3 years ago
Yessir, still in "early innings" here and the home runs are about to come fast and furious. I see we appear to have Maple and Rover in common, too. Maple should get taken out here shortly after Agnico-Eagle mops up the KL acquisition; Maple will be next so AEM has one less thing to worry about.
Rover has Tookie Angus in their corner; Tookie knows where all the bodies are buried, and he recently took down the entire PP of a flow-through financing.
Here's another one for your "placeholder" positions: TVIPF ( TVI-V in Canada ) One producing gold mine already, and a second coming shortly.
All for the princely sum of less than $.03 Yes, three cents!
3 years ago
Update: Pending News; this from IIROC
IIROC Trading Halt - SCZ
Oct 12, 2021
VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 12, 2021 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by IIROC:
Company: Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd.
TSX-Venture Symbol: SCZ
All Issues: Yes
Reason: At the Request of the Company Pending News
Halt Time (ET): 8:12 AM
Loaded, myself. This one's going to be one of the Silver Stars of the Silver Firmament.
the cork
5 years ago
SZSMF Santa Cruz Silver Mining (.106) A Mexican silver mining company with two producing silver projects (Veta Grande and Rosario, including the Cinco Estrellas Property and Membrillo Prospect) and two exploration properties, the Minillas Property and Zacatecas Properties.
Q3 2019 - produced 956,482 Silver Equivalent Ounces
Breaks down as follows:
Silver production (ounces) 256,878
Gold production (ounces) 273
Lead production (tons) 918
Zinc production (tons) 2,393
Copper production (tons) 316