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Golden Phoenix Minerals Inc (CE)

Golden Phoenix Minerals Inc (CE) (GPXM)

Closed October 02 4:00PM

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goacs goacs 7 months ago
Bestrfitter, long time since we talked. Central MN here. Met at a couple shareholders meetings. Just looked at some stock certs. GPXM should be framed as where not to spend your money. Hope all is well with you. Goacs
Yaya53 Yaya53 9 months ago
I just wandered in:) just got a letter from the holding company and they are removing the stock. My husband bought it years ago. Is it still a company? Should i let it go?
Bestfitter Bestfitter 11 months ago
Greetings! Any of the old investors still wander through here? I still have contacts in Silver Peak. 1of6? Subman? Dave? 8thaero? And many more~~
Yaya53 Yaya53 3 years ago
Well at least we may have someone that might at least know whatā€™s going on:). I wonder if Bauman could become custodian?
MichaelKane MichaelKane 3 years ago
Custodianship filed by Bauman? Interesting
oilslick91 oilslick91 3 years ago
Bankrupsy firm 775-322-1237

I wouldn't have to post this for you guys if they returned my email
I sent them march 15. I told them I was a shareholder and did gpxm get their discharge. The bankrupsy was started in 2016. I also mentioned the fact that we could get delisted in the otc if we didnt get some paperwork in. No response! I quess they don't realize
shareholders are the owners of the company. Let us know if any of you guys get any info especially who hired them and how we can get
in touch with them. This person should be assessible to us if he hired this firm.
thanks oil
Golden Cross Golden Cross 4 years ago
GPXM PSAR flipped bullish on the chart today

Crusen Crusen 4 years ago
Why is it interesting to watch a shitty little penny fraud?
57RetAct 57RetAct 4 years ago
You're Right. Interesting to watch. Someone is buying and somebody selling. Who knows whats driving the trading.
TTMAR TTMAR 4 years ago
I have been wondering that for months. Seems like someone wants cheap shares hence the price seems to stop raising, until it drops back then volume comes in and takes all available shares before the price gets to high.

My guess is that since it's a shell that someone is gonna do something with it and probably totally unrelated to their prior business model.

Should be interesting. I have millions of shares from long ago that I assumed would never worth anything. That may still be the case but with recent action I'm not selling any until I know what's going on.
Yaya53 Yaya53 4 years ago
It would be pretty incredulous if something is going on, but i wouldn't be sad:)
57RetAct 57RetAct 4 years ago
Agreed. Happened again today. Volume and price increase. Curious
57RetAct 57RetAct 4 years ago
Agreed. Some volume happened again today. Curious
Yaya53 Yaya53 4 years ago
I was wondering the same thing....very weird
57RetAct 57RetAct 4 years ago
Is something happening with GPXM ?
Yaya53 Yaya53 5 years ago
Oh wow! I just saw 2016 hahaha...i had 2019 in my mind. Yeah, that's weird
Yaya53 Yaya53 5 years ago
I kept holding on hoping something would happen, but i have no clue what happens now. With most companies, that's the end, but i don't know if gold mines are any different.
oilslick91 oilslick91 5 years ago
October 17,2016 chapter 7 filed!
I think the ximen mining shares were just auctioned off. Strange how etrade let a bankrupt co. Trade. The question is what happens to the company after they receive the discharge. I still think with this shell having 50 million in carry over losses in the last 20 years it would be worth some money. We also have name recognition and maybe we can also go after waterton like gryphon gold if they win their case who knows. All just opinion.
oilslick91 oilslick91 5 years ago
Re claims around mineral ridge?
Did we lose those to Scorpio as a result of our disappearing directors?? If so I believe they would be liable as they vanished with no word. Any opinions??
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Another possible!!
I was just reading an August 2018 post on the gyph board. They're going after Waterton hard. Serious affidavits from former mgt. Steve Craig has 25 pages. We know what they did to us. Serious accusations. Maybe it has something to do with that. My conspiracy mind says there something going on. Maybe we're in the global reset and we'll get paid after cmkx diamonds you never know.
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Any ideas how we can get this company active again?? Maybe banker 53
Was right about naked short selling here and there just shutting us down to conceal it!
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Over 60 million in losses!!!
Since 1997 according to the 10q from 2014. Doesn't that alone make this company valuable?? Never mind the investment in xmen mining,the
Family mine including the star mine with rockchip samples and the claims surrounding mineral ridge. Something is up!
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Something smells wrong here!
This was a non reporting company why would it stop trading over some lack of info. There's tons of subpenny stocks that trade that have no info for years. Our two director's disappear? We did hold claims around mineral ridge Unless those were let go. Something just doesn't seem right.
kellylovesme2 kellylovesme2 6 years ago
Hey, slick! Yeah, I just have no clue here. I play a lot of online poker, and the one thing I've learned is that if you don't know who the sucker is at the table, it's probably's trying to line their pockets, and sometimes it forces then to do stuff they wouldn't normally do or say. I'd put Rob in that boat. Nice guy, but less than honest at times, IMO.
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Hey coffee!!
Good to hear from you. Ya the bird stopped trading for some kind of lack of info. I tried contacting Auger and Highsmith but had no luck. I'd be willing to help but don't have any idea how. I bought
Some shares subpenny as compared to most subpennies we had a few assets and the shares weren't completely bloated out. Anyway if you have any ideas let us know.
Keep in touch
P.s I think Golden Arrow could be a good opportunity. Check it out the symbol is garwf.
kellylovesme2 kellylovesme2 6 years ago
Hey guys! Coffee here. Just came across this board while looking for possible upcoming metal investments. Sorry to say I have nothing on the bird. Quite frankly, didn't even know it was still listed. Don't talk to Rob anymore. Not sure he would even have a clue. Like most, I'm expecting gold/silver to make a generational move starting in a month or so. If these guys can stay afloat, even this one should make money. Still have all my
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Me too!!
Last time the stock went subpenny it climbed to .20 I was hoping for a repeat. Maybe something is going on behind the scenes. I thought it would be a valuable shell unless there's pending suits against it. Other than that we had some claims, some stock in xmen mining
And I believe a huge tax carry over loss for the last 20 years.
Maybe the Phoenix will rise again. We could use a Rob Martin takeover again.
Yaya53 Yaya53 6 years ago
I have no clue! I was hoping that since gold is climbing there might be some news but i dont understand why there hasn't been any kind of update:/
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
No calls or emails back!
Really I don't know what to do. We had assets unless mgt let the claims lapse. We bought a family mine with rock chip sampling of 1 ounce per ton gold. We bought stock in a Canadian mining co. And we staked claims around mineral ridge. We also had a jv with makarie gold which we probably defaulted on. The stock is not totally bloated with outstanding shares and I believe we are carrying a valuable tax loss. Any ideas??
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Thanks yaya!
I just sent him an email at I asked him if he was still a director and could he update us on the trading suspension and company business. Hopefully he replies and I can get us some updates.
Thanks oil
Yaya53 Yaya53 6 years ago
Oil, you may want to try Dennis gauger . He has a cpa firm in Utah called d p gauger and assoc. worth a try...somewhere it said he is still on the BOD.
TTMAR TTMAR 6 years ago
HEMP: A perfect company to enter

