La Mancha Resources Inc. (TSX:LMA) (hereinafter "La Mancha" or the "Company")

All amounts are in CA dollars, unless otherwise indicated.



--  Net earnings of $4.9 million 
--  Production of 27,317 ounces of gold 
--  Cash flow from operating activities of $9.6 million 
--  Cash and short-term investments grow to $25.1 million 
--  La Mancha's year end gold production expected to exceed 130,000 ounces 

La Mancha Resources Inc. (TSX:LMA) (hereinafter "La Mancha" or the "Company") is
pleased to report that it produced a total of 27,317 ounces of gold in the third
quarter of 2010. This compares to gold production of 24,439 ounces in the same
quarter last year. The increase is the result of higher production at both the
Frog's Leg and Hassai mines and the start-up of the White Foil mine, which more
than compensated for lower Ity mine production. It should also be noted that
production is expected to significantly increase in the fourth quarter of 2010
in light of the cyclical volume effect of the Company's Australian toll-
processing schedule.

Dominique Delorme, President and CEO of La Mancha, stated: "With nearly 92,000
ounces of gold already produced in the first nine months of the year, we can now
say that 2010 is shaping up to be a great year for La Mancha. It is, however,
important to note that our results still do not fully reflect our achievements.
With a massive fourth quarter Australian toll-milling campaign, we expect to
boost our fourth quarter Australian gold production to approximately 28,000
ounces of gold. Once combined with our ongoing African production, La Mancha is
set to increase its production to nearly 40,000 ounces of gold in the last
quarter of the year, representing a gold production in excess of 130,000 ounces
for the year."

Consolidated cash costs for the third quarter of 2010 were US $687 per ounce of
gold compared to US $422 in the corresponding period of 2009. Management is
confident that the projected significant fourth quarter production increase at
the Frog's Leg mine should have a positive impact on cash costs in the fourth
quarter of 2010.

Despite a higher cost structure, increased gold production and higher gold
prices helped La Mancha generate $9.6 million in cash flow from operating
activities in the third quarter of 2010, compared to $8.8 million in the
corresponding quarter of 2009. As of September 30, 2010, the Company was
debt-free with a strong cash and short-term investments position of $25.1
million. This compares to cash and short-term investments of $21.5 million and a
corporate debt of $13.3 million at the same date last year.

Mr. Delorme added: "With a strong cash position, no debt, consolidated cash flow
from operations of nearly $40 million just nine months into the year and what is
bound to shape up as a solid fourth quarter, we are strategically positioned to
finance our growth strategy."

La Mancha's third quarter revenues rose to $32.3 million this year from $28.1
million last year. Net earnings for the third quarter of 2010 were $4.9 million,
compared to $3.0 million in the third quarter of 2009. The 2009 figure includes
a net loss of $1.3 million from the disposition of financial securities.

La Mancha is pleased to report record results for the nine-month period ended
September 30, 2010, with net earnings of $16.6 million, cash flow from operating
activities of $38.2 million and total attributable gold production of 91,827
ounces of gold. This compares to net earnings of $12.6 million, cash flow from
operating activities of $26.4 million and total attributable gold production of
70,710 ounces of gold for the same period of 2009.


The Frog's Leg mine generated 13,871 ounces of gold net to La Mancha in the
third quarter of 2010 compared to 12,283 ounces in the corresponding period of
2009. This increased production still does not fully reflect the mine's true
performance due to the cyclical volume effect of toll-processing, as reflected
by the discrepancy between the gold content mined and gold produced.

As shown in the table below, underground mining at Frog's Leg continued to
evolve in line with expectations, as both the tonnage and grade extracted edged
up to achieve new quarterly highs.

                            Three-    Three-    Three-    Three-    Three-
                             month     month     month     month     month
                            period    period    period    period    period
                             ended     ended     ended     ended     ended
                         Sept. 30,  Dec. 31, March 31,  June 30, Sept. 30,
                              2009      2009      2010      2010      2010
ore mined (t) 100%         169,400   148,235   174,532   177,753   178,928
              LMA share     86,394    75,600    89,000    90,654    91,253
Apparent grade mined                                                      
(g Au/t)                      5.16      5.28      4.82      5.51      5.55
Apparent gold                                                             
 content of                                                               
 ore mined                                                                
 (oz)         100%          27,609    25,178    27,050    31,460    31,946
              LMA share     14,081    12,841    13,796    16,045    16,292

In spite of the improving underground performance shown above, an ore handling
restriction at the Greenfields treatment facility required that La Mancha feed
lower-grade oversize ore, stockpiled from the commencement of mining operations,
rather than high-grade material extracted during the quarter. This resulted in a
total of 107,807 tonnes processed at a grade of 4.30 g/t Au, well below the
current mine extraction grade of 5.55 g/t Au.

