RNS Number:9290T
Cairn Energy PLC
07 January 2004


                                CAIRN ENERGY PLC

                                                                  7 January 2004
                        South Asia - Operational Update

1.   Rajasthan Block RJ-ON-90/1

Cairn is currently involved in an extensive exploration and appraisal programme
across its 5,000 square kilometre exploration block in the Rajasthan Basin.

Three drilling rigs are currently operating across the block, a workover rig is
conducting testing operations, artificial lift trial operations are ongoing and
well stimulations are planned.

Exploration activity is now focusing on the deeper stratigraphic horizons
(Barmer Hill and Fatehgarh) in the northern third of the block with the current
N-B-1 well being 120 kilometres north of the recently drilled GR-A-1 well.

Ten of the fourteen wells drilled on the block to date have encountered
hydrocarbons. Details of wells drilled, currently operating and to be drilled
are shown in the table in the attached appendix.

Recent Exploration Drilling in the Southern Rajasthan Basin

Exploration drilling on the Central Basin High located in the southern part of
the block has met with mixed results. Wells targeting the shallow Thumbli and
Dharvi Dungar plays have encountered variable reservoir quality and sand
thickness. The GR-F-1 well discovered oil in the Dharvi Dungar and flowed 100
bopd of 40 degree API oil on test. The Thumbli section was log evaluated as
hydrocarbon bearing and will be tested in the near future with a separate
workover rig. The GR-A-1 and GR-S-1 wells each encountered residual hydrocarbons


The Saraswati-1 discovery well was placed on an EWT in August 2003. To date the
Barmer Hill reservoir has produced 62,260 bbls (average 817 bopd) and the
Fatehgarh reservoir 5,985 bbls (average 468 bopd).

A 3D seismic survey was acquired over Saraswati during 2003. Following
interpretation of the 3D two appraisal/development wells are now planned to be
drilled updip of Saraswati-1, the first of which is expected to spud by end
February 2004.


The drill-stem test on the Raageshwari E-1 discovery well at the shallow Thumbli
level flowed 200 bopd and 7.3 mmscfd. A follow-up EWT using artificial lift has
just begun.

The GR-2 appraisal well 2.5 kilometres south of the E-1 discovery well increased
the oil column thickness to between 90 and 120 metres. The GR-3 appraisal well
2.5 kilometres to the north of E-1 began drilling in January 2004. Further
Raageshwari delineation wells are planned.

Q Shallow Appraisal Well

Log evaluation of the top hole section of the original Q-1 Barmer Hill discovery
well suggested hydrocarbons in the shallow Thumbli section. A subsequent
dedicated shallow appraisal well has however confirmed that the hydrocarbons
were residual and consequently there is as yet no firm case for stratigraphic
trapping at the Thumbli level.

Exploration in the Northern Rajasthan Basin

The medium depth drilling programme in the northern third of the block is aimed
at the Barmer Hill and Fatehgarh sections which are expected to be encountered
at shallower depths than in the central and southern areas of the basin.

The N-B-1 exploration well, which is targeting a prospect in the extreme north
of the block approximately 60 kilometres from the RJ-Q-1 discovery, was spudded
on 31 December 2003. This well is currently expected to be followed by an
exploration well on prospect N-A, located 10 kilometres to the south of N-B-1.

The N-J-1 exploration well, located on a prospect 30 kilometres to the north
west of Saraswati, was spudded on 5 January 2004.

2.   Gujarat Block CB/OS-2, Cambay Basin

An exploration well is expected to spud in the first quarter 2004 6.5 kilometres
from the Suvali processing plant, on the onshore eastern edge of the block. The
well is to test a prospect which has the potential for shallow gas and deep oil,
similar to that encountered in the nearby Lakshmi and Gauri fields.


1.   Block KG-OS/6

An exploration well located in 110 metres of water depth and designed to test
prospect 6 in the 'pan-handle' part of the block reached 800 metres before the
well encountered shallow overpressures and had to be been abandoned for
operational reasons without it reaching the planned objectives at around 2500
metres. It is not known at this stage as to whether any further drilling will be
attempted on Block KG-OS/6 pending future discussions with partners and the

2.   Block KG-DWN-98/2 - ONGC Transaction

Negotiations with ONGC in respect of the transaction announced in October 2003
are progressing and it is anticipated that definitive agreements will be
executed during the first quarter of 2004.


