Washington, D.C. 20549






For the month of November 2020


Commission File Number: 001-39169


Natura &Co Holding S.A.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Avenida Alexandre Colares, No. 1188, Sala A17-Bloco A

Parque Anhanguera

São Paulo, São Paulo 05106-000, Brazil

(Address of principal executive office)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F:


Form 20-F


  Form 40-F  


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):


Yes     No



Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):


Yes     No










1. Individual and Consolidated Interim Financial Information of Natura &Co Holding S.A. for the period ended September 30, 2020.






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.






/s/ José Antonio de Almeida Filippo 

  Name: José Antonio de Almeida Filippo
  Title: Principal Financial Officer

/s/ Itamar Gaino Filho  

  Name: Itamar Gaino Filho
  Title: Chief Legal and Compliance Officer

Date: November 12, 2020




Item 1


Individual and Consolidated Interim Financial Information of Natura &Co Holding S.A. for the period ended September 30, 2020.




(A free translation of the original in Portuguese)



Natura &Co Holding S.A.

Quarterly Information (ITR) at
September 30, 2020
and report on review of
quarterly information








(A free translation of the original in Portuguese)



Report on review of quarterly information



To the Board of Directors and Shareholders 

Natura &Co Holding S.A.







We have reviewed the accompanying parent company and consolidated interim accounting information of Natura &Co Holding S.A. ("Company"), included in the Quarterly Information Form (ITR) for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, comprising the balance sheet at that date and the statements of operations and comprehensive income for the quarter and nine-month period then ended, and the statements of changes in equity and cash flows for the nine-month period then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.


Management is responsible for the preparation of the parent company and consolidated interim accounting information in accordance with the accounting standard CPC 21, Interim Financial Reporting, of the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC) and International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), as well as the presentation of this information in accordance with the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information (ITR). Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim accounting information based on our review.


Scope of review


We conducted our review in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Reviews of Interim Financial Information (NBC TR 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, and ISRE 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Auditing and consequently did not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Conclusion on the interim information


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying parent company and consolidated interim accounting information included in the quarterly information referred to above has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with CPC 21 and IAS 34






PricewaterhouseCoopers, Av. Francisco Matarazzo 1400, Torre Torino, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 05001-903, Caixa Postal 60054, T: +55 (11) 3674 2000, www.pwc.com.br 


applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information, and presented in accordance with the standards issued by the CVM.


Other matters


Statements of value added


The quarterly information referred to above includes the parent company and consolidated statements of value added for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020. These statements are the responsibility of the Company's management and are presented as supplementary information under IAS 34. These statements have been subjected to review procedures performed together with the review of the quarterly information for the purpose of concluding whether they are reconciled with the interim accounting information and accounting records, as applicable, and if their form and content are in accordance with the criteria defined in the accounting standard CPC 09 - Statement of Value Added. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that these statements of value added have not been properly prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the criteria established in this accounting standard, and consistent with the parent company and consolidated interim accounting information taken as a whole.


Audit and review of the corresponding amounts


prior year and period


The Quarterly Information (ITR) mentioned in the first paragraph includes accounting information corresponding to the statements of operations, comprehensive income for the quarter and nine-month period ended September 30, 2019, to changes in shareholders’ equity, cash flows and value added for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2019, presented for comparison purposes. The corresponding accounting information of the Company, for the periods of three and nine months ended September 30, 2019, was prepared by management based on the procedures described in Note 2.1(a).


The review of the Quarterly Information (ITR) for the quarter ended September 30, 2019 of Natura Cosméticos S.A. (currently, a wholly owned subsidiary of the holding Natura &Co Holding S.A.) was conducted under the responsibility of other independent auditors, who issued an unqualified review report dated November 12, 2020.




The Quarterly Information (ITR) mentioned in the first paragraph also includes accounting information corresponding to the balance sheet as of December 31, 2019, obtained from the financial statements as of December 31, 2019, originally prepared before the reclassifications described in Note 25.3, which were performed in connection with the acquisition of Avon Products, Inc., and are presented for comparison purposes. The examination of the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019, as originally prepared, was conducted under the responsibility of other independent auditors, who issued unqualified audit opinion dated March 5, 2020.


As part of our review of the ITR for the quarter ended September 30, 2020, we reviewed the aforementioned reclassifications as they relate to assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2019, described in Note 25.3. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that such reclassifications are not appropriate or have not been correctly performed, in all material respects. We were not engaged to audit, review or apply any other procedures on the Company’s 2019 other financial information, and, therefore, we do not express an opinion or any form of assurance on the financial information for that year.


São Paulo, November 12, 2020





Auditores Independentes

CRC 2SP000160/O-5




Leandro Mauro Ardito

Contador CRC 1SP188307/O-0




(All amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais - R$)


    Explanatory   Controlling Company   Consolidated       Explanatory   Controlling Company   Consolidated
ASSETS   note   09/2020   12/2019   09/2020   12/2019   LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   note   09/2020   12/2019   09/2020   12/2019
CURRENT                       CURRENT                      
Cash and cash equivalents   6   503,052   2,380,800   5,059,868   4,513,582   Borrowings, financing and debentures   19   1,089,005   2,883,382   4,535,614   3,354,355  
Short-term investments   7   1,300,456   669,769   2,890,975   1,025,845   Lease   18.b   —     —     1,129,212   542,088  
Trade receivables   8   —     —     3,617,397   1,685,764   Trade payables and reverse factoring   20   12,560   —     6,745,145   1,829,756  
Trade receivables - related parties   31.1   794,182   —     —     —     Trade payables - related parties   31.1   3   —     —     —    
Inventories   9   —     —     5,135,768   1,430,550   Payroll, profit sharing and social charges       7,952   —     1,345,816   560,376  
Recoverable taxes   10   861   5   1,064,246   395,640   Tax liabilities   21   435   1,050   806,593   320,890  
Income tax and social contribution       2,196   —     250,200   113,478   Income tax and social contribution       —     196,474   308,462   388,238  
Derivative financial instruments   5.2   —     —     173,937   —     Dividends and interest on shareholders' equity payable   28.b)   —     —     —     95,873  
Other current assets   14   7,012   —     753,613   265,198   Derivative financial instruments   5.2   —     —     166,926   11,806  
        2,607,759   3,050,574   18,946,004   9,430,057   Provision for tax, civil and labor risks   22   —     —     183,021   18,650  
                        Other current liabilities   23   —     —     1,496,559   396,391  
Assets available for sale   13   —     —     153,326   —     Total current liabilities       1,109,955   3,080,906   16,717,348   7,518,423  
Total current assets       2,607,759   3,050,574   19,099,330   9,430,057                          
NON-CURRENT                       Borrowings, financing and debentures   19   —     —     15,982,423   7,432,019  
Recoverable taxes   10   —     —     856,701   409,214   Lease   18.b   —     —     3,052,627   1,975,477  
Income tax and social contribution       —     —     333,983   334,671   Payroll, profit sharing and social charges       1,082   —     20,904   —    
Deferred income tax and social contribution   11   135,491   —     1,074,539   374,448   Tax liabilities   21   —     —     110,280   122,569  
Judicial deposits   12   —     —     602,502   337,255   Deferred income tax and social contribution   11   —     —     1,490,702   450,561  
Derivative financial instruments   5.2   —     —     2,116,872   737,378   Provision for tax, civil and labor risks   22   —     —     1,198,766   201,416  
Short-term investments   7   —     —     12,125   7,402   Other non-current liabilities   23   —     —     1,121,443   121,702  
Other non-current assets   14   —     —     1,600,595   83,836   Total non-current liabilities       1,082   —     22,977,145   10,303,744  
Total long-term assets       135,491   —     6,597,317   2,284,204                          
                        TOTAL LIABILITIES       1,111,037   3,080,906   39,694,493   17,822,167  
                        SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                      
Investments   15   22,968,302   3,392,677   —     —     Capital stock       6,941,691   1,485,436   6,941,691   1,485,436  
Property, plant and equipment   16   —     —     5,397,570   1,773,889   Treasury shares   24.2   (11,667)   —     (11,667)   —    
Intangible assets   17   —     —     29,380,034   5,076,501   Capital reserves       11,000,957   1,210,924   11,000,957   1,210,924  
Right of use   18   —     —     3,846,376   2,619,861   Legal profit reserve   24.4   4,664   (149,020)   4,664   (149,020)
                        Retained losses       (827,590)   —     (827,590)   —    
Total non-current assets       23,103,793   3,392,677   45,221,297   11,754,455   Equity appraisal adjustment       7,492,460   815,005   7,492,460   815,005  
                        Shareholders' equity attributed to the Company's controlling shareholders       24,600,515   3,362,345   24,600,515   3,362,345  
                        Non-controlling interest in shareholders'                      
                        shareholders' equity of subsidiaries       —     —     25,619   —    
                        Total shareholders' equity       24,600,515   3,362,345   24,626,134   3,362,345  
TOTAL ASSETS       25,711,552   6,443,251   64,320,627   21,184,512   TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY       25,711,552   6,443,251   64,320,627   21,184,512  



 * The explanatory notes are an integral part of the interim financial statements. 



(All amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais - R$, except for earnings per share in the period)



  Explanatory note   Controlling Company   Controlling Company   Consolidated   Consolidated   Controlling Company Consolidated
    01/07/2020 to 30/09/2020   01/07/2019 to 30/09/2019   01/01/2020 to 30/09/2020   01/01/2019 to 30/09/2019   01/07/2020 to 30/09/2020   01/07/2019 to 30/09/2019   01/01/2020 to 30/09/2020   01/01/2019 to 30/09/2019   06/2020 06/2020
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                        
NET REVENUE 26    -    -    -    -    10,419,530    3,473,795    24,924,704    9,792,654    -  14,505,174
Cost of products sold 27    -    -    -    -    (3,695,440)    (967,139)    (8,949,669)    (2,740,866)    -  (5,254,229)
GROSS PROFIT      -    -    -    -    6,724,090    2,506,656    15,975,035    7,051,788    -  9,250,945
OPERATING (EXPENSES) INCOME                                        
Selling, Marketing and Logistics expenses 27    -    -    -    -    (4,162,391)    (1,579,114)    (10,611,388)    (4,454,489)    -  (6,448,997)
Administrative, R&D, IT and Project expenses 27    (21,615)    -    (45,585)    -    (1,567,189)    (605,754)    (4,170,824)    (1,710,006)    (23,970)  (2,603,635)
Impairment loss on trade receivables      -    -    -    -    (119,353)    (34,608)    (572,299)    (152,645)    -  (452,946)
Shareholders' equity in subsidiaries 15    317,961    -    (818,691)    -    -    -    -    -    (1,136,652)  -
Other operating income (expenses), net 30    8,639    -    (169,209)    -    (129,305)    (21,742)    (407,179)    590    (177,848)  (277,874)
OPERATING (LOSS) PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULT      304,985    -    (1,033,485)    -    745,852    265,438    213,345    735,238    (1,338,470)  (532,507)
Financial income 29    153,167    -    219,051    -    1,328,788    481,504    3,554,510    1,273,663    65,884  2,225,722
Financial expenses 29    (140,070)    -    (148,648)    -    (1,619,141)    (677,020)    (4,340,999)    (1,838,836)    (8,578)  (2,721,858)
(LOSS) PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAX AND                                        
   SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION      318,082    -    (963,082)    -    455,499    69,922    (573,144)    170,065    (1,281,164)  (1,028,643)
   Income tax and social contribution      63,624    -    135,492    -    (53,105)    (6,158)    (192,761)    (36,904)    71,868  (139,656)
     381,706    -    (827,590)    -    402,394    63,764    (765,905)    133,161    (1,209,296)  (1,168,299)
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                                        
NET LOSS OF DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 23    -    -    -    -    (24,712)    -    (73,435)    -    -  (48,723)
NET LOSS FOR THE PERIOD      381,706    -    (827,590)    -    377,682    63,764    (839,340)    133,161    (1,209,296)  (1,217,022)
ATTRIBUTABLE TO                                        
The Company´s shareholders      381,706    -    (827,590)    -    381,706    63,764    (827,590)    133,161    (1,209,296)  (1,209,296)
Non-controlling shareholders      -    -    -    -    (4,024)    -    (11,750)    -    -  (7,726)
       381,706    -    (827,590)    -    377,682    63,764    (839,340)    133,161    (1,209,296)  (1,217,022)
(LOSS) EARNINGS PER SHARE IN THE PERIOD -R$                                        
Basic      0.3344    -    (0.6846)    -    0.3344    0.0738    (0.6846)    0.1543    (1.0190)  (1.0190)
Diluted      0.3314    -    (0.6787)    -    0.3314    0.0731    (0.6787)    0.1532    (1.0101)  (1.0101)


 * The explanatory notes are an integral part of the interim financial statements. 



(All amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais - R$)


  Explanatory note    Controlling Company    Controlling Company   Consolidated   Consolidated
    01/07/2020 to 30/09/2020   01/07/2019 to 30/09/2019   01/01/2020 to 30/09/2020   01/01/2019 to 30/09/2019   01/07/2020 to 30/09/2020   01/07/2019 to 30/09/2019   01/01/2020 to 30/09/2020   01/01/2019 to 30/09/2019
NET (LOSS) INCOME FOR THE PERIOD      381,706    -    (827,590)    -    377,680    63,764    (839,342)    133,161
Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into income of the period in subsequent periods:                                  
Earnings in the conversion of interim financial statements of controlled companies abroad      893,802    -    6,534,288    -    895,589    217,933    6,544,104    70,582
Exchange rate effect on the conversion from hyperinflationary economy      2,326    -    (1,921)    -    2,326    11,964    (1,921)    12,357
Earnings from cash flow hedge operations 5.2    -    -    -    -    (10,198)    (1,653)    218,758    158,045
Tax effects on earnings from cash flow hedge operations      -    -    -    -    2,171    616    (73,671)    (53,085)
Equity in earnings from cash flow hedge operation      (10,198)    -    218,758    -    -    -    -    -
Equity in tax effects on earnings from cash flow hedge operations      2,171    -    (73,671)    -    -    -    -    -
                       -    -        
Comprehensive income for the period, net of tax effects      1,269,807    -    5,849,864    -    1,267,568    292,624    5,847,928    321,060
ATTRIBUTABLE TO                                  
The Company´s shareholders      1,269,807    -    5,849,864    -    1,269,807    292,624    5,849,864    321,060
Noncontrolling shareholders      -    -    -    -    (2,239)    -    (1,936)    -
       1,269,807    -    5,849,864    -    1,267,568    292,624    5,847,928    321,060



 * The explanatory notes are an integral part of the interim financial statements. 



