BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at 5:55 a.m. PST, July 30, 2009, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted the filing of the documentation with
respect to a Non-Brokered Private Placement, announced on July 9, 2009:

Number of Shares:            1,250,001 common shares

Purchase Price:              $0.22 per common share

Warrants:                    1,250,001 warrants to purchase 1,250,001
                             common shares.

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.30 per common share for a 24-month

Number of Placees:           3 placees

The Company has announced the closing of the Private Placement by way of
a press release.

TYPE DE BULLETIN: Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN: Le 30 juillet 2009
Societe du groupe 1 de TSX Croissance

Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier, tel qu'annonce le 9
juillet 2009:

Nombre d'actions:            1 250 001 actions ordinaires

Prix:                        0,22 $ par action ordinaire

Bons de souscription:        1 250 001 bons de souscription permettant
                             de souscrire a 1 250 001 actions

Prix d'exercice des bons:    0,30 $ par bon de souscription pour une
                             periode de 24 mois.

Nombre de souscripteurs:     3 souscripteurs

La societe a annonce la cloture du placement prive precite par voie d'un
communique de presse.


BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the opening, July 30, 2009, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at 8:00 a.m., PST, July 30, 2009, shares of the Company
resumed trading, an announcement having been made over Canada News Wire.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing an option agreement dated
July 22, 2009 between Corex Gold Corporation's ("the Company") wholly
owned subsidiary Corex Global S. de R.L. de C.V. and Virgin Metals
Inc.'s ("Virgin") wholly owned subsidiary Molibdeno Los Verdes S.A. de
C.V., whereby the Company's subsidiary is granted an option to acquire
from Virgin's subsidiary a 100% interest in 3 concessions (the "Hilda
Concessions") located approximately 200 km east-southeast of Hermosillo,
Sonora, Mexico. In consideration, the Company will pay to Virgin a total
of $340,000 ($60,000 in the first year), issue 500,000 common shares
(150,000 shares in the first year) and incur US$450,000 (US$100,000 in
the first year) in exploration expenditures over a three year period.
There will be a 2% NSR which can be purchased by the Company for a one
time payment of US$1,500,000.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March 26, 2009 and July 9,

Number of Shares:            5,000,000 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.20 per share

Number of Placees:           39 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                             Insider equals Y /
Name                        ProGroup equals P /              # of Shares

Dean Duke                                   P                    140,000
Julie Catling                               P                     25,000

Finder's Fee:                $36,640 in cash payable to Jordan Capital
                             Markets Inc.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.


BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading, Qualifying Transaction-Announced
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the open, Friday, July 31, 2009, trading in the Company's
shares will resume.

This resumption does not constitute acceptance of the Company's proposed
acquisition of Miguel's Products, LLC (the 'Qualifying Transaction'), as
disclosed in its news releases of April 21, 2009 and July 23, 2009, and
should not be construed as an assurance of the merits of the transaction
or the likelihood of completion. The Company is required to submit all
of the required initial documentation relating to the Qualifying
Transaction within 75 days of the issuance of the news release.

Prior to the Exchange granting final acceptance of the Qualifying
Transaction, the Company must satisfy the Exchange's Minimum Listing
Requirements. There is a risk that the transaction will not be accepted
or that the terms of the transaction may change substantially prior to


BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 740,000 shares at a deemed price of $0.10 per share to settle
outstanding debt for $74,000.

Number of Creditors:         4 Creditors

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                Insider equals Y /   Amount   Deemed Price
Creditor       Progroup equals P /    Owing      per Share   # of Shares

Robin Dow                      Y    $42,500          $0.10       425,000
Robert Schellenberg            Y     $8,250          $0.10        82,500
Barbara J. Evers               Y     $8,250          $0.10        82,500

The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and
the debt extinguished.


BULLETIN TYPE: Reinstated for Trading
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated May 5, 2009, the Exchange
has been advised that the Cease Trade Order issued by the British
Columbia Securities Commission on May 5, 2009 has been revoked.

