eren in Kazakhstan


Total Eren has a proven track record of renewable energy developments in Kazakhstan. In particular, Total Eren successfully developed, financed, built, and commissioned in 2019 two solar photovoltaic farms, M-KAT and Nomad, with a combined capacity of 128 MWp. These





solar farms, located in the Zhambyl and Kyzylorda regions respectively, have been instrumental in diversifying Kazakhstan's energy mix and reducing carbon emissions.





TotalEnergies and renewables electricity

As part of its ambition to get to net zero by 2050, TotalEnergies is building a portfolio of activities in electricity and renewables. At the end of 2022, TotalEnergies' gross renewable electricity generation installed capacity was 17 GW. TotalEnergies will continue to expand this business to reach 35 GW of gross production capacity from renewable sources and storage by 2025, and then 100 GW by 2030 with the objective of being among the world's top 5 producers of electricity from wind and solar energy.


About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  



Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.6




Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares



Paris, June 12, 2023 – In accordance with the authorization given by the ordinary shareholders’ general meeting on May 26, 2023 to trade on its shares and pursuant to applicable law on share repurchase, TotalEnergies SE (LEI: 529900S21EQ1BO4ESM68) declares the following purchases of its own shares (FR0000120271) from June 05 to June 09, 2023:


Transaction Date Total daily volume
(number of shares)
Daily weighted
average purchase
price of shares
Amount of
transactions (EUR)
Market (MIC Code)
05/06/2023 303,060 55.651928 16,865,873.39 XPAR
05/06/2023 150,000 55.663123 8,349,468.49 CEUX
05/06/2023 40,000 55.665781 2,226,631.24 TQEX
05/06/2023 28,000 55.643345 1,558,013.67 AQEU
06/06/2023 316,030 54.108370 17,099,868.02 XPAR
06/06/2023 150,000 54.090830 8,113,624.54 CEUX
06/06/2023 40,000 54.088637 2,163,545.46 TQEX
06/06/2023 30,000 54.097148 1,622,914.45 AQEU
07/06/2023 320,766 54.457076 17,467,978.56 XPAR
07/06/2023 149,579 54.497658 8,151,705.21 CEUX
07/06/2023 38,524 54.487020 2,099,057.94 TQEX
07/06/2023 23,524 54.465831 1,281,254.22 AQEU
08/06/2023 311,295 55.182142 17,177,924.96 XPAR
08/06/2023 150,000 55.190184 8,278,527.59 CEUX
08/06/2023 40,000 55.191381 2,207,655.25 TQEX
08/06/2023 24,200 55.201402 1,335,873.92 AQEU
09/06/2023 312,946 54.934720 17,191,600.89 XPAR
09/06/2023 150,000 54.923959 8,238,593.85 CEUX
09/06/2023 40,000 54.919327 2,196,773.08 TQEX
09/06/2023 25,000 54.920761 1,373,019.03 AQEU
Total 2,642,924 54.863441 144,999,903.75  


Transaction details


In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (the Market Abuse Regulation) a full breakdown of the individual trades are disclosed on the TotalEnergies website: https://totalenergies.com/investors/shares-and-dividends/total-shares/info/company-share-transactions


About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.



* * * * *



TotalEnergies contacts

Media Relations: +33 1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com





Exhibit 99.7





Nigeria: TotalEnergies makes oil and gas discovery
in offshore OML 102



Paris, June 13, 2023 –TotalEnergies announces the Ntokon oil and gas discovery on OML102 offshore Nigeria.


Located in shallow waters, 60 km off the southeast coast of Nigeria, the Ntokon-1AX discovery well encountered 38 meters of net oil pay and 15 meters of net gas pay, while its side-track Ntokon-1G1 encountered 73 meters of net oil pay, in well-developed and excellent quality reservoirs. Ntokon-1G1 tested successfully up to a maximum rate of about 5,000 barrels per day of 40° API oil.


Located 20 km from the Ofon field facilities on OML102, Ntokon is planned to be developed through a tie-back to these existing facilities.


“The Ntokon discovery opens a promising outlook for a new tie-back development”, said Nicolas Terraz, President, Exploration & Production at TotalEnergies. “After the start-up of production of the Ikike tie-back on OML99 in 2022, this new success in the area further demonstrates the potential of nearby exploration to create value within our low cost, low emission strategy”.


OML 102 is operated by TotalEnergies EP Nigeria with a 40% interest, alongside partner NNPC Ltd with the remaining 60%.






About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  



Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that





are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).




Exhibit 99.8





United States: TotalEnergies Strengthens its Position in LNG
by Partnering with GIP and NextDecade on a new LNG project

in Texas


Paris, June 14, 2023 – TotalEnergies has signed a framework agreement with the US company NextDecade to participate in the development of the Rio Grande LNG (RGLNG) project, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant located in South Texas. Under the terms of the agreement, and subject to execution of definitive documentation and final investment decision:


§TotalEnergies shall hold a 16.7% interest in the first phase of the project, which consists of three liquefaction trains with total annual capacity of 17.5 million tons per annum (Mtpa).