(All amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais - R$)


  Equity appraisal  
  Capital reserves adjustment      
  Explanatory   Capital   Treasury   Surplus on   Special   Additional   Income from transactions   Profit reserve Retained   Other   Sharesholders' equity   Non-Controlling   Total
  note    stock    shares    issue/sale of shares    reserve   paid-in capital   with non-controlling shareholders   

Legal   Tax Incentives   Retained earnings   (losses) earnings    comprehensive income    attributed to controlling shareholders    Shareholders      shareholders' equity 
BALANCES ON 31 DECEMBER 2018 - Natura Cosméticos S.A. (Note 2.1(a))     427,073   (19,408 ) 72,216   —     257,114   (92,066 ) 18,650   82,072   1,336,293   —     492,158   2,574,102   —     2,574,102
Net income for the period     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     133,161   —     133,161   —     133,161
Exchange rate effect on the conversion from hyperinflationary economy     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     12,357   12,357   —     12,357
Other comprehensive income     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     175,542   175,542   —     175,542
Total comprehensive income for the period     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     133,161   187,899   321,060   —     321,060
Capital increase     52,277   —     —     —     —     —             —     —     —     52,277   —     52,277
Transactions in stock and restricted shares option plans:                                                          
 Provision for stock and restricted shares option plans     —     —     —     —     67,654   —     —     —     —     —     —     67,654   —     67,654
 Exercise of stock and restricted shares option plans     —     15,615   16,021   —     (34,198 ) —     —     —     —     —     —     (2,562 ) —     (2,562)
Effect of Hyperinflationary economy adjustment     —     —     —     —     46,037   —     —     —     (624 ) —     —     45,413   —     45,413
EGM 17/09/2019 - Capitalization of part of the balance of the Profit Reserve account     1,242,165   —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (1,242,165 ) —     —     —     —     -
BALANCES ON 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 - Natura Cosméticos S.A. (Note 2.1(a))     1,721,515   (3,793 ) 88,237   —     336,607   (92,066 ) 18,650   82,072   93,504   133,161   680,057   3,057,944   —     3,057,944
BALANCES ON 31 DECEMBER 2019     1,485,436   —     1,096,398   206,592   —     (92,066 ) —     —     (149,020 ) —     815,006   3,362,346   —     3,362,346
Net loss for the period     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (827,590 ) —     (827,590 ) (11,750 ) (839,342)
Exchange rate effect on the conversion from hyperinflationary economy     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (1,921 ) (1,921 ) —     (1,921)
Other comprehensive income     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     6,679,375   6,679,375   9,814   6,689,191
Total comprehensive income for the period     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —     (827,590 ) 6,677,454   5,849,864   (1,936 ) 5,847,928
EGM 30 April 2020     —     —     —     (147,592 ) —     —     —     —     147,592       —     —     —     -
Subscription of shares through the Board of Directors' Meeting held on 3 January 2020 24.3   3,397,746   —     9,877,148   —     —     —     —     —     —         —     13,274,894   27,555   13,302,449
Subscription of shares through the Board of Directors' Meeting held on 30 June 2020 24.1   2,000,000   —     1,118   —     —     —     —     —     —         —     2,001,118   —     2,001,118
Subscription of shares through the Board of Directors' Meeting held on 27 July 2020 24.1   14,723   —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —             14,723   —     14,723
Subscription of shares through the Board of Directors' Meeting held on 30 September 2020 24.1   18,863   —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —             18,863   —     18,863
Share repurchase     —     (54,936 ) —     —     —     —     —     —     —         —     (54,936 ) —     (54,936)
Expenses on the issue of equity values     (30,537 ) —     —     —     —     —     —     —     —             (30,537 ) —     (30,537)
Transactions in stock and restricted shares option plans:                                                 —     —     -
 Provision for stock and restricted shares option plans     55,460   —     —     —     44,940   —     —     —     —     —     —     100,400   —     100,400
 Exercise of stock and restricted shares option plans         43,269   —     —     (28,512 ) —     —             —     —     14,757   —     14,757
Effect of Hyperinflationary economy adjustment     —     —     —     —     42,931   —     —     —     6,092   —     —     49,023   —     49,023
BALANCES ON 30 SEPTEMBER 2020     6,941,691   (11,667 ) 10,974,664   59,000   59,359   (92,066 ) —     —     4,664   (827,590 ) 7,492,460   24,600,515   25,619   24,626,134



 * The explanatory notes are an integral part of the interim financial statements. 



(All amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais - R$)


   Controlling Company   Consolidated
    09/2020   09/2019   09/2020   09/2019
Net (loss) income for the period      (827,590)    -    (839,340)    133,161
Adjustments to reconciliate net income for the period with net cash generated by operating activities:                  
Depreciation and amortization 16, 17 and 18    -    -    2,040,852    819,542
Interest on short-term investments      (17,489)    -    (67,319)    (55,981)
Reversal from swap and forward derivative contracts      -    -    (1,224,353)    (147,466)
Provision for tax, civil and labor risks      -    -    178,437    14,269
Inflation adjustment of judicial deposits      -    -    (9,302)    (10,552)
Inflation adjustment of contingencies 22    -    -    12,417    7,853
Income tax and social contribution      (135,491)    -    192,761    36,904
Income from sale and write-off of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 16 and 17    -    -    18,492    15,525
Equity in subsidiaries 15    818,691    -    -    -
Interest and exchange rate variation on leases      -    -    180,381    98,186
Interest and exchange rate variation on borrowings and financing 19    51,078    -    2,141,691    578,662
Restatement and exchange rate variation on other assets and liabilities      (146,133)    -    6,557    4,174
Provision (reversal of provision) for losses from property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 16 and 17    -    -    18,944    (11,411)
Provision (reversal of provision) for stock option plans      (33,191)    -    (25,270)    40,807
Actual losses and provision for losses with trade receivables, net of reversals 8    -    -    494,534    152,645
Provision (reversal of provision) for inventory losses, net 9    -    -    233,961    109,879
Provision (reversal of provision) for post-employment health care plan 28.1    -    -    (7,968)    7,311
Effect from hyperinflationary economy      -    -    41,111    38,820
Other provision (reversals)      -    -    (114,286)    (128,010)
       (290,125)    -    3,272,300    1,704,318
Trade receivables      (277,218)    -    (880,345)    (50,607)
Inventories      -    -    (1,304,413)    (527,409)
Recoverable taxes      (861)    -    (362,269)    (98,239)
Other assets      (7,065)    -    376,477    (50,105)
Domestic and foreign trade payables      12,524    -    108,553    3,774
Payroll, profit sharing and social charges, net      9,034    -    519,824    (61,593)
Tax liabilities      (615)    -    458,302    3,360
Other liabilities      -    -    (688,285)    110,500
       (554,326)    -    1,500,144    1,033,999
Recovery (payment) of income tax and social contribution      (198,670)    -    (374,005)    (258,322)
Release (payments) of judicial deposits      -    -    27,940    4,066
Payments related to tax, civil and labor lawsuits 22    -    -    (108,343)    (19,331)
Payments due to settlement of derivative transactions      -    -    (31,452)    (64,046)
Payment of interest on lease 18.b    -    -    (187,649)    (98,185)
Payment of interest on borrowings, financing and debentures 19    (21,678)    -    (1,148,385)    (492,283)
CASH GENERATED BY (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES      (774,674)    -    (321,750)    105,898
Cash from acquisition of subsidiary 4    -    -    2,636,108    -
Additions of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets      -    -    (467,678)    (371,620)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets      -    -    101,249    11,797
Short-term investments      (1,978,778)    -    (8,160,275)    (5,875,334)
Redemption of short-term investments      1,356,408    -    6,447,077    6,325,934
Redemption of interest on short-term investments      9,172    -    37,113    52,496
Investment in subsidiaries 15    (300,000)    -    -    -
CASH GENERATED BY (USED IN) INVESTING ACTIVITIES      (913,198)    -    593,594    143,273
Amortization of lease - principal 18    -    -    (574,000)    (383,679)
Amortization of borrowings, financing and debentures – principal 19    (2,323,776)    -    (2,815,881)    (2,219,318)
New borrowings, financing, lease and debentures 18 and 19    500,000    -    1,356,643    2,151,239
Acquisition of treasury shares, after receipt of option strike price      (54,936)    -    (11,667)    (2,562)
Payment of dividends and interest on equity for the previous year      -    -    (133,937)    (152,979)
Receipt of funds due to settlement of derivative transactions      -    -    96,372    2,872
Acquired company's liability incurred by acquiror      (370,791)    -    (370,791)    -
Capital Payment      -    -    -    52,277
Capital Increase      2,059,627    -    2,059,627    -
CASH GENERATED BY (USED IN) FINANCING ACTIVITIES      (189,876)    -    (393,634)    (552,150)
Effect of exchange rate variation on cash and cash equivalents      -    -    668,076    (1,346)
DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS      (1,877,748)    -    546,286    (304,325)
Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 6    2,380,800    -    4,513,582    1,215,048
Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 6    503,052    -    5,059,868    910,723
DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS      (1,877,748)    -    546,286    (304,325)


 * The explanatory notes are an integral part of the interim financial statements. 



(All amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais - R$)


    Explanatory   Controlling Company   Consolidated  
    note   09/2020     09/2019   09/2020     09/2019      
INCOME         (169,209 )         —       27,331,568           12,357,954        
Sale of goods, products and services         —             —       28,174,821           12,459,265        
Provision for doubtful accounts, net of reversals   8     —             —       (328,228 )         33,084        
Other operating expenses, net         (169,209 )         —       (515,025 )         (134,395 )      
INPUTS ACQUIRED FROM THIRD PARTIES         (13,245 )         —       (18,655,625 )         (7,250,528 )      
Cost of products sold and services provided         —             —       (10,114,315 )         (3,791,776 )      
Materials, electricity, outsourced services and others         (13,245 )         —       (8,541,310 )         (3,458,752 )      
GROSS VALUE ADDED         (182,454 )         —       8,675,943           5,107,426        
RETENTIONS         —             —       (2,040,852 )         (819,542 )      
Depreciation and amortization   16 and 17     —             —       (2,040,852 )         (819,542 )      
VALUE ADDED PRODUCED BY THE COMPANY         (182,454 )         —       6,635,091           4,287,884        
TRANSFERRED VALUE ADDED         (599,640 )         —       3,554,510           1,273,663        
Equity in subsidiaries   15     (818,691 )         —       —             —          
Financial income - including inflation adjustments and exchange rate variations   29     219,051           —       3,554,510           1,273,663        
TOTAL VALUE ADDED TO DISTRIBUTE         (782,094 )         —       10,189,600           5,561,547        
DISTRIBUTION OF VALUE ADDED         (782,094 )   100%     —       10,189,600     100%     5,561,547     100%  
Payroll and social charges   28     32,340     -4%     —       5,040,472     49%     2,185,975     39%  
Taxes, fees and contributions         (135,492 )   0%     —       1,629,223     16%     1,383,119     25%  
Financial expenses and rentals         148,648     -18%     —       4,359,247     43%     1,859,292     33%  
Retained losses         (827,590 )   106%     —       (827,590 )   -8%     133,161     2%  
Minority holders' share in the retained profit         —       —       —       (11,752 )   0%     —       —    



 * The explanatory notes are an integral part of the interim financial statements. 





26.   NET INCOME 43







NATURA &CO HOLDING S.A. (“Natura &Co” or “Company”) formerly referred to as Natura Holding S.A., was incorporated on 21 January 2019 with the purpose of holding interest in other companies, as partner or shareholder, in Brazil or abroad (“holding companies”). The purpose of the Company is to manage shareholding interest in companies that operate mainly in the cosmetics industry, fragrances and personal hygiene sector, through the development of manufacturing, distribution and commercialization of its products. The group’s main brand is "Natura", followed “Avon”, "The Body Shop" and "Aesop". In addition to using the retail market, e-commerce, B2B and franchises as sales channels for the products, the subsidiaries stand out for the work of the direct sales channel carried out mainly by Natura, The Body Shop (TBS) and Avon Consultant(s).


The Company is a publicly-traded corporation, domiciled in São Paulo, registered in the special trading segment called “Novo Mercado” in the B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3), under ticker “NTCO3.”


In December 2019, the Company became the holder of 100% of shares of Natura Cosméticos S.A. (“Natura”), under the ticker NATU3. Thus, since 18 December 2019, NATU3 shares have no longer been traded in B3, and trading with NTCO3 shares has started in the “Novo Mercado” segment of B3. After several restructuring activities which took place for the process of acquiring Avon Products, Inc. (“Avon”), completed on 3 January 2020 (Note 4), the Company became the holding company for the Natura group. Additionally, on 6 January 2020, the Company started to trade American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”), under ticker “NTCO”.




2.1 Declaration of compliance and preparation basis


The Company’s condensed interim accounting information, included in the Quarterly Information Form - ITR pertaining to the nine-month period ending on 30 September 2020, encompasses the individual and consolidated interim accounting information prepared pursuant to Technical Pronouncement “CPC 21 (R1) - Interim Statements”, approved by the Brazilian Securities Commission (“CVM”) and the international accounting standard “IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting”, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).


The Management confirms that all relevant information in the interim accounting statements, and only relevant information, is being disclosed, and that it corresponds to the information used in the development of its business management activities. The interim accounting information was prepared based on the historical costs, except for certain financial instruments measured by their fair value, as described in the accounting practices.


The main accounting practices applied upon preparing this individual and consolidated interim accounting information are disclosed in explanatory note No. 2 of the Company’s financial statements, pertaining to the fiscal year ending on 31 December 2019, issued on 5 March 2020, except for (i) the presentation of information on segments (Note 25), which was changed as a result of the acquisition of Avon (Note 4) and (ii) the application of the practical expedient regarding the benefits granted in lease agreements that occurred as a direct consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic.


The information on explanatory notes did not go through significant changes in comparison to 31 December 2019, which is why it is not fully presented in this interim accounting information; this interim information must, therefore, be read jointly with the last annual financial statement.


a) Presentation basis for the Company’s consolidated accounting statements before the corporate restructuring presented in the Company’s annual financial statement in Note 1


As presented in the Company’s annual financial statements for the fiscal year ending on 31 December 2019, the Company’s consolidated accounting information presented in this financial statement that is prior to the corporate restructuring for the acquisition of Avon was prepared pursuant to the accounting practices of the preceding costs. Thus, the comparative and consolidated historic information presented herein for the statements of income, comprehensive income statement, statement of changes in net equity, cash flow statement and added value statement for the comparative period ended on 30 September 2019, refer to the consolidated information of the wholly-owned subsidiary Natura Cosméticos S.A., and was obtained from the Quarterly Information - ITR pertaining to the third quarter of 2019.




2.2 Hyperinflationary economy


Information pertaining to the hyperinflationary economy was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 3.2.1.a.


In the nine-month period ending on 30 September 2020, the application of CPC 42 / IAS 29 resulted in: (i) a negative impact on the financial results of R$ 9,116 (30 September 2019 R$ 9,552); and (ii) a negative impact on the net profit for the fiscal year of R$ 41,111 (30 September 2019 R$ 51,177), which includes the effect of the conversion of the income statement by the exchange rate on the year’s end date, instead of the average monthly exchange rate, positive impact in the sum of R$ 1,921 (30 September 2019 negative impact of R$ 12,357). Capital reserve and profit reserve also increased by R$ 42,931 and R$ 6,092, respectively.


2.3 Consolidation


a) Investments in subsidiaries


Information pertaining to the consolidation was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 3.3. a), except for the movement chart below:


  Interest - %
  09/2020 12/2019
Direct interest:    
     Avon Products, Inc.. 100.00 -
     Natura Cosméticos S.A. 100.00 100.00
     Natura &Co International S.à r.l. 100.00 -
Indirect interest:    
Via Natura &Co International S.à r.l.:    
     Avon Management Shanghai. 100.00 -

The activities of the direct subsidiaries are as follows:


Ø Natura Cosméticos S.A. is a publicly held corporation organized in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Brazil on 6 June 1993, with an indefinite term. Created in 1969 in São Paulo, Brazil, it is among the top ten direct sales companies in the world. Under the Natura brand, most of our products are developed from natural ingredients originating from Brazilian biodiversity and distributed mainly by direct sales by independent beauty consultants. It also sells through e-commerce and an expanded own store chain, composed of 60 stores in Brazil (49 in 2019), 7 stores abroad (France, Argentina and Chile) in 2020 (9 stores abroad in 2019) and 474 franchise stores (304 in 2019).


Ø Avon Products, Inc. is global manufacturer and trader of beauty products and other consumer products, with operations starting in 1886; the company was constituted pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, on 27 January 1916. Its businesses are conducted in the beauty industry and other consumer goods through direct sales companies for the creation, manufacture and trade of beauty and other unrelated products. Its business is held mainly via the direct sales channel.


Ø Natura &Co International S.à.r.l. is a company organized in 2020 with the purpose of acquiring, managing and selling interests in national and foreign companies, other than raising and borrowing funds to other consolidated entities of the Company.


Ø Avon Management Shanghai engages in management and consulting for its subsidiaries, with the purpose of aiding in the decision-making process for investments, operations, marketing, operation of funds and financial management, technical support and research and development, information service, training and management of personnel and packaging design service.


2.4 Presentation of information per segments


The information per business segment in note 25 is consistent with the internal report provided to the chief operating decision maker.


The main decision-making body of the Company, which is responsible for defining the allocation of resources and for the performance assessment of the operating segments, is the Natura &Co Holding S.A.’s Board of Directors.


