Consolidated Uranium Inc. (“CUR”, the “Company”,
“Consolidated Uranium”) (TSXV: CUR) (OTCQX: CURUF) is
pleased to announce the results of recently completed drilling
programs at its past-producing Daneros and Rim uranium and vanadium
mines in south-eastern Utah. Following the successful drill
programs, the Company has acquired ten State of Utah uranium and
vanadium leases, covering approximately 4,760 acres in the Rim Mine
and Sage Plain project areas and 275 unpatented lode mining claims
in the Daneros Mine, Rim Mine and Sage Plain project areas. These
important additions to CUR’s property portfolio cover a combined
area of approximately 10,070 acres. The new mining claims staked by
CUR are not subject to any underlying agreements and do not carry
any royalty obligations.
- Confirmation
drilling at the Daneros Mine both highlighted the presence of
high-grade uranium mineralization and extended the known
mineralization, including in holes CUR-LR-15 which intersected
0.93% U3O8 over 5 meters and CUR-LR-16 which intersected 0.83% U3O8
over 3 meters and 0.11% U3O8 over 2 meters (Refer to Table 1,
- Confirmation
drilling at the Rim Mine, which is considered to be one of the
highest-grade historic vanadium mines in southeastern Utah1
confirmed high grades in multiple holes, including CUR-RM-01 which
intersected 0.01% U3O8 and 1.07% V2O5 over 2 meters and 0.15%
U3O8 and 2.54% V2O5 over 2 meters and CUR-RM-02 which
intersected 0.21% U3O8 and 1.50% V2O5 over 4 meters (Refer to
Table 2, below).
- Additionally,
the results obtained have provided additional information on
potential extensions of known mineralization onto properties that
were recently acquired by CUR.
- At Daneros, the new claims cover the projected convergence of
two mineralized trends that host the Daneros/Lark-Royal-Bullseye
and Radium King uranium mines that were among the most important
uranium producers in the White Canyon mining district.2
- At Rim, the new claims cover the southern extension of the Rim
deposit, as well as an easterly projection of the channel
sandstones that host the numerous uranium-vanadium deposits of the
Philip Williams, Chairman and CEO commented,
“With the goal of becoming a near term producer of U.S. origin
uranium and vanadium, CUR is one of only a handful of companies
actively drilling its properties. Today’s results from the drill
programs at Daneros and Rim not only confirmed and extended
previously known high grade uranium and vanadium mineralization but
also supported the acquisition of additional prospective adjacent
and on trend project areas. Increasingly, our view is that every
pound of uranium in the U.S. is potentially going to be required to
supply domestic uranium requirements as U.S. buyers of nuclear fuel
become under pressure to source material away from former Soviet
states such as Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. We believe CUR’s
portfolio is well positioned to be a trusted and stable U.S.
supplier and we plan to continue to actively advance to
production-ready status through further drilling, engineering and
permitting activities.”
Drilling Results from the Daneros Mine
The Daneros Mine, located in the White Canyon
District, is a fully developed and permitted underground uranium
mine that produced nearly one million pounds of U3O8 during
multiple periods of operation, most recently from 2010-2013.
In continuation of the ongoing technical
evaluation of the Company’s US uranium projects, five combined
conventional rotary and core holes, totaling 2,280 feet, were
drilled at the Daneros Mine in early 2023 to further evaluate the
presence of strong uranium mineralization highlighted in CUR’s
inaugural drilling program in 2022 (Figure 1). Each of the five
holes completed encountered significant uranium mineralization
within the targeted host rocks of the Shinarump Member of the
Chinle Formation.
The results obtained from the 2023 Daneros
drilling program (Table 1) continue to confirm that the continuity,
thickness and overall grade characteristics of the uranium
mineralization at the Daneros Mine. The grades, thicknesses and
host rock characteristics, as shown in the results, are consistent
with the nature and extent of uranium mineralization of the White
Canyon mining district, which has been one of Utah’s most important
uranium producing areas.2
1 Data derived from: Gloyn, R. W., C. D. Morgan,
D. E. Tabet, R. E. Blackett, B. T. Tripp, and Mike Lowe, 1995;
Mineral, Energy and Groundwater Resources of San Juan County, Utah,
Utah Geological Survey Special Study 86; Thamm, John K., Anthony A.
Kovschak, Jr. and Samuel S. Adams, 1981: Geology and Recognition
Criteria for Sandstone Uranium Deposits of the Salt Wash Type,
Colorado Plateau Province, Final Report; US Department of Energy
Open-File Report GJBX-6 (81); Hall, S. M., B. S. Van Gosen and R.
A. Zielinski, 2023; Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits of the
Colorado Plateau, USA, Ore Geology Reviews 155 (2023)105353;
Doelling, Hellmut H., 1969; Mineral Resources, San Juan County,
Utah, and Adjacent Areas, Part II: Uranium and Other metals in
Sedimentary Host Rocks, Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey
Specia Studies 24.
2 Chenoweth, William L., 1993; The Geology and
Production History of the Uranium Deposits in the White Canyon
Mining District, San Juan County, Utah; Utah Geological Survey
Miscellaneous Publication 93-3.
Figure 1: Plan view map of the Daneros
Mine with 2023 drill holes
Table 1: The following table summarizes 2023 assay
results from the Daneros Mine, Utah
Hole No. |
From(feet) |
To(feet) |
Thickness(feet) |
Grade(% U3O8) |
AssayType |
CUR–LR-15 |
402.0 |
407.0 |
5.0 |
0.93 |
Radiometric |
CUR-LR-16 |
405.0 |
408.0 |
3.0 |
0.83 |
and |
410.0 |
412.0 |
2.0 |
0.11 |
CUR-LR-17 |
423.5 |
427.5 |
4.0 |
0.14 |
Radiometric |
CUR-LR-18 |
466.0 |
467.0 |
1.0 |
0.16 |
CUR-LR-19 |
447.0 |
450/0 |
3.0 |
0.15 |
Radiometric |
Each of the holes was drilled in a vertical
orientation, and the thicknesses cited above are apparent true
thicknesses of the mineralized intervals. The holes were drilled
utilizing the conventional rotary “open hole” methodology, with
drill cutting samples collected at five-foot intervals. The target
mineralized horizon in each hole was drilled with a conventional
core barrel, and core was sampled for final grade determinations by
the ICP method by American Assay Laboratories (“AAL
Laboratories”), of Sparks, Nevada USA, an independent ISO
17025 accredited laboratory. The holes were also logged with a
continuous surface-recording borehole gamma-ray, S-P, Resistivity,
and induction geophysical logging tool by Century Wireline Services
(“Century”), of Tulsa Oklahoma, a highly
experienced and independent geophysical contractor. One hole,
CUR-LR-018, was not logged by Century due to “caving” in a zone
above the mineralized zone. Core recovery for three of the holes,
CUR-LR-15, 17 and 19, was incomplete due to broken ground
conditions, and the samples for the cored intervals of those holes
were insufficient for laboratory analysis. Accordingly, the uranium
grades of the mineralized intervals in those holes were determined
from calculations of the gamma-ray log responses, and the “Assay
Type” in the table above denotes those mineralized intervals for
which the grades were determined from borehole logging. Comparison
of laboratory grade determinations and the uranium grades for
mineralized zones as indicated from the gamma-ray logs were
compared and the two assaying methods returned comparable results
in each case.
Core samples submitted to AAL Laboratories were
subject to the Company’s Quality Control and Quality Assurance
(“QA/QC”) program, which includes the insertion of
certified standard samples obtained from OREAS North America, the
insertion of blank (unmineralized) samples, and selected duplicate
samples for each drill hole. Century’s borehole logging instrument,
specifically the gamma-ray probe, was tested at the US Department
of Energy’s calibration facility in Grand Junction, Colorado prior
to the commencement of the drilling program.
Drilling Results from the Rim
The Rim Mine, located in the East Canyon portion
of the Uravan Mineral Belt, includes a fully developed and
permitted underground uranium and vanadium mine that was most
recently in production in 2009.
At the Rim Mine, CUR completed 15 combined
conventional rotary and core holes totaling 11,395 feet of drilling
(Figure 2). These holes were designed to confirm grades and
thicknesses of uranium and vanadium mineralization in drill holes
that had been completed at the project by previous owners of the
property and to evaluate projected extensions of the known
mineralized zones into previously untested areas.
The Rim Mine is considered to be one of the
highest-grade vanadium producers in the southwest Colorado –
southeastern Utah region. The results from several of CUR’s drill
holes have confirmed high grades. Information obtained from the
current drilling program have provided additional information as to
potential extensions of known mineralization onto properties that
were recently acquired by the Company, as noted below.
