FALCON INVESTMENT TRUST PLC                          


The Directors announce the audited statement of results for the year to 30
September 2003 as follows:

John Moxon, Chairman of Falcon Investment Trust PLC, commented:

During the period under review, the Company's net asset value ("NAV")
appreciated by 22.1% to 94.12p. The Company's benchmark, the Hoare Govett
Smaller Companies Index (excluding Investment Companies), increased by 30.4%
and the FTSE All Share Index rose by 12.6%. The company generated income of �
1.283m and revenue after taxation of �0.850m. The Directors recommend a final
dividend of 2.4p, payable on 31 January 2004 to Shareholders on the register as
at 14 November 2003.

Stock Market conditions remained extremely testing during the Company's
financial year. The deteriorating situation in Iraq weighed heavily on
sentiment, delayed recovery and led to increased share price volatility. Share
prices recovered during the second half of the period under review and it
appears that investors are now more willing to extend their investment time
horizons. Even so, economic conditions are likely to remain challenging and UK
interest rates look set to rise further.

As explained in the Manager's overview, the Company's investment portfolio has
little exposure to the debt-driven sectors of the economy that have been the
beneficiaries of an unprecedented consumer boom. This spend, spend, spend
mentality has been fuelled by increasingly high levels of personal borrowings
and record levels of mortgage equity withdrawal. In a period of rising interest
rates and increasing personal taxation the Board do not believe that this
situation is sustainable.

During the period the Company purchased 4,050,000 Ordinary shares for
cancellation at a total cost of �2,509,000 (including expenses) at an average
price of 61.9p. As at 30 September 2003, �5.408 million of the Company's �10
million borrowing facility was utilised, reflecting a reasonably cautious
approach and providing flexibility to increase the Company's equity exposure
should suitable investment opportunities arise in the coming months.


At the time of the last annual report we believed that share price valuations
offered considerable scope for improvement. Notwithstanding the destabilising
effects of war in Iraq and other geopolitical uncertainties, our belief that it
would be possible to make positive progress in the year under review was
justified. It is disappointing to report that this progress has not matched the
growth in the Company's benchmark. However, we believe that our contrarian
stance and the greater number of investment opportunities that have arisen as
the Stock Market has stabilised has provided a solid foundation from which
strong relative out-performance can be achieved.

We continue to believe that our commitment to the industrial and business
services sectors of the market will benefit from a cyclical improvement in
demand and that the profitability of many of the companies within the portfolio
will improve significantly.

As mentioned at the interim stage, we have been seriously concerned about the
sustainability of growth in consumer expenditure and the excesses of the
investment led boom in the commercial and residential property markets. This
prompted us to sell our investments in consumer sensitive companies such as
Wolverhampton & Dudley, Findel and Vardy (Reg) and our property related
exposure via Mowlem, Marshalls and Heywood Williams Group. In the second half
of the financial year we sold our investments in Securicor, DS Smith and
ebookers and reduced our exposure to Pendragon.

Our choice of new investment opportunities has increased greatly in recent
months as sentiment has improved and more companies have become eligible for
inclusion in the portfolio. Our investment universe, which had included a
number of relatively uninspiring companies when the Stock Market was depressed,
has been refreshed by more dynamic growth companies at the lower end of our
market capitalisation range. New investments have been made in McBride, ISIS
Asset Management, BSS Group, Incepta, Liontrust, Informa and ITNET.

Although the economic environment remains challenging we believe that the
recent recovery in Stock Markets is not without foundation. There is
encouraging evidence to support our view that a cyclical recovery in the
industrial and business services sectors is underway. There has been a
significant improvement in the trading environment for recruitment shares,
where industry statistics confirm that activity has increased in recent months.
Prospects for the electronics sector also appear to be improving as industry
begins to invest in inventory for the next cycle. As confidence in the trading
outlook for companies that have been de-rated improves we would expect
corporate activity to play a major role in unlocking value in the market.