Cairn has received an invitation from the Indian Government to commence PSC
negotiations for Block GV-ONN-2002/1 in the Ganga Basin which Cairn applied for
on a 100% basis in the NELP-IV exploration bid round.

Cairn has also been awarded one of the three blocks onshore Gujarat for which it
bid jointly with ONGC in NELP-IV. Cairn will have a 30% interest in this block
and ONGC will be the operator.


The planned Sangu perforation and re-perforation campaign was successfully
completed in early January 2004. Following this work the tested deliverability
of the producing Sangu wells is approximately 250 mmscfd, although offtake for
2004 will remain dependent on market demand.

Bill Gammell, Chief Executive, commented:

"Cairn is progressing its intensive operational campaign in Rajasthan. Although
ten out of fourteen wells drilled to date have encountered hydrocarbons, a
significant amount of additional drilling and evaluation work still needs to be
undertaken to properly evaluate this 5,000 square kilometre area. A further
update on the progress of this campaign will be given at the time of the annual
results in March.

Following the acquisition of Shell's interests in Bangladesh and against a
backdrop of increasing domestic demand for gas, a successful workover programme
has been completed at Sangu. This has demonstrated the field's capacity to
deliver 250 mmscfd from the existing wells.

I am delighted with the continuing strong performance from our producing assets
in South Asia and we will benefit from the increased interest in Sangu."

Enquiries to:

Cairn Energy PLC

Bill Gammell, Chief Executive Tel: 0131 475 3000
Mike Watts, Exploration Director Tel: 0131 475 3000
Kevin Hart, Finance Director Tel: 0131 475 3000

Brunswick Group Limited:

Patrick Handley, Catherine Bertwistle, Mark Antelme Tel: 0207 404 5959

Notes to Editors:

1.                   "Cairn" where referred to in this release means Cairn
Energy PLC and/or its subsidiaries, as appropriate.

2.                   Cairn holds a 100% interest in Block RJ-ON-90/1. Oil &
Natural Gas Corporation Ltd ("ONGC") has a right to 30% of any development area
resulting from a commercial discovery on the block.

3.                   The main exploration play objectives encountered in the
Rajasthan Basin, commencing with the stratigraphically youngest formation, are:
Thumbli, Dharvi Dungar, Barmer Hill and Fatehgarh.

4.                   "bopd" where referred to in this release means barrels of
oil or condensate per day.

5.                   "API" where referred to in this release means American
Petroleum Institute units as a measure of oil specific gravity.

6.                   "EWT" or extended well test where referred to in this
release means the periodic testing and production of wells for evaluation

7.                   "bbls" where referred to in this release means barrels of
oil or condensate.

8.                   "mmscfd" where referred to in this release means million
standard cubic feet of gas per day.

9.                   Cairn holds a 75% exploration interest in Block CB/OS-2,
with the remaining exploration interests being held by ONGC with 10% and TATA
Petrodyne Limited ("TATA") with 15%. ONGC has a right to increase its interest
by 30% in the event of a commercial discovery on the block and has exercised
this right in respect of the Lakshmi and Gauri development areas (Cairn 50%,
ONGC 40% and TATA 10%).

10.               Cairn holds a 50% interest in Block KG-OS/6. The remaining 50%
is held by Petrocon India Ltd.

11.               Cairn is farming out 90% of its 100% interest in Block
KG-DWN-98/2 to ONGC as part of the transaction and strategic alliance announced
on 1 October 2003.

12.               Cairn holds a 75% interest in the Sangu development area. The
remaining 25% is held by HBR Energy, Inc. (a subsidiary of Halliburton Company).