Gold production is expected to increase significantly in the fourth quarter as
La Mancha's quarterly toll-milling campaign began on October 22 and will
continue through to year end. A fourth quarter toll-milling capacity of around
183,200 tonnes has been reserved for La Mancha at the nearby Greenfields plant,
allowing the Company to process its high-grade ore stockpile of 58,200 tonnes at
5.96 g/t Au by quarter-end. The Company plans to fill any excess capacity beyond
the high-grade stockpile and the Frog's Leg high-grade ore mined during the
fourth quarter with stockpiled White Foil ore. Given this large fourth quarter
toll-milling campaign, management is confident that the operations should
generate roughly 28,000 ounces of gold for La Mancha in the final quarter of the

La Mancha's forecast fourth quarter 2010 ore feed to the Greenfields treatment
plant is presented in the table below.

Ore source attributable to LMA                     Tonnes / grade (g/t Au)
Q3 Frog's Leg stockpile                                    58,200 t at 5.9
Estimated Frog's Leg ore to be mined in Q4                 85,650 t at 5.8
White Foil stockpile ore top-off                           39,350 t at 2.0
Q4 2010 mill capacity at the Greenfields plant                   183,200 t

Cash costs per ounce for the third quarter of 2010 averaged US $631 per ounce,
compared to US $358 per ounce in the corresponding period of 2009. Cash costs
per ounce increased due the lower processed gold grade mentioned above, as well
as an unfavourable change in currency exchange rates. As witnessed in the second
quarter of 2010, cash costs per ounce are expected to decrease in the fourth
quarter in light of the greater production volume and the higher expected
processed gold grades.

In line with production targets, the Frog's Leg mine generated 48,365 ounces of
gold for La Mancha in the nine months ended September 30, 2010, at a cash cost
of US $546 per ounce, compared to 34,330 ounces of gold at a cash cost of US
$414 per ounce for the first nine months of 2009.

The 100%-owned White Foil mine, inaugurated in April 2010, produced 3,230 ounces
of gold at a cash cost of US $843 per ounce in the third quarter of 2010. The
year's second Three Mile Hill plant toll-treatment campaign, totalling 55,000
tonnes at 2.0 g/t, was carried out in August and September. As previously
mentioned, roughly 39,350 tonnes of the stockpiled White Foil ore are expected
to be treated at the Greenfields facility during the fourth quarter. As at
quarter-end, the White Foil stockpile stood at 156,700 tonnes grading 1.94 g/t

In line with the scheduled toll-mining plan, a total of 282,104 tonnes have been
extracted since mining operations began in March 2010, thereby successfully
concluding the first bench mining operation. Contract mining is anticipated to
resume in the first quarter of 2011.

The White Foil mine has generated 9,189 ounces of gold since its inauguration in
April 2010, at a cash cost of US $868 per ounce.

Production at the Hassai mine totalled 15,517 ounces of gold (6,207 ounces
attributable to La Mancha) at an average cash cost of US $803 per ounce for the
third quarter of 2010. This compares to 12,435 ounces of gold (4,974 ounces
attributable to La Mancha) produced in the third quarter of 2009 at an average
cash cost of US $750. Gold output increased due to a higher processed gold grade
and recovery rate, which more than compensated for the lower mill throughput.
Cash costs during the quarter were negatively impacted by a higher stripping
ratio and additional gold royalties arising from higher realized gold prices.

The construction of the dust vacuum system on the quartz processing circuit,
which necessitated a 16-day plant shutdown, was completed and successfully
commissioned during the third quarter. Put in place to help reduce plant
downtime, the system was already having a positive impact towards the end of the
third quarter. Total mill throughput decreased over the corresponding period of
2009, most notably due to the plant shutdown. It is important to note the
successful transition to quartz ore, with the quartz processing circuit
accounting for nearly 70% of the total milled volume in the third quarter.

