RNS Number:8899H
CyberChina Holdings PLC
25 February 2003

                            CYBERCHINA HOLDINGS plc
                           REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING
                                31 OCTOBER 2002

*       Consolidated loss for year of #258,925 (2001: loss of #236,806)

*       Net asset value 0.4p per share (2001: 0.5p)

*       Confident that our activities will be successful not only in the near
        term but also in the long term.

*       Final preparations for our first flotation candidate being made.

*       Proposal to change company name to CYC Holdings plc

                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

The year to 31 October 2002 representing CyberChina's second full year of
operations, resulted in a consolidated loss of #258,925 (2001: loss of
#236,806).   The net asset value at the year-end was 0.4p per share (2001: 0.5p
per share).

To everyone's certain knowledge world stock markets are now well into a bear
phase with the major markets now in a third year of decline. No market has been
spared this savage correction to the excesses of the previous six years. Chinese
stock markets have similarly seen their values halved in line with western
capital markets. However they have been further subject to governmental
exigencies. In recent years the authorities had been selling shares to the
public to reduce governmental ownership in (frequently financially challenged)
State Owned Enterprises. This policy worked well in a rising market but when
conditions reversed, the state's divestment plan created further selling
pressure in already weakened circumstances. Whilst this policy has now been
halted the damage to confidence had been inflicted. All these factors have
negatively impacted on capital raising for new companies. In some countries IPO
activity came to an abrupt halt, whilst in others it has dwindled to a trickle.
To raise new money in today's market is undeniably difficult, which presents us
with opportunities as well as obstacles.

CyberChina has moved with market pressures. We are confident that our activities
will be successful, not only in the near term but also in the long term. China's
GDP is expected to grow in 2003, for the ninth consecutive year.  Estimates vary
from 7.5-9% depending on the researchers' opinion of the impact (depth and
duration) of the economic slowdown in the leading western economies. This
consensus reinforces your management's conviction that China is the country of
growth and exciting prospects.

Our business is to prepare Chinese companies for investment from western
economies and, where appropriate, subsequent listing, with your company
receiving its remuneration in fees from or shares and options in the enhanced
value investee company. This continues to be our principal focus, though we have
added an extra component to this strategy. We now seek to create additional
value in client companies by identifying and constructing trade alliances or
mergers & acquisitions with western companies in ancillary activities. In this
way we can build a stronger commercial base upon which a more financially robust
pre-flotation vehicle can be presented.

The final preparations of our first flotation candidate relating to ultra-sonic
detection technology are being made and it is anticipated that details of this
will be announced shortly after our Annual General Meeting. Additionally, we
have other candidate companies undergoing the due diligence process, and
announcements regarding these will be made in due course as and when

It is the view of your board that the name CyberChina does not reflect the
nature of our business.  Accordingly a resolution to change the Company's name
to CYC Holdings plc will be put to the AGM.

Given the present status of your Company's operations and the financial results
for the year, your Directors are not recommending the payment of a dividend.

Yours sincerely,

The Viscount Torrington.

                                   PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR TO  
                                              31 OCTOBER 2002 

                                                        Year to 31 October 2002    Year to 31 October 2001 
                                                                              #                          # 
             OTHER OPERATING INCOME                                          -                      6,692  

             OPERATING EXPENSES                                       (317,732)                  (313,508) 

             OPERATING LOSS                                           (317,732)                  (306,816) 

             Interest payable                                               (5)                      (258) 

             Interest receivable                                        58,812                     70,268  
              LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                                                  
                   BEFORE TAXATION                                   (258,925)                   (236,806) 
              RETAINED LOSS FOR THE PERIOD                          #(258,925)                  #(236,806) 
              EARNINGS PER SHARE                                      (0.08 p)                   (0.08 p) 

  The profit and loss account relates to continuing operations and contains all the gains and losses recognised in    
  the period. There are no discontinued operations.                                                                   

  The loss has been calculated on the historical cost basis and is the only movement in shareholders' funds for the   
                                   CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 OCTOBER 2002 

                                                                     31 October 2002                  31 October 2001 
                                                                     #             #             #                  # 
  FIXED ASSETS                                                                                                        
  Intangible assets                                                 -                           -                     
  Tangible assets                                               1,432                       1,178                     
                                                                              1,432                            1,178  
  CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                                      
  Investments                                                  18,305                     504,838                     
  Debtors                                                      47,947                      15,125                     
  Cash at bank and in hand                                  1,297,151                   1,116,643                     
                                                            1,363,403                   1,636,606                     
  Amounts falling due within one year                         (17,766)                    (31,790)                    
  NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                      1,345,637                        1,604,816    
  NET ASSETS                                                             #1,347,069                       #1,605,994    
  CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                       
  Called-up share capital                                                 3,080,000                       3,080,000     
  Share premium account                                                     790,127                         790,127     
  Profit and loss account                                               (2,523,058)                     (2,264,133)     
                                                                         #1,347,069                      #1,605,994     
      Approved by the Board on 10 February 2003                                       
      And signed on its behalf by:                                                                                 
                        M J McALISTER                            M D D LINDSAY                  
                        Director                                 Director                       
                                        CASHFLOW STATEMENT FOR YEAR TO 31 OCT0BER 2002 

                                                                            Year to 31 October      Year to 31 October
                                                                                         2002                    2001 
                                                                                            #                       # 
  Net Cash inflow/(outflow) from                                                                                      
           operating activities                                                       181,325                (890,677) 
  Capital expenditure and financial investment                                                                        
  Purchase of tangible assets                                                           (817)                   (784) 
  Increase/(decrease) in cash during the period                                     #180,508               #(891,461) 
Copies of the fully audited report and accounts can be obtained from Cyberchina Holdings plc, Hillyfields House,
Woodhill Lane, Shamley Green, Guildford, Surrey GU5 OSP or may be seen on the website: www.cyberchinaholdings.com  
For further information please contact: 
Michael Lindsay, finance director, on 07050 254825 
Philip Parkes, Winningtons, on 0117 317 9477 or 07831 826789 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange