4 years ago
Not so sure they are pump and dumps, but yeah the chasing and FOMO maybe real, came here thinking it was about $5, and was 50% higher, now pre market way up, wont be touching this until do personal DD, GLTY, and if you were in, you have some nice green looking at ya this morning. Going long OEG and EVGN for 2021.
4 years ago
YouTuber been making great calls, on most, but yeah with 50k + subscribers may have some influence, but he breaks down the stock, gives his opinion and timing, pretty straight forward and honest IMO, also a big fan of Kathy Wood aka follow the money.
Markets are way frothy and overpriced imo, been buying $UVXY for 3 weeks to hedge that.
5 years ago
Commenting on fourth quarter 2019 developments, Grant Bennett, President and Chief Executive Officer, said, "As described in our press release for third quarter results, contracts with two major customers took effect in the fourth quarter and have been and continue to positively impact financial performance as expected. An additional multi-year agreement with a third major customer is being phased in during the first half of 2020 and will be fully effective as of the beginning of the second half of the year."