3 years ago
It's been ages since I last posted here, having written off this stock four years ago. AMNE is existing limbo as there is nobody at home to delist the security. A brief timeline from my time of investing in the company:
Under one of its former names, Regions Oil and Gas (No relation to a current low-sulfur fuel company), it filed for bankruptcy in 2007.
1-for-500 reverse split in February 2008 with a symbol change from RGNO to AMGG.
Switched core business from exploration of mature oil wells to eco-friendly insulation products.
That August, there was a 1-for-20 reverse split and another symbol change to AMNE.
No SEC filings since 2010.
CEO Terry Mixon died in 2011.
Cannabis company was granted a trademark for this name in 2017. (AMNE is considered to have abandoned their name?)
There is nobody home to file a "Form 15-12G - Termination of Registration of a Class of Security under Section 12(g)". Some here had speculated that the symbol was still active until the bankruptcy was completely adjudicated, but after more than a decade it's still hanging in limbo.
4 years ago
Sudhakar: AMNE was previously suspended by the SEC so the company will never be able to satisfy the necessary disclosures to be compliant to Rule 15c2-11.
By Sept. 2021 the Amended Rule 15c2-11 becomes effective and AMNE will lose all Market Maker representations, including NO quotations.
Be advised, though, that Brokers (which may eventually include RBC) can elect to place all previously suspended stocks (Caveat Emptor on OTC Markets) on liquidating sell orders only, with no buy orders allowed. Brokers can choose to do that at any time they want to effect liquidating orders, Brokers do not have to wait until the Amended Rule 15c2-11 (ie FULL disclosures) comes into effect in Sept.
4 years ago
AMNE: As of May 25, 2021, TD Ameritrade will restrict orders in Caveat Emptor designated OTC securities to liquidating trades only.
A Caveat Emptor security is a designation the OTC Markets Group places on a security after a determination was made surrounding the company that there may be potential risk to investors which include a questionable stock promotion, known investigation of fraudulent activity committed by the company or insiders, regulatory suspensions, or disruptive corporate actions, among other reasons.
The current list of Caveat Emptor restricted securities is below as of April 12, 2021 and is subject to change at any time.
Please visit for additional details and real time Caveat Emptor desiginations.