In line with production targets, the Hassai mine produced 53,287 ounces of gold
(21,315 ounces attributable to La Mancha) in the nine months ended September 30,
2010, at a cash cost of US $725 per ounce, compared to 44,937 ounces of gold
(17,975 ounces attributable to La Mancha) at a cash cost of US $627 per ounce
for the first nine months of 2009.

The Ity mine produced a total of 8,733 ounces of gold (4,008 ounces attributable
to La Mancha) at an average cash cost of US $577 per ounce during the third
quarter of 2010, compared to 15,647 ounces of gold (7,182 ounces attributable to
La Mancha) produced in the corresponding quarter of 2009 at an average cash cost
of US $303 per ounce. The cash cost increase is directly linked to the lower
production volume caused by a decrease in processed gold grades, a lower gold
recovery rate and, to a lesser degree, a slight reduction in mill throughput.

Gold production during the quarter was negatively impacted by frequent heavy
rainfalls that restricted access to the higher-grade clay ore, resulting in the
processing of lower-grade stockpiled ore. Mill throughput increased by nearly
40% over the previous quarter as the plant started to regain momentum after the
installation and commissioning of the new leaching pads. Gold production is
expected to improve in the fourth quarter as mill throughput continues to
increase, while the end of the rainy season should allow easier access to the
aforementioned high-grade clay ore.

The Ity mine produced 28,233 ounces of gold (12,959 ounces attributable to La
Mancha) in the nine months ended September 30, 2010, at a cash cost of US $550
per ounce, compared to 40,098 ounces of gold (18,405 ounces attributable to La
Mancha) at a cash cost of US $358 per ounce for the first nine months of 2009.


On September 7, 2010, La Mancha announced a positive Preliminary Economic
Assessment for its Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide ("VMS") project at its
40%-owned Hassai mine in north- eastern Sudan. The technical report was filed on
SEDAR ( on October 22, 2010.

Highlights of the study include:

                              Phase 1: CIL    Phase 2: VMS          Global
Commissioning                         2013            2015              --
Yearly production(i)                                                      
 Gold (oz)                         155,880          59,355              --
 Copper (t)                             --          51,516                
Initial capital cost              $185.6 M        $319.4 M        $505.0 M
                                                 $ 1.24/lb                
Average cash costs             $ 482/oz Au         Cu(iii)               -
Internal rate of return                30%             11%             17%
NPV @ 5% discount(ii)             $149.8 M        $122.7 M        $238.7 M

(i)CIL: Excludes low production projected for the last year of operation, VMS:
Rate for the first 5 years of operation (when project is running at design
run-rate) (ii)Using a gold price of US $950 per ounce and a copper price of
$2.19 per pound. (iii)Including gold credit

The robust economic indicators for the Carbon-in-Leach ("CIL") phase justified
the immediate commencement of feasibility work for the first phase of the
project, while the promising VMS upside potential justified the launch of an $18
million VMS exploration program with 100,000 metres planned over a 12-month
period ending at the end of the third quarter of 2011.

La Mancha was pleased to demonstrate the project's upside to analysts and
institutional investors through a site visit that took place in mid-October.


Investor Relations Calendar

La Mancha will be at the following upcoming events:

Mines and Money London 2010 on November 30 and December 1, 2010, at the Business
Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, Islington, London

Toronto CFA Society Breakfast Presentation on Dec. 1, 2010, in the Large
Boardroom of the Toronto CFA Society, 130 Adelaide Street West, Suite 902,

La Mancha will also be hosting corporate presentation seminars in the following

Vancouver on December 2, 2010 

Calgary on December 3, 2010

These presentation seminars are open to the public, and La Mancha invites all
investors to attend. For event details and reservations, please contact John
Boidman of Renmark at (514) 939-3989 or

Consolidated Financial Statements

The management discussion and analysis and unaudited consolidated financial
statements with explanatory notes for the quarter ended September 30, 2010, are
available in PDF format on La Mancha's website at and through


La Mancha Resources Inc. is an international gold producer based in Canada with
operations, development projects and exploration activities in Africa, Australia
and Argentina. La Mancha's shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX)
under the symbol "LMA". More information on the Company can be found on its
website at