Effective at the opening Friday, July 31, 2009 trading will be
reinstated in the securities of the Company (CUSIP 44473J 10 4).


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced July 14, 2009 and amended
July 17, 2009:

Number of Shares:            1,300,000 flow-through shares

Purchase Price:              $0.25 per share

Finder's Fee:                $10,000 payable to Toll Cross Securities

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted a Mining Option Agreement (the
Agreement"), dated April 28, 2009, between Lateegra Gold Corp. (the
"Company") and Gold Star Resources Corp. ("Gold Star"). Pursuant to the
Agreement, the Company can acquire up to a 75% interest in the Torch
River Coal Property, Saskatchewan.

Aggregate consideration payable by the Company to Gold Star for an
initial 49% interest is:
- $10,000 cash on Exchange approval;
- $10,000 cash due six months after Exchange approval;
- 750,000 Company shares on Exchange approval;
- 750,000 Company shares due six months after Exchange approval, and;
- $250,000 work on the property within 24 months of the Agreement.

Aggregate consideration payable by the Company to increase its' interest
to 75% is:
- 1,000,000 Company shares; and
- $500,000 work on the property within 24 months of the Agreement.

Insider / Pro Group Participation: J. Casey Forward is the CFO of the
Company, as well as the CFO and a director of Gold Star.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced June 22, 2009:

Number of Shares:            5,000,000 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.16 per share

Warrants:                    2,500,000 share purchase warrants to
                             purchase 2,500,000 shares

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.35 for a one year period

Number of Placees:           27 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                             Insider equals Y /
Name                        ProGroup equals P /              # of Shares

Bolder Opportunities I LP
 (C. Channing Buckland)                     P                  1,600,000
Excur Air Corp.
 (C. Channing Buckland)                     P                    100,000
Bukchuk Holdings, Ltd.
 (C. Channing Buckland &
  Henry Ewanchuk)                           P                    250,000
WKW I Limited Partnership
 (C. Channing Buckland)                     P                    250,000
C. Channing Buckland                        P                  1,000,000
Stone's Throw Capital Corp.
 (Ron Tremblay)                             Y                    116,000
C. Victor Chevillon                         Y                     66,500
058907 NB Ltd. 
 (Gary Robertson)                           Y                     60,000

Finders' Fees:               $35,840 cash and 224,000 Broker's Warrants
                             exercisable at $0.35 for one year payable
                             to Bolder Investment Partners Ltd.
                             $4,256 cash and 26,600 Broker's Warrants
                             (same terms as above) payable to Canaccord
                             Capital Corporation
                             $2,240 cash and 14,000 Broker's Warrants
                             (same terms as above) payable to PI
                             Financial Corp.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Brokered Private Placement announced July 8, 2009 and amended July
9, 2009:

Number of Shares:            34,500,000 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.25 per share

Warrants:                    34,500,000 share purchase warrants to
                             purchase 34,500,000 shares

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.50 for a two year period

Number of Placees:           64 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                             Insider equals Y /
Name                        ProGroup equals P /              # of Shares

Chris Bond                                  P                    200,000
C. Bond GM & P Partner Corporation
 (Chris Bond)                               P                    160,000
Derek Ham                                   P                    360,000
Michael Young                               P                    100,000
Michael A. Siggs                            P                     40,000
Valerie A. Siggs                            P                     20,000
Priya Patil                                 P                    100,000
Nelson Lee                                  Y                     80,000

Agent's Fee:                 $517,500 cash and 2,070,000 Agent's Options
                             exercisable at $0.25 for two years into
                             units (comprised of one share and one
                             warrant exercisable at $0.25 for two years
                             from closing) payable to GMP Securities LP.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.


BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Services
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 100,000 shares at a deemed price of $0.20 per share in
consideration of certain services provided to the company pursuant to an
agreement dated July 24, 2009.

