2 years ago
Heck, @HALB used to have a PR at least every week!!! About their "EXTRA-CORPOREAL" nonsense about Human BLOOD, SPINAL FLUIDS, URINE, FECES, WATER, BONE MARROW, BRAIN CELLS, SKIN CELLS, and even VOMIT too????? Simple CLEAN it all up, then put it all BACK INTO the patients!!!
2 years ago
Tomorrow, Boss!!! When HALB PR's that the US Patent Office just granted them a PROOF-OF-CONCEPT Certificate for their disruptive, watershed, & otherwise unprecedented 'EXTRA-CORPOREAL' process --- whereby they can soon REMOVE every single BAD SUBSTANCE from any Human's body, and then BLAST that stuff with their (already-Patented) LASERS, and then put all of that BACK INTO said Humans' bodies, thereby graciously-providing said Humans with ETERNAL LIFE & YOUTH!!!!
2 years ago
AGLE: Hey, Bro, I got NONE of this FREAK-SHOW!!! WHO DID???? I don't see ANY of these so-called iHub Pundits BRAGGING about their monetary SCORES here --- do YOU, Sir??? (At least iHub's "MakinEZMoney" normally posts about HOW MUCH MONEY he just made --- but HERE, I don't see ANY of that; except "MARK", who posted that he made a "TINY BIT", whatever THAT means!!!)
PS: Hey, some very good ADVICE behind this AGLE --- wait no later than 11:00 a.m. (Eastern) and THEN grab some of it, as I still think it COULD double or triple from THERE. But make YOUR OWN decision, since I'm just a typical iHub FOOL, myself!!!