Additionally, the Company has a Group’s Operational Committee (GOC), which includes the CEOs of Natura &Co, Natura &Co Latam, Avon International, The Body Shop and Aesop, in addition to representatives of key business areas (Finance, Human Resources, Business Strategy and Development, Legal, Innovation and Sustainability, Operations and Corporate Governance), which advises the Board of Directors, and is responsible for, among other things, monitoring the implementation of short and long-term strategies and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the management of the Group, from the perspective of results, allocation of resources among business units, cash flow and talent management.






The preparation of the individual and consolidated interim accounting information requires the Management to employ certain assumptions and accounting estimates based on experience and other factors considered relevant, which affect the value of assets and liabilities and may present results that differ from the actual results. The effects resulting from accounting estimate reviews are recognized in the review period.


The significant judgments made by the Company are related to the recognition of revenue and leasing.


The areas requiring a greater level of judgment and which are more complex, as well as the areas in which the premises and estimates are significant for the financial statements, were presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements in note 4.


There were no significant changes in the estimates and premises employed upon preparing the interim accounting information for the nine-month period ending on 30 September 2020, or in the calculation methods used, in relation to the ones presented in explanatory note No. 3 of the Company’s financial statements pertaining to the fiscal year ending on 31 December 2019, issued on 5 March 2020, except for the fair value estimates of the business combination (note 4), and analyses of the potential impacts of Covid-19 (note 5.3).






Acquisition of Avon Products Inc. (“the Transaction”)


On 3 January 2020, after fulfilling all conditions precedent, as disclosed in explanatory note 1(a) and as a subsequent event to note 35 in the the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, issued on 5 March 2020, the Transaction was completed, and the effects of the merger of Nectarine Merger Sub II into Avon, with the latter being the surviving entity, came into force. Subsequently, Nectarine Merger Sub I was merged into Natura &Co, with the latter being the surviving entity. As a result of the mergers, on 3 January 2020, Avon became a full subsidiary of the Company, and Avon’s former shareholders became shareholders of the Company.


As a result, Natura &Co acquired control of Avon and the acquisition was accounted for under the acquisition method.


Transaction costs incurred by the Controlling Company until the completion of the transaction on 3 January 2020 amounted to approximately R$ 112 million.


The following table summarizes the preliminary calculation of the fair value of the compensation transferred on 3 January 2020.



In millions of R$, except for the number of shares

Number of Avon outstanding common shares as of 3 January 2020 536,383,776
Multiplied by the exchange ratio of 0.600 Natura &Co Holding Shares per each Avon common share 321,830,266
Multiplied by the market price of Natura &Co shares on 3 January 2020


Compensation in the issuance of shares 13,195
Adjustment to the transferred compensation (a)


Fair value of the compensation to be transferred



(a) Related to the effects of replacements and settlements of share-based payment plans, of which the amount of R$ 80 million refers to the share-based payment plans of Avon, in which it was substituted by Natura &Co, and R$ 91 million refers to the stock option plans liquidated as a result of the conclusion of the transaction. These are pre-combination installments that were regarded as a transferred compensation.


Natura &Co has yet to conclude the process of allocation of the transferred compensation among identified assets and liabilities acquired for their fair value. The table below shows the preliminary allocation prepared by the Company and the goodwill resulting from the non-allocated part. Differences between the preliminary estimates and the final recognition of the acquisition may occur and they may be relevant. Accounting standard “CPC 15/ IFRS 3 - Business combination” allows the Company to finalize this process of allocation of the transferred compensation among identified assets and liabilities up to 12 months counted from the acquisition date. Natura &Co is analyzing the allocation of the transferred compensation to the identified assets and liabilities acquired for their fair value.





In millions of R$ 

Total estimated compensation to be transferred: 13,366
  (-) Fair value of acquired assets:  
Cash and cash equivalent 2,636
Accounts receivable (1) 1,135
Inventories 1,942
Other current assets and restricted cash 1,056
Assets available for sale 187
Property, plant and equipment 2,886
Income tax and deferred social contribution 667
Assets of right of use 565
Other non-current assets 475
Judicial deposits 284
Recoverable taxes 518
Employee benefit plan 553
Intangible assets (2) 5,710
  (+) Fair value of liabilities assumed:  
Current liabilities 6,267
Provision for contingencies (3) 752
Long-term debt 7,078
Long-term lease 588
Deferred income tax (5) 728
Other liabilities 835
(-) Net assets 2,366
Interest of non-controlling shareholders 28
Goodwill (4)


(1) On the acquisition date, the fair value of the accounts receivable is equal to their accounting value, net of provision for expected losses in the amount of R$ 270.2 million.


(2) The fair value of intangible assets includes intangible assets acquired and registered by Avon prior to the fair value allocation, in the sum of R$ 291 million, added by the effects of allocation of the fair value of the following items:


  Nature Estimated fair value (in millions of Reais) Estimated useful life
Trade name “Avon” Represents the fair value of trade name “Avon” 1,893 Indefinite
Main brands Represents the fair value of “Main brands” 518 20 years
Developed technologies Represents the fair value of all technology required to develop Avon products, including product formulas, labeling data, manufacturing processes, regulatory approvals, packages of products and designs. 1,132 7 years
Sales representatives Represents the fair value of Avon’s relationship with its sales representatives. 1,876 14 years
Total    5,419  


(3) The provision for contingent risks demonstrated in the chart above by the sum corresponds to the historic value recorded by Avon, given that the Company is still assessing the fair value estimates, and also identifying additional contingencies which fit the recognition requirement established on paragraph 23 of CPC 15 (IFRS 3). That is, contingencies that: (i) represent a present obligation arising from past events and (ii) can be reliably measured, regardless of the loss probability.


(4) Goodwill pertaining to the strong market position and geographic regions that will result in a more diversified and balanced global portfolio, as well as future expected profitability and operational synergies, such as supply, manufacturing, distribution and efficiency of the administrative structure and revenue growth. This goodwill arising from the transaction is not expected to result in a tax benefit or to be deductible for tax purposes.


(5) It consists in deferred tax assets of the net operating profit of approximately R$ 311 million and other deferred net liabilities of R$ 1,039 million.


Since the acquisition date, Avon contributed R$ 12,882.9 million of net revenues and caused R$ 1,178.8 million of losses in the consolidated results of Natura &Co.




Since the acquisition was concluded on 1 January 2020 and there was no significant transaction of the revenue results until 3 January 2020, the consolidated net profit and net revenue of the nine-month period ended on 30 September 2020 represent an impact on the Company’s net revenue and profit as if the acquisition had been made at the beginning of the year.




5.1 General considerations and policies


The information pertaining to the general considerations and policies of the companies of the Natura group, TBS and Aesop is presented in the 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 5.


Below are the book and fair values of the Company’s financial instruments as at 30 September 2020:


Controlling Company       Book Value Fair Value
Note Classification by category Fair value hierarchy 09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Financial assets              
Cash and cash equivalents 6 Amortized cost          
Cash and banks       1,286 2,173,101 1,286 2,173,101
Certificate of bank deposits       501,766 207,699 501,766 207,699
        503,052 2,380,800 503,052 2,380,800
Short-term investments              
Exclusive investment funds 7 Fair value through results Level 2 1,300,456 669,769 1,300,456 669,769
Trade receivables - related parties 32.1 Amortized cost   794,182 - 794,182 -
Financial liabilities              
Loans in local currency 19 Amortized cost   (1,089,005) (2,883,382) (1,089,005) (2,883,382)
Trade payables, reverse factoring and related parties 20/31.1 Amortized cost   (12,563) - (12,563) -





Consolidated       Book Value Fair Value
Note Classification by category Fair value hierarchy 09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Financial assets              
Cash and cash equivalents 6            
Cash and banks   Amortized cost   3,415,585 3,110,220 3,415,585 3,110,220
Certificate of bank deposits   Amortized cost   765,532 211,261 765,532 211,261
Repurchase operations   Fair value through results Level 2 878,751 1,192,101 878,751 1,192,101
        5,059,868 4,513,582 5,059,868 4,513,582
Short-term investments 7            
Government securities   Fair value through results Level 2 1,491,154 221,900 1,491,154 221,900
Restricted cash   Fair value through results Level 2 42,769 - 42,769 -
Financial letter   Fair value through results Level 2 455,389 374,690 455,389 374,690
Mutual investment fund   Fair value through results Level 2 606,875 407,928 606,875 407,928
Dynamo Beauty Ventures Ltd Fund   Fair value through results Level 2 12,125 7,402 12,125 7,402
Certificate of bank deposits   Fair value through results Level 2 294,788 21,327 294,788 21,327
        2,903,100 1,033,247 2,903,100 1,033,247
Trade receivables 8 Amortized cost   3,617,397 1,685,764 3,617,397 1,685,764
Court deposit 12 Amortized cost   602,502 337,255 602,502 337,255
Subleasing receivables 14 Amortized cost   394,875 - 394,875 -
“Financial” and “Operating” derivatives   Fair value – Hedge instruments Level 2 2,269,586 737,378 2,269,586 737,378
“Financial” and “Operating” derivatives   Fair value through results Level 2 21,223 - 21,223
        2,290,809 737,378 2,290,809 737,378
Financial liabilities              
Borrowings, financing and debentures 19            
Loans in local currency   Amortized cost   (15,865,919) (7,412,443) (15,482,699) (7,445,672)
Loans in foreign currency   Amortized cost   (4,652,118) (3,373,931) (4,832,652) (3,541,541)
        (20,518,037) (10,786,374) (20,315,351) (10,987,213)
“Financial” and “Operating” derivatives   Fair value – Hedge instruments Level 2 - (10,158) - (10,158)
“Financial” and “Operating” derivatives   Fair value through results Level 2 (166,926) (1,648) (166,926) (1,648)
        (166,926) (11,806) (166,926) (11,806)
Leasing 18 Amortized Cost   (4,181,839) (2,517,565) (4,107,175) (2,517,565)
Trade payables and reverse factoring operations 20 Amortized cost   (6,745,145) (1,829,756) (5,709,969) (1,829,756)





5.2 Financial risk factors


Information pertaining to the financial risk factors is presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 5.2.


a) Market risks


To hedge the current positions of the Balance Sheet of the Company and its subsidiaries against market risks, the following derivative financial instruments were used and consist of the balances as follows, as at 30 September 2020 and 31 December 2019:


Description Fair Value (Level 2)
09/2020 12/2019
“Financial” derivatives 2,131,884 725,060
“Operating” derivatives (8,001) 512
Total 2,123,883 725,572


b) Foreign exchange risk


The Company and the subsidiaries are exposed to the foreign exchange risk arising from financial instruments denominated in currencies different from their functional currencies, and the operating cash flows in foreign currencies. To reduce this exposure, Natura Cosméticos implemented policies to hedge against the foreign exchange risk by establishing exposure limits linked to these risks.


In order to hedge foreign exchange exposures in relation to foreign currency, the Company and its subsidiaries enter into transactions with derivative financial instruments of the “swap” type and forward purchase of currency named “Non-Deliverable Forwards – NDF”. As at 30 September 2020, borrowings, financing and debentures in the consolidated balance sheet included accounts in foreign currency which expose the subsidiaries of the Company to foreign exchange risks, representing, in the aggregate, total liabilities of R$ 4,652,118 (R$ 3,381,960 as at 31 December 2019).


i) Derivatives to hedge foreign exchange risk


The Company and its subsidiaries classify derivatives into “financial” and “operating”. The “financial” derivatives are “swap” or “forward” derivatives contracted to hedge the foreign exchange risk of borrowings, financing, debt instruments and loans in foreign currency. The “operating” derivatives are derivatives contracted to hedge the foreign exchange risk of operating cash flows of the business.




As at 30 September 2020, the balances of derivatives are as follows:


“Financial” derivatives


Consolidated Principal (Notional) amount Curve value Fair value Gain (loss) of adjustment at fair value
Description 09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Swap agreements:                
Asset portion:                
Dollar purchased position 2,660,680 2,664,001 4,674,233 3,416,707 5,149,555 3,729,691 475,322 312,984
Liability portion:                
Post-fixed CDI Rate:                
Position sold in CDI 2,660,680 2,664,001 2,684,237 2,754,595 2,877,236 3,002,623 192,999 248,028
NDFs Forward Agreements:                
Liability portion:                
Post-fixed CDI Rate:                
Position sold at the interbank rate 2,757,840 200,896 (478) (1,848) (140,435) (2,008) (139,958) (160)
Total net derivative financial instruments: 2,757,840 200,896 1,989,518 660,264 2,131,884 725,060 142,365 64,796

For financial derivatives maintained by the Company and its subsidiaries as at 31 December 2019 and 30 September 2020, due to the fact that the agreements are directly entered into with the financial institutions and not through stock markets, there are no margin calls deposited as guarantee of said transactions.


“Operating” derivatives - Consolidated


As at 30 September 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries maintained derivative financial instruments of the “forward” type, with the purpose of hedging the foreign exchange risk of operating cash flows (such as import and export transactions):


Description Principal (Notional) amount Fair value
09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Net position - GBP and USD 1,838,003 - (1,690) -
Forward agreements 168,867 1,302,869 (6,311) 512
Total Derivative Financial Instruments, net 2,006,870 1,302,869 (8,001) 512

Sensitivity analysis


For the sensitivity analysis of the foreign exchange exposure risk, the Management of the Company and its subsidiaries understands it is necessary to consider, in addition to the assets and liabilities with exposure to the fluctuation of exchange rates recorded in the balance sheet, the fair value of the financial instruments contracted by the Company to hedge certain exposures as at 30 September 2020, as shown in the following chart:


  09/2020 12/2019
Loans and financing in Brazil in foreign currency (a) (4,669,503) (3,381,959)
Accounts receivables registered in Brazil in foreign currency 8,512 10,007
Accounts payable registered in Brazil in foreign currency (11,771) (10,543)
Fair value of the “financial” derivatives 5,149,555 3,729,691
Net asset exposure 476,793 347,196

(a) Excluding transaction costs.


This analysis considers only financial assets and liabilities registered in Brazil in foreign currency, since foreign exchange exposure in other countries is close to zero due to the strength of currencies and the effectiveness of their derivatives, and considers that all other variables, especially interest rates, remain constant and ignore any impact from purchase and sale forecasts.


The tables below show the projection for incremental loss that would have been recognized in the subsequent period, assuming that the current net foreign exchange exposure remains static and based on the following scenarios:


Description Company’s Risk Probable scenario Scenario II Scenario III
Net assets Dollar decrease (94) 95,283 158,868




The probable scenario considers the future rates of the U.S. dollar for 90 days, according to the quotations obtained at B3 on 30 September 2020 and aligned to the first maturity dates of the financial instruments with foreign exchange exposure, R$(5.64/US$ 1.00). Scenarios II and III consider an increase or decrease in the U.S. Dollar of 25% (R$ 4.23/ US$ 1.00) and of 50% (R$ 2.82 /US$ 1.00), respectively. Probable scenarios II and III are being presented in compliance with CVM Ruling No. 475/08. The Management uses the probable scenario in the assessment of possible changes in the exchange rate and presents said scenario in compliance with IFRS 7/CPC 40 - Financial Instruments: Disclosures. .


The Company and its subsidiaries do not use derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes.


For the subsidiary Avon, the sensitivity analysis is carried out based on the outstanding foreign exchange agreements on 30 September 2020, all of which were engaged to protect foreign exchange exposures. This hypothetical analysis carried out by Avon does not consider different exposures for the U.S. dollar. The hypothetical impact was calculated in the outstanding positions using forward rates on 30 September 2020, adjusted by a presumed valuation or depreciation of 10%, 25% or 50% of the U.S. dollar in relation to these hedge operations. A hypothetical valuation of the U.S. Dollar in relation to the foreign exchange agreements would reduce earnings in (R$ 235,140, R$ 587,851 or R$ 1,175,702), respectively, and a hypothetical depreciation of 10%, 25% or 50% of the U.S. Dollar against our foreign exchange agreements would increase the earnings in R$ 235,140, R$ 587,851 or R$ 1,175,702, respectively.