Figure 2: Plan view map of the Rim
Uranium and Vanadium Mine with 2023 drill holes
Table 2: The following table summarizes
2023 assay results from the Rim Mine, Utah
Hole No. |
From(feet) |
To(feet) |
Thickness(feet) |
Uranium Grade(%
U3O8) |
V2O5) |
CUR-RM-01 |
717 |
719 |
2 |
0.01 |
1.07 |
and |
722 |
724 |
2 |
0.15 |
2.54 |
CUR-RM-02 |
710 |
714 |
4 |
0.21 |
1.50 |
and |
718 |
722 |
4 |
0.01 |
0.34 |
CUR-RM-03 |
700 |
707 |
7 |
0.04 |
0.52 |
and |
716 |
718 |
2 |
0.01 |
0.48 |
CUR-RM-04 |
Unmineralized |
CUR-RM-05 |
714 |
715 |
1 |
0.00 |
0.71 |
CUR-RM-06 |
709 |
712 |
3 |
0.12 |
1.18 |
CUR-RM-07 |
Unmineralized |
CUR-RM-08 |
Unmineralized |
CUR-RM-09 |
Unmineralized |
CUR-RM-10* |
555 |
557 |
2 |
0.01 |
No assay |
and* |
569.5 |
570.5 |
1 |
0.01 |
No assay |
CUR-RM-11 |
Unmineralized |
CUR-RM-12 |
698 |
702 |
4 |
0.26 |
1.56 |
CUR-RM-13 |
Unmineralized |
CUR-RM-14 |
Unmineralized |
CUR-RM-15 |
Unmineralized |
- Drill hole
conditions for hole CUR-RM-10 prevented recovery of core from the
target horizon. The uranium grades for the drill hole CUR-RM-10
were determined from grade calculations from the gamma-ray log. No
vanadium grades were available due to the lack of core for the
mineralized interval.
Core samples from the Rim shaft drill holes were
submitted to AAL Laboratories. Samples submitted to AAL
Laboratories were subject to the Company’s standard QA/QC program,
which included the insertion of Certified Reference Materials
(standards) obtained from OREAS North America, the insertion of
blank (unmineralized) samples, and selected duplicate samples for
each drill hole. Borehole geophysical services were provided by
Century Wireline Services, an independent geophysical services
contractor with extensive experience providing gamma-ray logging
services to the uranium industry for many years. The borehole
logging instrument, specifically the gamma-ray probe, was tested at
the US Department of Energy’s calibration facility in Grand
Junction, Colorado prior to the commencement of the drilling
Mineral Property
The 2021 acquisition of the fully-permitted Tony
M, Daneros and Rim mines as well as the Sage Plain project,
combined with the toll milling agreement signed with Energy Fuels
for the White Mesa mill, positioned CUR to potentially become an
important, near-term supplier of U.S. uranium and vanadium
production, once market conditions warrant. The newly announced
property acquisitions further enhance the potential of CUR’s Utah
project portfolio.
At the Daneros Mine (Figure 3), which is located
approximately 72 miles southwest of the town of Moab, Utah and 38
miles west-northwest of Energy Fuels’ White Mesa uranium-vanadium
mill, the Company staked 33 new unpatented lode mining claims
covering an area of approximately 670 acres. These newly staked
mining claims cover the projected convergence of two mineralized
trends that host the Daneros/Lark-Royal and Radium King uranium
mines that were among the most important uranium producers in the
White Canyon mining district.
Figure 3: Daneros Mine location and newly
acquired claims
At the Rim Mine, which is situated in
southeastern Utah, about 15 miles northeast of the town of
Monticello, and 40 miles northeast of the White Mesa mill (Figure
4), 36 unpatented lode claims were staked. The new claims cover the
southern extension of the Rim deposit, as well as an easterly
projection of the channel sandstones that host the numerous
uranium-vanadium deposits of the area.
CUR was the successful bidder for ten State of
Utah Institutional Trust Land Administration (SITLA) tracts (4,760
acres) at our Sage Plain project, which is located 16 miles
northeast of the town of Monticello, Utah and 38 miles northeast of
the White Mesa mill at Blanding. The Sage Plain project is situated
within an area of significant past uranium and vanadium production
from the Wilson, Silver Bell, Calliham, Sage, and Snyder
underground mines formerly operated by Atlas Corporation and Union
Carbide/Umetco, and Union Carbide’s former Deremo mine, which was
one of the largest uranium-vanadium mines in the prolific Uravan
Mineral Belt of southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah. These
strategically placed tracts cover projected trends of uranium and
vanadium mineralization in the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison
Formation, which is the principal host rock for the deposits of the
Sage Plain area and the adjoining Slick Rock mining district of
southwestern Colorado. The recently staked mining claims cover an
area of approximately 4,080 acres of prospective land within the
same overall area as the SITLA leases are located.
