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Evolva Holding SA (CE)

Evolva Holding SA (CE) (ELVAF)

Closed March 01 4:00PM

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mick mick 2 years ago
emailcheque emailcheque 6 years ago
time for new products , new market and profit
tykundegex tykundegex 6 years ago
Stock price down 75% since that post.. and the company has advanced considerably on both their Reservatrol and Stevia programs. With their Cargill JV, Eversweet should start to see sales ramp this Q and in 2019. With Reservatrol, very encouraging findings from the prelim results of a 2 year study (see below) and with Nootkatone a potential deal with the US CDC (and with EPA approval imminent?!).

Reservatrol Study results at 1 year:

"Preliminary results provided from an interim evaluation after 12 months (halfway) in the trial revealed significant benefits of RES vs placebo. Headline results included that RES reduced the loss of bone mineral density in the neck of the femur resulting in a 12% improvement in the FRAX t-score, a 36% reduction in hip fracture risk and a 9% reduction in the 10 year risk of a major osteoporotic fracture."

The core tech of this company is to synthesize natural compounds in yeast, but on an industrial scale, producing exact replicas of the natural compounds but with lower cost and higher purity. From what I can tell, their yeast-based process is one of the most advanced in the world, and has some decent IP to protect it.

Applications today cover reservatrol, nootkatone, stevia extracts, vanillin, and valencene, but the approach would seem to be applicable to many many other natural compounds (I'm thinking canabinoids).

I am taking a long position in Evola this week.
tykundegex tykundegex 7 years ago
Evolva Holdings

Been following this co for about 5 years. It trades on the Swiss Exchange as EVE, and on the US OTC as ELVAF (although their website only mentions the US-listed ADRs as symbol ELVAY (1 ADR = 10 common shares), so I'm unsure what ELVAF is all about but it's the more liquid of the two US listings.

Today, 1 USD ~ 1 CHF so the prices (SWX:EVE and USOTC:ELVAF) are equal.

They recently completed a very large fundraising and now have about $100MM of cash in the bank, and a newly focused objective on commercialization efforts, as until recently they'd been largely an R&D outfit.

Tons of DD I could post here, but am too lazy for now. IMO a compelling long-term investment (5+ years). The stock price has come down a fair bit over the past few years, and may still see pressure from newly tradeable shares as they hit the market later this month.

For reasons unknown to me, their PR's all have the following clause, so I'm a little leery to paste any of it on iHub as it's a US website.

"This document and the information contained herein are not for publication, distribution or release in or into (directly or indirectly) the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan or any other jurisdiction in which the publication, distribution or release would be unlawful. This document does not constitute an offer of securities for sale in or into the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan."
