2 months ago
I mostly missed the washout on Tuesday down to .002, I did pick some up after the fact at .007 but still wow, if you can have super low bids in place you just never know what can come your way.
My lifetime avg is now .0052, with a first purchase at 8 cents, after all that effort, this is where we have ended up, unbelievable what a dissapointment. Anyway lets see where this goes this month, but at this point if it rallies I would assume just sell out at various prices and take the measly profit and move on. I dont see this company going anywhere and better just to remove the risk at this point.
3 months ago
thanks. Im at around 500K shares, at these prices its worth it for me to maintain the position which is about 40% of my max. Its hard to predict what happens, but if we get another spike which is always possible, I will take most off the table as, like yourself, I have lost confidence in the company and while I like the price at .012 or below, I have also learned that these can go to zero as well.
4 months ago
In retrospect I should have sold more than I did, why? well good Q, but if a stocks runs close to 5x from a bottom then its a good idea to take a good portion off the table (I took maybe 45% off), while of course there was the potential for it to keep going, its always hard to make that decision, you take off table and it keeps running, or you hold larger portion and it pull back, just impossible to know. But I will be selling higher quantities over 3 cents if we get there. They are late on the 10-K I'd like to see that filed but not looking for any surprises per the NT 10-K:
(3) Is it anticipated that any significant change in results of operations from the corresponding period for the last fiscal year will be reflected by the earnings statements to be included in the subject report or portion thereof? ? Yes ? No
Business as usual.
4 months ago
Just fabulous, this stock always comes through. I really wanted to pile in big time at the bottom and I just couldnt get myself to do so due to uncertainty of the company, but i still bought, and wow look at the result. Taking profits all the way up to .0324, if it keeps running then I keep selling no questions asked, but if we get a nice pullback I would maybe dip in a little but not overdue it, too much risk with these dopes, for all we know they could just go bankrupt, Im serious, we dont know. And they filed that 15-2G what the hells with that.
7 months ago
8 K Reinstating Arthur Smith as CEO after a medical leave. AWESOME!!!
On August 6, 2024, (i) Craig K. Clement relinquished his temporary appointment as interim chief executive officer (“CEO”) of Digerati Technologies, Inc.
(the “Company”) and (ii) the board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) re-appointed Arthur L. Smith to serve as CEO of the Company, approving
Mr. Smith’s return to his role as CEO. Mr. Smith took a temporary medical leave of absence from his role as CEO in October 2023, and Mr. Clement was
appointed as interim CEO during Mr. Smith’s temporary medical leave of absence. Mr. Smith, age 59, will continue to also serve as a member of the Board
and Mr. Clement will continue to serve as executive chairman of the Board.
Mr. Smith will continue to serve as the CEO pursuant to his February 2019 employment agreement (previously filed with the Securities and Exchange
There are no arrangements or understandings between Mr. Smith and any other person pursuant to which Mr. Smith was re-appointed to serve as the CEO
of the Company. There are no family relationships between Mr. Smith and any of the Company’s directors or executive officers. Mr. Smith has no direct or
indirect material interest in any existing or currently proposed transaction that would require disclosure under Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K
8 months ago
Up to 875K shares, a bit uncomfortable that its taken this long to make a move, and that I have this many shares, but a lot have been bought around these prices, and this strategy has worked well so I am sticking with it, in fact it could be months you really never know, but I doubt that. Anything in the .017x range I am buying but not any higher at this point. Im sure the large lender(s) who put into this are as annoyed as can be that this is where we are.
The venture with the AI company is interesting, glad they are at least trying to think forward. I would also like to see them expand outside the FL-TX-CA states that they say most of their business is anchored.