Peter Webb

Unicorn Asset Management Limited

STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (Incorporating the Revenue Account*) of the Company

                              1 October 2002 to          24 August 2001 to     
                              30 September 2003          30 September 2002     
                          Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital    Total 
                            �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000 
Gains/(losses) on               -    5,595    5,595        -   (8,104)  (8,104)
Dividends and interest      1,283        -    1,283    1,477        -    1,477 
Investment management        (192)    (193)    (385)    (228)    (227)    (455)
Other expenses               (186)       -     (186)    (181)       -     (181)
Net return on ordinary        905    5,402    6,307    1,068   (8,331)  (7,263)
before finance costs and                                                       
Interest payable and          (55)     (55)    (110)     (77)     (78)    (155)
similar charges                                                                
Return on ordinary            850    5,347    6,197      991   (8,409)  (7,418)
activities before and                                                          
after taxation                                                                 
Dividend proposed            (841)       -     (841)    (977)       -     (977)
Transfer to/(from)              9    5,347    5,356       14   (8,409)  (8,395)
                            pence    pence    pence    pence    pence    pence 
Return per Ordinary          2.26    14.24    16.50     2.55   (21.61)  (19.06)

*The revenue column of this statement is the revenue account of the Company.

The accounts have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies at the
previous period end.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing


                                          As at 30 September As at 30 September
                                                        2003        2002       
                                                       �'000       �'000       
                                                   (audited)          (audited)
Fixed assets                                                                   
Investments                                          39,132             31,239 
Current assets                                                                 
Debtors                                                 170                213 
Cash at bank                                             12                 17 
                                                        182                230 
Creditors - amounts falling due                      (6,343)            (1,342)
within one year                                                                
Net current liabilities                              (6,161)            (1,112)
Net assets                                           32,971             30,127 

Represented by                                                                 
Share capital                                           350                391 
Capital redemption reserve                               41                  - 
Special reserve                                      35,619             38,131 
Capital reserve - realised                           (3,930)              (392)
- unrealised                                            868             (8,017)
Revenue reserve                                          23                 14 
Shareholder' funds - equity                          32,971             30,127 
                                                      pence              pence 
Net asset value per Ordinary share                    94.12              77.09 


                                             1 October 2002      24 August 2001
                                       to 30 September 2003     to 30 September
Net cash inflow from operating                         765                 705 
Net cash outflow from servicing of                    (117)               (141)
Capital expenditure and financial                                              
Purchases of investments                           (23,593)            (55,664)
Sales of investments                                21,295              16,321 
Net cash outflow from capital                       (2,298)            (39,343)
expenditure and financial investment                                           
Equity dividends paid                                 (977)                  - 
Net cash outflow before financing                   (2,627)            (38,779)
Gross proceeds of share issue                            -              39,200 
Share issue expenses paid                               (3)               (678)
Purchase of shares for cancellation                 (2,509)                  - 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                      (2,512)             38,522 
Decrease in cash                                    (5,139)               (257)


 1   The Company was incorporated on 24 August 2001 and commenced operations on
     31 October 2001.                                                          
 2   The audited financial information set out above does not constitute the   
     Company's statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies   
     Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the period ended 30 September 2002 have  
     been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors have reported  
     on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain       
     statements under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The    
     statement of total return, balance sheet and summarised statement of      
     cashflows have been prepared using the accounting standards and policies  
     adopted at 30 September 2002.                                             
     Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2003 will be filed with
     the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting.
 3   The Directors recommend the payment of a final dividend of 2.4p per share,
     payable on 31 January 2004, to the holders on the Register as at 21       
     November 2003.                                                            
 4   The revenue and capital return per Ordinary share is based on earnings of 
     �850,000 (2002: �991,000) and net capital gains of �5,347,000 (2002:      
     losses �8,409,000) respectively, and on 37,559,568 (2002: 38,907,451)     
     Ordinary shares being the weighted average number of Ordinary shares in   
     issue during the year.                                                    
 5   An amount of �248,000 (2002: �305,000) has been charged to capital in     
     respect of management fees and finance costs in accordance with the       
     Company's accounting policy.                                              
 6   It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company
     so that it satisfies the conditions for approval as an investment trust   
     company set out in section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act    

J Moxon


11 November 2003