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KemPharm Inc

KemPharm Inc (KMPH)

Closed March 06 4:00PM

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gi197845 gi197845 2 years ago
You buy more KemPharm Inc., shares!
Remember when you said KMPH could be $20 in 12/2021 ?
Remember when you said "follow me" and make money??
If you're average is $9.89, how far underwater are you?
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Uh oh doebop, it doesn't look good for KMPH. Lowers sales, highers costs, bigger losses.
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
I meant;
Are you experiencing diarrhea due to the stress?
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Are you experiencing diarrhea do to the stress?
bhulkupk bhulkupk 3 years ago
Well. It at once but within short span of time..
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Wow, did you make the stock purchase all at once? After it went to $11, it dropped way, way back down, because of the terrible shelf offering of shares of stock.
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
780 Shares @ $6.26.
bhulkupk bhulkupk 3 years ago
10,000 shares @ $10.68 :(
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Now now, don't be negative. This is awesome!
MiamiGent MiamiGent 3 years ago
Wow! What's going on here? Really settled back!
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago

What this article doesn't take into account is the sever shelf offering of stock shares, so every time the stock goes up, the BOD can float more shares for their own reckless profiteering, meanwhile investors take the losses or remain underwater! Wash, rinse, repeat, it's the same ole' casino game!
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
My average price per share or pps is $6.26, do'h!
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
How much are you down?
Confessing in this open forum will make you feel better.
How many shares of this klunker?
What's your average price per share?
The truth shall set you free.
Let us know, we want to know!
Inquiring minds want to know!
Doebop is a silly cheerleader for KMPH.
bhulkupk bhulkupk 3 years ago
Yeah that’s what I start to feel now. Invested heavily and down so much now
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Stock buy backs, dilution, reverse splits and Joe Biden are a joke!
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
How's it going DoeBopper and how's your investment money here in KMPH?
Remember when you said it was retirement money?
Well, I hope you have another 65 years to wait until retirement :)
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Well Doebop on this board thinks it will go up, so it will. Ya...right.
bhulkupk bhulkupk 3 years ago
It’s just insane. No matter what it never seems to go up as expected
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
LOL, down KMPH stays!
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Confused? KMPH is a milestone company. No milestones, no profits, no profits no interest in holding stock, no interest in owning stock no market, no market, no price. Corium slow walking Azstarys roll out intended to minimize milestone payouts. KMPH will continue to drop, maybe to zero. Exactly the best case scenario for Corium who will scoop it all up for nothing leaving us having financed the whole deal and holding the bag of nothing.
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Revs of 1.96m and a net profit of -1.76 is a big and very sad joke!~
Why are ppl so pro KMPH?
What a JOKE!
Burg32 Burg32 3 years ago
Not a very active board. Need to get some more peeps here!
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Deopbop, $6.98 now!!!???
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Deobop, $7.04 now!?
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
DeoBop, $7.07 now, what did you do!?
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Doebop, what did you do to the share price? It's @ $7.29 now.
doebop doebop 3 years ago
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
Hi, still here, average is around 8.40.
doebop doebop 3 years ago
You still here 9s
doebop doebop 3 years ago
Retirement money here bro....
doebop doebop 3 years ago
I am averaged 8.65 now ..
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
LOL, you're underwater with this pig and you thought it would be $20 by EOY...LOL!
gi197845 gi197845 3 years ago
The warrants are exercisable/dilutive at $16 until 2026, to keep the share price down...
doebop doebop 3 years ago
Loaded to the gills, now with $9.89 avg..

$20 by EOY possible
pzottkpz pzottkpz 4 years ago
any thoughts if this will ever go back up to where you dipped back in?

KMPH Got my left baby toe wet, today.
Back in KMPH!


would you average down here?

my charts have gaps to fill @ $6.50. I would hate to step in and buy now if that has to fill first.

I know a lot of newbies are upside down in the stock, too
pzottkpz pzottkpz 4 years ago
my bad. I just wanted to share the quote from the greatest poster on ihub with everyone

i’ll paraphrase as to not take up much of people’s time

the top ten mutual funds ……..,,per their perspectives, HAVE to own the universe of registered stocks, even penny stock* dreck ……

* penny stock when multiple share value shattering Reverse Splits are accounted for.

this is from another board, but
i think shareholders are stuck in this stock with reverse split values in the 100s if I am correct
and that split was torture!

it’s a universal statement that I had to share
the words of a king
brings a tear to my eye.
I have to go get myself together now bye
gi197845 gi197845 4 years ago
Ya, a great Q here and the share price goes up, $18 here we come. By the way, blackrcock owns 5% of the shares.
gi197845 gi197845 4 years ago
@pzottkpz, please don't talk to debop like that, because the slightest negativity will cause him to block you. Please don't mentions the shelf offering/dilusion of shares, or that the gov is lowering drug prices. Please Deop is friends with Rod Rosenstein, whom signs blank search warrants to investigate 100% of all aspects of a person, their family, friends and business, all without any suspicion of a crime. After all debopper is pig farmer, but also an I.T. Manager...He's big-time, never exaggerates, dude is for legit. If you don't believe me, look at his twitter posts, when he make a stock prediction, based on a chart, his numerous charts are always correct...Never mind the fact that his charts don't take into account, r/s, dilution, warrants, offerings, etc. Deplopper is the man! A true Alpha Male!
pzottkpz pzottkpz 4 years ago
I wouldn’t put much merit into that

another really great poster keeps saying it’s mandatory for funds to buy certain stocks
i’ll try to find the post for reference

in the meantime there are gaps to fill here @ $6.50
just in case look out below I hope everyone makes $$$$

doebop doebop 4 years ago
PS... Black Rock reported 5% ownership after the bell if you didn't see that..
doebop doebop 4 years ago
doebop doebop 4 years ago
Lol... I know how this all works.. including the MBs... You don't worry about me, I've handled myself well for the past 22yrs :)

Thanks for worrying about me although you thought I was a bot just 2 weeks ago and could have just googled my alias and figured out who I was in 2 minutes
gi197845 gi197845 4 years ago
Unfortunately, the infrastructure bill does not lower the costs in dealing with NDA and sNDA submussions to the FDA, nor does it lower the costs of running new drug trials...
gi197845 gi197845 4 years ago
The recently passed infrastructure bill, lowers the price pharma can charge for their meds, thereby lowering pharma profits, thereby lowering pharma investor profits.
gi197845 gi197845 4 years ago
Most ppl on another mb, think KMPH will continue with dilution and shelf offerings, not that they are needed, but because the CEO and his wife want the cash and prizes, which are being used to finance their lavish lifestyles.

You are the only one I know that has not caught onto this.

Expect after the Q3 call for the share price to go down, within a day or two.
gi197845 gi197845 4 years ago
Ok, now I believe you're real :)
doebop doebop 4 years ago
The 20lbs Ive gained since that photo is real :)
doebop doebop 4 years ago
Lol.. I'm real,. What looks fake, in curious now
gi197845 gi197845 4 years ago
Are you a real person? Your profile looks totally fake.
doebop doebop 4 years ago
We will continue to disagree as you're assuming max dilution, I'm assuming it isn't needed

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