                        ---------     --------- --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------
                        WELL          AREA      DATE      RESERVOIR   DST         COMMENT
                                                DRILLED   OBJECTIVE   RESULT      
               ------   ---------     --------- --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------
120            NORTH    N-B-1         Northern  Ongoing   Barmer                  Exploration
KILOMETRES                            Terrace             Hill/
               ------   ---------     --------- --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------
                        N-A-1         Northern  Planned   Barmer                  Exploration
                                      Terrace             Hill/
                        ---------     --------- --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------
                        N-F-1         Northern  Planned   Barmer                  Exploration
                                      Intra               Hill/
                                      Basin               Fatehgarh

                        ---------     --------- --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      
                        N-J-1         Northern  Ongoing   Barmer                  Exploration
                                      Intra               Hill
                                      Basin               /
                                      High                Fatehgarh
                        ---------     --------- --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------
                        RJ-Q-1        Intra     Sep-03    Barmer Hill Volatile    Appraisal of
                        RJ-Q-2        Basin               /           oil         Barmer Hill
                                      High                Fatehgarh   encountered required.
                                      North of                        in BH /     Thumbli residual
                                      Central                         FT          oil only in
                                      Basin                                       Q-2

               -------  ---------     --------- --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------
               CENTRAL  Saraswati-1   Saraswati Nov-01    Barmer      Oil in BH/  EWT ongoing
                       (H-1)          Terrace             Hill        FT @ 2,000
                                                          /           bopd

               -------  ---------     --------  --------- ----------  ----------  ----------------

                        Saraswati     Saraswati Apr/May   Barmer Hill             S-2 established
                        2 & 3         Terrace   -03       /                       a > 300m oil
                                                          Fatehgarh               column.
                                                                                  S-3 tight
                                                                                  appraisal well
                       ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------
                       Saraswati     Saraswati  Planned   Barmer Hill             Appraisal/
                       4 & 5         Terrace    Feb       /                       development
                                                2004      Fatehgarh               wells 4 & 5
                                                                                  planned: wells

                       ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      
                       Raageshwari   Central    Feb-03    Thumbli and Oil & gas   E-1 EWT ongoing
                       E-1 &         Basin                deep        in Thumbli  E-1 Sidetrack
                       sidetrack     High                 Volcanics   @ 200 bopd  established
                                     (CBH)                            & 7.3       Thumbli oil
                                                                      mmscfd;     across fault
                                                                      Gas in      block
                                                                      volcanics   Gas associated
                                                                      @ 2 mmscfd  with volcanics
                                                                                  requires further

                       ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      
                       Raageshwari   CBH        GR-2      Thumbli                 GR-2 appraisal
                       GR-2 &                   Dec-03                            well established
                       GR-3                     GR-3                              approx 100m oil
                                                current                           column in poor
                                                                                  quality Thumbli
                                                                                  GR-3 currently
                       ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      
                       Raageshwari   CBH        Planned   Thumbli                 Appraisal/
                       GR-4 &                                                     development
                       GR-5                                                       wells 4 & 5
                                                                                  planned: wells
               ------  ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------

               SOUTH   Guda-1        CBH        1998      Dharvi      Dry         Oil shows in
                                                          Dungar                  Thumbli and
                                                                                  Dharvi Dungar
               ------  ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      
                       Guda-2        CBH        1998      Dharvi      Oil in      Small fault
                                                          Dungar      Dharvi      bounded
                                                                      Dungar @    accumulation
                       ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      
                       RJ-D-1        Eastern    Jul-03    Barmer Hill Dry         Virtually no
                                     Basin                /                       shows or
                                     Margin               Fatehgarh               reservoir

                       ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      
                       GR-F-1        South end  Nov-03    Dharvi      Oil in      Thumbli to be
                                     of CBH               Dungar      Dharvi      tested
                                                          & Thumbli   Dungar @    
                                                                      100 bopd;
                                                                      oil in
                       ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      
                       GR-S-1        Flank of   Dec-03    Dharvi      Dry in DD;  Dharvi Dungar
                                     CBH near             Dungar      possible    sands poor and
                                     GR-F                 & Thumbli   oil in      wet; Thumbli
                                                                      Thumbli     pay?
                       ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      
                       GR-A-1        Southern   Nov-03    Dharvi      Dry         No Thumbli sand.
                                     Terrace              Dungar                  Excellent Dharvi
                                                          & Thumbli               Dungar sands but
                       ---------     ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------------                      

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange