RNS Number:4164R
Espirito Santo Financial Group S.A.
29 October 2003


LISBON - October 29, 2003 -- Banco Espirito Santo (BES) today announced its
third quarter 2003 results.


*       Accumulated net profit of euro 156.6 million, an increase of 15.0% on a 
        comparable basis, and corresponding to annualized ROE of 11.2%.

*       Moderate business growth due to the tough macroeconomic environment: 
        tight control in credit expansion translated into an increase of 3.9% 
        in loans to customers (including securitized credit); on-balance sheet 
        customer funds were up by 10.4%, with a positive impact on the 
        transformation ratio, which improved from 115% in September 2002 to 
        105% current.

*       Fees and commissions up by 18.2%, supported by the continuous 
        improvement in service quality, cross-selling and in investment banking 
        activity. This increase compensated the 3.9% decrease in net interest 
        income and allowed a 3.5% increase in commercial banking income 
        (excluding markets). The exceptional performance of capital market 
        results, up by 80%, was achieved through the Group's positioning in 
        interest rate instruments and some recovery of the stock market.

*       Containment of costs growth. 1.0% increase, in line with estimated 
        progress for the year, with a favorable impact on the cost to income, 
        which dropped to 50.4%, from 55.2% in September 2002.

*       Significant reinforcement of provisions, with net provisioning charge 
        for the period totaling euro 314.9 million (57.7% of the gross results).

*       Comfortable solvency levels: solvency ratio remains well above 
        recommended levels, while the coverage of overdue loans remains high.


Paulo Padrao
Elsa Jardim
Banco Espirito Santo, Lisbon
+351 21 350 1713


The third quarter of 2003 was characterized by an improvement of the economic
environment worldwide and visible signs of recovery.

In the United States, the strong expansionist nature of the monetary and
budgetary policies is thought to have led third quarter GDP growth to around
5.5%, in annualized terms. Private consumption benefited from historically low
interest rates, a booming residential market and tax cuts on family income.

The improvement of the global economic situation also extended to Japan, where
activity benefited from the good performance of exports and corporate
investment. GDP is thought to have grown by roughly 0.4% in the third quarter.

In the Euro Area, the economy is thought to have risen by 0.2% in the third
quarter. A consistent rise in the main confidence indicators and the growth
acceleration in the United States and Asia were likely contributors to the
region's improved economic performance. However, unemployment rate of 8.8%, high
family and corporate indebtedness levels, Euro appreciation and the budgetary
restrictions entailed by the Stability and Growth Pact, impose a slow pace on

The improvement of corporate results, the outcome of economic activity recovery
and cost containment, led to a positive performance in the stock markets.
Between July and September S&P500 and NASDAQ indices were up, respectively, by
2.2% and 10.1%. Nikkei gained 12.5% and, in Europe, DAX rose by 1.1%. PSI-20
maintained the previous quarter's trend, rising by 5.4%.

Portugal pursued, during the third quarter, the process of adjusting internal
demand to high levels of household indebtedness and to a still rising
unemployment rate. Nevertheless, certain confidence and investment indicators
suggest that the reversal of the economic cycle may have started during this


As announced in due time, Banco Espirito Santo sold to Banque Sofinco shares
representing 45% of the share capital of Credibom - Sociedade Financeira para
Aquisicao a Credito S.A., reflected in the financial statements from June 30,
2003. As mentioned at the time 1st half results were announced, this transaction
led to an extraordinary result of euro 65.3 million in the consolidated accounts
and euro 74.3 million in BES' individual accounts. This latter extraordinary
result was fully allocated to reinforcing, by a total euro 86.0 million, the
fund for general banking risks, thus canceling the effects of the operation on
the net income of the period.

BES consolidated balance sheet as from June 30, 2003 excludes Credibom's assets
and liabilities, while the income statement reflects Credibom's consolidation up
to June 30, as, from the economic standpoint, this company contributed to BES
Group first half-year results.