Derivative instruments designated for hedge accounting


The positions of derivative financial instruments designated as outstanding cash flow hedge on 30 September 2020 are set out below:


Cash flow hedge instrument - Consolidated


     Other comprehensive income
  Hedged Item Notional currency Notional value Curve Value Fair value Accumulated contract gain (loss)  Earnings in the 12-month period
Currency Swap – USD/R$ Currency BRL 2,659,360 1,988,589 2,270,930 282,341 219,833
Forward Agreements (The Body Shop) Currency BRL 1,652,006 2,043 (1,937) (1,937) 1,074
Forward Agreements (Natura Indústria) Currency BRL 26,172 - 593 593 (2,149)
Total     4,337,538 1,990,632 2,269,586 280,997 218,758


Movements in cash flow hedge reserve recorded under other comprehensive income are shown below:


Cash flow hedge balance as at 31 December 2018 (27,706)
Change in the fair value of hedge instrument recognized in other comprehensive income 158,045
Tax effects on the fair value of hedge instrument (53,085)
 Cash flow hedge balance as at 30 September 2019 77,254

Cash flow hedge balance as at 31 December 2019 42,729
Change in the fair value of hedge instrument recognized in other comprehensive income 218,758
Tax effects on the fair value of hedge instrument (73,671)
 Cash flow hedge balance as at 30 September 2020 187,816


c) Interest rate risk


Sensitivity analysis


On 30 September 2020, there were borrowings, financing and debenture agreements in foreign currency attached to swap agreements, changing the indexation over the liability to the variation of the Certificate of Interbank Deposit (“CDI”). Therefore, the risk of the Company and its subsidiaries becomes the CDI variation exposure. Below is the exposure to interest rate risks of transactions bound to CDI variation, including derivative transactions (borrowings, financing and debentures in Brazil were considered at their full amounts, since 98.9% of the sum is linked to CDI):


  Controlling Company Consolidated
Total loans and financing - in local currency (note 19) (1,089,005) (15,865,919)
Operations in foreign currency with derivatives bound to CDI - (4,652,118)
Financial investments (notes 6 and 7) 1,802,222 4,492,490
Net exposure 713,217 (16,025,547)




The tables below show the projection for incremental loss that would have been recognized in the subsequent period, assuming that the current net liability exposure remains static and based on the following scenarios:


Description Company’s Risk Probable scenario Scenario II Scenario III
Net liability Rate increase (4,545) (36,519) (68,494)


The probable scenario considers the future interest rates for 90 days, according to the quotations obtained at the B3 on the dates set forth for the first maturity dates of the financial instruments with exposure to the interest rates, appraised on 30 September 2020.Scenarios II and III consider an increase in the interest rate of 25% (2.5% per year) and 50% (3.0% per year), respectively, over the CDI rate of 2.0% per year.


d) Credit risk


The result of the credit risk management is reflected in line item “provision for doubtful accounts” under “trade receivables”, as demonstrated in the note 8.


The Company and its subsidiaries consider the credit risk for transactions with financial institutions to be low, as these are considered by the Management as first-rate.


e) Liquidity risk


The Management monitors the consolidated liquidity level for the Company and its subsidiaries considering the expected cash flows against unused credit facilities, as shown in the following chart:


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Total current assets 2,607,759 3,050,574 19,099,330 9,430,057
Total current liabilities (1,109,955) (3,080,906) (16,717,348) (7,518,423)
Total net working capital 1,497,804 (30,332) 2,381,982 1,911,634


As at 30 September 2020, the book value of financial liabilities, on the date of the balance sheet, measured at amortized cost, considering interest payments at a post-fixed rate and the value of debt securities reflecting the forward market interest rates, may be changed as post-fixed interest rates change. Their corresponding maturities, considering that the Company and its subsidiaries are in compliance with contractual restrictive clauses (“covenants”), are given below:


Controlling Company Less than one year One to five years Over five years Total expected cash flow Interest to be accrued Book value
Borrowings, financing and debentures 1,113,808 - - 1,113,808 (24,803) 1,089,005
Leasing - 446 - 446 - 446
Trade payables, reverse factoring and related-parties trade payables 12,114 - - 12,114 - 12,114

Consolidated Less than one year One to five years Over five years Total expected cash flow Interest to be accrued Book value
Borrowings, financing and debentures 4,662,365 15,799,846 1,148,211 21,610,422 (1,092,385) 20,518,037
Leasing 1,313,786 2,878,557 844,172 5,036,515 (854,676) 4,181,839
Trade payables and reverse factoring operations 6,745,145 - - 6,745,145 - 6,745,145

As at 31 December 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries have two credit facilities:


Ø Up to seventy million pounds sterling (£70 million), with no guarantee, that could be withdrawn in installments to meet short-term financing needs of The Body Shop International Limited. This facility is used by the indirect subsidiary since the first quarter of 2020, to reinforce working capital and liquidity.


Ø Up to one hundred and fifty million Reais (R$ 150,000), with no guarantee, which was terminated during the first semester of 2020.


5.3 Impacts of Covid-19


The Company is closely monitoring the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic around the world, particularly the recent restrictive measures adopted in parts of Europe. The Crisis Committee created in the second quarter




continuously analyzes the situation and works to minimize impacts, guarantee the continuity of operations, protect the cash, improve liquidity and promote the health and safety of all, as we move into the fourth quarter.


Main impacts in the business


Ø Restrictions, blocking and closing of stores: In the third quarter, Natura &Co’s businesses were less affected by the pandemic than in the previous quarter, as restrictions decreased in most markets. The transition into a digital environment continued in all our brands, allowing us to widely offset the impact of closing the stores, and the e-commerce sales for the entire Group increased by 115% in relation to the third quarter of 2019. As an example, for The Body Shop, sales in company stores decreased 16.5%, because of Covid-19, but with significant continuous growth in online channels and at home, the total net sales increased by 8% in constant currency. For Aesop, the retail sales decreased 15.0%, and were offset by the 264% growth in online sales. The uncertainty remains as some markets face new blocking or restrictions. In this environment, Natura &Co continues to be extremely careful regarding the health and safety of its employees, consultants, representatives and clients. Regarding Avon International, the acceleration in the adoption of digital assets helped offset the impact of Covid-19 in sales, despite strict restrictions in certain markets. For Natura, all retail stores, including franchise stores, reopened in the quarter, most of them with some restrictions.


Ø Optimization of the capital structure: Natura &Co is using part of the funds arising from the private raising of US$ 2 billion and, subsequently, the funds arising from the capital increase in the amount of US$ 1 billion, to accelerate its investments in the digital operation, which were intensified as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The management of costs continues, including regarding capex and discretionary expenses, and the incentives from the Government were also used in the several places in the quarter. The Group ended the quarter with a stronger cash position of R$ 8.0 billion, prior to the recent capital increase, resulting in a greater deleveraging and ensuring compliance with our financial covenants.


5.4 Cybernetic incident


In June 2020, Avon realized that it was exposed to a cybernetic incident in its Information Technology environment, which interrupted some systems and partially affected Avon’s operations. Avon hired specialists in cybersecurity and in information technology (IT) controls, starting a comprehensive effort to contain and correct and a forensic investigation. By mid-August, Avon had already reestablished all its central operating systems and resumed operations in all its markets, including all distribution centers.


The cybernetic incident had a significant impact in the performance of Avon’s revenue in the second quarter of 2020, with the majority of this impact (approximately R$450 million in sales) recovered during the third quarter of 2020, as Avon complied with all orders created. The incremental expenses of this cybernetic incident were not significant.


Although we have no indication that the accuracy and integrity of any financial information has been affected as a result of the incident and Avon has carried out extensive procedures to validate such accuracy and integrity, we believe that, if the incident had occurred differently, it could have had a material impact in Avon’s financial statements.




Information pertaining to cash and cash equivalents is presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 6.


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Cash and banks 1,286 2,173,101 3,415,585 3,110,220
Certificate of Bank Deposits (a) 501,766 207,699 765,532 211,261
Repurchase operations (b) - - 878,751 1,192,101
  503,052 2,380,800 5,059,868 4,513,582


(a) As at 30 September 2020, investments in Certificate of Bank Deposits (“CDB”) were remunerated at an average rate of 103.7% of CDI with daily maturities redeemable with the issuer itself, without significant loss of value.


(b) Repurchase operations are securities issued by banks with a commitment by the own issuing banks to repurchase them, and by the client to resell them, at defined rates and within a predetermined term, backed by public or private securities, depending on bank availabilities and registered with the Central Agency for Custody and Financial Settlement of Securities (“CETIP”). On 30 September 2020, repurchase operations were remunerated at an average rate of 100.0% of CDI (106.9% of the CDI on 31 December 2019).






Information pertaining to short-term investments was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 7.


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Exclusive investment funds 1,300,456 669,769 - -
Loan investment funds - - 606,875 407,928
Certificate of Bank Deposits (a) - - 294,788 21,327
Financial letters (b) - - 455,389 374,690
Government securities (LFT) (c) - - 1,491,154 221,900
Dynamo Beauty Ventures Ltd. Fund - - 12,125 7,402
Restricted cash - - 42, 769 -
  1,300,456 669,769 2,903,100 1,033,247
Current 1,300,456 669,769 2,890,975 1,025,845
Non-Current - - 12,125 7,402


(a)       On 30 September 2020, the investments in CDBs classified as short-term investments were compensated at an average rate of 100.0% of CDI (106.9% of CDI on 31 December 2019). On 30 September 2020, related to the “Crer para Ver” line within the exclusive fund is R$ 49,122 (R$ 38,018 on 31 December 2019).


(b)       On 30 September 2020, the investments in financial letters are compensated at an average rate of 138.1% of CDI.


(c)       On 30 September 2020, the investments in Government securities (LFT) are compensated at an average rate of 106.9% of CDI (100.4% of CDI as of 31 December 2020).


The breakdown of securities constituting the Essential Investment Fund portfolio, regarding which the Company holds 100% interest, on 30 September 2020 and 31 December 2019 is as follows:


  09/2020 12/2019
Certificate of bank deposits 294,788 21,327
Repurchase operations 878,751 1,192,101
Financial letters 455,389 374,690
Government securities (LFT) 1,491,154 221,900
  3,120,082 1,810,018



Information pertaining to trade receivables was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 8.


  09/2020 12/2019
Trade receivables 4,053,620 1,793,759
Provision for doubtful accounts (436,223)  (107,995)
  3,617,397 1,685,764


Maximum exposure to credit risk on the date of the financial statements is the book value of each maturity date range, net of the provision for doubtful accounts, as shown in the chart of receivable balances per maturity date:


  09/2020 12/2019
To become due 1,989,274 1,501,958
 Past due:    
  Up to 30 days 1,560,258 142,069
  31 to 60 days 127,019 36,466
  61 to 90 days 96,154 27,789
  91 to 180 days 280,915 85,477
  Provision for doubtful accounts (436,223) (107,995)
  3,617,397 1,685,764




Movements in the provision for doubtful accounts for the period ended on 30 September 2020 are as follows:


Balance on 31 December 2018 (129,242)
  Additions  (152,645)
  Write-offs  186,949
  Exchange variation  (1,220)
Balance on 30 September 2019  (96,158)
Balance on 31 December 2019 (107,995)
  Additions (494,534)
  Write-offs/Reversals 233,665
  Exchange variation           (67,359)
Balance on 30 September 2020 (436,223)

Find below the balances of trade receivables per exposure to the risk of doubtful accounts on 30 September 2020:


  Trade receivables Provision for doubtful accounts
To become due 1,989,274 (51,015)
 Past due:    
  Up to 30 days 1,560,258 (74,711)
  31 to 60 days 127,019 (43,416)
  61 to 90 days 96,154 (46,544)
  91 to 180 days 280,915 (220,537)
  4,053,620 (436,223)



Information pertaining to inventories was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 9.


  09/2020 12/2019
Finished products 4,085,867 1,253,145
Raw materials and packaging 1,109,687 253,063
Auxiliary materials 209,246 82,228
Products in progress 39,642 27,346
Provision for losses (308,674) (185,232)
  5,135,768 1,430,550


Movements in the provision for inventory losses for the period ending on 30 September 2020 are as follows:


Balance on 31 December 2018 (178,268)
Net additions (109,879)
Write-offs 96,853
Exchange variation 3,360
Balance on 30 September 2019 (187,934)
Balance on 31 December 2019 (185,232)
Net additions (233,961)
Write-offs 223,304
Exchange variation 112,785
Balance on 30 September 2020 (308,674)






Information pertaining to the Company’s recoverable taxes was presented in the 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 10.


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
ICMS (Tax on Distribution of Goods and Services) on purchase of inputs - - 700,996 434,832
Taxes on purchase of inputs - subsidiaries abroad - - 215,398 39,475
ICMS on purchase of property, plant and equipment - - 9,653 10,628
PIS (Social Integration Program) and COFINS (Social Security Financing Contribution) on purchase of property, plant and equipment - - 15 3,826
PIS and COFINS on purchase of inputs - - 721,169 280,087
PIS, COFINS and CSLL (Social Contribution on Net Profit) - withheld at source 782 - 4,497 2,378
IPI (Tax on Manufactured Products) - - 72,303 30,190
Others 79 - 196,916 3,438
  861 - 1,920,947 804,854
Circulante 861 - 1,064,246 395,640
Não circulante - - 856,701 409,214



The effective rate calculated by the Company in the period from 30 September 2020 was -29.8% (21.7% as at 30 September 2019). This percentage is based on the loss before taxes of R$ 646.6 million (R$ 170 as at 30 September 2019) and in the expense of income tax of R$ 192.8 million (R$ 36,9 as at 30 September 2019). The main components causing the effective rate to be far below the nominal income tax rate of 34% were the tax losses of certain jurisdictions which may not benefit from deferred asset income tax, permanent effects related to income tax withheld at source arising from transactions among companies of the group which may not be used and the additional recognition of deferred liability income tax due to the announcement by the British government that the nominal rate would not be reduced from 19% to 17%. Excluding the adverse effects of the conciliation of items that resulted mainly from tax jurisdictions in which the Company currently cannot receive an income tax benefit, the actual tax rate of the Company would be approximately 24.8%.


Movements in deferred asset and liability income tax and social contribution for the period ended on 30 September 2020 are as follows:


  Assets   Liabilities
  Controlling Company Consolidated   Consolidated
Balance on 31 December 2018 - 398,400   (431,534)
  Effect on results - 58,031   5,133
  Reserve for grant of options and restricted stock - 26,845   -
  Effect on other comprehensive income - (53,085)   -
  Exchange variation on other comprehensive income -  14,533       (6,443)
Balance on 30 September 2019 - 444,724   (432,844)
Balance on 31 December 2019 - 374,448   (450,561)
  Effect on results 135,491 7,438   15,270
  Control acquisition - 667,034   (728,274)
  Reserve for grant of options and restricted stock - 41,696   -
  Effect on other comprehensive income - (73,671)   -
  Exchange variation on other comprehensive income - (57,594)   (327,137)
Balance on 30 September 2020 135,491 1,074,539   (1,490,702)




Information pertaining to the Company’s judicial deposits was presented in the 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 12.


  09/2020 12/2019
Unprovisioned tax proceedings (a) 297,208 203,403
Provisioned tax proceedings (b) (notes 21 and 22) 251,419 116,415
Unprovisioned civil proceedings 9,463 2,541
Provisioned civil proceedings (note 22) 2,370 426
Unprovisioned labor proceedings 13,779 8,683
Provisioned labor proceedings (note 22) 28,263      5,787
Total judicial deposits 602,502 337,255


a) The tax proceedings related to these judicial deposits are mainly related to ICMS-ST, highlighted in note 20 (a) contingent liabilities - possible risk of loss.


b) The tax proceedings related to these judicial deposits are mainly related to the sum of amounts disclosed in note 22, item (a) and the amounts provisioned pursuant to note 21.