the Hemp business..... Maybe?
vesta vesta 6 years ago
Ask at 25 cents. Did somebody find diamonds on their gold property? Or even better, another vein of Moly?
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
O.k what's our next step?
Do you guys know who our largest shareholder is?? Or how we can find out? Rob Martin would know how to do this as he did it once before with this company. Black Coffee knows Rob. Remember black coffee from raging bull? I guess we have to just keep digging.
Thanks oil
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
No call back from Highsmith
Left message with pure energy minerals over a week ago. I'll keep trying.
vesta vesta 6 years ago
Looks like this stock is heading toward zero. Sad.
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Thanks yaya!
Just left a message for him at pure energy minerals. Their news release said he stepped down as ceo but stayed on as a director.
I'll post after he calls.
Thanks oil
Yaya53 Yaya53 6 years ago
Yaya53 Yaya53 6 years ago
Sounds great! Thanks oil
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Finding Patrick Highsmith
He was a director in 2016. He recently stepped down as a director of pure minerals. I'll try to find a way to contact him. If you guys have any info let me know otherwise I'll let you know what I find out.

oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
I guess the first thing we need to do is to find out what is going on. If we post any facts we can find we might develop a trail we can follow.
jimh068 jimh068 6 years ago
I'm still here and check this page from time to time. I have not been able to log in and post for years.
Now suddenly I can sign in.
I'll vote you in as well oil.
There must be some plans in the background.
Yaya53 Yaya53 6 years ago
Iā€™m sure there are a few of us hoping the Phoenix will rise from the ashes:). I have no idea what is going on though. I will vote you in!
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Any shareholders out there??
I would willing to step up and help even as ceo . Any ideas??
oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Is gpxm being hijacked??
I have some penny stocks that haven't said anything for over 5 years and they still trade. Some with over 10 times the shares here with no reporting of assets. This company had a press release 2 years ago. One property they bought outright with rockchip sampling and various claims staked around mineral ridge. They also mentioned the joint venture with makarie gold.
Any opinions?? I believe they are also carrying a 50 million loss over the last 20 years or so that must be worth something. If there's no present legal problems this could be a good co. To reorganize. Just opinion.

oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
Patrick Highsmith
Are you still a director??? Can you tell us what's going on?
Renee Renee 6 years ago
GPXM SEC Suspension "because of questions regarding the adequacy and accuracy of information about the company".

oilslick91 oilslick91 6 years ago
In the update in 2016
It describes a property they just bought and claims staked along with the makari gold options. But not a peep since.
vesta vesta 6 years ago
Anyone know why this failed business is still trading?
treedoc treedoc 6 years ago
Wow. Thank you for the update. I need to track down basserdan as I think I still owe him some beer and cheese.
Some slow day I will go over the story of GPXM for the last decade. I left just as Rob was trying to make this rise from the ashes.
Thanks Belgie for the updates.
Great trading to you!

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