For purposes of comparability with previous periods and whenever justified by
circumstances, the published financial and business data will also be presented
proforma (excluding Credibom).


Consolidated net income reached euro 156.6 million, a year-on-year increase of
13.4%, and a 15.0% rise on a comparable basis. Annualized return on equity (ROE)
reached 11.2%, which can be considered a significant performance, bearing in
mind the current low level of interest rates.

                                                                 euro million

                                                        2002         2002 *        2003      Proforma 
                                                                                              Chg (%)

    Net Interest Income                                 588.5        577.8         555.5         -3.9
 +  Fees and Commissions                                286.7        286.7         338.9         18.2
 =  Commercial Banking Income                           875.2        864.5         894.4          3.5
 +  Capital Markets Results                              87.8         87.8         158.0         79.9
 =  Banking Income                                      963.0        952.3        1052.4         10.5
 -  Operating Costs                                     529.1        525.3         530.7          1.0
 +  Extraordinary Results and Other                     -38.1        -38.1          24.0         ....
 =  Gross Results                                       395.8        388.9         545.7         40.3
 -  Net Provisions                                      199.9        196.2         314.9         60.5
        Credit                                          137.2        133.5         175.6         31.5
        Securities                                       44.5         44.5          -1.9         ....
        Others                                           18.2         18.2         141.2         ....
 =  Results Before Taxes and Minorities                 195.9        192.7         230.8         19.8
 -  Income Taxes                                         31.9         30.6          45.9         50.1
 -  Minorities                                           25.9         25.9          28.3          9.5
 =  Net Income for the Period                           138.1        136.2         156.6         15.0

    * Proforma, considering the 1st semester of
    Credibom's activity

3.1  Net Interest Income

Net interest income reached euro 555.5 million, decreasing by 3.9% year-on-year,
mainly explained by declining interest rates (the European Central Bank has cut
the refi rate by 125 basis points since the end of the third quarter of 2002),
scarce liquidity in the domestic system and strict control of credit growth
(e.g. reduced exposure to consumer credit). The effects of larger clarity in the
price policy translated into a clearer division between the client service (fees
and commissions) and the interest rate components (net interest income).

Relative net interest margin for the first nine months of the year stood at
2.03%, comparing to 2.23% in September 2002 and 2.09% in the first half of the
current year.

3.2  Fees and Commissions

Fees and commissions reached euro 338.9 million, a year-on-year rise of 18.2%
mainly boosted by traditional banking, bancassurance, cards, investment funds
and from the investment banking activity. The focus put on improving service
quality and the launch of new client retention initiatives were crucial
contributors to the growth achieved.

Finally, Banco Espirito Santo was elected by the Global Finance magazine as the
Best Portuguese Sub-Custodian due to the high quality standards of its
settlement and custody services.

3.3  Capital Markets Results

In line with this year's first half performance, Group BES continued to target
opportunities arising out of a rebounding equity market and, in particular, from
the evolution of interest rates, where marked fluctuations produced gains in
fixed-rate instruments in the third quarter.

3.4  Operating Costs

Operating costs rose by 1.0% only, within forecast limits.

Depreciation and amortization showed the strongest increase, reflecting the
depreciation of investments made in modernizing processes. However, its
deceleration has been notable (March 2003: +12.7%; June 2003: +10.3%; September
2003: +7.1%) and should continue until the year-end.

                                                euro million

                                     2002          2002 *           2003         Proforma 
                                                                                  Chg (%)

Staff Costs                         239.0           237.7          234.3             -1.5
Other Admin Costs                   194.3           192.6          194.7              1.1
Depreciation                         95.8            95.0          101.7              7.1

Operating Costs                     529.1           525.3          530.7              1.0

* Proforma, considering the 1st semester of Credibom's activity

The rationalization plan for 2003 is proceeding, with a net reduction of 207
employees for the period. The objective for the full-year remains at net
reduction of 250 employees.