§TotalEnergies shall offtake 5.4 Mtpa of LNG from this first phase for twenty years, which brings the Company’s US LNG export capacity to more than 15 Mtpa by 2030.


§TotalEnergies shall acquire a 17.5% interest in NextDecade in three tranches for a global amount of $219 million – the first tranche of 5,06% having already been acquired on June 13, 2023, for $40 million.



§TotalEnergies shall also have a right to participate in further phases of the project and in a carbon capture and storage project (CCS) planned by NextDecade to reduce the emissions generated by the project.


The first phase of RGLNG, whose final investment decision is expected in the coming weeks for start-up in 2027, will be developed, besides TotalEnergies, by NextDecade as shareholder and operator and Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) as majority shareholder. The project has already received all the necessary authorizations from FERC, the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.


"We are delighted to join forces with NextDecade and GIP on the development of this new US LNG project, for which TotalEnergies will leverage its extensive experience in LNG and technical expertise in major industrial project development," said Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies. “Our involvement in this project will add 5.4 million tons per year of LNG to our global portfolio, strengthening our ability to ensure Europe's security of gas supply, and to provide our Asian customers with an alternative fuel to coal that emits half its CO2 emissions.”


“This partnership with TotalEnergies and GIP marks a momentous milestone for NextDecade,” said Matt Schatzman, NextDecade Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “We are excited to work with GIP and TotalEnergies on RGLNG and our proposed CCS project. We are also eager to grow our partnership with GIP and TotalEnergies, focusing on our shared vision to reduce carbon emissions in the energy sector.”


“With the world increasingly moving toward sustainable solutions, this partnership among GIP, TotalEnergies and NextDecade reinforces our shared commitment to helping lead the transition and shaping of the future of energy,” said Bayo Ogunlesi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Infrastructure Partners. “This venture marks a critical step in





displacing coal usage and upholds GIP’s commitment to promoting decarbonization, energy security and energy affordability. Our shared vision with TotalEnergies and NextDecade, combined with our capabilities, will undoubtedly help catalyze the development of cleaner energy.”







TotalEnergies, the world’s third largest LNG player

TotalEnergies is the world’s third largest LNG player with a market share of around 12% and a global portfolio of about 50 Mt/y thanks to its interests in liquefaction plants in all geographies. The Company benefits from an integrated position across the LNG value chain, including production, transportation, access to more than 20 Mt/y of regasification capacity in Europe, trading, and LNG bunkering. TotalEnergies’ ambition is to increase the share of natural gas in its sales mix to close to 50% by 2030, to reduce carbon emissions and eliminate methane emissions associated with the gas value chain, and to work with local partners to promote the transition from coal to natural gas.


About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations:+33 (0)1 47 44 46 99l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations:+33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  



Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.9





Paris Air Show: TotalEnergies Committed to the Production of
Sustainable Aviation Fuel to Meet Its Aviation Customers'


Paris, June 19, 2023 – TotalEnergies is actively responding to a call from its aviation customers to increase production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). As from 2028, the Company will be in a position to produce half a million tons of SAF, enough to cover the gradual increase in the European SAF blending mandate, set at 6% for 2030.


To this end, TotalEnergies is investing massively and has launched multiple SAF production projects. These include:


§Grandpuits – TotalEnergies is investing €400 million to convert the site into a zero-crude crude platform, primarily focused on producing SAF from circular feedstock such as animal fat and used cooking oil. Grandpuits will be able to produce 210,000 tons/y of SAF as of 2025, and a new investment has been announced to produce a further 75,000 tons/y by 2027.


§Normandy – TotalEnergies has started coprocessing SAF from used cooking oil at its Gonfreville refinery. The Company plans to increase annual production at the site to 40,000 tons from 2025. In addition, following technical work carried out with its aeronautical partners, TotalEnergies will produce an additional 150,000 tons/y of SAF by coprocessing HVO biodiesel produced at La Mède as soon as this production method is approved by the ASTM1.


§La Mède TotalEnergies has invested €340 million to convert its refinery into a biorefinery. Biodiesel produced at La Mède is already being used to make SAF at the TotalEnergies Oudalle plant near Le Havre. TotalEnergies is studying a new investment to have the capacity to process at La Mède, by 2024, 100% waste from the circular economy (used cooking oil and animal fat) to produce biofuels and SAF by coprocessing.



Beyond France, TotalEnergies aims to produce 1.5 million tons/y of SAF by 2030 at production units in Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea, representing 10% of the world market by that date.


