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Amanasu Environment Corporation (CE)

Amanasu Environment Corporation (CE) (AMSU)

Closed March 10 4:00PM

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Renee Renee 6 months ago
AMSU: SEC Admin. Proceeding for severely delinquent Financials:
Papa Bear Papa Bear 4 years ago
Good morning all! This board is too quiet! Loving the share structure here. Float is next to NOTHING! $AMSU
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 4 years ago
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Some nice accumulation yesterday at these low levels. Going to be very thin moving up.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
news updates will start the run here
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Trading range over past 52 weeks has been really tight ranging mostly between .05 and .10. I think we see more volume now for a reason.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
will see soon
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Maybe will have some big earnings coming up and we can see dollars. This is getting more volume now.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
due for fillings
marknet marknet 5 years ago
That hits in 2 weeks? Is there news expected? Any serious buying pressure sends this over $1.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
agreed bud,10Q in 2 weeks filling should hit here
marknet marknet 5 years ago
More volume today. Down but could make big move up soon. Not many shares until $1.
Awl416 Awl416 5 years ago
Down 65%. That good?
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
AMSU has a gappa history,love to see it when people are not expecting,wit the first news ,GONNA GAP HUGE,.118 is CHEAP compare to dollars pps,load up now
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
good morning 'marknet' 1 day close for major break AMSU
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Looks like now after .13 is a dollar. Then $100. I'm trying to spread the word around some. Few more players can lock this float down.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
just volume and we are golden,its coming AMSU
marknet marknet 5 years ago
At this point only $1250 dollar volume takes us to $100 unless there are hidden shares. I don't think there's very many. I think after .13 there's blue skies and then again after $1. Don't see $1 showing up yet today.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
AMSU~~agreed bud,look L2 .12,.13,$100.00 pps
marknet marknet 5 years ago
I'd like to see this run without news. A few more big players could fully lock the float and maybe take us to dollars in a hurry. Most big runners I've seen lately ran on hype.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
agreed,drop the news Mr CEO
marknet marknet 5 years ago
This should be getting lots more attention soon. Up to .118 yesterday on 1.2k volume. Imagine when real volume hits. Will take teens out in a hurry then I think next is .70's?
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
yes 100k shares volume will move high ,is unknown stock,followers 6 AMSU
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Loaded big. This looks like it's wanting to go higher. I think we can see some new highs soon just on interest and more buying pressure alone. A 100k volume trading day or less will send this to dollars.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
only up and up and up towards dollars pps AMSU
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Looking good. I'd like to see some .13 hits today.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
AMSU~~look at the chart has a GAPPA history,broke all resistance and running up,,people load up,when news will hit will be in the air before you'll be able to buy
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
AMSU~~news will come here,buy before the news and fillings,you'll pay higher,bottom here
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
AMSU~~good morning 'marknet' ,1 day close for the run,all dots in place , volume and a huge go
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Volume will send this flying. Complete blue skies after $1.
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Up over $100% on 1.2k volume. Imagine when real volume hits boom!!!!
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Yep. Long and strong all the way here.
marknet marknet 5 years ago
It's a waiting game. People chasing other billion share OS plays out there. This is setting up for a big run. The least little catalyst or buying pressure will launch this big time. I have over 20k shares for sale over $1. That might even look cheap eventually.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
AMSU will go wild when no one expecting
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Exactly. This could see dollars very fast. I think with green close today above .11 we get more eyes on this tomorrow and can easy breakout into the .20 range.
stock1ace1 stock1ace1 5 years ago
141$ buy @.118 lol no body’s interested in this it seems
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Float must be almost locked. Almost no shares out there. I recently lost big in another play or I would take out all the .11 thru .13s. Love to see this jump to .75 then after $1 is completely blue skies.
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
yes sir,will be
marknet marknet 5 years ago
Only a matter of time. After .13 break comes .7499. Least little push will launch this.
stock1ace1 stock1ace1 5 years ago
Bid @.05 lmfao
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
volume and the chart will break wild,coming here AMSU,all dots here
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
bids will move up,hit the ask no other choice to get get shares
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
will go with out you ,goodbye
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 5 years ago
lol read the company what does,looser,AMSU dollars going,read L2
stock1ace1 stock1ace1 5 years ago
No ones buying this pump and dump

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