Naturals, Inc. (HPMM) Is Currently A Top, Under-The-Radar
Investment Opportunity.
Sunny Isles
Beach, FL -- August 20, 2019 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- A Hemp
company that we have discovered is HPMM
(Hemp Naturals,
Inc.) HPMM
is a hemp based
out of Sunny Isles, Florida. HPMM
has been
receiving increased attention from the street as of late. If you
are discovering HPMM
for the first
time, start your own due diligence right away.
HPMM just had extremely exciting
news, and those that discover HPMM
it's construction and building
phase, could be in store for an incredible ride
Naturals Inc. is a real estate company that uses bespoke building
plans to develop lands or reconstruct dilapidated building to make
it last longer. The essence and values of HempCrete is the major
benefit of our services in every building we develop. We are
currently erecting a four-unit building in Miami, Florida as we
hope to extend our services tentacles and coverage to other places
in the country. Our business operations span through a systematic
process of purchasing empty lads, clearing and preparing it for
development, drawing and designing the building plans, and finally
erecting the building for commercial purposes. We can decide to
sell, rent, or lease the building depending on its location and
other variables, too. Our business operations ensure that durable,
insulable, reusable, and recyclable building with a very lifespan
are developed in the USA to replace the "A home that is Durable,
Reusable, and Recyclable.".
in Hemp Naturals
Changing opportunity for Hemp Investors
Hempcrete is
made from lime and hemp shivs (a waste product from hemp fiber
growing); it can be used for walls, floors, and for roof
insulation; it's breathable, absorbing and
emitting moisture to regulate internal humidity and avoid trapped
moisture and mold growth; it provides excellent acoustic and
thermal insulation and thermal mass; it's lightweight and reduces
construction costs; and it's environmentally friendly.
We plan on purchasing properties for the purpose of keeping them as
rental properties, and/or remodeling them and selling them at a
Why Hemp
Naturals Is The Future
companies like Hemp Naturals , Inc. (HPMM) are working on the
innovative and environmently friendly forms of construction. The
lifespan of a building made of concrete, steel, or wood is shorter
than that of a flesh-and-blood human. According to the U.S
Department of Energy, the average office building lifespan in 2008
was 73 years. The primary cause of this insignificant lifespan span
of buildings which are supposed to last for hundreds of years is
not far-fetched from the materials used during their
This, in
turn, prompted the need for Realtors and building construction
professionals (Engineers and Architects) to seek the ultimate
sustainable building material that can stand the test of time. The
quest to provide this need is the primary reason why Hemp Naturals
Inc. was established. We exist to bring game-changing technological
solutions and advancement to the Real estate Industry in the United
States of America..
Our durable,
reusable, and recyclable with an estimated lifespan of 400 to 500
years. This material that enables realtors to construct
incombustible buildings that can stand the test of time, tension,
and pressure from the ambient environment. We specifically buy
lands and develop them using these excellent materials to
revitalize the real estate industry in the USA using innovative
products and smart technicalities.
We also have
an elite team of professional realtors, construction quality and
cost estimators, construction engineers, and architects with
several years of practical industrial experience. Our greatest
asset lays on the fact that we have the best management with a
clear and distinct business blueprint and focus.
Investor Relations
Daniel Rubin