11 years ago
right I saw that. but I'm not aware of any acquisitions that are done for free.
obviously the idea here is to compete with a snapchat or whatsapp.
so just for fun lets say they achieve that.
what is 4 billion divided by 36m?
or what is 16 billion divided by 36m?
somewhere between roughly 110.00 to 440.00?
so lets downscale that assumption, and say they are only 5%
that wildly successful. 5.50 to 22.00
if you had been an early investor in fb, like these two guys,
you would have gotten 4.3 to 4.7 million shares for the grand sum of $40,000.
that pencils out to a subpenny.
that was a lot of dilution wasn't it?
except on IPO day, their 40,000 was worth over $150 million.
yes. and that was dilution.
and its worth a whole lot more than that now.
every tech startup has dilution.
and usually a whole lot more than this.