3.5  Provisioning

During the third quarter of the year, new rules related to provisions for
doubtful loans (Notice 8/2003, of January 30) came into force. This new
framework reduced the ratio of provisions for general banking risks to mortgage
loans from 1% to 0.5% as from last February, originating a surplus of existing
provisions in the balance sheet amounting to euro 39.3 million. The released
provisions must be allocated to reinforcing specific provisions for credit, as
stated in the above mentioned Notice.

Of that amount (euro 39.3 million), BES Group realocated euro 32.5 million to
specific provisions, keeping an amount of euro 6.8 million available for future
use in the balance sheet. Nevertheless, that release did not impact positively
the results for the year, as the charge for general banking risks include an
additional amount of euro 39.1 million above minimum requirements.

                                                                             euro million

       PROVISIONS                                           Accum.                   Accum.
                                                            Sep 03                   Sep 02
                                                                             Proforma      Stated

Specific for Credit - Needs                                  157.8               99.9       103.4
(Transfer from generic provisions: Notice 8/2003)           (32.5)  (1)             -           -
Specific Provisions via Income Statement                     125.3               99.9       103.4
Generic for Credit                                            50.3  (2)          33.7        33.9
Total Provisions for Credit                                  175.6              133.6       137.3
For Securities                                               (1.9)               44.5        44.5
For Other Risks and Charges                                   24.1                9.4         9.4
For General Banking Risks                                     87.3  (3)         (0.9)       (0.9)
For Country Risk                                              18.9                7.0         7.0
For Equity Holdings and Other Purposes                        11.0                2.6         2.6

TOTAL                                                        314.9              196.2       199.9

(1) Balance unallocated: euro 6.8 million.
(2) Includes euro 39.1 million charge above requirements.
(3) Charge reflecting a prudent stance vis-a-vis the national and international
    economic situation.

Thus, the net provision charge for the period amounted to euro 314.9 million, a
year-on-year increase of 60.5%.

Included in this, were credit provisions reinforced by 31.5% to euro 175.6
million, while other provisions reached euro 141.2 million (net euro 139.3
million), including the charge for general banking risks, which shows BES
prudent stance vis-a-vis the economic situation. The balance of the fund for
general banking risks (on the balance sheet) reached euro 101.1 million, from
euro 14.6 million in December 2002.

3.6  Extraordinary Results and Other

Extraordinary and other results include the amortization of extraordinary
pension charges, as well as an extraordinary capital gain of euro 65.3 million
from the disposal of 45% of Credibom (accomplished at the end of 1H2002). As
already mentioned, this gain was totally affected to the fund for general
banking risks, thus neutralizing the effect of the sale in net income.


Notwithstanding macroeconomic constraints domestically and world-wide, Group
BES' business continued to show strong growth, namely in terms of customer
funding, which rose by 12.5%. The progress achieved reflected the commercial
strategy pursued, which continued to rely on innovation, deeper segmentation and
sustained improvement of quality standards.


                                                        euro million

                                                  2002        2002*         2003     Proforma 
                                                                                      Chg (%)

    Total Assets (1)                            49,401       48,957       54,983         12.3

    Net Assets                                  39,769       39,325       41,668          6.0

    Loans to Customers (gross)                  26,571       26,103       26,268          0.6
    - Mortgage                                   9,399        9,399        9,187         -2.3
    - Other Loans to Individuals                 1,859        1,391        1,267         -8.9
    - Corporate                                 15,313       15,313       15,814          3.3

    Loans to Individuals / Gross 
    Customer Loans (%)                            42.4         41.3         39.8         -2.6 p.p.

  + Deposits                                    17,201       17,201       17,776          3.3
  + Debt Securities                              9,302        9,302       11,012         18.4
  = On Balance Sheet Funds                      26,503       26,503       28,788          8.6
  - EMTN and Commercial Paper                    4,445        4,445        4,446          0.0
  = On-Balance Sheet Customer Funds             22,058       22,058       24,342         10.4
  + Off-Balance Sheet Funds                      9,632        9,632       11,309         17.4
  = Total Customer Funds                        31,690       31,690       35,651         12.5

    Transformation Ratio (%)                       117          115          105          -10 p.p.

