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Kid Castle Educational Corporation (PK)

Kid Castle Educational Corporation (PK) (KDCE)

Closed March 02 4:00PM

Kid Castle Educational Corporation (PK) Financial Summary

The current KDCE market cap is 22.32k. The company's latest EPS is USD -0.0223 and P/E is 0.00.

Year End December 30 2023 20192020202120222023
USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)
Total Revenue 6k1.63M7.48M3.87M665k
Operating Income -144k-83k-2.44M764k0
Net Income -144k-83k-2.61M768k-497k
Year End December 30 2023 20192020202120222023
USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)
Total Assets 79k765k7.59M3.42M3.82M
Total Liabilities 43k762k5.36M423k329k
Total Equity 36k3k2.23M3M3.49M

Cash Flow

Year End December 30 2023 20192020202120222023
USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)
Operating -153k-120k1.87M1.05M603k
Investing -59k430k-1.99M1.23M368k
Financing 222k-320k722k-2.81M-1.03M
Market Cap 22.32k
Price to Earnings Ratio 0.00
Price to Sales Ratio 0
Price to Cash Ratio 0
Price to Book Ratio 0
Dividend Yield -

Share Statistics

Shares Outstanding 22.32M
Average Volume (1 week) 0
Average Volume (1 Month) 0
52 Week Change -93.75%
52 Week High 0.016
52 Week Low 0.001
Spread (Intraday) 0.4 (99.88%)

Company Info

Company Name Kid Castle Educational Corporation (PK)
Address 919 north market street
wilmington, delaware 95050
Website https://
Industry prof & coml eq & supply-whsl (5040)

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