4 months ago
Hey, Gail, I do NOT have iHub's Private Messaging right now, so I have to get to you this way regarding your 2-each contacts about that OTHER stock today. So, to wit, I first saw that one pop-up on my Benzinga Pre-Market list; & then saw Orion's "MARK" & others making several positive comments about it; & then I ran Bing's "COPILOT" behind it too. Bottom line, I'm still holding that one, at circa $0.56 right now. So, MAKE you're OWN decision, Girl. Do NOT act vis-a-vis anything I myself say about it --- as you know how THAT routine usually ends-up!! GOOD LUCK, whatever you do today!!
5 months ago
look at the last couple of weeks for this past chart.. see how it moves up huge one day and settles for a few days, then runs up even more, then settles? im betting this is about to do another jump, but im NOT a chartist.. i only look at how it moved before vs volume, etc.
so far, its acting like it may pop soon. already popped from this morning’s dip.
5 months ago
also, when you set your…..
buy or sell per or after hours, called “extended hours” under the word “duration” or similar word,, where you can put day or gtc (good til cancel) or good for 60 days, you would click on extended day… see if you have that choice now, as you may have had it there the whole time.
5 months ago
an ihubber, whom I…..
do not know, or recall his name, saw me complaining one day, about a stock that took off pre market but fell right at the opening. he told me how to do it, through any broker, but i have etrade. im trying to recall but its free, you just agree to some terms, typical stuff, and boom, you can trade before and after hours. the big boy stocks (not oct) trade before and after.
but what i did notice is i cant trade before 7am.. and you cant set the pre market a/m trade the night before, like you can for regular hour trades. so, you have to get up early and be “present” to make your a/m trade, if that makes sense.
now, some people, i have heard, are on robinhood or webull??? but they get to trade all night long. i only use etrade. oh, and you can trade up to 8pm.. but just not before 7am even though it trades before 7am.