11 years ago
And yet, is there something to the following that I earlier posted that you DID NOT UNDERSTAND?
"SLCO was suspended for the maximum 10 days by the SEC. Period.
That is the end of SLCO. It now trades on the greysheets and will never leave. It will slowly drop to less than a penny in price with very little volume or just simple get REVOKED. As the SEC continues to investigate, the probability exists for SLCO and its officers/directors to get charged with securities fraud by the SEC.
To not understand this is just plain silly"
So obviously, one who likes to pick fights, the SEC can take further action than a mere ten day suspension. Stop arguing with me. I clearly called this co a " terd" , and certainly have a disdain fir OTC scams, I learned the hard way. Go fight real crime! I just did so this am on another, what were you doing? There's plenty of pump scams that aren't winged to the greys, go get em!
risk on
11 years ago
Tell that to Janice, because it seems she may have a different take:
This was Your statement just now: "The SEC could NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, permanently halted SLCO."
My question to Janice on this board within the past hour:
"I stated that had the SEC suspected the Co was lying to them about the mailer, they could if taken steps further than just a suspension.
Am I wrong in my thinking? "
Her response:
"They still may. It normally takes at least a year, and often more, for them to bring an enforcement action"
So obviously, one who likes to pick fights, the SEC can take further action than a mere ten day suspension. Stop arguing with me. I clearly called this co a " terd" , and certainly have a disdain fir OTC scams, I learned the hard way. Go fight real crime! I just did so this am on another, what were you doing? There's plenty of pump scams that aren't winged to the greys, go get em!
11 years ago
The SEC could NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, permanently halted SLCO. They are limited to a maximum 10 days of suspension. The SEC suspended scam company SLCO for the maximum 10 days.
To not know this is just plain silly and leads to all loss of credibility.
Not defending this terd, just stating a fact. It is trading, and was not halted. The SEC works closely w FINRA, and could of easily had them permanently halt it.
11 years ago
tell us again why you claim that the SEC bought the story of scam company SLCO?
What happened that made you think that the SEC bought the story?
Wow. The denial pr by the co was pretty darn moving. I've read a lot of weak Garbage pathological denials of " any knowledge of a third party promotion" , but I must say this was the most believable. Is it truly truthful in pure truth??? We will never know, but the SEC obviously bought their story, so kudos to the Co. For that. And if they didn't know, that would really suck, but.... I am ambivalent on believing it because, I don't believe any OTC management , period. Nothin personal to the management here, just the way it is.
janice shell
11 years ago
The SEC works closely w FINRA, and could of easily had them permanently halt it.
Not really. When, exactly, have you seen that happen? I never have, and I've been following SEC suspensions for a very long time.
The SEC can, by law, suspend trading in an issue for ten days, no more. The stock then resumes trading on the Grey Market, as this one has done.
It's a suspension story just like every other suspension story.
11 years ago
I'm sorry, but what part of the FACT that the SEC SUSPENDED scam company SLCO for ten days and the FACT that scam company SLCO is in the greysheets and will never come out of it, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?
FINRA, how long can they suspend a stock? And would you not agree that FINRA and SEC work hand in hand? My point was / is, that if this hard mailer campaign had this Cos prints on it in any way , it would not be trading.
I'm not defending this co, what part of that don't YOU understand?
risk on
11 years ago
Wow. The denial pr by the co was pretty darn moving. I've read a lot of weak Garbage pathological denials of " any knowledge of a third party promotion" , but I must say this was the most believable. Is it truly truthful in pure truth??? We will never know, but the SEC obviously bought their story, so kudos to the Co. For that. And if they didn't know, that would really suck, but.... I am ambivalent on believing it because, I don't believe any OTC management , period. Nothin personal to the management here, just the way it is.