5 months ago
You mentioned SALOMONSKy
That b the Richmond, apartment mouol that went to prison 4 bribing city councilman.
He brought in MARK MILLER at NEW WORLD GOLD CORP NWGC to replace ROBERT TALBOT who they claimed was in a friggin COMA.
I'I'd b lookin at MARK MILLER in North Carolina and the ANNA TALBOT connection if I were investigatin
The MARK MILLER who was the mayor in Tennesee is also a fun search. Dad worked 4 THE SEC in MINNESOTA where OUR FAKE IDENTITY MARK MILLER was a friggin CITY COUNCILMAN.
Then I'd really crawl up the ass of attorney MARK A MILLER in Wisconson who was a DIRECTOR at CITY BANCORP. Once I outta his dumb ass CITY BANCORP sold and he was retired. They were a BANK HOLDING COMPANY. Might wanna look up that fools SEC filin number and docs filed and FORM 4 share sales.
One of the other MARK MILLER filers works at GOOSEHEAD INSURANCE. BLACK ROCK owns a huge chunk of GOOSEHEAD.
Thw NWGC MARK MILLER was represented by 2 attorneys. ROBERT HONIGFORD from OHIO and DAVID ROTHSTEIN from guess where, PALM BEACH Florida. He dumped MARK MILLER when I posted that Miller (that identity) was actually MARK A. KILCHESKY whos brothers RICHARD and PHILIP KILCHESKY were inserted at EDDIE VAKSERS UITA along wit MARK MILLER their brother. All in the SEC complaint.
A real sleuth would connect DAVID ROTHSTEIN to SCOTT ROTHSTEIN associat of JEFFERY EPSTEIN in PALM BEACH
. By the way, a second RICHARD KILCHESKY lived in guess where? PALM BEACH since 2004. The other lives in BREEZY POINT Minnesota where his brotrher fake identity MARK MILLER was a CITY COUNCILMAN.
I posted a bunch on TONY LAZZARO political oppperative (Hilarious) who was arrested in guess where, MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA. Ya all might wanna dig inta the famous CASEY ANTHONY case in FLORIDA where her daughter was kidnapped and died, Staged events r so easy ta see,
NIR GROUP was bein directed outta Fort Lauderdale at that time.
All bein tracked from 2005 on.
Richard Tang / Jason Black??? I would do a little deep thinkin right now. Court cases r one thing. TRIBUNALS r another.
GOULDING et all v MARK MILLER regardin CAPITOL CAPITAL CORP. same message. Chicago connection.
U N connected DAVID RHODEHAMEL through his corp DEMOCRACY REPOTING INT the BLLB perp is from Columbis Ohio. Miller hyjacked BLLB too.
Savin the best 4 trial time
uber darthium
1 year ago
Did you take note that Bilky’s manufacturing conglomerate operates out of that huge centrally located brain trust known as Key West, Florida ???
Cant make this shit up…
KEY WEST, Fla. , Jan. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Global Digital Solutions, Inc. (OTC: GDSI), a company that is positioning itself as a leader in EV Technology Solutions, has announced today an increase in the initial award of $195,248,000. Interest to date now stands at $60,724,880, for a new judgment total of $255,972,8080
I look forward to a PR soon stating they are going to build a massive warehouse production facility much like he did with Jefferson County Florida in the failed SHMP deal.
I mean, shipping and logistics are so easy and efficient moving goods in and out of Key West.
Good news is there is only one way down there so the trucks aren’t likely to get lost.
Maybe Bilky gets his $5,000 check returned ???
Key West, the new auto EV manufacturing center of the U.S.