* Proforma, excluding Credibom
(1) Net Assets + Asset Management + Other Off-Balance Sheet Items

Customer loans, reflecting the adverse conditions that the Portuguese and the
international economies are going through, posted moderate growth: 0.6%
excluding securitized credit, and 3.9% including securitized credit.

                                              euro million

                              Sep 02(*)                      Sep 03                      Change (%)

                      Excluding      Including      Excluding      Including      Excluding      Including
                   Securitization Securitization Securitization Securitization Securitization Securitization

Loan Portfolio          26,103         26,621         26,268         27,664            0.6            3.9

Mortgage                 9,399          9,399          9,187         10,130           -2.3            7.8

Other Loans to           1,391          1,649          1,267          1,461           -8.9          -11.4

Corporate               15,313         15,573         15,814         16,073            3.3            3.2

(*) Proforma excluding Credibom

Mortgage loans remained the most dynamic item overall, rising by 7.8%; other
loans to individuals, were down by 11.4%, reflecting an increased selectivity
criteria; corporate credit maintained the slowdown trend of the previous
quarters, growing by only 3.2%.

At the end of September, the Group announced a new securitization transaction of
its subsidiary Banco Internacional de Credito's mortgage portfolio, amounting to
euro 1 billion. The settlement is scheduled to occur during next November.

The increase in customer funds coupled with the moderate growth of customer
loans led to an improvement in the transformation ratio, from 115% in September
2002 to 105% at the end of the third quarter of 2003.

Off-balance sheet funds, namely bancassurance products and mutual funds,
continued to post a significant growth (+17.4%). This trend reflects an increase
in demand for alternative saving products, explained by the current low level of
interest rates.


Bearing in mind the adverse economic context, the balance of credit provisions
(on balance sheet) increased by euro 134 million, above the increase of overdue
loans (+ euro 95 million).
                                                                                   YoY Change(*)
                                      Sep 02 *    Dec 02 *    Jun 03   Sep 03   absolute  relative

Loans to Customers      (Eur mn)       26,103      25,318    26,018    26,268       165       0.6
Overdue Loans           (Eur mn)        503.1       521.6     572.5     598.0        95      18.9
Overdue Loans > 90 days (Eur mn)        441.6       457.4     500.8     527.3        86      19.4
Provisions for Credit   (Eur mn)        648.4       685.3     750.1     782.7       134      20.7

Overdue Loans / Loans       %            1.93        2.06      2.20      2.28             0.35    p.p.
to Customers (gross)
Overdue Loans > 90 days     %            1.69        1.81      1.92      2.01             0.32    p.p.
/ Loans to Customers

Coverage of Overdue         %           128.9       131.4     131.0     130.9             2.00    p.p.
Coverage of Overdue         %           146.8       149.8     149.8     148.4             1.60    p.p.
Loans > 90 days

* Proforma excluding Credibom

The ratio of overdue loans over 90 days to customer loans stood at 2.01%, while
the coverage ratio remained strong: 148.4% for overdue loans over 90 days and
130.9% for total overdue loans.

The solvency ratio remains at comfortable levels: 11.3% according to the Bank of
Portugal's rules (vs. 10.7% in December 2002) and 13.3% under the BIS criteria
(December 2002: 12.6%).

In July of the current year Group BES issued preference shares in the amount of
euro 450 million. This issue aimed to reduce the foreign exchange volatility of
the capital base associated to the value of preference shares. Thus, on August
18, 2003 the Group redeemed the preference shares issued in November 1996 and
listed on the London Stock Exchange, for a total of USD 250 million.

                                               Dec 02      Sep 03(e)

Solvency Ratio (Bank of Portugal)
  - TIER I                                       6.06        6.79
  - Total                                       10.74       11.28
Solvency Ratio (BIS)
  - TIER I                                       6.99        7.82
  - Total                                       12.61       13.30

(e) Estimate

The medium and long-term debt rating is A1, as assigned by Moody's, A-  by
Standard and Poor's and A+ by FitchRatings.