The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Disposition Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted an Agreement of Purchase and Sale
between Pencari Resource Corporation (the "Company") and Pt. Prima
Mineralindo Nusantara ("Prima"), a private Indonesian Company. Pursuant
to the Agreement, Prima will acquire the Company's interest in the Pani
property (the "Property").

Aggregate consideration payable to the Company by Prima is:
- 500,000 shares of Pan Asia Resources Corporation ("Pan Asia"), a
private British Columbia company, upon the issuance of an exploration,
permit on the property, including drilling;
- The assumption by of all of the outstanding obligations on to the
- 500,000 Pan Asia shares on the commencement of commercial production
from the property; and
- 5% net profits interest in favour of the Company "subject to maximum
royalty interest payments totalling $1,000,000 (U.S.), subject to
maximum royalty interest payments of $200,000 (U.S.) in any one calendar

Insider / Pro Group Participation: Prima is wholly-owned by the wife of
Stephen Walters, who is a former Director of the Company and a principal
of Pan Asia. Adrian Rollke is President, CEO and a Director of the
Company, as well as a Director and shareholder of Pan Asia.


BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 5,298,090 shares at a deemed price of $0.11 per share to settle
outstanding debt for $58,200.

Number of Creditors:         3 Creditors

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                Insider equals Y /   Amount   Deemed Price
Creditor       Progroup equals P /    Owing      per Share   # of Shares

Patrick Forseille              Y    $27,500          $0.11       250,000
Chris Wensley                  Y    $22,500          $0.11       204,545
Ron Bourgeois                  Y    $8,200           $0.11        74,545

The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and
the debt extinguished.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced July 29, 2009:

Number of Shares:            769,614 flow-through shares

Purchase Price:              $0.13 per share

Number of Placees:           3 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                             Insider equals Y /
Name                        ProGroup equals P /              # of Shares

126243 Alberta Ltd. (Johannes Kingma)       Y                    192,307
756453 Alberta Ltd. (Johannes Kingma)       Y                    192,307

Finder:                      Union Securities Ltd.

Finder's Fee:                $3,503.50 cash


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Disposition Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to
property option agreements between Solitaire Minerals Inc. (the
"Company") and Delta Uranium Inc. ("Delta"), whereby Delta has the
option to earn up to a 80% interest in the 274 hectare Wheeler River
Property, Block C3, located approximately 20 km NNW of the Key Lake Mine
in the SE Athabasca Basin and up to a 75% interest in the 447 hectare
Block C4, the 1,016 hectare Block C5 and the 161 hectare Block C6
properties in the SE part of the Athabasca Basin.

1) Terms of the Option agreement for Block C3 are as follows:

For Delta to earn an undivided 60% interest in the Wheeler River
Property it must: Issue 250,000 common shares of Delta on the execution
date of this agreement to the Company; spend $500,000 in exploration
expenses on or before October 31, 2011. For Delta to earn an undivided
80% interest (an additional 20% interest) in the Wheeler River Property
it must spend $500,000 in exploration expenses on or before October 31,

2) Terms of the Option agreement for Blocks C4, C5 and C6 are as

Upon the execution of the agreement, Delta must pay the Company the
amount of $75,000 and issue to the Company 500,000 Common Shares in the
capital of Delta. For Delta to earn an undivided 55% interest in the
Block C4, C5, and C6 properties it must complete the following terms on
or before December 31, 2010: Issue to the Company 250,000 Common Shares
of Delta; pay to the Company $100,000; and spend $1,000,000 in
exploration expenses. For Delta to earn an undivided 75% interest (an
additional 20% interest) in the Block C4, C5, and C6 properties it must
complete the following terms on or before December 31, 2011: Issue to
the Company 250,000 Common Shares of Delta; pay to the Company $150,000;
spend an additional $1,000,000 in exploration expenses; and pay $100,000
or issue common shares of Delta equivalent to such amount to the Company
no later than October 31, 2012.

In relation to these agreements, the Company will pay a finder's fee of
100,000 shares to Gerald A. Harron and 100,000 shares to Jeremy S.