Below are the movements in the balances of judicial deposits for the periods ending on 30 September 2020 and 2019:


Balance on 31 December 2018 333,577
New deposits 2,419
Redemptions (2,492)
Monetary adjustment 10,552
Write-offs for expenses (3,993)
Balance on 30 September 2019 340,063

Balance on 31 December 2019 337,255
Control acquisition 283,885
New deposits 13,333
Redemptions (23,701)
Monetary adjustment 9,302
Payments (14,150)
Foreign exchange variation (3,422)
Balance on 30 September 2020 602,502

In addition to judicial deposits, the Company and its subsidiaries have contracted guarantee insurance policies for some proceedings.




Assets classified as available for sale were acquired in the process of the subsidiary’s acquisition Avon (Note 4). The following table shows the changes in the balance for the period ended on 30 September 2020:


Acquisition by Avon on 3 January 2020 186,518
Transfer to property, plant and equipment(a) (82,735)
Transfer from property, plant and equipment(b) 65,596
Sale(c) (64,933)
Exchange variation 48,852
Balance on 30 September 2020 153,326


a) During the first quarter of 2020, Avon has identified that new circumstances arose which were previously considered as unlikely and, as a result, Avon decided not to carry on with the sale of two properties, one located in Brazil and the other in Romania. As a result, the subsidiary reclassified the properties available for sale into property, plant and equipment. During the reclassification, a real depreciation, resulting in a non-property impact to our consolidated financial statements, was recorded.


b) During the second quarter of 2020, Avon decided again to sale the asset located in Brazil, that had been reclassified to property, plant and equipment during the first quarter.


c) During the period of nine month ending on 30 September 2020, Avon executed the sale of two properties: (i) distribution center located in Hungary; and (ii) plant located in China.


On 30 September 2020, the assets available for sale included two Avon properties located in Brazil and in Spain.




  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Marketing and advertising advances - - 116,928 28,669
Supplier advances 7,012 - 298,445 102,225
Employee advances - - 72,864 13,983
Rent advances and guarantee deposit (a) - - 137,944 96,202
Advance insurance expenses - - 157,442 29,647
Overfunded pension plan (b) - - 732,938 -
Customs broker advances - Import taxes - - 43,792 34,932
Subleasing receivables (c) - - 394,875  -
Carbon credit - - 4,007 3,508
Service provider receivables(d) - - 155,305 -
Others - - 239,668 39,868
  7,012 - 2,354,208 349,034
Current 7,012 - 753,613 265,198
Non-Current - - 1,600,595 83,836

(a) It substantially refers to (i) advance payments of rental agreements that were not included in the initial measurement of lease liabilities and right-of-use of the subsidiary The Body Shop International Limited, in accordance with the exceptions permitted under CPC 06(R2) / IFRS 16; and (ii) guarantees for renting properties of certain stores of subsidiaries The Body Shop International Limited and Emeis Holdings Pty Ltd., which will be returned by lessor at the end of the rental agreements.


(b) Pension plan arising from the acquisition of Avon on 3 January 2020 (Note 4).


(c) It pertains to the sublease receivables from the office Avon has in New York.


(d) It refers to receivables mainly from transportation and insurance companies.






  Controlling Company
  09/2020 12/2019
Investments in subsidiaries, net of losses 11,940,792 3,392,677
Goodwill Avon (Note 4) 11,027,510 -
Total 22,968,302 3,392,677


Information and movements of balances for the nine period ending on 30 September 2020 and for the fiscal year ending on 31 December 2019:


  Natura Cosméticos S.A. (1) Avon Products, Inc, Natura &Co International S,à r,l, Total
Percentage Interest 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%  
Shareholders’ equity of the subsidiaries 6,864,260 (5,325,937) (14,013) 1,524,310
Shareholders’ equity interest 6,864,260 (5,325,937) (14,013) 1,524,310
Fair value adjustment of acquired assets and liabilities - 10,416,482 - 10,470,519
Goodwill - 11,027,510 - 10,973,473
Total 6,864,260 16,118,055 (14,013) 22,968,302
Net Profit / (Losses) for the period of the subsidiaries 698,331 (1,505,126) (11,896) (818,691)
Balances on 31 December 2019 3,392,677 - - 3,392,677
Equity in subsidiaries 698,331 (1,505,126) (11,896) (818,691)
Exchange variation and other adjustments in the conversion of investments of the subsidiaries abroad 2,186,255 4,348,287 (2,174) 6,532,368
Effect of Hyperinflationary economy adjustment 49,023 - - 49,023
Contribution by the controlling company for stock option plans granted to executive officers of the subsidiaries and other reserves net of tax effects 92,887 - - 92,887
Hedge accounting, net of tax effects 145,087 - - 145,087
Capital increase 300,000 - - 300,000
Acquisition price - 13,274,894 57 13,274,951
Balances on 30 September 2020 6,864,260 16,118,055 (14,013) 22,968,302


(1) The investment balance in the direct subsidiary Natura Cosméticos S.A. includes goodwill arising from the acquisitions of indirect subsidiaries TBS (R$1,971,001) and Aesop (R$142,989).






Information pertaining to the Company’s property, plant and equipment was presented in the 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 15.


  Useful life range (years) 12/2019 Control acquisition Additions Write-offs




Transfers  Exchange variation 09/2020
Cost value:                  
Vehicles 2 to 5  45,578  25,789  696  (8,270)  -  2,173  11,024  76,990
Templates 3  192,556  -     202  (19,713)  -  5,140  8,081  186,266
Tools and accessories 3 to 20  11,974  52,410  9,351  (163)  -  2,784  7,280  83,636
Facilities 3 to 60  309,772  1,431  61  (3,663)  -  8,223  (20,362)  295,462
Machinery and accessories 3 to 15  866,451  746,734  9,650  (1,903)  -  67,846  163,052  1,851,830
Improvement in third-party property 2 to 20  615,103  58,548  16,040  (3,453)  (8,416)  33,772  232,326  943,920
Buildings 14 to 60  386,957  1,168,836  5,464  1,640  330  29,159  324,301  1,916,687
Furniture and utensils 2 to 25  397,727  32,566  17,181  (4,576)  (7,802)  6,413  129,165  570,674
Lands -  35,157  568,470  57  75  -  4,186  214,867  822,812
IT equipment 3 to 15  297,228  112,369  9,632  (4,783)  -  19,177  92,019  525,642
Other assets -  -     40,090  -     -  -  -  15,716  55,806
Projects in progress -  156,011  78,965  151,399  (867)  -  (148,461)  44,447  281,494
Total cost    3,314,514  2,886,208  219,733  (45,676)  (15,888)  30,412  1,221,916  7,611,219
Depreciation value:                  
Vehicles    (16,924)  -     (18,962)  3,580  -     (2,093)  (1,640)  (36,039)
Templates    (175,938)  -     (7,557)  19,684  -     -     (187)  (163,998)
Tools and accessories    (3,255)  -     (31,527)  -     -     10  4,515  (30,257)
Facilities    (167,362)  -     (15,835)  285  -     1,096  7,549  (174,267)
Machinery and accessories    (416,736)  -    (149,164)  176  -     (1,267) 28,502  (538,489)
Improvement in third-party property    (267,371)  -     (94,976)  2,663  (4,892)  (4,013)  (96,884)  (465,473)
Buildings    (101,785)  -     (78,578)  -     -     -     4,736  (175,627)
Furniture and utensils    (193,973)  -     (67,538)  3,716  (20)  4,012  (66,995)  (320,798)
IT equipment    (197,281)  -     (72,726)  3,971  (34)  -     (30,873)  (296,943)
Other assets    -     -     (10,579)  -     -     -     (1,179)  (11,758)
Total depreciation   (1,540,625)  -     (547,442)  34,075  (4,946)  (2,255)  (152,456)  (2,213,649)
Overall Total    1,773,889  2,886,208  (327,709)  (11,601)  (20,834)  28,157  1,069,460  5,397,570






Information pertaining to the Company’s intangible assets was presented in the 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 16.


  Useful life range (years) 12/2019 Control acquisition Additions Write-offs Reversal (provision) of impairment Transfers Exchange variation 09/2020
Cost value:                  
Software 2.5 to 10  1,313,090  291,239  113,964  (6,934)  -     153,412  176,825  2,041,596
Trademarks and patents (Definite useful life) 24 to 25  116,805  517,592  -     -     -     -     252,370  886,767
Trademarks and patents (Indefinite useful life) -  2,171,585  1,893,224  -     -     -     -     1,540,997  5,605,806
Goodwill Avon (Note 4) -  -     11,027,510  -     -     -     -     4,301,703  15,329,213
Goodwill Emeis Brazil Pty Ltd. -  100,237  -     -     -     -     -     42,752  142,989
Goodwill The Body Shop International Limited -  1,434,369  -     8,155  -     -     -     528,477  1,971,001
Goodwill acquisition of The Body Shop stores -  1,456  -     -          -  1,456
Relationship with retail clients 10  1,987  -     -     -     -     -     832  2,819
Goodwill (indefinite useful life) -  17,801  -     -     -     -     7,294  2,873  27,968
Goodwill (Definite useful life) 3 to 18  12,447  -     -     -     1,890  (3,559)  4,098  14,876
Relationship with franchisees and sub franchisees 14 to 15  602,958  1,876,169  -     -     -     -     956,504  3,435,631
Developed technology (by acquired subsidiary) -  -     1,131,573  -     -     -     -     443,587  1,575,160
Other intangible assets 2 to 10  110,288  -     66,631  (15,020)  -     (149,473)  16,705  29,131
Total cost   5,883,023  16,737,307  188,750  (21,954)  1,890  7,674  8,267,723  31,064,413
Amortization value:                  
Software    (649,347) -  (270,355)  43  -     (3,643)  (32,816)  (956,118)
Trademarks and patents    (44,108)  -     (28,436)  -     -     -     (16,945)  (89,489)
Goodwill    (2,197)  -     (387)  -     -     (750)  (2,735)  (6,069)
Relationship with retail clients    (1,939)  -     (183)  -     -     -     (679)  (2,801)
Relationship with franchisees and sub franchisees    (95,772)  -     (229,200)  -     -     -     (60,613)  (385,585)
Developed technology    -     -     (212,416)  -     -     -     (23,647)  (236,063)
Other intangible assets    (13,159)    (6,021)  15,020  -     -     (4,094)  (8,254)
Total accrued amortization    (806,522)  -     (746,998)  15,063  -     (4,393)  (141,529)  (1,684,379)
Net total   5,076,501  16,737,307  (558,248)  (6,891)  1,890  3,281  8,126,194  29,380,034






Information pertaining to the Company’s right of use and lease is presented in the 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 17.


a) Right of use


  Useful life range (years) 12/2019

Control acquisition


Additions Write-offs Transfers (a) Exchange variation 09/2020
Cost value:                
Vehicles 3 40,018 42,466 58,340 (431) - 12,835 153,228
Machinery and equipment 3 to 10 15,578 14,034 3,199 - - 11,236 44,047
Buildings 3 to 10 784,900 489,740 112,121 (12,811) - 263,951 1,637,901
IT equipment 10 283 18,429 5,187 - - 7,147 31,046
Retail stores 3 to 10 2,350,377 - 267,458 (8,660) (3,734) 945,525 3,550,966
Tools and accessories 3 2,803 - - - - 1,032 3,835
Total cost   3,193,959 564,669 446,305 (21,902) (3,734) 1,241,726 5,421,023
Depreciation value:                
Vehicles   (8,109) - (39,409) 188 - (3,774) (51,104)
Machinery and equipment   (4,317) - (10,733) - - (2,943) (17,993)
Buildings   (97,190) - (217,238) 11,283 - (39,648) (342,793)
IT equipment   (214) - (15,820) - - (1,859) (17,893)
Retail stores   (463,332) - (462,510) 4,213 759 (221,919) (1,142,789)
Tools and accessories   (936)   (702) - - (437) (2,075)
Total accrued depreciation   (574,098) - (746,412) 15,684 759 (270,580) (1,574,647)
Net total   2,619,861 564,669 (300,107) (6,218) (2,975) 971,146 3,846,376


(a) Regarding the goodwill paid in store rentals, transferred to intangible assets when a new commercial agreement with the lessor is signed.




  09/2020 09/2019
Values recognized in the income statement during the nine months period ending on 30 September 2020 and 30 September 2019    
Financial expense on lease 178,939 98,185
Amortization of right of use 746,412 412,448
Appropriation in the result of variable lease installments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities 27,727 20,546
Sublease revenue (24,516) (2,063)
Short-term lease expenses and low-value assets 68,355 68,735
Advantages granted by lessor related to Covid-19 (35,097) -
Other expenses related to leases 27,660 15,642
Total 989,480 613,493
Values recognized in the financing cash flow statement    
Payment of lease (principal amount) 574,000 373,162
Values recognized in the operating cash flow statement    
Payment of lease (interest) 187,649 108,702
Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities 7,674 11,400
Short-term lease payments and low-value assets 56,402 55,709
Other lease-related payments 32,242 26,934
Total 857,967 575,907


b) Lease


  09/2020 12/2019
  Current 1,129,212 542,088
  Non-Current 3,052,627 1,975,477
Total 4,181,839 2,517,565


The following table shows the changes in the leasing balance for the nine-month period ended on 30 September 2020:


Balance on 31 December 2019 2,517,565
New agreements 430,263
Control acquisition 777,200
Payments - principal amount (574,000)
Payments - interest (187,649)
Financial charges appropriated 178,939
Write-offs (i) (4,776)
Exchange variation 1,044,297
Balance on 30 September 2020 4,181,839

i) Mainly related to termination of agreements related to lease of stores.




The maturities of the balance of non-current lease liabilities are shown below:


  09/2020 12/2019
  2021 446,611 374,746
  2022 434,284 361,688
  2023 431,158 358,274
  2024 onwards 1,740,574 880,769
Total 3,052,627 1,975,477




Information pertaining to the Company’s borrowings, financing and debentures was presented in the 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 18.


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Local Currency        
Financing Agency for Studies and Projects (FINEP) - - 80,343 101,988
Debentures - - 4,010,017 4,251,231
BNDES (Brazilian Economic and Social Development Bank) - - 8,982 35,390
BNDES – FINAME (Industrial Machinery and Equipment Acquisition Financing Fund) - - 31 183
Promissory Notes 1,089,005 2,883,382 1,342,923 2,883,382
Working capital – Operation Mexico - - 23,214 31,802
Working capital – Operation Peru - - 23,830  
Working capital – Operation Aesop - - 75,017 100,438
Working capital - Operation The Body Shop - - 517,670 -
Working capital – Operation Avon - - 170,133 -
Notes - Avon (1) - - 9,613,759 -
Total in local currency 1,089,005 2,883,382 15,865,919 7,404,414
Foreign Currency        
  BNDES (Brazilian Economic and Social Development Bank) - - 4,721 8,029
  Export Credit note (NCE) - - 113,145 81,210
  Notes (1) - - 4,250,406 3,090,490
  Resolution No. 4131/62 - - 283,846 202,231
  Total in foreign currency - - 4,652,118 3,381,960
Overall total 1,089,005 2,883,382 20,518,037 10,786,374
Current 1,089,005 2,883,382 4,535,614 3,354,355
Non-Current - - 15,982,423 7,432,019
(a) Debentures        
 Current - - 2,137,930 246,017
 Non-Current - - 1,872,087 4,005,214


(1) Balances recorded for their estimated fair value resulting from business combination with Avon (Note 4).