"TotalEnergies is taking action to meet the strong demand from the aviation industry to reduce its carbon footprint. Sustainable aviation fuel is essential to reducing the CO2 emissions of air transport, and its development is fully aligned with the Company's climate ambition to get to net zero by 2050, together with society," said Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TotalEnergies.







1 ASTM International drafts and produces technical standards for materials, products, systems and services.





About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  



Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.10




Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares



Paris, June 19, 2023 – In accordance with the authorization given by the ordinary shareholders’ general meeting on May 26, 2023 to trade on its shares and pursuant to applicable law on share repurchase, TotalEnergies SE (LEI: 529900S21EQ1BO4ESM68) declares the following purchases of its own shares (FR0000120271) from June 12 to June 16, 2023:


Transaction Date Total daily volume
(number of shares)
Daily weighted
average purchase
price of shares
Amount of
transactions (EUR)
Market (MIC Code)
12/06/2023 301,097 54.250009 16,334,514.96 XPAR
12/06/2023 150,000 54.258585 8,138,787.75 CEUX
12/06/2023 40,000 54.258085 2,170,323.40 TQEX
12/06/2023 25,000 54.254389 1,356,359.73 AQEU
13/06/2023 312,282 54.125099 16,902,294.17 XPAR
13/06/2023 140,000 54.134042 7,578,765.88 CEUX
13/06/2023 40,000 54.136682 2,165,467.28 TQEX
13/06/2023 25,000 54.138717 1,353,467.93 AQEU
14/06/2023 311,375 54.215585 16,881,377.78 XPAR
14/06/2023 140,000 54.236276 7,593,078.64 CEUX
14/06/2023 40,000 54.233466 2,169,338.64 TQEX
14/06/2023 25,000 54.246886 1,356,172.15 AQEU
15/06/2023 316,293 53.713357 16,989,158.83 XPAR
15/06/2023 140,000 53.710045 7,519,406.30 CEUX
15/06/2023 40,000 53.716794 2,148,671.76 TQEX
15/06/2023 25,000 53.709728 1,342,743.20 AQEU
16/06/2023 313,368 53.998739 16,921,476.84 XPAR
16/06/2023 140,000 54.040155 7,565,621.70 CEUX
16/06/2023 40,000 54.042720 2,161,708.80 TQEX
16/06/2023 25,000 54.047356 1,351,183.90 AQEU
Total 2,589,415 54.066235 139,999,919.62  


Transaction details


In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (the Market Abuse Regulation) a full breakdown of the individual trades are disclosed on the TotalEnergies website: https://totalenergies.com/investors/shares-and-dividends/total-shares/info/company-share-transactions


About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.



* * * * *



TotalEnergies contacts

Media Relations: +33 1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com





Exhibit 99.11




Decarbonizing Industry in France: TotalEnergies to Supply
Certified Sustainable Biomethane to Saint-Gobain



Paris, June 20, 2023 TotalEnergies has signed a 100 GW biomethane purchase agreement with Saint-Gobain France for a three-year period starting in 2024.


The biomethane will be produced by TotalEnergies at its BioBéarn biomethane plant, which came on stream at the beginning of the year and whose production is certified sustainable by ISCC1 under the highest sustainability criteria of the European Union REDII Directive. TotalEnergies is one of the very first producers to obtain this certification in France.


By acquiring the Guarantees of Origin, and thanks to their sustainable certification, Saint-Gobain will be able to attest, within the framework of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, to the decarbonization of its energy consumption in France. This contract is also an example of a purely commercial sale, i.e., non-subsidized, of biomethane.


With this contract, TotalEnergies is supporting Saint-Gobain in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in France, in line with TotalEnergies' ambition to help its customers decarbonize their activities. It is also a first step towards the emergence in Europe of a merchant biomethane market, allowing the development of production without public subsidies," said Stéphane Michel, President Gas, Renewables & Power at TotalEnergies. "This contract is also in line with our ambition to actively participate in the development of biogas in France, and more widely in the world.


"The signing of this contract opens up promising prospects for biomethane players to develop infrastructures on the French territory. This first for Saint-Gobain in France demonstrates the intention to diversify the sourcing of decarbonized energy, supporting the development and viability of new local energy networks. This decarbonized energy supply is also part of Saint-Gobain's commitment to reduce its CO2 emissions by 33% (from scopes 1 and 2) by 2030 compared with 2017, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050", said Thierry Fournier, General Director of Saint-Gobain France.






TotalEnergies and biogas

TotalEnergies is a leading company in the European biogas segment, with production capacity of 1.1 TWh. The Company aims to become a major player in the international market by joining forces with innovative or market-leading partners such as Clean Energy, Veolia, and Ductor. It operates throughout the value chain, from project development to the marketing of this renewable gas and its byproducts, including biofertilizers and bioCO2. TotalEnergies aims to produce 20 TWh per year by 2030, equivalent to the average annual gas needs of four million French consumers and a reduction in CO2 emissions of around four million tons.