Regarding productivity and efficiency, noticeable results have been achieved
through cost containment policies, which led to further improvements in the cost
to income (at 50.4% as of September 2003). Having come this far, the Bank
maintains a 50% cost to income ratio objective, as well as a 1% limit for cost
growth, for the end of 2003.

The remaining productivity indicators also improved significantly, particularly
the "Operating Costs / Average Net Assets" and "Total Assets per Employee"

                                               Sep 02*   Dec 02*   Sep 03        Change (*)

 Cost to Income (incl. markets)                 55.2%     53.7%     50.4%        -4.8 p.p.

 Cost to Income (excl. markets)                 60.8%     59.9%     59.3%        -1.5 p.p.

Operating Costs / Average Net Assets            1.83%     1.85%     1.75%       -0.08 p.p.
Total Assets ** per Employee (eur '000)         6,490     6,947     7,600        17.1 %

*  Proforma, adjusted for Credibom
** Net Assets + Asset Management + Other off-balance sheet items


Return on assets (ROA) improved year-on-year, as indicated below, positively
influenced by the securitization operations. Return on equity (ROE), based on
annualized results, stood broadly stable versus 3rd quarter of 2002.

                                  Sep 02        Dec 02         Sep 03

Return on Equity (ROE)              11.1          13.1           11.2
Return on Assets (ROA)              0.48          0.57           0.52


Concerning direct channels, the third quarter of 2003 was marked by the award of
the prize for Best Consumer Internet Bank 2003 by Global Finance magazine, the
Quality Certification of BESnet Particulares, and also by a significant increase
in internet banking activity.

The "Best Consumer Internet Bank 2003" prize highlights BES' leadership in
internet banking as the domestic bank with the highest percentage of internet
customers, roughly 40% of its customer base.

The above mentioned quality certification given to BESnet reflects its high
level of security, availability and speed.  At the end of the 3rd quarter, 
BESnet had 650 thousand users (year-on-year increase of 23%). This channel's 
activity continued to grow at a considerable pace, with more than 9.1 million 
logins during the current year - an increase of 30% versus the same period in 

Low value-added operations performed through the direct channels continued to
increase their weight, representing 30.5% of total vs. 22.6% last year.

Internet banking service for corporate customers - BESnet Negocios - continued
to make good progress. The number of companies using this service has reached
32,500, a 44% increase vs. September 2002. Transactions made through BESnet
Negocios have risen by 76% year-on-year.

Banco BEST's performance remains on track, with 16,000 customers obtained and
over euro 300 million of assets under management achieved.

Users of pmelink.pt already reached 36,000 companies, of which 10,000 are
frequent users. During the first nine months of the year, the trading volume was
up by 70% year-on-year, and, due to the range of services offered, the gross
margin released during the period rose by 170% year-on-year.


After the fire calamity that has ravaged the country this year, Banco Espirito
Santo decided to contribute to the social and economic recovery of the affected
families and regions, by providing the following financial aids: a donation of
euro 1.8 million aimed at the rebuilding permanent housing, and a 10-year
subsidized credit line, also amounting to euro 1.8 million, to restore economic

These funds have been distributed to families in close cooperation with 29
affected municipalities, contributing to the rebuilding of a great number of
houses and to the restoring of small businesses.

The excellent cooperation provided by local authority members must be
emphasized, as their dedication has permitted a fast and effective distribution
of the support provided.