This press release contains certain "forward-looking statements", including, but
not limited to, the statements regarding the Company's strategic plans, future
production and profitability, production targets and timetables; statements
regarding an expected increase in Australian toll-milling capacity and its
positive impact on La Mancha's fourth quarter production and cash costs;
statements regarding the Frog's Leg mine's ore mill schedule and grades;
statements regarding White Foil's production and the possibility to treat its
stockpiled ore at the Greenfields treatment plant; statements regarding the
resumption on White Foil toll-milling in the first quarter of 2011; statements
regarding the future production level of the quartz line in Sudan; statements
regarding the positive impact of Ity's new leaching pads on production and the
possibility to mine high-grade clay ore once the rainy season ends. Forward-
looking statements express, as at the date of this press release, the Company's
plans, estimates, forecasts, projections, expectations or beliefs as to future
events and results. Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and
uncertainties, and there can be no assurance that such statements will prove to
be accurate. Therefore, actual results and future events could differ materially
from those anticipated in such statements. Risks and uncertainties that could
cause results or future events to differ materially from current expectations
expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements include, but are not
limited to, factors associated with fluctuations in the market price of precious
metals, mining industry risks, exploration risks, risks associated with foreign
operations, environmental risks and hazards, uncertainty as to calculation of
mineral reserves, requirement of additional financing or additional permits,
authorizations or licenses, risks of delays in construction and production and
other risks referred to in La Mancha's 2009 Annual Information Form filed with
the Securities Commissions, as well as the Toronto Stock Exchange.

(All amounts are in CDN dollars          Third Quarter      First 9 months
 unless otherwise noted)           ended September 30, ended September 30,
                                        2010      2009      2010      2009
RESULTS (consolidated, in                                                 
 thousands of $)                                                          
Revenues                              32,320    28,162   114,701    81,187
Cash flow from operating                                                  
 activities                            9,592     8,829    38,243    26,466
Net earnings (loss)                    4,922     3,045    16,631    12,622
PER SHARE ($)                                                             
Net earnings (loss)                     0.04      0.02      0.12      0.09
Basic weighted average number of     142,503   142,051   142,310   142,051
  common shares outstanding (in                                           
ATTRIBUTABLE GOLD PRODUCTION                                              
Number of ounces produced             27,317    24,439    91,827    70,710
Mine operating costs (US$ per                                             
 ounce)                                  687       422       620       454
                                   September  December                    
                                    30, 2010  31, 2009                    
FINANCIAL POSITION (in thousands                                          
 of $)                                                                    
Cash and short-term investments       25,066    21,535                    
Total assets                         165,154   167,704                    
Shareholders' equity                 132,837   115,832                    
Total number of shares outstanding                                        
 (in thousands)                      142,641   142,184                    
                                         Third Quarter      First 9 months
                                   ended September 30, ended September 30,
GOLD PRODUCTION STATISTICS              2010      2009      2010      2009
Australian Operations                                                     
  Frog's Leg (51%)                                                        
  Attributable production (ounces)    13,871    12,283    48,365    34,330
  Tonnage milled (t)                 107,807    67,530   316,299   225,214
  Grade milled (g Au/t)                  4.3       6.1       5.1       5.2
  Recovery rate (%)                       94        93        94        93
  Cash costs (US$ per ounce)             631       358       546       414
  White Foil (100%)                                                       
  Attributable production (ounces)     3,230       N/A     9,189       N/A
  Tonnage milled (t)                  55,026       N/A   144,704       N/A
  Grade milled (g Au/t)                  2.0       N/A       2.1       N/A
  Recovery rate (%)                       93       N/A        93       N/A
  Cash costs (US$ per ounce)             843       N/A       868       N/A
African Operations                                                        
  Hassai (40%)                                                            
  Attributable production (ounces)     6,207     4,974    21,315    17,975
  Tonnage milled (t)(1)              152,265   164,997   588,222   513,552
  Grade milled (g Au/t)                  4.4       3.5       3.9       4.0
  Recovery rate (%)                       72        68        72        68
  Cash costs (US$ per ounce)             803       750       725       627
  ITY (45.9%)                                                             
  Attributable production (ounces)     4,008     7,182    12,959    18,405
  Tonnage milled (t)(1)               90,055    96,794   254,626   337,121
  Grade milled (g Au/t)                  4.3       6.3       4.9       4.6
  Recovery rate (%)                       70        80        70        80
  Cash costs (US$ per ounce)             577       303       550       358
(1) On a 100% basis

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