About TotalEnergies



1 International Sustainability & Carbon Certification





TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com


  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  



About Saint-Gobain

Worldwide leader in light and sustainable construction, Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures and distributes materials and services for the construction and industrial markets. Its integrated solutions for the renovation of public and private buildings, light construction and the decarbonization of construction and industry are developed through a continuous innovation process and provide sustainability and performance. The Group’s commitment is guided by its purpose, “MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER HOME”.


€51.2 billion in sales in 2022

168,000 employees, locations in 75 countries

Committed to achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050


For more information about Saint-Gobain, visit www.saint-gobain.com and follow us on Twitter @saintgobain                        


Press relations          
Patricia Marie: +33 1 88 54 26 83
Laure Bencheikh: +33 1 88 54 26 38
Flavio Bornancin-Tomasella: +33 1 88 54 27 96



Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.12





Fourniture de gaz : TotalEnergies annonce une réduction de 10
% sur le kWh pendant 1 an pour ses nouveaux clients
particuliers en gaz



Paris, 20 juin 2023 – Dans le contexte de la fin des tarifs réglementés du gaz (TRV)1, TotalEnergies Électricité et Gaz France met en place une nouvelle offre de fourniture de gaz, l’offre Spéciale Gaz. Celle-ci garantit par ailleurs une réduction de 10 % sur le prix du kilowattheure (kWh) durant la première année du contrat pour toute nouvelle souscription avant le 30 septembre 20232.


Les tarifs de cette offre seront établis sur la base de l’indice de référence et conformément à la méthodologie publiée par la Commission de Régulation de l'Energie (CRE) pour la construction d’un prix repère du gaz naturel pour les consommateurs résidentiels en France à compter du 1er juillet 20233. Ces tarifs dépendront de l’option tarifaire du client, déterminée en fonction de la consommation annuelle de référence de son logement, ainsi que de son emplacement géographique4.


« La fin du TRV gaz constitue une opportunité pour les consommateurs français de reconsidérer leur fournisseur de gaz et de choisir TotalEnergies, qui se positionne en tant que partenaire de confiance pour leurs besoins en énergie. Conscients de la difficulté pour les particuliers à se repérer, notre offre Spéciale gaz intègre les recommandations de la CRE concernant le prix repère du gaz et permet en plus de bénéficier d’une réduction de 10 % pendant un an », a déclaré Olivier Jouny, directeur Integrated Power chez TotalEnergies. « Cette remise de 10 % s’inscrit par ailleurs dans la lignée des actions entreprises par TotalEnergies depuis le début de l’année 2022 pour soutenir le pouvoir d’achat de ses clients face à la hausse des prix de l’énergie. »


L’offre Spéciale Gaz est disponible au 3099, ou sur totalenergies.fr/offrespecialegaz






À propos de TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies est une compagnie multi-énergies mondiale de production et de fourniture d’énergies : pétrole et biocarburants, gaz naturel et gaz verts, renouvelables et électricité. Ses plus de 100 000 collaborateurs s'engagent pour une énergie toujours plus abordable, plus propre, plus fiable et accessible au plus grand nombre. Présente dans près de 130 pays, TotalEnergies inscrit le développement durable dans toutes ses dimensions au cœur de ses projets et opérations pour contribuer au bien-être des populations.



1 La fin des TRV gaz est prévue conformément à la loi n°2019-1147 du 8 novembre 2019 relative à l’énergie et au climat (article 63). Pour plus d’informations sur la fin des tarifs réglementés de vente du gaz naturel, consulter le site des pouvoirs publics ici.

2 Offre soumise à conditions valable pour toute nouvelle souscription à l’offre Spéciale Gaz du 01/07/2023 au 30/09/2023 par un client particulier en France métropolitaine (hors Corse). Prix du kWh déterminé par TotalEnergies, selon la méthodologie publiée par la Commission de Régulation de l’Energie (CRE) pour la définition d’une référence de prix du gaz naturel à destination des consommateurs résidentiels dans sa Délibération n°2023-102 en date du 12 avril 2023 accessible sur le site suivant : cre.fr. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur totalenergies.fr/offrespecialegaz

3 Voir la délibération n°2023-102 en date du 12 avril 2023 de la Commission de Régulation de l’Energie.

4 Les tarifs du KWh HT tiendront notamment compte des indices de référence publiés mensuellement par la CRE pour le calcul du coût d’approvisionnement des fournisseurs en gaz naturel. Les tarifs du kWh HT dépendront également de l’option tarifaire déterminée par la consommation annuelle de référence et de la zone géographique de votre logement (6 zones définies).