Historical exploration drilling data, not yet
confirmed by a Qualified Person (as defined in National Instrument
43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI
43-101”)), indicate the presence of uranium and vanadium
mineralization hosted within sandstones of the Salt Wash Member of
the Morrison Formation on a number of the recently acquired
properties, and they represent important exploration targets to
compliment the mineralization at the Calliham mine and other zones
of mineralization that historical data indicate to be present on
the properties previously acquired from Energy Fuels. The new
mining claims staked by CUR are not subject to any underlying
agreements and do not carry production royalty obligations to third
Figure 4: Rim Mine and Sage Plain Project
location and newly acquired claims
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information
contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Peter
Mullens (FAusIMM), Consolidated Uranium’s VP, Business Development,
who is a “Qualified Person” (as defined in NI 43-101).
About Consolidated Uranium
Consolidated Uranium Inc. (TSXV: CUR) (OTCQX:
CURUF) was created in early 2020 to capitalize on an anticipated
uranium market resurgence using the proven model of diversified
project consolidation. To date, the Company has acquired or has the
right to acquire uranium projects in Australia, Canada, Argentina,
and the United States each with significant past expenditures and
attractive characteristics for development.
The Company is currently advancing its portfolio
of permitted, past-producing conventional uranium and vanadium
mines in Utah and Colorado, with a toll milling arrangement in
place with Energy Fuels Inc., a leading U.S.-based uranium mining
company. These mines are currently on stand-by, ready for rapid
restart as market conditions permit, positioning CUR as a near-term
uranium producer.
For More Information, Please
Philip Williams
Chairman and
Toll-Free: 1-833-572-2333Twitter:
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Cautionary Statement Regarding
“Forward-Looking” Information
This news release contains "forward-looking
information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities
legislation. “Forward-looking information” includes, but is not
limited to, statements with respect to activities, events or
developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may
occur in the future including, but not limited to, the Company’s
ongoing business plan, sampling, exploration and work programs.
Generally, but not always, forward-looking information and
statements can be identified by the use of words such as “plans”,
“expects”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”,
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negative connotation thereof or variations of such words and
phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”,
“could”, “would”, “might” or “will be taken”, “occur” or “be
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information and statements are based on numerous assumptions,
including that general business and economic conditions will not
change in a material adverse manner, that financing will be
available if and when needed and on reasonable terms, and that
third party contractors, equipment and supplies and governmental
and other approvals required to conduct the Company’s planned
exploration activities will be available on reasonable terms and in
a timely manner. Although the assumptions made by the Company in
providing forward-looking information or making forward-looking
statements are considered reasonable by management at the time,
there can be no assurance that such assumptions will prove to be
Forward-looking information and statements also
involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other
factors, which may cause actual events or results in future periods
to differ materially from any projections of future events or
results expressed or implied by such forward-looking information or
statements, including, among others: negative operating cash flow
and dependence on third party financing, uncertainty of additional
financing, no known mineral reserves or resources, reliance on key
management and other personnel, potential downturns in economic
conditions, actual results of exploration activities being
different than anticipated, changes in exploration programs based
upon results, and risks generally associated with the mineral
exploration industry, environmental risks, changes in laws and
regulations, community relations and delays in obtaining
governmental or other approvals and the risk factors with respect
to Consolidated Uranium set out in CUR’s annual information form in
respect of the year ended December 31, 2022 filed with the Canadian
securities regulators and available under CUR’s profile on SEDAR at
Although the Company has attempted to identify
important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those contained in the forward-looking information
or implied by forward-looking information, there may be other
factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or
intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking
information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual
results and future events could differ materially from those
anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not
place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.
The Company undertakes no obligation to update or reissue
forward-looking information as a result of new information or
events except as required by applicable securities laws.
Figures accompanying this announcement are available
Consolidated Uranium (TSXV:CUR)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Consolidated Uranium (TSXV:CUR)
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