2 years ago
SWVL: Well, looks like I DID make some interesting POINTS back in THAT post!! (HA-HA!!!) And, a monster GOOD MORNING, Boss!!!
"Hi there, MakinEZMoney, Dude!!! Maybe our little SWVL stock is gettin' Short-SQEEZED today, Homeboy!!! Where's your Girlfriend, with her cute BUTT!!!???"
2 years ago
SWVL: My post applies to last Friday, as well as today, Bro. MY MAIN POINTS??? Simply PR that your "Company" is merely being INVESTIGATED FOR FRAUD; or, is merely taking a couple months OFF to reconsider WHERE/WHAT they want to do NEXT; or, they have just been SUED; or, merely the FDA has granted them ANYTHING; and, as such, your stock's PRICE will SOAR up by 400% in just one day.