Changes in the balances of borrowings, financing and debentures for the periods ended on 30 September 2020 and 2019 are presented below:


  Controlling Company Consolidated
Balance on 31 December 2018 7,840,758 7,994,145
  Funding  1,780,816  2,151,239
  Amortizations  (2,031,202)  (2,219,318)
  Financial charges appropriated  379,020  383,301
  Payment of financial charges  (498,707)  (496,578)
  Exchange variation (unrealized)  195,221  195,361
  Exchange variation (realized)  1,392  4,295
  Effects of the conversion (other comprehensive income) -  1,189
Balance on 30 September 2019 7,667,298 8,013,634
Balance on 31 December 2019 2,883,382 10,786,374
  Control acquisition - 7,250,735
  Funding 500,000 1,356,643
  Amortizations (2,323,777) (2,815,881)
  Financial charges appropriated 51,078 824,394
  Payment of financial charges (21,678) (1,153,705)
  Exchange variation (unrealized) - 1,317,297
  Exchange variation (realized) - 5,320
  Effects of the conversion (other comprehensive income) - 2,946,860
Balance on 30 September 2020 1,089,005 20,518,037


Maturities of the registered installment of non-current borrowings, financing and debentures liabilities are as follows:


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
2021 - - 12,054 -
2022 - - 5,684,470 2,279,759
2023 - - 6,844,496 527,596
2024 onwards - - 3,441,403 4,624,664
Total - - 15,982,423 7,432,019


A description of the main bank borrowings and financing agreements in the nine-month period ending on 30 September 2020 is as follows:


19.1 Description of the main movements of bank borrowings and financing


i) Promissory notes


On 14 January 2020, there was a partial optional early redemption of the Promissory Notes, related to the first series, in the amount of R$1,830 million.


On 29 April 2020, the 2nd issue of Promissory Notes by Natura Holding took place, in a single series in the amount of R$500 million and the 4th issue of Promissory Notes, in a single series in the amount of R$250 million. The Promissory Notes were publicly distributed with restricted placement efforts, pursuant to CVM Ruling No. 476 of 16 January 2009. The allocation of funds went to the reinforcement of cash and liquidity increase.


On 29 June 2020, there took place the total optional early redemption of the 1st issue of Promissory Notes by Natura Holding of the first series in the amount of R$370 million and the partial optional early redemption of the 1st issue of Commercial Notes of the second series in the amount of R$140 million.


The appropriation of costs related to the issuance of Promissory Notes during the period of nine months ended 30 September 2020 was R$22,589 (R$11,135 as of 31 December 2019), recorded monthly in the financial expenses, in accordance with the effective interest rate method. Issuance costs to appropriate totaled R$4,737 as of 30 September 2020 (R$20,962 as of 31 December 2019).


ii) Working capital – The Body Shop


As presented in the note 5.2.e, The Body Shop had, on 31 December 2019, a credit facility of up to £70 million, guaranteed by Natura Cosméticos S.A., that could be withdrawn in installments to meet short-term financing needs of The Body Shop International Limited. This facility was used by the indirect subsidiary during the second quarter of 2020, to reinforce working capital and liquidity, with annual interest payment of Libor + 2%.




iii) Working capital – Operation Peru


On 5 June 2020, the Company’s subsidiary raised, for reinforcement of working capital and liquidity, an amount of $15 million of soles, approximately R$22 million, with annual interest rate of 4.24% and maturity on 2 December 2020.


iv) Notes - Avon


The controlled company Avon has issued the following notes:


Notes – Avon Principal (USD) Principal (R$) Annual interest rate Maturity
No guarantee 461,883 2,529,271 5.00% 15 March 2023
No guarantee 243,847 1,335,306 6.95% 15 March 2043
With guarantee 500,000 2,738,000 7.88% 15 August 2022
With guarantee 400,000 2,190,400 6.50% 15 August 2022


To the notes issued by Avon, add the effects of allocation of fair values from the business combination (Note 4), which amounted to R$ 720,675 as at 30 September 2020.


19.2 Restriction clauses of agreements


The contractual restriction clauses (“covenants”) related to the Company and controlled entities’ s debt contracts establish the maintenance of financial indicators defined by the quotient of the division of net treasury debt by EBITDA for the last 12 months. The Company and its controlled companies were in compliance with such clauses as at 30 September 2020.




Information pertaining to the Company’s trade payables and reverse factoring operations was presented in the 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 19.


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Domestic trade payables 11,922 - 5,401,165 1,581,759
Foreign trade payables 638 - 1,057,605 105,073
Subtotal 12,560 - 6,458,770 1,686,832
Reverse factoring operations              - - 286,375 142,924
 Total    12,560 - 6,745,145 1,829,756






  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 12/2019 09/2020 12/2019
Ordinary ICMS - - 120,231 120,300
ICMS - ST (a) - - 77,868 72,423
Taxes on sales result – subsidiaries abroad - - 398,385 145,992
Social Security Tax (INSS) - suspension of the enforceability - - - 50,147
Taxes withheld at the source - 987 112,477 48,593
Other taxes - subsidiaries abroad - - 43,224 1,180
Income Tax (IR) - 63 6,896 1,207
INSS and ISS (Tax on Services) - - 51,993 3,218
Others 435 - 105,799 399
  435 1,050 916,873 443,459
Judicial deposits - - (55,456) (62,356)
Current 435 1,050 806,593 320,890
Non-Current - - 110,280 122,569


(a) The Company’s subsidiaries have been discussing the illegality of changes in the state legislation for the payment of ICMS - ST. Part of the unpaid amount has been discussed in court by the Company and, in certain cases, the amounts have been deposited with the courts, as mentioned in note 12.




Information pertaining to provision for the Company’s tax, civil and labor risks was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 21.


This provision is broken down as follows:


  09/2020 12/2019
Tax 884,299 127,842
Civil 238,615 30,653
Labor 258,873 61,571
Total 1,381,787 220,066
Judicial deposits (note 12) (226,598) (60,272)
Current 183,021 18,650
Non-Current 1,198,766 201,416


22.1 Contingencies with probable losses


The movement of the provision for tax, civil and labor risks and contingent liabilities is presented below:


  Tax Civil Labor
  Provision Deposits Provision Deposits Provision Deposits
Balance at beginning of year 127,842 (54,059) 30,653 (426) 61,571 (5,787)
Control acquisition (1) 657,647 (155,219) 51,263 (4,898) 164,091 (27,329)
Additions 93,352 (198) 168,794 (5,707) 32,710 (7,110)
Reversals (46,203) 10,216 (26,292) 1,340 1,853 4,209
Payments (53,890) - (15,681) 4,445 (38,772) 7,751
Monetary adjustment 3,508 (3,736) 3,799 (19) 5,110 (129)
Exchange variation 102,379 2,444 26,109 317 30,669 444
Other movements (336) 4,589 (30) 2,578 1,641 (313)
Balance on 30 September 2020 884,299 (195,963) 238,615 (2,370) 258,873 (28,264)


(1) Balances recorded for their estimated fair value resulting from business combination with Avon (Note 4).


22.2 Contingencies with possible losses


The Company and its subsidiaries have contingencies of a labor and social security, civil and tax nature whose expectation of loss, as assessed by the Management and supported by the legal advisers, is classified as possible and, therefore, no provision has been constituted. The total sum under discussion rated as possible, due to the nature of the claims, is evidenced below:




  09/2020 12/2019
Tax 8,742,286 3,503,392
Civil 106,321 61,532
Labor 217,309 77,295
Total contingent liabilities 9,065,916 3,642,219
Judicial deposits (221,583) (136,258)


The main tax cases are the following:


(i) Infraction notices in which the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office collects IPI tax debts, for the supposed lack of compliance with the minimum calculation basis, set forth in the legislation, upon the sales transactions directed to interdependent wholesale establishments. Currently, judgment of the proceedings is awaited at the administrative level. On 30 September 2020, the total amount under discussion classified as possible loss was R$1,958,256.


(ii) Court decisions which discuss the equivalence to industrial set forth in Decree No. 8,393/2015, which started requiring IPI in exit operations carried out by interdependent wholesale establishments of the products mentioned in said legal provision. On 30 September 2020, the amount under discussion was R$1,593,346 (R$389,017 as at 31 December 2019).


(iii) Administrative and court proceedings discussing the illegality of changes in the state legislation for the payment of ICMS and ICMS - ST. On 30 September 2020, the total amount under discussion was R$1,490,259 (R$406,002 as at 31 December 2019).


(iv) Infraction notices where the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office collects IRPJ and CSLL tax debts, in order to question the tax deductibility of goodwill amortization in the context of a corporate reorganization among related parties. Currently, there is a discussion in the Judiciary Branch regarding the lawfulness of administrative decisions which rejected the motion to clarify, submitted to question the dismissed special appeals. On 30 September 2020, the total amount under discussion classified as possible loss was R$1,393,960 (R$1,379,189 as at 31 December 2019). 


(v) Infraction Notice in which the State of São Paulo Treasury Office enforces the ICMS-ST collection, fully paid by the destination of the goods, the distributing establishment. Judgment of the proceedings is awaited at the administrative level. On 30 September 2020, the total amount under discussion classified as possible loss is R$528,416 (R$521,903 as at 31 December 2019).


(vi) Infraction notices in which the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service collects IPI tax debts due to disagreement with the tax classification adopted for some products. Judgment of the proceedings is awaited at the administrative level. On 30 September 2020, the total amount under discussion was R$298,041 (R$218,204 as at 31 December 2019).


The main civil cases are the following:


i) Avon was named defendant in several proceedings for personal damages filed in U.S. courts, claiming that certain powder products that Avon sold in the past were contaminated with asbestos. Many such actions involve several co-defendants of a range of different industries, including cosmetics manufacturers and manufacturers of other products that, unlike the Company’s products, were designed to include asbestos. On 30 September 2020, there were 143 individual proceedings pending against the subsidiary. During the nine-month period ending on 30 September 2020, 17 new proceedings were shelved and thirteen others were shelved, settled or otherwise concluded. The amount of our records in this area so far has not been significant.


The claims against us in such cases have no grounds. We are defending ourselves against these claims and until this date, the subsidiary has not been sued in any case filed against it and there were no findings of enforceable liability against the subsidiary. However, the results of testing throughout the country in similar cases filed against other manufacturers of cosmetic powder products vary from direct employment terminations to very large jury-led indemnifications for compensatory and punitive damages. Due to the uncertainties inherent to litigation, we cannot predict the results of all individual cases pending against the subsidiary, and we may only make a reasonable estimate for a small number of individual cases that have progressed to the later stages of court proceedings. For the remaining cases, we supply an aggregate and continuous exposure estimate, which considers the historic results of all cases we have settled so far. Any additions currently recorded in the subsidiary’s balance sheet in relation to these cases are not relevant. Other than those, currently, we may not estimate our reasonably possible or probable losses. However, any adverse results, whether in an individual case or jointly, may be relevant. The future costs to litigate such cases, which we fund when incurred, are unknown, but may be significant, although some costs are covered by insurance.




ii) On 14 February 2019, an alleged class action complaint of the shareholder (Bevinal v. Avon Products, Inc., et al., No. 19-cv-1420) was filed in the Southern District of New York against the company and some of its former officers. On 3 June 2019, the court appointed a main plaintiff and a class attorney. The complaint was subsequently changed on 28 June 2019, retitled "In re Avon Products, Inc. Litigation over Securities" on 8 July 2019. On 24 July 2019, the plaintiffs presented a new changed complaint. The changed complaint is submitted on behalf of a new class, supposedly comprised of all purchasers or acquirers of Avon common shares between 21 January 2016 and 1 November 2017, including the latter date. The charge claims violations to Sections 10 (b) and 20 (a) of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act, based on supposedly fake or misleading statements and supposed market manipulation with relation to, among other things, changes made in the Avon’s credit terms for Brazilian Representatives. On 26 July 2019, Avon and the individual defendants submitted a motion to dismiss. On 18 November 2019, the court denied this motion. Subsequently, on 16 December 2019, Avon and the individual defendants submitted an answer to the changed complaint. On 14 February 2020, the plaintiffs submitted a motion for class certification. The parties reached a settlement on the solution of this class action. The terms of the settlement include releases from class members of the complaints against the Company and the individual defendants and payment of US$14.5 million (approximately R$79 million). Approximately US$3 million (R$16 million), of the settlement will be paid by the Company (that represents the remaining franchise under the applicable insurance policies of the Company) and the remainder of the settlement will be paid by the Company’s insurers. Some documents related to the settlement still have not been finalized and the settlement is subject to court approval. If the settlement is not approved by the court, that is, it is rescinded before it is finalized, the Company will not be able to predict the result of this case. In addition, in this case, it is reasonably possible that the Company will incur in a loss related to this matter, which the Company cannot reasonably estimate.


22.3 Contingent assets


The updated amounts involved in the restitution requests of the PIS and COFINS installments paid with the inclusion of ICMS in their tax bases, not registered until 30 September 2020, amount to R$ 133,042 (R$26,933 as of 31 December 2019).






Information pertaining to other liabilities was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 22.


  09/2020 12/2019
Post-employment medical assistance plan (a) 789,128 98,792
Carbon credit 7,281  4,519
Exclusivity contract 3,600  5,400
Crer para Ver 65,191  51,543
Deferred revenue from performance obligations with customers 383,877  76,250
Provision for sundry expenses 281,004 156,895
Provision for rentals 39,618  26,568
Provision for apportionment of benefits and partnerships payable 7,982  7,860
Long-Term Incentive 52,447  3,022
Provision for restructuring 97,803  3,401
Provision for store renovation 109,074  15,997
Provisions for incentives to consultants (c) 268,334 -
Other provision 318,660  67,846
Discontinued operations (b) 108,151  -   
Professional fees 85,852  -   
Total 2,618,002  518,093
Current 1,496,559 396,391
Non-Current 1,121,443 121,702


(a) On 30 September 2020, there was R$684,454 regarding the pension plans assumed in the acquisition of Avon on 3 January 2020 and R$104,674 regarding Natura’s pension plans (R$98,792 as at 31 December 2019).


(b) On 17 December 2015, Avon entered into agreements resulting in the splitting of operations in the United Stated, Canada and Puerto Rico. These transactions were terminated on 1 March 2016. From this date, the contingent liabilities prior to this transaction and related to the operations in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico are treated as discontinued operations. During the period ending on 30 September 2020, Avon registered R$ 73,435 in administrative expenses pertaining to this provision.


(c) Provision for incentive and recognition programs for consultants.




Information pertaining to the shareholder’s equity of the Company was presented in the 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 23.




24.1 Share capital


As at 30 September 2020, the Company's capital stock was R$6,972,228, composed of 1,253,618,140 registered common shares, without par value.


The composition of this capital is demonstrated in the chart below:


Date Description Number of shares Value in R$
31/12/2019 Total paid-up capital stock 865,659,942 1,485,436,464
03/01/2020 Capital increase  321,830,266  3,397,745,864
15/03/2020 Issue of new stock for stock option plans and restricted stock  780,808  21,936,005
05/05/2020 to 30/06/2020 Issue of new stock for stock option plans and restricted stock 621,653 16,811,439
01/06/2020 to 01/07/2020 Capital increase 62,500,000 2,000,000,000
27/07/2020 Capital increase 507,706 14,723,474
30/09/2020 Capital increase 394,918 18,863,206
02/07/2020 to 30/09/2020 Issue of new stock for stock option plans and restricted stock 1,322,847 16,711,958
 30/09/2020 Total paid-up capital stock 1,253,618,140 6,972,228,410


On 3 January 2020, 321,830,266 common shares were issued at the average price of R$32.24, amounting to R$3,397,746. On 30 June, 62,500,000 common shares were issued at the average price of R$32.00, amounting to R$2,000,000. On 27 July, 507,706 common shares were issued at the average price of R$29.00, amounting to R$14,723. On 30 September, 394,918 common shares were issued at the average price of R$47.76, amounting to R$18,863. The new shares issuance costs incurred were R$ 30,537.


After the changes described, the Company's stock capital on 30 September 2020 is R$ 6,972,228, composed of 1,253,618,140 registered common shares, without par value.


24.2 Treasury shares


On 30 September 2020, the item “treasury shares” had the following composition:


  Number of shares R$ (in thousands) Average price per share - R$
Balance on 31 December 2019 - - -
Used (807,759) (43,269) 53.57
Acquisition 1,114,460 54,936 49.29
Balance on 30 September 2020 306,701 11,667 38.04


The minimum and maximum treasury share balance on 30 September 2020 was R$25.00 and R$49.71, respectively.


