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Gladstone Investment Corporation

Gladstone Investment Corporation (GAINN)

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nah....he's still the same cat...only a bit more "big headed" Of course such is warranted. He's a sleaze but good at what he does...that's his job.

My favorite couple has always been James Carville and Mary Matalin. As I always matter what side of the fence...stra
nyt nyt 2 minutes ago
I meant to mention that it looks like you could've used that small bump in the 1st hour, to git ya at least 1 chicken trio, yes/no?

Wait a minute.....

Carrabbas? I used to eat there often. I don't remember seeing the chicken trios tho... I used to order the chicken parm
janice shell janice shell 3 minutes ago
I blame our schools. And our persistent anti-intellectual bias. We give a lot of lip service to supporting education, but we don't really care about it. If we did, we'd encourage people to become teachers, and we'd pay teachers well. But we don't. We worship football coaches instead.
Elroy Jetson Elroy Jetson 4 minutes ago
Social Security contributions of 6.2% each for employer and employee, for a total of 12.4% of income in the US are less than half of the 20% plus 6% in China.

In China the state pension makes up the majority of a retiree's income.

China just announced a higher retiremen
LOB LOB 5 minutes ago
Funny Close. Trading .0034 by .0035 with 10-15 minutes left.
Dorick Dorick 6 minutes ago
Mr. 1776Rebel: Mr. PC Retired's statement was perfectly correct. Laws of physics by definition cannot be broken. If something was ever said to be a law of physics, but it was later "broken," then it was never a law of physics in the first place, no matter what people said about it. Danzik's claims t
delerious1 delerious1 6 minutes ago
"In 2023, the US hydrogen energy storage market was estimated to be worth $3.17 billion and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3% from 2024 to 2030. The industrial segment led the market in 2023, accounting for 40.56% of revenue. The global hydrogen energy storage marke
janice shell janice shell 6 minutes ago
There are many states I wouldn't want to live in. For that matter, I'm not crazy about living in this country. I was happier in Italy.
I wish she lived back in Ohio.
Porch Honkey Porch Honkey 9 minutes ago
Very nice!
OMOLIVES OMOLIVES 10 minutes ago
Thank you! :) .... unfortunately, there are not any individual variations in politics...hence a broad brush. If I were to be "overly general"...I would walk step to toe in line with all the others that sit on one side of the fence . Quite frankly, I am the exact opposite of that pointing out clear
falconer66a falconer66a 10 minutes ago
His absence makes sense.
I was in communication with biostockclub. He was heavily involved with a stock research group and felt that it was more worthwhile to devote his time to that. So he quit following the boards.
Makes sense.

What's the use in spending time on an Int
nyt nyt 11 minutes ago
Thankyou for that, Shajandr. It is clear as a bell from reading it THAT VPLM CONTINUES ITS WORLD RECORD BREAKING RECORD OF BEING IN THE BEST POSITION EVVVVVVER!!!........ and...........IT SOOOO EXEMPLIFIES HOW PATIENCE IS A HURTUE....ooops, I mean VIRTUE! 😎
SSKILLZ1 SSKILLZ1 11 minutes ago
On a positive note Acuna got two hits today, and looked decently up there. Thing is he can play 2b, SS and CF, so hopefully they give him a little more look when lindor comes back which is hopefully tomorrow, I'm concerned on this lindor injury to say the least, they are not gonna be in the playoffs
1vman 1vman 11 minutes ago
*****Set it a 50 cents cuz MJNA will never see that level without a reverse split

crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 12 minutes ago
Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin Goin' On , Real Wild Child , Great Balls Of Fire - Live Concert
dstock07734 dstock07734 12 minutes ago

Never before were human being able to let dendritic cells present hundreds of tumor-associated antigens to immune system and observe how immune system would respond until Dr. Liau and NWBO were able to achieve this marvelous milestone. How many tumor types are there? Each
PURA VIDA PURA VIDA 13 minutes ago
Sounds like something done to the pavement 🤣

$AVRW is going down down down.
spec machine spec machine 13 minutes ago
That must have been it, LOL

It’s a little annoying after a while with those bogus numbers popping up and changing account totals all the time

I’m keeping the faith for our domestic fossil fuel sector, and by extension, GulfSlope’s chance to execute a drilling program
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 14 minutes ago
Same old.....Same old.

I'm sure we're all looking forward to reading MORE of your ;
groundless unfounded unsubstantiated unsupported uncorroborated unjustified foundationless without basis not backe
cjstocksup cjstocksup 14 minutes ago
EOT EOT 14 minutes ago
Charts are a reaction of events. Movement in between events is emotional guessing/going with the flow. Follow events!!! If you are confident then hold through emotions… that’s investing. I told our chart guy what’s coming 5days ago before the chart had anything to say about it lol
Royal Dude Royal Dude 15 minutes ago
Seattle is a tough city for conservative

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