10 months ago
I haven't heard anything back unfortunately...but I did find this on Swiss Liquidation
Call to creditors. This is a key stage. The liquidator must contact the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) for the publication of one call to creditors (Art. 742 Code of Obligations). The board of directors carries out the call to creditors following the resolution of the General Meeting on the resolution to dissolve the company. This publication serves to inform all creditors of the winding-up of the company and to instruct them to make their claims known within the following year. Many creditors regularly consult the SOGC or mandate an economic intelligence company to do this.
Liquidation. The liquidation process starts at this stage and the process can sometimes last years. The liquidator must draw up an inventory of assets and prepare a balance sheet, which includes debt claims arising as a result of publication of calls to creditors in the SOGC. It must complete current business, execute the company’s commitments and liquidate the assets. If the assets no longer cover the debts, it informs the court, which declares bankruptcy. If any assets remain once debts are paid, the liquidator distributes them among the shareholders in proportion to their payments, also taking into account the preferential rights attached to their shares in the company. With respect to a cooperative company, when the articles of association do not provide for an allocation of surplus assets among shareholders, this surplus must be allocated for cooperative purposes or for other purposes in the public interest.
Deletion from the trade register. One year at the earliest after publication of the call to creditors, the liquidator may ask the trade register to delete the company, provided liquidation is complete.
10 months ago
In my opinion it's all over. And I have no clue what would be possible. A specialized lawyer could tell you - you should remember that the legal form of the company is not simple and the company is controlled by a few insiders holidng the majority of shares. As far as I understand it, they can decide almost what they want.
But if you really want, you could try:
1. Request from the company information about the next general meeting.
2. There all minority shareholders have the right to request information about company matters or call for a special audit.
3. From German Wikipedia, automatically translated: "If the AGM rejects the latter, a total of at least 10 percent of the share capital or alternatively CHF 2 million nominal value can request the competent court to order an independent special audit."
(If you do this and if it's necessary I would contribute my percentage that these 10% may be reached.)
But I don't think this would lead to any meaningful result. The company is full of debt. There is nothing to distribute. Except if the NIH/HIV project was successful.
I don't know, but it could be possible that this project was successful and the company uses the liquidatin process to sell all the intellectual property. Then perhaps we could see some money. But firstly they don't tell us anything and secondly I don't believe so. If I am right, they could simply take all intellectual property out of the company in exchange for debt and close the company. Then they would not need to pay anything to other shareholders. Perhaps that's even fully legal. But again: I have no clue, I am not a lawyer.
10 months ago
I just spent 24 hours trying to get access to official documents related to the MYMETICS SA liquidation process and how we creditors can file claims. It has been hard, as all documents/publications are in French. I requested that the publishing journal send a version in English (which their web site says they do), but they responded negatively. I don’t speak or read French, but perhaps others here do.
Relevant documents are published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC), file #CHE-113.618.351. What I gleaned from this is the following:
New Address: Mymetics SA
Route de la Corniche 4
1066 EpalingesSwitzerland
There was a change of exec officers /reps on 1/3, 2024
SOGC daily register #86 SOGC publ #1005928290
another change of exec officers/reps on 1/31/2024
SOGC daily register #2447 SOGC publ #1005952896
liquidation and change of exec officers/reps on 4/10 2024
SOGC daily register #7598 SOGC publ #1006009160
I believe claims must be filed by by May 19, 2024. How do we do that? Will appreciate any help regarding this.
12 months ago
Just checked it. It does not say, the results will be released in April, it says testing or the end of the project is April 30, 2024.
You will find that and details about it in the 10-Q from 11/20/2023 at the heading "NIH", e.g. "The Project with ULL under the NIH grant for our HIV vaccine is in its final year that will end on April 30, 2024. Mymetics has provided its commitments to this project by delivering the vaccines, which are tested in non-human primates."
I think, release could be before that date, after or even never, if Mymetics just sells that all.
By the way: Still some people seem to believe that Mymetics is not yet done completely. I always see bids for almost buying all outstanding shares (for nearly nothing).
1 year ago
New 8-K.
"[...] to effectuate the Reverse Stock Split, and such amendment was effective as of 12:01 a.m. on December 28, 2023."
While trading?
"On or about January 2, 2023, the Company is filing a Form 15 [...]"
I am disappointed with the performance of Mr. Kempers, so now I could be a bit sarcastic and praise that he is once ahead of all others.
And still I would like to know who is willing to buy 3.7 million shares a few days before going private.