10 years ago
That's the sanction on the Administrative hearing only. There is also a criminal hearing which he plead guilty to. He will have a disgorgement penalty but the amount hasn't been determined.
See link:
I was barking the entire time how this spin-off and GXG listing had gaping holes in its story and how parts made little sense. And people on the board like Sheeple kept defending the transaction and how we would all get our shares. Well, what we all got was screwed! Man oh man, Cohen carefully planned this out if you think about it. Starting when the Company opted to go back on the Pinks so he wouldn't have to be "reporting compliant". We were all so excited about the trials at the time, no one cared...but in the back of my mind I heavily questioned it. Thankfully, I sold a lot of my shares at much higher prices but I was definitely left holding the proverbial "bag" on a bunch! Oh well, maybe we will all see some money back once the SEC is done with him, too bad he appears broke with his latest BK filing!
10 years ago
Have any of the early investors here, prior to January 2013, received their shares for the private BVI corporation?
It seems like the litigation settlement in April 2013 was completed as reparations for the failure of the BVI shares to be distributed... otherwise why would they do it?
I was quite intrigued by this stock's story at the start of my research. A biotech company with active clinical trials trading for 0.01 and, assuming no recent and unreported dilution, under $100K market cap!?
I was especially interesting the in cosmoceutical subsidiary, Proteoderm. But alas, it seems that the rights/ownership of Proteoderm have been transferred to a private holding company.
10 years ago
Here's another option to try and dig up some The MD Anderson Cancer Center and talk to them about the progress of the on-going trial that was recently verified - here's the info to do so:
Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT01818284
Contact: Chitra M. Hosing, MD 713-792-8750
United States, Texas
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Recruiting
Houston, Texas, United States, 77030
Sponsors and Collaborators
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Proteonomix, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Chitra M. Hosing, MD M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
10 years ago
Please give me the details on your DD. Any DD would have shown that the value is not with the ticker symbol PROT (Stromacel), but actually the spin off, which is where the clinical trials are going on. Could explain why everyone other than a few know why this ticker symbol does not trade much. Again, I would love to see your DD. giggle, chuckle, and kaboom.