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KOSPI Index (KGG01P)

Closed March 08 1:30AM

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wagner wagner 10 minutes ago
Why why why...... Still no clear path to finance

After all disappointing shareholders over years Mark has to sell his company or look for a real deal maker instead of share printer. 

Just my opinion based on nonsense communication on the meetings, seems to be his only c
cardvic cardvic 16 minutes ago
Dang, didn't this POS R/S less than a year ago?
rikkie rikkie 21 minutes ago
+ 5.4 % 🤣
Seminole Red Seminole Red 34 minutes ago
State AG Sets Stage to Have All Biden Pardons, Exec Orders, Other Actions Legally Voided
luvwetscent luvwetscent 36 minutes ago short over 50 years of investing I've never seen a single stock that did not respond to buyout talk that was more than rumor...and when the CEO himself begins talking about it?...up up goes the SP
Seminole Red Seminole Red 43 minutes ago
I dunno, DeSantis will come up with something but im sure alot wont like it when they start losing tax money that they think they are entitled to.....Why is receiving tax money an Entitlement, nothing is Entitled, it can be revoked By the people through voting.
MrHappySmoke MrHappySmoke 44 minutes ago
DB, desktop, chazzy, others may be insiders but you’re still a Loser !!! Get a life ahahahah ur going on like a 5yo child who had his candy taken away. Stfu lol. Talking about spitting in peoples faces. Seriously? You invested in a penny stock and read billboards! Wtf do you expect??
luvwetscent luvwetscent 48 minutes ago
I'm too tired to respond...."can't sleep"
Heisgreater Heisgreater 53 minutes ago
I love that song banana Man. Us old guys sure have been blessed with lots of good music from those years gone by. Hold on to those shares with both hands and teeth LOL
Kong wantabe
Tick tock BAM 💥
Cologne9672 Cologne9672 1 hour ago
The case is in Nevada bankruptcy court. The link is not easily obtainable
boi568 boi568 1 hour ago
I think that name is just a corruption of blarcamesine.
jhdf51 jhdf51 1 hour ago
Great post and truth.
jhdf51 jhdf51 1 hour ago
Sheepdog Sheepdog 1 hour ago
Anybody with A MASTERS DEGREE LIKE MEOMG! A masters degree? Wow! Everybody knows that once you get a master's degree then you know more about everything than everybody else, right?

Does mommy and daddy know how badly they wasted their money on the MS in basket weaving?
Demolition Man Demolition Man 1 hour ago
News!! It happened it finally happened!! Cheers everyone see ya at the Elk Creek tavern! First round on me!!
4u2nv2 4u2nv2 1 hour ago
Moderators on this board. Please remove my last 2 posts here. I just noticed something that could possibly make them inaccurate. Thanks.
flipper44 flipper44 1 hour ago
You continue to misstate my position. Is that fun?
Sheepdog Sheepdog 1 hour ago
The Only Thing the CEO said is that he is exploring a merger deal....he never said he had one......Correct. He said he was thinking about it. The person saying he has a merger deal, dozens of times, is YOU!
JMCK6193 JMCK6193 1 hour ago
So that's what your wife meant by spit-on-that-thing. 😁
rx7171 rx7171 1 hour ago
Where is their source?
I don’t recall the company telling us that.

The process of arriving at a name is a complicated process requiring agency approval so to not have conflicts with other approved drugs or use elements associated with non central nervous system disord
price_and_volume price_and_volume 1 hour ago
Were my questions too hard?

They were specific, and easy to answer, and directed at you. You saw them & publicly avoided them.

Why would you do that, if you felt they were legit / appropriate questions to ask another in a public forum?

We're both paid-up
skitahoe skitahoe 1 hour ago
Can you show me other companies with approved blockbuster products that doesn't have a market cap going into at least a few billion dollars.

When this company has earnings in the billions do you still think the share price will be under $1, or will you be saying it won't go over $10,
spdpro spdpro 1 hour ago
Thanks > I need to chew on that one for a while

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