Contacts TotalEnergies

Relations Médias : +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Relations Investisseurs : +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  




Les termes « TotalEnergies », « compagnie TotalEnergies » et « Compagnie » qui figurent dans ce document sont utilisés pour désigner TotalEnergies SE et les entités consolidées que TotalEnergies SE contrôle directement ou indirectement. De même, les termes « nous », « nos », « notre » peuvent également être utilisés pour faire référence à ces entités ou à leurs collaborateurs. Les entités dans lesquelles TotalEnergies SE détient directement ou indirectement une participation sont des personnes morales distinctes et autonomes. Ce document peut contenir des déclarations prospectives. Elles peuvent s’avérer inexactes dans le futur et sont dépendantes de facteurs de risques. Ni TotalEnergies SE ni aucune de ses filiales ne prennent l’engagement ou la responsabilité vis-à-vis des investisseurs ou toute autre partie prenante de mettre à jour ou de réviser, en particulier en raison d’informations nouvelles ou événements futurs, tout ou partie des déclarations, informations prospectives, tendances ou objectifs contenus dans ce document. Les informations concernant les facteurs de risques susceptibles d’avoir un effet défavorable significatif sur les résultats financiers ou les activités de TotalEnergies sont par ailleurs disponibles dans les versions les plus actualisées du Document d’Enregistrement Universel déposé par TotalEnergies SE auprès de l’Autorité des marchés financiers et du Form 20-F déposé auprès de la United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).






Exhibit 99.13





Germany: TotalEnergies and VNG join Forces on Green
Hydrogen to Decarbonize the Leuna Refinery



Paris, June 21st, 2023TotalEnergies and VNG, a German natural gas distribution company, have signed an agreement to initiate the future supply of green hydrogen to the Leuna refinery operated by TotalEnergies. Under the agreement, green hydrogen will be produced from renewable electricity with a 30 MW electrolyzer in Bad Lauchstädt, built and operated by VNG with its partner Uniper.


This agreement contributes to the decarbonization of the Leuna refinery and will reduce the site's annual CO2 emissions by up to 80,000 tons by 2030.


Furthermore, the pipeline connection to the Bad Lauchstädt Energy Park1 will give the Leuna refinery access to the future European hydrogen infrastructure and the international markets for green hydrogen.


"This project is fully in line with TotalEnergies' ambition to decarbonize all hydrogen used in its European refineries by 2030. Our ambition is to replace the gray hydrogen with low carbon hydrogen, representing a reduction of 3 million tons of CO2 per year by 2030,"said Jean-Marc Durand, Senior Vice President, TotalEnergies Refining Base Chemicals Europe.




About TotalEnergies and the decarbonization of its European refineries


TotalEnergies focuses on decarbonizing the hydrogen used in its European refineries, a move that should reduce CO2 emissions by 3 Mt per year by 2030. In addition to our partnership, launched in 2021 at the Normandy refinery, TotalEnergies and Air Liquide signed a partnership agreement in November 2022 to build an innovative, circular system at the Grandpuits biorefinery to produce and harness renewable hydrogen. At La Mède, the Masshylia project to produce hydrogen in partnership with Engie is moving forward.




About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.





1 Energiepark Bad Lauchstädt (EBL) is a consortium to develop a green Hydrogen Hub composed of different subprojects such as renewable power generation (wind 50MWpower), H2 production, transportation H2 and storage H2.





About VNG

VNG is a group of over 20 companies active in the European energy industry, employing more than 1,500 people. As the third largest gas importer and gas storage operator in Germany and operating, through subsidiary ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH, a pipeline network covering 7,700 km, the group, which is headquartered in Leipzig, is central to the secure supply of gas in Germany. VNG supplies gas to around 400 municipal utilities and industrial customers, meeting around 20 per cent of Germany’s demand for gas. In addition, with the ‘VNG 2030+’ strategy, VNG is pursuing an ambitious path for its commitment in the field of renewable and decarbonised gases. VNG is already one of the leading producers of biogas in Germany and is actively involved in many projects to establish a CO2-free hydrogen economy. Building on its core expertise in gas and critical infrastructure, VNG is working along the entire gas value chain to ensure a sustainable, climate-neutral and secure energy supply for the future.



TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  



Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.14







Aramco and TotalEnergies award contracts for
$11 billion Amiral project



Dhahran/Paris, Saudi Arabia, June 24, 2023 Aramco and TotalEnergies today awarded Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts for the $11 billion "Amiral" complex, a future world scale petrochemicals facility expansion at the SATORP refinery in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A signing ceremony took place in Dhahran attended by Amin H. Nasser, Aramco President and CEO, and Patrick Pouyanné, TotalEnergies Chairman and CEO.


The award of EPC contracts for main process units and associated utilities marks the start of construction work on this joint project, following the final investment decision in December 2022. Integrated with the SATORP existing refinery in Jubail, the new petrochemical complex will house the largest mixed-load steam cracker in the Gulf, with a capacity to produce 1.65 million tons of ethylene and other industrial gases per year.