24.3 Capital reserve


The Avon acquisition resulted in the issue of Natura &Co shares for the total subscription value of R$ 13,274,894. Of this total, the amount of R$ 3,397,746 was allocated to the capital stock account and the rest, in the amount of R$ 9,877,148 was allocated to the Company's capital reserve. This share merger was approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 3 January 2020.


The ratification of the Private Capital increase in the amount of R$2,000,000, approved on 30 June 2020, allocated the value of R$1,118 to the creation of the capital reserve.


The capital reserve decreased in the amount of R$147,592 due to the destination to profit reserve and an increase of R$ 42,931, due to the effects of CPC 42/IAS 29 - Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies and decrease of R$ 16,428 regarding the movement of stock option and restricted stock plans.


The capital reserve amounted to R$11,000,957 as at 30 September 2020 (R$1,210,924 as at 31 December 2019).


24.4 Profit reserve


On 30 September 2020, the profit reserve increased R$ 153,684, related to (i) R$ 6,094, due to the effects of “CPC 42 / IAS 29 - Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies” applied to the balances up to 30 September 2020 and (ii) R$147,592 regarding the reclassification arising from the capitalreserves.


The balance on 30 September 2020 amounted to R$4,664 (negative R$149,020 on 31 December 2019).




The setup of the Company’s operating segments is based on its Corporate Governance structure, which splits the




business for purposes of decision-making and management analysis.


Since 3 January 2020, as a result of acquiring Avon (Note 4), the management has the following corporate governance structure:


Ø Operation Natura &Co Latam – all operations of Natura, Avon, Aesop and TBS located in Brazil and Latin America;


Ø Avon International – all Avon operations, except those located in Brazil and Latin America;


Ø TBS International – all The Body Shop operations, except those located in Brazil and Latin America; and


Ø Aesop International – all Aesop operations, except those located in Brazil and Latin America.


In addition to the analysis per segment, the Company’s Management also assesses its revenues at several levels, mainly through sales channels: direct sales, operations in the retail market, e-commerce, B2B and franchises. However, segregation by this type of operation is not yet considered significant for disclosures by Management.


Net revenue by segment is as follows in the nine-month period ending on 30 September 2020:


Ø Natura &Co Latam – 57%


Ø Avon International – 25%


Ø TBS International – 13%


Ø Aesop International – 5%


The accounting practices for each segment are described in note 3 of these financial statements of the Company for the year ended on 31 December 2019.


The tables below present summarized financial information for the segments and the geographic distribution of commercial operations of the Company as at 30 September 2020, 31 December 2019 and 30 September 2019. Furthermore, as described above, as a result from the acquisition of Avon in 2020, the Company changed the Corporate Governance structure, and consequently the segment disclosure. Thus, the comparative amounts originally disclosed in the 2019 financial statements are presented so as to reflect the current Corporate Governance structure.




25.1 Operating segments


  Reconciliation to net profit (loss) for the period
  Net income Performance assessed by the Company

Depreciation and


Financial income Financial expense Income tax

Net Profit (Loss)

Natura &Co Latam 14,221,703 1,652,906 (699,979) 2,631,285 (2,958,353) (305,532) 320,329
Avon International 6,228,871 155,604 (589,821) 628,130 (1,063,566) (12,807) (882,460)
TBS International 3,257,045 586,927 (554,948) 51,953 (104,981) (70,912) (91,961)
Aesop International 1,217,085 334,984 (195,996) 18,323 (49,603) (30,248) 77,460
Corporate expenses   (549,660) (109) 224,819 (164,496) 226,738 (262,708)
Consolidated 24,924,704 2,180,761 (2,040,853) 3,554,510 (4,340,999) (192,761) (839,340)



  Reconciliation to net profit (loss) for the period
  Net income Performance assessed by the Company

Depreciation and


Financial income Financial expense Income tax

Net Profit (Loss)

Natura &Co Latam 6,315,092 1,106,516 (261,860) 1,236,537 (1,748,373) (103,005) 229,815
TBS International 2,629,507 452,483 (426,323) 28,630 (69,802) 14,023 (989)
Aesop International 848,055 187,895 (131,359) 8,496 (20,661) (13,241) 31,130
Corporate expenses - (192,114) - - - 65,319 (126,795)
Consolidated 9,792,654 1,554,780 (819,542) 1,273,663 (1,838,836) (36,904) 133,161



  09/2020 12/2019
  Non-current assets Total assets Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Non-current assets Total assets Current liabilities Non-current liabilities
Natura &Co Latam 9,234,257 19,672,996 9,330,263 8,359,042 4,574,087 9,328,858 3,116,454 8,235,679
Avon International 26,406,196 30,172,263 3,599,048 12,015,939 - - - -
TBS International 8,178,454 10,492,328 2,080,819 1,957,524 6,146,960 7,369,250 1,065,447 1,477,148
Aesop International 1,402,390 2,136,481 590,326 643,006 1,033,408 1,435,830 255,616 590,917
Corporate balance - 1,846,559 1,116,892 1,634 - 3,050,574 3,080,906 -
Consolidated 45,221,297 64,320,627 16,717,348 22,977,145 11,754,455 21,184,512 7,518,423 10,303,744


25.2 Net income and non-current assets by geographic region


  09/2020 09/2019
Net income Natura &Co Latam Avon International TBS International



Natura &Co Latam TBS International Aesop International
Asia - 1,097,557 164,544 609,551 - 196,445 349,554
North America 2,785,532 - 443,979 183,314 529,741 467,497 136,729
Mexico 2,218,252 - - - 527,638   -
Others 567,280 - 443,979 183,314 2,103 467,497 136,729
South America 11,432,118 - - - 5,781,358 - -
Brazil 7,790,994 - - - 4,356,601 - -
Argentina 1,378,877   - - 537,148    
Others 2,262,247 - - - 887,609 - -
Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) 4,053 5,131,314 2,364,993 261,488 3,993 1,777,412 160,122
United Kingdom - 637,863 1,908,618 141,595 - 1,355,128 81,635
Others 4,053 4,493,451 456,375 119,893 3,993 422,284 78,487
Oceania - - 283,529 162,732 - 188,153 201,650
Consolidated 14,221,703 6,228,871 3,257,045 1,217,085 6,315,092 2,629,507 848,055



  09/2020 12/2019
Non-current assets Natura &Co Latam Avon International TBS International Aesop International Natura &Co Latam TBS International Aesop International
Asia - 258,234 157,439 305,328 - 140,760 227,670
North America 1,102,750 - 609,600 367,139 185,646 523,351 272,676
Mexico 619,802   - - 183,250    
Others 482,948   609,600 367,139 2,396 523,351 272,676
South America 8,120,675 - - - 4,378,676 - -
Brazil 7,044,204 - - - 4,197,259 - -
Argentina 258,525 - - - 63,050    
Others 817,946       118,367 - -
EMEA 10,832 26,147,962 6,911,058 245,373 9,765 5,105,903 190,442
United Kingdom - 24,443,413 6,214,297 103,854 - 4,602,066 76,073
Others 10,832 1,704,549 696,761 141,519 9,765 503,837 114,369
Oceania - - 500,357 484,550 - 376,946 342,620
Consolidated 9,234,257 26,406,196 8,178,454 1,402,390 4,574,087 6,146,960 1,033,408




No individual or aggregate customer (economic group) represents more than 10% of the Company's net income.


25.3 Reconciliation of the segments presented again


Considering the new information on the segments, as a result of the Avon acquisition in 2020 as described above, the changes in the reformulated segment information are as follows:


Submitted in the financial statements of 31 December 2019
31 de December 2019 Non-current assets Total assets Current liabilities Non-current liabilities
Natura Brasil (a) 4,181,261 7,618,551 2,207,944 8,119,890
Natura LATAM (a) 349,698 1,592,912 774,521 105,423
Natura other (a) 12,161 18,126 8,591 1,558
Aesop (b) 1,035,432 1,442,214 274,539 592,531
The Body Shop (c) 6,175,903 7,462,135 1,171,922 1,484,342
Corporate                        -             3,050,574          3,080,906                         -   
Consolidated      11,754,455         21,184,512         7,518,423      10,303,744

(a) Amounts included in the new Natura &Co Latam segment.


(b) Amounts related the Aesop operations located in Brazil and Latin America, represented per non-current assets (R$ 2,024), total assets (R$ 6,384), current liabilities (R$ 18,923) and non-current liabilities (R$ 1,614) included in the new Natura &Co Latam segment.


(c) Amounts related to The Body Shop located in Brazil and Latin America represented per non-current assets (R$ 28,943), total asset (R$ 92,885), current liabilities (R$ 106,475) and non-current liabilities (R$ 7,193) included in the new Natura &Co Latam segment.


Submitted in the financial statements of the period ending on 30 September 2019
30 September 2019 Net Income

Performance assessed by the Company


Depreciation and Amortization Financial Income Financial Expenses Income Tax Net profit (loss)
Natura Brasil (a) 4,314,819 860,554 (200,479) 1,204,688 (1,690,366) (49,663) 124,734
Natura LATAM (a) 1,928,898 284,736 (38,998) 31,848 (52,603) (53,244) 171,739
Natura outros (a) 6,096 (26,046) (10,471)  - (325)  - (36,842)
Aesop (b) 850,368 187,066 (131,959) 8,495 (20,791) (13,241) 29,570
The Body Shop (c) 2,692,473 440,584 (437,635) 28,632 (74,751) 13,925 (29,245)
Corporate  - (192,114)  -  -  - 65,319 (126,795)
Consolidated 9,792,654 1,554,780 (819,542) 1,273,663 (1,838,836) (36,904) 133,161

(a) Amount included in the new Natura &Co Latam segment.


(b) Amounts related the Aesop operations located in Brazil and Latin America, represented per net income (R$ 2,313), performance assessed by the Company (R$ 830), depreciation and amortization (R$ 600), financial expenses (R$130), and net profit (loss) (R$1,560) included in the new Natura &Co Latam segment.


(c) Amounts related to The Body Shop located in Brazil and Latin America represented per net income (R$ 62,966), performance assessed by the Company (R$ 11,898), depreciation and amortization (R$ 11,312), financial expenses (R$ 4,949), income tax (R$ 98) and net profit (loss) (R$ 28,256) included in the new Natura &Co Latam segment.




Gross income: 09/2020 09/2019
  Domestic market 10,930,396 6,155,912
  Foreign market 21,125,942 7,077,996
  Other sales 378,969 41,617
  Subtotal 32,435,307 13,275,525
  Returns and cancellations (440,856) (50,705)
  Commercial discounts and rebates (659,446) (765,555)
  Taxes on sales (6,410,301) (2,666,611)
  Subtotal (7,510,603) (3,482,871)
Net income 24,924,704 9,792,654


Substantially, the income from brands Natura and Avon refers to direct sales, whereas the income from brands The Body Shop and Aesop refers to retail sales.






Breakdown by function Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 09/2019 09/2020 09/2019
Cost of products sold - - 8,949,669 2,740,866
Expenses with sales, marketing and logistics - - 10,611,388 4,454,489
Administrative, R&D, IT and Project Expenses 45,585 - 4,170,824 1,710,006
Total 45,585 - 23,731,881 8,905,361


Breakdown by nature Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 09/2019 09/2020 09/2019
Cost of products sold - - 8,949,669 2,740,866
Raw material/packaging material/resale - - 7,519,977 2,304,460
Personnel expenses (note 28) - - 459,755 221,073
Depreciation and amortization - - 151,185 43,072
Others - - 818,752 172,261
Expenses with sales, marketing and logistics - - 10,611,388 4,454,489
Logistics costs - - 1,758,479 540,436
Personnel expenses (note 28) - - 2,953,759 1,210,737
Marketing, sales force and other sale expenses - - 4,916,482 2,133,189
Depreciation and amortization - - 982,668 570,127
Administrative, R&D, IT and Project Expenses 45,585 - 4,170,824 1,710,006
Innovation expenses   - 179,138 60,739
Personnel expenses (note 28) 37,103 - 1,767,369 883,291
Other administrative expenses 8,482 - 1,317,317 559,633
Depreciation and amortization - - 907,000 206,343
Total 45,585 - 23,731,880 8,905,361






Information pertaining to employee benefits was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 27.


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 09/2019 09/2020 09/2019
Payroll, profit sharing and bonuses 19,691 - 3,826,718 1,703,957
Supplementary Pension Plan - - 143,185 67,791
Share-based payments (note 32.3) 8,263 - 104,865 42,051
Charges on restricted stock (note 32.1) 4,242 - 49,182 36,563
Medical care, food, and other benefits - - 456,457 181,357
Charges, taxes and social contributions 144 - 460,065 154,256
INSS - Brazilian Social Security Institute 4,763 - 140,411 129,126
Total 37,103 - 5,180,883 2,315,101

28.1 Share-based payments


Options granted in 2020


On 27 March 2020, the Company’s Board of Directors approved the new long-term stock-based incentive plans of the Company named “the Co-investment Plan” and “Long-term Incentive Plan” for 2020.


The Co-Investment Plan consists in the grant of common shares of the Company to a group of employees that may invest part of their profit participation (up to 50%) in the purchase of shares so that the Company will assign the same number of shares for the amount invested by the beneficiary. The rights of the participants regarding the Co-Investment Plan will only be fully acquired, to the extent that the participant remains continuously linked as an employee of the Company and its subsidiaries up to the 3rd anniversary of the date of the grant.


The Long-Term Incentive Plan consists of granting common shares of the Company to a group of employees and, unless otherwise determined by the Company’s Board of Directors, participants’ rights regarding the Performance Shares will only be fully acquired, to the extent that: (i) the participant remains an employee of the Company and its subsidiaries until the 3rd anniversary of the grant date; and (ii) certain performance conditions are met. For certain participants, there is a special condition for item (i) above, in which 50% of the Performance Shares granted will be acquired on the 3rd anniversary of the grant date and the remaining 50% on the 4th anniversary of the grant date.


The variations in the number of outstanding stock options and their related weighted-average prices, as well as variations in the number of restricted stock are as follows:


Stock Option Plan and Strategy Acceleration Plan
  Average exercise price per option - R$ Options (thousands)
Balance on 31 December 2019 16.51 17,568
Related to Avon subsidiary – Business Combination (Note 4) - 1,994
Granted 0.01 117
Expired/Cancelled 21.35 (178)
Exercised 15.79 (2,121)
Balance on 30 September 2020 16.60 17,380


  Restricted stock

Performance shares


Balance on 31 December 2019 3,092 688
Granted 1,482 -
Cancelled (24) (51)
Exercised (1,136) -
Balance on 30 September 2020 3,414 637


Out of the 17,380 thousand options existing as at 30 September 2020 (17,568 thousand options as at 31 December 2019) 3,547 thousand options (604 thousand options as at 31 December 2019) can be exercised.




The expense related to the fair value of the options and restricted stock, including the charges related to restricted shares, recognized in the nine-month period ended on 30 September 2020, according to the period elapsed for the acquisition of the right to exercise of options and restricted shares, was R$104,865 in the consolidated.


