2 years ago
Eli Lilly ordered to pay $176.5 mln to Teva in U.S. migraine drug patent trial
Blake Brittain
Nov 9 (Reuters) - Eli Lilly & Co must pay Teva Pharmaceuticals International GmbH $176.5 million after a trial to determine whether its migraine drug Emgality infringed three Teva patents, a Boston federal court jury decided on Wednesday.
The jury agreed with Teva that Lilly's Emgality violated its rights in the patents, which relate to its own migraine drug Ajovy. Both drugs treat migraines by employing antibodies to inhibit headache-causing peptides.
The jury also found that Lilly infringed the patents willfully and rejected its argument that the patents were invalid.
A spokesperson for Lilly said the company was disappointed by the verdict but is confident that it will "ultimately prevail" in the case, and said the decision does not affect its ability to offer Emgality to patients.
A Teva spokesperson said the company is pleased with the decision and will "continue to vigorously defend its intellectual property rights."
Indianapolis-based Lilly earned over $577 million from Emgality sales worldwide last year, while Israel-based Teva made $313 million from Ajovy, according to company filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Teva has said that expects its two branded drugs, Ajovy and Huntington's disease drug Austedo, to generate a combined $1.4 billion in revenue this year.
Teva sued Lilly over the patents in 2018. The same day Teva sued, the court dismissed two related Teva lawsuits seeking to block Emgality from coming onto the U.S. market.
Teva also filed a separate, ongoing patent lawsuit against Lilly in Massachusetts over Emgality last year. (Reporting by Blake Brittain in Washington Editing by David Bario and Deepa Babington)
3 years ago
It's not just a good plan ...
It's a great plan!
Once I got the hang of it, that's all I do and I've been doing it for years. I've gained so much confidence in how well it works such that I only use one stock symbol and go all-in using both my Individual and Retirement accounts.
The only caveat (which posed limits on what I could do years ago) was that one should (pronounced must) only trade stocks that have weekly options, which provides more opportunities to tweak the trades as the options come down in price quicker than they would if you were stuck with monthly expiration options. Using weekly options, I've had no trouble creating very high percentage gains at the end of every month and year.
I was born into a farmer family. My father had milk cows, and he also grew feed crops for those cows. That's a very smart way to run a farm because he didn't have to buy any feed crop from other farmers for the purpose of feeding his cows. Some of the grain that he harvested fed his cows, while the excess grain was sold to dairy farmers which didn't have sufficient land to grow all the feed that they needed. Bingo!
Buy all the stock you can afford. Choose one that is alive and well as shown by its pricing (feeding) habits. You know, like TEVA, as it goes up and down in relatively confined and predictable ranges so your stock might be assigned at the end of the first week or it might not in which case you sell Calls again during the next week, and maybe again during the following week. Hey, if you are going to own stock, at least milk it. If it gets assigned away at the end of the week, buy it back on the following Monday or a little later depending on how it's trending. You might get it cheaper than the price it was assigned at. Or buy that other milk cow you've been watching, then sell its Calls.
3 years ago
Works for me ...
My favorite way of making money on stocks is to buy the shares then sell weekly Covered Calls against the stock week after week.
When finally assigned -- wash, rinse, repeat. That's a steady 52 paychecks every year.
This method even compounds: once assigned, there's more cash to buy more shares and sell more CCs.
However, there's one thing I wont do, which is to chase it downward when it appears to be trending that way. I'd rather just sit on cash and wait for a bottoming pattern.
3 years ago
Teva Israel enters medical cannabis market with new partnership
JERUSALEM, Dec 26 (Reuters) - (This December 26 story was corrected after company clarified that the deal is with Teva Israel)
The Israeli unit of drugmaker Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (TEVA.TA) said on Sunday it was entering the medical cannabis market by signing an exclusive and mutual collaboration agreement with another Israeli company, Tikun Olam-Cannbit (TKUN.TA).
Under the agreement, Tikun Olam-Cannbit will produce several medical cannabis products that are administered as oils. They will be marketed by Teva Israel to patients in Israel, the Palestinian Authority and, when the market opens, Ukraine, the company said.
Once Teva Israel receives all the required regulatory approvals, the companies will collaborate for 10 years and that could be extended by another nine years.
"Today, it is clear to many in the pharmaceutical industry and in the medical community that use of oils produced from specific cannabis strains may provide additional treatment options and respond to unaddressed medical needs of patients," said Yossi Ofek, chief executive of Teva Israel.
J Pow Wannabe
5 years ago
ALERT! TEVA Charged For Generic Drugs Price-Fixing Probe
U.S. Poised to Charge Teva in Generic Drugs Price-Fixing Probe
Aug. 25, 2020, 2:16 PM
U.S. prosecutors are preparing to charge Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. with conspiring with competitors to raise prices for generic drugs, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The Justice Department is planning to charge Teva as soon as Tuesday after the company rebuffed a settlement that would have required paying a criminal penalty and admitting wrongdoing, said the person, who declined to be named because the matter is confidential.
A spokesperson for Teva, which is based in Israel, declined to comment.
Drug firm bets it won't be charged
In the coming days, the Justice Department will decide whether to file criminal charges against one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies suspected of colluding with rivals to inflate the prices of widely used drugs.
The company, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, is betting that in the middle of a deadly pandemic, the Trump administration won't dare to come down hard on the largest supplier of generic drugs in the United States.
It is a high-stakes gamble that could affect millions of Americans who rely on Teva's dozens of inexpensive generic drugs, as well as its brand-name products like Copaxone, for multiple sclerosis, and Ajovy, for migraines. Teva officials say criminal charges could cripple the Israeli company and potentially leave it unable to sell drugs to federal programs like Medicare.
For years, the Justice Department and state prosecutors have been investigating what they describe as a conspiracy by pharmaceutical companies to increase the prices of popular drugs. The department has already extracted guilty pleas and $224 million in penalties from four other drug companies.
Lawyers for Teva, which prosecutors believe was deeply involved in the conspiracy, until recently had been holding settlement negotiations with officials in the Justice Department's antitrust division. But in April, the company all but walked away from the talks, according to people on both sides of the discussions.
5 years ago
Well, I wouldn't call it a channel.
Channels have parallel lines. These two blue lines are converging and ultimately touch, forcing price to break upward or lower.
The pattern is a horizontal triangle. Those two lines are clearly not parallel.
If the history of the last few months repeat, price bounces off the lower blue line (which is actually floating above, and sometimes touching, SMA(100)) then goes higher until price reaches the upper blue line.
Teva is being held down by a "price fixing" law suit. Other companies (identified within that same law suit) have settled (AKA bought their way out by forking over money without admitting fault), but TEVA refuses to do that (and probably for good reason as they were just following the pricing of the other companies they were competing with).