This expansion is expected to attract more than $4 billion in additional investment in a variety of industrial sectors (carbon fibers, lubes, drilling fluids, detergents, food additives, automotive parts and tires) and create around 7,000 direct and indirect jobs in the country.


Amin H. Nasser, Aramco President & CEO, said: Today we are taking a major step forward in further strengthening the partnership between TotalEnergies and Aramco, with the SATORP expansion project being the latest in a longstanding history of collaboration of almost five decades between both companies. As part of Aramco’s growth strategy, the project is anticipated to contribute to value-addition opportunities in the Kingdom’s downstream ecosystem, and we thank the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Investment for their tremendous support via the Shareek program to make this multi-billion-dollar project a reality.


Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TotalEnergies said: “This landmark opens a new page in our shared history with Aramco, which we are delighted to be associated with once again. This expansion project reinforces the exemplary relationship that our two companies have enjoyed for several decades in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We would like to thank the Ministry of Energy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its support throughout the development of this world-class project.”


The EPC contracts were awarded to:


§Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd for a mixed feed cracker and utilities, with a nameplate capacity of 1,650 kta of ethylene and related industrial gases, and utilities, flares and interconnecting systems that support main packages within the facilities.
§Maire Tecnimont for two polyethylene units using Advanced Dual Loop technology, with a nameplate capacity of 500 kta each, and the derivative units.





§Sinopec Engineering Group Saudi Co. Ltd for Tank Farm and SATORP integration.
§Gulf Consolidated Contractors Co. for the transfer pipelines.
§Mohammed Ali Al-Suwailem Trading and Contracting Co. for industrial support facilities.
§Mofarreh Marzouq Al Harbi and Partners Co. Ltd for site preparation.
§Mobarak M. AlSalomi and Partners for Cont. Co for temporary construction facilities.






About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


About Aramco

Aramco is a global integrated energy and chemicals company. We are driven by our core belief that energy is opportunity. From producing approximately one in every eight barrels of the world’s oil supply to developing new energy technologies, our global team is dedicated to creating impact in all that we do. We focus on making our resources more dependable, more sustainable and more useful. This helps promote stability and long-term growth around the world. www.aramco.com


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



@TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  



Aramco Contact Information

Aramco Contact Information www.saudiaramco.com

International Media Relations : international.media@aramco.com






Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies ”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.15




Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares



Paris, June 26, 2023 – In accordance with the authorization given by the ordinary shareholders’ general meeting on May 26, 2023 to trade on its shares and pursuant to applicable law on share repurchase, TotalEnergies SE (LEI: 529900S21EQ1BO4ESM68) declares the following purchases of its own shares (FR0000120271) from June 19 to June 23, 2023:


Transaction Date Total daily volume
(number of shares)
Daily weighted
average purchase
price of shares
Amount of
transactions (EUR)
Market (MIC Code)
19/06/2023 313,144 54.077380 16,934,007.08 XPAR
19/06/2023 140,000 54.081601 7,571,424.14 CEUX
19/06/2023 39,597 54.082560 2,141,507.13 TQEX
19/06/2023 25,000 54.121181 1,353,029.53 AQEU
20/06/2023 318,529 53.479867 17,034,888.56 XPAR
20/06/2023 140,000 53.486968 7,488,175.52 CEUX
20/06/2023 40,000 53.490542 2,139,621.68 TQEX
20/06/2023 25,000 53.492508 1,337,312.70 AQEU
21/06/2023 320,364 53.303112 17,076,398.17 XPAR
21/06/2023 140,000 53.285315 7,459,944.10 CEUX
21/06/2023 40,000 53.282965 2,131,318.60 TQEX
21/06/2023 25,000 53.293371 1,332,334.28 AQEU
22/06/2023 305,817 52.799761 16,147,064.37 XPAR
22/06/2023 150,000 52.803545 7,920,531.68 CEUX
22/06/2023 40,000 52.804850 2,112,193.98 TQEX
22/06/2023 25,000 52.807698 1,320,192.46 AQEU
23/06/2023 309,864 52.437738 16,248,567.31 XPAR
23/06/2023 140,000 52.444791 7,342,270.74 CEUX
23/06/2023 40,000 52.449287 2,097,971.46 TQEX
23/06/2023 25,000 52.446755 1,311,168.87 AQEU
Total 2,602,315 53.221813 138,499,922.35  


Transaction details

In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (the Market Abuse Regulation) a full breakdown of the individual trades are disclosed on the TotalEnergies website: https://totalenergies.com/investors/shares-and-dividends/total-shares/info/company-share-transactions


About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations:+33 (0)1 47 44 46 99l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations:+33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com


@TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  





Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).






Exhibit 99.16






TotalEnergies partners with Petronas and Mitsui on a Carbon
Storage hub in Malaysia



Paris, June 26, 2023 – TotalEnergies announces the signature of an agreement with Petronas and Mitsui to develop a carbon storage project in Southeast Asia. The partners will evaluate several CO2 storage sites in the Malay Basin, including both saline aquifers and depleted offshore fields. This partnership aims to develop a CO2 merchant storage service to decarbonize industrial customers in Asia.


This agreement was signed by Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies, Tan Sri Tengku Muhammad Taufik, President and Group CEO of Petronas, and Toru Matsui, Senior Executive Managing Officer of Mitsui & Co., on the opening day of the inaugural Energy Asia event in Kuala Lumpur.


In Asia, where countries such as South Korea and Japan have pledged for Net Zero Commitment in 2050, the development of a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) value chain for hard-to-abate industrial emissions will require a specific regulatory framework and significant investment. Through this agreement, the partnership will study several potential storage sites, determine the best technical means to deliver CO2 to Malaysia from industrial clusters in the region and develop the most appropriate business framework for commercialization of a carbon storage service in Malaysia.


“TotalEnergies is pleased to foin forces with Petronas and Mitsui on a Carbon Storage hub in Malaysia to support decarbonization in Asia. We will bring to the partnership our strong CCS expertise, anchored in Europe with a first integrated profect in Norway due to start next year and several other profects that will contribute to meeting our carbon storage capacity target of 10 million tons per year by 2030”, said Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies.


“Petronas is proud to collaborate with forward-looking partners such as TotalEnergies and Mitsui in developing solutions through CCS to move us closer towards a lower-carbon future. The strategic partnership demonstrates Petronas’ commitment to position Malaysia as a regional CCS hub to capture opportunities in the energy transition with a focus on reducing the carbon footprint of our operations to continue delivering the energy needs of today”, said Tan Sri Tengku Muhammad Taufik, President and Group CEO of Petronas.


“CCS is based on existing technologies and seen as an affordable solution to decarbonize the hard-to-abate emitters. Mitsui will utilize its expertise in the oil and gas upstream activities and extensive business networks to fointly work with Petronas and TotalEnergies to develop a CCS value chain profect in Malaysia. Through the development of CCS business globally, Mitsui will contribute to creating an eco-friendly society”, said Toru Matsui, Representative Director, Senior Executive Managing Officer of Mitsui & Co.









About TotalEnergies and Carbon Storage

TotalEnergies’ focus is first to avoid then to reduce its emissions by developing and deploying a systematic approach, asset-by-asset, to implement the best available technologies. For residual emissions the Company is developing industrial projects for carbon storage. Backed by core competencies in large-scale project management, gas processing and geosciences, TotalEnergies is on track to achieve its ambition of developing storage capacity of 10 million metric tons of CO2 per year by 2030 through significant industrial projects such as Northern Lights in Norway and Aramis in the Netherlands. Through all these projects, the Company will reduce its own emissions and those of its customers.


About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l  presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  



Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.17





Energy transition & Renewables:
TotalEnergies partners with Petronas in Asia-Pacific



Paris, June 26, 2023 – TotalEnergies announces the signature of a Strategic Collaboration Agreement with Gentari Renewables Sdn Bhd, the clean energy solutions company of Petronas, to develop renewable energy projects in the Asia Pacific region. Already collaborating in the upstream sector in 8 countries around the world, this agreement further strengthens TotalEnergies’ partnership with Petronas in the energy transition.


This agreement was signed on the sidelines of the Energy Asia Conference in Kuala Lumpur by Julien Pouget, Senior Vice President Asia Pacific for Exploration & Production and Renewables, and Sushil Purohit, Chief Executive Officer of Gentari, in the presence of Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies and Tan Sri Tengku Muhammad Taufik, Gentari Chairman as well as Petronas President and Group CEO.


Under this agreement, TotalEnergies and Gentari will jointly develop the 100MW Pleasant Hills Solar Project in Queensland, Australia, to supply low-carbon electricity to the Roma field’s gas production and processing facilities. TotalEnergies and Gentari’s parent company, Petronas, each hold a 27.5% stake in Gladstone LNG.


We are pleased to foin forces with our long-standing partner Petronas, through Gentari, to deploy renewable energies in Asia-Pacific and decarbonize our own facilities leveraging on our respective strengths: through this Strategic Collaboration Agreement, we are paving the way for very concrete action plans ranging from implementing best practices to eliminate methane emissions, to energy efficiency and electrification with low carbon power”, commented Julien Pouget, Senior Vice President Asia Pacific for Exploration & Production and Renewables at TotalEnergies. The 100MW Pleasant Hills Solar Profect, which will contribute to lowering the emissions of Gladstone LNG, is a first material implementation of this agreement.


To achieve our foint decarbonization goals, it is critical to harness all our capabilities, capacity and resources efficiently. This includes optimizing our existing partnerships and working to decarbonize our own business entities. Gentari’s latest partnership with TotalEnergies therefore, will provide a new momentum in our net-zero efforts, and to build the right ecosystem for growth in clean energy and net zero solutions,” commented Sushil Purohit, CEO of Gentari.






TotalEnergies and renewables electricity

As part of its ambition to get to net zero by 2050, TotalEnergies is building a portfolio of activities in electricity and renewables. By the first half of 2023, TotalEnergies' gross renewable electricity generation installed capacity was 18 GW. TotalEnergies will continue to expand this business to reach 35 GW of gross production capacity from renewable sources and storage by 2025, and then 100 GW by 2030 with the objective of being among the world's top 5 producers of electricity from wind and solar energy.





About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  



Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).





Exhibit 99.18





Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur : un nouvel investissement majeur de TotalEnergies à la bioraffinerie de La Mède en 2024



Paris, le 28 juin 2023 TotalEnergies accélère la transformation de sa bioraffinerie de La Mède (Bouches-du-Rhône) et investira 70 millions en 2024 afin d’avoir la capacité de traiter jusqu’à 100% de déchets issus de l’économie circulaire pour produire des biocarburants.


L’investissement, prévu dans le cadre du premier grand arrêt de la bioraffinerie en 2024, permettra de moderniser les installations du site pour qu’il puisse traiter davantage d’huiles de cuisson usagées et graisses animales. Depuis 2019, la plateforme de La Mède, qui accueille la première bioraffinerie française de taille mondiale, est capable de produire 500 000 tonnes par an de diesel renouvelable.


Cette décision s’inscrit dans l’objectif de la Compagnie d’atteindre 75% de déchets issus de l’économie circulaire parmi les matières premières utilisées pour produire des biocarburants à partir de 2024 ainsi que dans l’accélération de la production de carburants aériens durables pour positionner la Compagnie parmi les leaders de ce marché


« Ce nouvel investissement majeur pour un site industriel en France permet à la bioraffinerie de La Mède de poursuivre sa transformation initiée en 2015. Résolument tournée vers des énergies bas carbone porteuses de croissance pour TotalEnergies et pour la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, La Mède est un exemple de reconversion industrielle réussie », a déclaré Bernard Pinatel, directeur général de la branche Raffinage-Chimie de TotalEnergies.



TotalEnergies contribue à l’attractivité industrielle de la région PACA


Dans le cadre du projet de transformation de la bioraffinerie de La Mède, dont le chantier a mobilisé plus de 1200 emplois locaux équivalent temps plein et pour lequel plus de 65% des marchés ont été confiés à des entreprises locales, TotalEnergies a mis en œuvre une Convention Volontaire de Développement Économique et Social dotée de 5 millions d’euros dédiée au développement industriel, à la recherche & à l’innovation. Ainsi, TotalEnergies a soutenu 14 projets d’unités industrielles dans le bassin de Fos-Berre, contribuant ainsi à la création de plus de 400 emplois.






À propos de TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies est une compagnie multi-énergies mondiale de production et de fourniture d’énergies : pétrole et biocarburants, gaz naturel et gaz verts, renouvelables et électricité. Ses plus de 100 000 collaborateurs s'engagent pour une énergie toujours plus abordable, plus propre, plus fiable et accessible au plus grand nombre. Présente dans près de 130 pays, TotalEnergies inscrit le développement durable dans toutes ses dimensions au cœur de ses projets et opérations pour contribuer au bien-être des populations.





Contacts TotalEnergies

Relations Médias : +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l presse@totalenergies.com l @TotalEnergiesPR

Relations Investisseurs : +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l ir@totalenergies.com



  @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies  




Les termes « TotalEnergies », « compagnie TotalEnergies » et « Compagnie » qui figurent dans ce document sont utilisés pour désigner TotalEnergies SE et les entités consolidées que TotalEnergies SE contrôle directement ou indirectement. De même, les termes « nous », « nos », « notre » peuvent également être utilisés pour faire référence à ces entités ou à leurs collaborateurs. Les entités dans lesquelles TotalEnergies SE détient directement ou indirectement une participation sont des personnes morales distinctes et autonomes. Ce document peut contenir des déclarations prospectives. Elles peuvent s’avérer inexactes dans le futur et sont dépendantes de facteurs de risques. Ni TotalEnergies SE ni aucune de ses filiales ne prennent l’engagement ou la responsabilité vis-à-vis des investisseurs ou toute autre partie prenante de mettre à jour ou de réviser, en particulier en raison d’informations nouvelles ou événements futurs, tout ou partie des déclarations, informations prospectives, tendances ou objectifs contenus dans ce document. Les informations concernant les facteurs de risques susceptibles d’avoir un effet défavorable significatif sur les résultats financiers ou les activités de TotalEnergies sont par ailleurs disponibles dans les versions les plus actualisées du Document d’Enregistrement Universel déposé par TotalEnergies SE auprès de l’Autorité des marchés financiers et du Form 20-F déposé auprès de la United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).




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