The options to purchase outstanding stock and restricted stock at the end of the period have the following maturity dates and exercise prices:


As at 30 September 2020 - Stock option plan


Grant date Conditions for acquisition of a right as from the grant date

Exercise price


Fair value


Existing options


Remaining contractual life (years)

Exercisable options


18 March 2013 4 years of service 37.60 6.05 370 0.5 372
17 March 2014 4 years of service 25.16 4.27 96 1.5 96
16 March 2015 2 to 4 years of service 13.60 4.85 to 5.29 184 2.5 186
28 July 2015 (Strategy acceleration) 4 to 5 years of service 12.90 6.20 to 6.23 1,130 2.9 1,020
15 March 2016 2 to 4 years of service 12.84 7.16 to 7.43 192 3.5 190
11 July 2016 (Strategy acceleration) 4 to 5 years of service 11.41 6.84 to 6.89 1,926 3.8 606
10 March 2017 2 to 4 years of service 12.59 6.65 to 6.68 624 4.5 298
10 March 2017 (Strategy acceleration) 4 to 5 years of service 12.59 6.87 to 6.89 2,100 4.5 -
12 March 2018 2 to 4 years of service 16.96 7.96 to 8.21 1,880 5.5 522
12 March 2018 (Strategy acceleration) 3 to 5 years of service 12.16 to 16.96 8.21 to 9.67 3,800 5.5 -
12 April 2019 3 to 4 years of service 23.54 11.71 to 11.82 1,636 6.6 -
12 April 2019 (Strategy acceleration) 4 to 5 years of service 23.54 11.51 to 11.71 1,900 6.6 -
From 31 December 2002 to 9 May 2017 1 year of service 0.01 19.80 65 - 65
From 14 March to 17 December 2018 1 to 3 years of service 0.01 19.70 295 1.2 55
From 13 March to 16 December 2019 1 to 3 years of service 0.01 19.58 1,065 0.4 to 2.2 33
8 June 2020 1 year of service 0.01 16.86 117 0.7 104
        17,380   3,547


As at 30 September 2020 - Restricted stock


Grant date Conditions for acquisition of a right as from the grant date

Existing shares


Fair value


Remaining contractual life (years)
10 March 2017 2 to 4 years of service 208 11.69 to 12.51 0.4
12 March 2018 – Plan I 2 to 4 years of service 470 15.18 to 15.9 0.5 to 1.5
12 March 2018 – Plan III 1 to 3 years of service 74 15.54 to 16.27 0.5
12 March 2018 – Extraordinary Plan I 1 to 3 years of service 4 15.54 to 16.28 0.4
13 August 2018 – Extraordinary Plan VI 1.6 to 3.6 years of service 50 12.24 to 13.13 0.5 to 1.5
12 April 2019 – Plan I 2 to 4 years of service 814 21.62 to 22.53 0.5 to 2.5
12 April 2019 – Plan II 1 to 3 years of service 312 22.14 to 22.85 0.5 to 1.5
27 March 2020 - Co-Investment Plan 1 to 3 years of service 862 29.00 0.5 to 2.5
29 September 2020 - Long-Term Incentive Plan 3 to 4 years of service 620 73.46 3 to 4




As at 30 September 2020 – Performance shares


Grant date Right acquisition conditions

Existing shares


Fair value


Remaining contractual life (years)

Shares not delivered


21 May 2019 From 3 to 4 years of service as from the grant date and if the performance conditions are met 637 23.10 to 45.70 1.5 to 2.5 -
    637     -


As at 30 September 2020, the market price was R$ 51.13 (R$ 38.67 as at 31 December 2019) per share.




  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 09/2019 09/2020 09/2019
Interest on financial applications 21,220 - 119,652 55,981
Earnings on monetary and exchange rate variations (a) 7,576 - 945,038 483,490
Earnings on swap and forward transactions (c) - - 2,218,768 694,522
Earnings on market value adjustment of swap and forward derivatives - - 3,821 1,629
Reversal of the monetary adjustment of the provision for tax risks and tax obligations - - 42,378 -
Debt structuring revenues for acquisition of Avon 186,511 - 186,511 -
Other financial income 3,744 - 38,342 38,041
Subtotal 219,051 - 3,554,510 1,273,663
Interest on financing (11,549) - (857,429) (389,273)
Interest on lease - - (178,939) (98,185)
Losses on monetary and exchange rate variations (b) (7,617) - (2,038,412) (661,466)
Losses on swap and forward transactions (d) - - (952,904) (571,007)
Losses on market value adjustment of swap and forward derivatives - - (9,389) (1,352)
Adjustment of provision for tax, civil and labor risks and tax liabilities - - (12,487) (11,782)
Appropriation of funding costs (Debentures/Notes) - - (8,452) (9,682)
Pension plan interest - - (22,973) -
Adjustment for hyperinflationary economy (Argentina) - - (9,116) (9,552)
Debt structuring expenses for acquisition of Avon (112,277) - (112,277) (49,490)
Other financial expenses (17,205) - (138,621) (37,047)
Subtotal (148,648) - (4,340,999) (1,838,836)
Net financial income (expenses) 70,403 - (786,489) (565,173)





The objective of the breakdowns below is to explain more clearly the foreign exchange hedging transactions contracted by the Company and the related balancing items in the income statement shown in the previous table:


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 09/2019 09/2020 09/2019
(a) Earnings on monetary and exchange rate variations 7,576 - 945,038 483,490
Earnings on exchange rate variation on borrowings - - 259,963 348,689
Exchange rate variation on imports - - 23,998 7,843
Exchange rate variation on export receivables - - 60,884 17,804
Exchange rate variation on accounts payable to subsidiaries abroad 7,576 - 290,188 109,154
Exchange variations of bank accounts in foreign currency - - 310,005  -   
(b) Losses on monetary and exchange rate variations (7,617) - (2,038,412) (661,466)
Losses on exchange rate variation on borrowings - - (1,370,647) (544,913)
Exchange rate variation on imports - - (53,345) (28,394)
Exchange rate variation on export receivables - - (20,264) (13,552)
Exchange rate variation on accounts payable to subsidiaries abroad (7,617) - (286,557) (74,335)
Monetary variations on financing - - (307,599) (272)
 (c) Earnings on swap and forward transactions - - 2,218,768 694,522
Income from swap exchange coupons - - 150,576 137,004
Earnings from exchange variations on swap instruments - - 2,068,192 557,518
(d) Losses on swap and forward transactions - - (952,904) (571,007)
Losses on exchange rate variation on swap instruments - - (231,513) (362,602)
Financial costs of swap instruments - - (715,171) (208,405)
Losses on exchange rate variation on forward instruments - - (6,220) -




Information pertaining to other operating income (expenses) was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 29.


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 09/2019 09/2020 09/2019
Other operating income, net        
Result on write-off of property, plant and equipment - - 9,911 2,438
ICMS-ST - - 16,156 42,441
Income with the sale of clients’ portfolio - - - 15,980
Tax credits - - 101,473 44,034
Exclusion of ICMS from PIS/COFINS base (g) - - - 52,028
Other operating income - - 8,231 -
Total other operating income - - 135,771 156,921
Other operating expenses, net        
Crer para Ver - - (36,829) (25,862)
Expenses with the sale of clients’ portfolio   - (5,838) -
Expenses related to the acquisition of Avon (a) (168,486) - (303,916) (93,866)
Transformation Plan   - (169,719) (32,812)
Tax contingencies   - (11,181) (3,518)
Other operating expenses (723) - (15,467) (273)
Total other operating expenses (169,209) - (542,950) (156,331)
Other operating income (expenses), net (169,209) - (407,179) 590


Refers to expenses related to the acquisition process of Avon, of which the following deserve special mention: expenses with financial structuring (R$115,696), legal expenses (R$17,281) and regulatory expenses (R$18,030) and executive plans (R$152,909).




Information pertaining to transactions with related parties was presented in the Company’s 2019 annual financial statements, in Note 31.




31.1 The balances receivable and payable per transaction with related parties are demonstrated below:


  Controlling Company
  09/2020 12/2019
Current Assets:    
Avon Products, Inc. (a) 516,145 -
Natura Cosméticos S.A. – Argentina (b) 1,798 -
Natura Distribuidora de México (b) 595 -
Natura Cosméticos S.A. – Peru (b) 512 -
Natura Cosméticos Ltda – Colombia (b) 381 -
Natura Cosméticos Ltda – Chile (b) 327 -
The Body Shop International (b) 2,702 -
Aesop HK (b) 327 -
Aesop UK (b) 2,077 -
Aesop USA (b) 300 -
Emeis Costmetics (b) 163 -
Natura Luxembourg (c) 268,855 -
Total Current Assets 794,182 -
Current Liabilities:    
Natura Cosméticos S.A. – Brazil (a) 3 -
Total current liabilities 3 -

(a) Pertains to the allocation of expenses related to the merger process.


(b) Pertains to the allocation of expenses related to the stock option and restricted stock plans.


(c) Loan between related parties.


In the nine month period ending on 30 September 2020, Natura &Co reimbursed the amount of R$ 148,270 of expenses regarding the transaction costs for the acquisition of Avon paid by its subsidiary Natura Cosméticos. This reimbursement affected the result in line item “Other income (expenses)”. 


The Natura Institute holds shares in the Essential Investment Fund and on 30 September 2020, its balance was R$2,204 (R$3,766 as at 31 December 2019).


On 5 June 2012, an agreement was entered into between Indústria e Comércio de Cosméticos Natura Ltda. and Bres Itupeva Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda., (“Bres Itupeva”), for the construction and lease of processing, storage and distribution of merchandise (HUB) in the city of Itupeva/SP. In 2019, Bres Itupeva granted its credits to BRC Securitizadora S/A, to which Natura makes monthly payments. Mr. Antônio Luiz da Cunha Seabra, Mr. Guilherme Peirão Leal and Mr. Pedro Luiz Barreiros Passos, members of the group of controlling shareholders of Natura Cosméticos S.A., indirectly hold a controlling interest in Bres Itupeva. The amount involved in the registered transaction is recorded under “right of Use” of "buildings" in the amount of R$ 40,577 (R$44,244 under “buildings” of “property, plant and equipment “as at 31 December 2019).


In the period ending on 30 September 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries transferred to the Natura Institute, in the form of a donation associated with maintenance, the amount of R$692 corresponding to 0.5% of net income for the prior fiscal year, and a donation associated with the net sales of products in the Natura Crer Para Ver line, in the amount of R$27,000 (R$19,500 as at 30 September 2019).


31.2 Compensation of the Management’s key personnel


The total compensation of the key personnel of the Company’s Management is as follows:


  09/2020 09/2019
  Compensation Compensation
  Fixed Variable Total Fixed Variable  Total
    (a)     (b)     (a)     (b)  
Board of Directors 11,379 35,260 46,639 15,613 24,697 40,310
Executive Office 32,485 66,393 98,878 23,826 35,007 58,833
  43,864 101,653 145,517 39,439 59,704 99,143


a) The item “executive office” includes the amount of R$ 765 pertaining to the amortization of the nine-month period ending on 30 September 2020 (R$ 29 in the nine-month period ending on 30 September 2019), of the Confidentiality and Non-Compete Agreement (“the Agreement”).


b) It refers to profit sharing, the Restricted Stock Plan and Strategy Acceleration Program, including charges, as applicable, to be determined in the period. The amounts include additions to and/or reversals of provisions made in the previous year, due to final assessment of the targets established for statutory and non-statutory board members and officers in relation to profit sharing.


31.2.1 Share-based payments


Breakdown of the compensation of the Company’s executives:


  Grant of options
  09/2020 09/2019

Balance of the 

Options (quantity)


Average fair value of the options1 - R$

Average exercise price1

- R$ (b) 

Balance of the

Options (quantity)1 (a)

Average fair value of the options1 - R$ Average exercise price1 - R$ (b) 
Executive Office 12,855,751 8.47 16.60 13,081,029 8.41 16.64





  Restricted stock
  09/2020 09/2019
  Balance of the shares (quantity)2 (a) Average fair value2 - R$ Balance of the shares (quantity)2 (a) Average fair value2 - R$
Executive Office 1,566,143 25.13 1,054,641 19.13


1 The number of stock options granted, expired and exercised and their respective fair values is shown already considering the stock split approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 17 September 2019.


2 The number of restricted stock and performance shares granted, expired and exercised is shown already considering the stock split approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 17 September 2019.


(a) It refers to the balance of the vested options and restricted stock and non-vested options and restricted stock, not exercised, at the balance sheet dates.


(b) It refers to the weighted average exercise price of the option at the time of the grant plans, adjusted for inflation based on the Extended Consumer Price Index (IPCA) until the balance sheet dates. The new Stock Option Program implemented in 2015, includes no monetary adjustment.




32.1 Contracts related to supply of inputs


Subsidiary Indústria e Comércio de Cosméticos Natura Ltda. has commitments arising from electric power supply agreements, with an actual physical delivery, for its manufacturing activities, as described below:


Ø Agreements that started in 2018 and effective up to 2020, with the value of Megawatts/h between R$265 and R$363.


Ø Agreements that started in 2019 and effective up to 2022, with the value of Megawatts/h between R$155 and R$305.


Ø Agreements that started in 2020 and effective up to 2022, with the value of Megawatts/h between R$204 and R$238.


The amounts are shown based on electric power consumption estimates in accordance with the contractual period, the prices of which are based on volumes, also estimated, resulting from the subsidiary’s continuous operations.


The total minimum supply payments, measured at nominal value, according to the contract, are:


  09/2020 12/2019
Up to one year 5,521 17,918
One to five years 1,610,362 13,160
Total 1,615,883 31,078



The Company and its subsidiaries adopt an insurance policy that mainly considers risk concentration and its relevance, taking into consideration the nature of their activities and the opinion of their insurance advisors. As at 30 September 2020, insurance coverage is as follows:


Item Type of coverage Amount insured
09/2020 12/2019
Industrial complex and administrative sites Any material damages to buildings, facilities, inventories, and machinery and equipment 5,754,609 2,322,801
Vehicles Fire, theft and collision in vehicles insured by the Company and its subsidiaries 264,609 212,027
Loss of profits Loss of profits due to material damages to facilities, buildings and production machinery and equipment 1,894,813 1,582,000
Transport Damages to products in transit. 100,862 32,309
Civil liability Protection against errors or complaints in the exercise of professional activity that affect third parties 1,418,058 532,510
Environmental liability Protection against environmental accidents that may result in environmental lawsuits 30,000 30,000






The following table presents additional information on transactions related to the cash flow statement:


  Controlling Company Consolidated
  09/2020 09/2019 09/2020 09/2019
Non-cash items: - - 145,087  
Hedge accounting, net of tax effects - - 59,195 104,960
Net effect of the additions to the property, plant and equipment/intangible assets still not paid 13,366 - - 32,349






Acquisition of entity


On 30 June 2020, The Body Shop International Limited signed a purchase and sale agreement for the acquisition of Aeon Forest Co., Ltd in the amount of R$133,275 (¥2,632,000), and the operation was carried out on 1 October 2020 through bank settlement with subsequent acquisition of control.


Global Offer


On 14 October 2020, the amount of R$ 5,614,750 of the Global Offer described in the material facts disclosed on 30 September and 8 October 2020 was received by the Company.


Within the scope of the Global Offer, the capital increase of the Company was approved by the Board of Directors within the limit of the authorized capital, upon subscription of new shares, under article 6 of the Company’s bylaws, through the issue of 121,400,000 new common shares, observing that 96,331,000 shares will be allocated in the Restricted Offer and 25,069,000 Shares under ADSs, represented by ADRs abroad, will be allocated in the International Offer.


On 21 October 2020, the company made a cash contribution to its subsidiary Natura &Co International S.à.r.l, in the amount of US$ 1,033,200 (R$5,786,540), and (ii) a cash contribution of a loan receivable (principal interest accrued and not paid by 22 October 2020) of the Company owed by Natura &Co Lux (“Loan Receivable”) to Natura &Co Lux, in the amount of USD 47,793 (R$267,669) as capital increase.


Transfer of funds to the subsidiary and repurchase of bonds


On 2 November 2020, Natura &Co International S.à r.l. entered into a loan agreement with Avon International Operations Inc, an affiliated entity of Avon Products Inc. in the amount of US$ 960,000 (R$ 5,540,928). The loan agreement will have interest at an annual rate of 3.13% and maturity on 2 November 2021.


In order to continue the financial remittance process mentioned above, subsidiary Avon Products Inc entered into repurchase of the remaining principal amount of its Bonds issued in 2016 with maturity on 15 August 2022 and the remaining principal amount of the 2019 Bonds with maturity on 15 August 2022. In relation to the 2016 notes, the aggregate repurchase price was equal to the remaining principal amount of US$ 500,000 (R$2,885,900), plus a premium of US$ 9,800 (R$ 56,564) and accrued interest of US$ 8,400 (R$ 48,483). In regard to the 2019 Notes, the aggregate repurchase price was equal to the remaining amount of US$ 400,000 (R$2,308,720), plus a premium of US$ 7,900 (R$ 45,597) and accumulated interest of US$ 5,600 (R$ 32,322).




These interim financial statements of the Company were approved for disclosure by the Board of Directors at the meeting held on 12 November 2020.




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