1 year ago
It really makes one wonder WHAT is actually going on in their little BRAINS!! (Someday in the future, Humans will be able to don a perhaps ELECTRONIC-HELMET of some sort, which will temporarily SHUT-DOWN the Human's typical cognition and supplant it entirely with any Species of higher animals and, as such, the Human will be able to fully EXPERIENCE that animals form of 'THINKING' --- and the Human, when that 'Helmet' is removed, will be able to fully-REMEMBER what that animal's cognition was like!!!)
1 year ago
Ohhh rats,I feel for ya,make the next 8 trades winners,i created a new board for my latest play itโs so new,nobody found it yet to dump on it lol,find one like that to regroup your thoughts and gain confidence by taking 5% wins for awhile. I have been trading over 30 years,teaching trading over 20 and I still have bad trades way too often and have to regroup/analyze what went wrong,look at rules list on wall,add new rule if needed or slap myself for not following old rules
1 year ago
I am dealing with that right now on my latest play,so many young kids trading nowadays,have no knowledge of charts,they just follow/ chase and dump to move on to next garbage ticker.
I usually only play profiting,high insiders,low risk,so itโs easier to buy low and just wait or watch steady slow climbs until everyone else finds it lol