BULLETIN TYPE: Notice - QT Not Completed - Approaching 24 Months of
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

The shares of the Company were listed on the TSX Venture Exchange on
August 31, 2007. The Company, which is classified as a Capital Pool
Company ("CPC") is required to complete a Qualifying Transaction ("QT")
within 24 months of its date of listing, in accordance with Exchange
Policy 2.4.

The records of the Exchange indicate that the Company has not yet
completed a QT. If the Company fails to complete a QT by the 24-month
anniversary date of August 31, 2009, the Company's trading status may
remain as or be changed to a halt or suspension without further notice,
in accordance with Exchange Policy 2.4, Section 14.6.


BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at 6:07 a.m. PST, July 30, 2009, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Remain Halted
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated July 30, 2009, effective
at 7:02 a.m., PST, July 30, 2009 trading in the shares of the Company
will remain halted until the TSX Venture Exchange has receipt of
required documentation.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced July 29, 2009:

Number of Shares:            516,666 flow-through common shares

Purchase Price:              $0.12 per share

Number of Placees:           2 placees

No Insider / Pro Group Participation

Finder's Fee:                $960 and 8000 warrants payable to Northern
                             Securities Ltd.

                             - Each Finder's warrant is exercisable for
                             one common share at $0.12 per share for a
                             period of 12 months from the date of


(formerly Santoy Resources Ltd. ("SAN"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Amendment, Correction
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange bulletin dated July 29, 2009, the
Non-Brokered Private Placement announced July 16, 2009 should have been
amended as follows:

Finders' Fees:               $30,205 cash and 258,900 warrants payable
                             to Union Securities Ltd.
                             $6,728.40 cash and 57,672 warrants payable
                             to Blackmont Capital Inc.
                             $10,500 cash and 90,000 warrants payable to
                             $14,000 cash and 120,000 warrants payable
                             to Cormark Securities
                             $8,400 cash payable to Acamar Asia
                             Consultants Inc. (Alimohamid and Nadia

All placees receive subscription receipts upon closing. The
subscription receipts will be exchanged for private placement units
consisting of the above-described shares and warrants upon the closing
of the Plan of Arrangement with Virginia Uranium Ltd. As the Company
will be completing a one for five consolidation immediately following
closing of the Plan of Arrangement, these shares and warrants will be
issued on the same consolidation ratio.


BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 7,568,000 shares and 7,568,000 share purchase warrants to settle
outstanding debt for $378,400 (US$344,000).

Number of Creditors:         1 Creditor

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                Insider equals Y /   Amount   Deemed Price
Creditor       Progroup equals P /    Owing      per Share   # of Shares

Endeavour Financial
 Corporation              Y (new)  $378,400          $0.05     7,568,000

Warrants:                    7,568,000 share purchase warrants to
                             purchase 7,568,000 shares

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.10 for a five year period

Shareholders have approved this transaction at the July 28, 2009 Annual
General and Special meeting.

The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and
the debt extinguished.



BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Convertible Debenture/s
BULLETIN DATE: July 30, 2009
NEX Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced July 27, 2009:

Convertible Debenture        $62,500

Conversion Price:            Convertible into one common share at the
                             simple 10 day average closing price on the
                             TSX Venture Exchange commencing from the
                             date that the Company completes a one for
                             five (1:5) share consolidation, with such
                             Conversion Price not to be lower than $0.05
                             per Common Share if the Debenture is
                             converted in the first 12 months or $0.10
                             if converted thereafter.
Maturity date:               All outstanding Indebtedness owed to the
                             Holder shall automatically convert into
                             common shares of the Company at the
                             Conversion Price per common share on the
                             earlier of: (i) the eighteen (18) month
                             anniversary of the closing date of this
                             transaction or; (ii) ten trading days after
                             the Company completes the consolidation of
                             its common shares on a one for five basis.
Interest rate:               8% per annum, payable quarterly

Number of Placees:           6 placees

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.


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