                                   THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS



(Unaudited Figures)

                                                                          Sep 2002        Sep 2003
                                                                       (1,000 EUR)     (1,000 EUR)

Cash and deposits at Central Banks                                         652,177         662,483
Loans and advances to credit institutions repayable on demand              599,735         471,496
Other loans and advances to credit institutions                          4,154,061       5,774,460
    (Provisions)                                                           (8,461)        (43,267)
Loans and advances to customers                                         26,570,821      26,267,607
    (Provisions)                                                         (360,017)       (419,587)
Bonds and other fixed income securities                                  3,720,442       4,467,473
    (Provisions)                                                          (65,390)        (57,201)
    a) Issued by Government and Public entities                          1,083,611         975,621
        (Provisions)                                                       (5,149)         (5,021)
    b) Issued by other entities                                          2,623,108       3,478,451
        (Provisions)                                                      (60,241)        (52,180)
    c) Own securities                                                       13,723          13,401
Shares and other variable income securities                                725,365         532,510
    (Provisions)                                                          (92,888)        (94,735)
Investments in associated companies                                         29,574          59,432
    (Provisions)                                                                           (2,389)
Other investments                                                          900,522         965,701
    (Provisions)                                                          (24,477)        (51,716)
Intangible assets                                                          496,867         561,457
    (Amortization)                                                       (317,155)       (390,819)
Tangible assets                                                          1,041,078         884,182
    (Depreciation)                                                       (617,175)       (537,368)
Treasury stock
Other debtors                                                              517,078         461,380
    (Depreciations)                                                       (23,781)        (23,925)
Prepayments and accrued income                                           1,870,267       2,181,208

TOTAL NET ASSETS                                                        39,768,643      41,668,382

Amounts owed to credit institutions                                      7,708,675       6,837,825
    a) Repayable on demand                                                 353,554         355,750
    b) With agreed maturity date                                         7,355,121       6,482,075
Amounts owed to customers                                               17,201,071      17,776,012
    a) Savings accounts                                                  2,451,942       2,249,007
    b) Repayable on demand                                               6,219,391       6,800,238
    c) With agreed maturity date                                         8,529,738       8,726,767
Debt securities                                                          9,301,705      11,011,844
    a) Outstanding Bonds                                                 7,996,456       8,953,509
    b) Other securities                                                  1,305,249       2,058,335
Other liabilities                                                          276,272         280,896
Accruals and deferred income                                               635,255         839,580
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                     360,553         414,545
    a) Pension plan and equivalent charges                                     424
    b) Other provisions                                                    360,129         414,545
Provisions for general banking risks                                        60,495         101,106
Subordinated debt                                                        1,680,477       1,679,878
Share capital                                                            1,500,000       1,500,000
Share premium                                                              300,000         300,000
Reserves                                                                    37,471          55,585
Revaluation reserves
Retained earnings
Minority interests                                                         568,584         714,537
Consolidated net income for the period                                     138,085         156,574

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                              39,768,643      41,668,382


(Unaudited Figures)
                                                                              Sep 02        Sep 03
                                                                         (1,000 EUR)   (1,000 EUR)

Interest income                                                            1,691,658     1,603,258
Income from securities                                                         9,725        16,073
Commissions                                                                  254,569       287,935
Profits arising from trading activity                                      2,571,807     1,840,152
Write-back of provisions                                                     133,497       178,903
Income arising from the equity method of consolidation                         1,941         6,268
Other operating income                                                        73,270        85,633
Extraordinary gains                                                           17,403        81,801
Minority interests                                                             3,359         2,002

TOTAL CREDIT                                                               4,757,229     4,102,025

Interest expense                                                           1,103,126     1,047,783
Commissions                                                                   41,113        34,660
Losses arising from trading activities                                     2,493,698     1,698,254
General administrative costs                                                 433,273       428,993
a) Staff costs                                                               239,010       234,272
b) Other administrative costs                                                194,263       194,721
Depreciation                                                                  95,793       101,743
Other operating expenses                                                       4,708         5,336
Provisions for loan losses and other risks                                   330,491       488,127
Provisions for investments                                                     2,929         5,715
Extraordinary losses                                                          44,065        49,603
Income taxes                                                                  31,892        45,929
Other taxes                                                                    8,062         6,720
Losses arising from the equity method of consolidation                           733         2,284
Minority interests                                                            29,261        30,304
Consolidated net income for the period                                       138,085       156,574

TOTAL DEBIT                                                                4,757,229     4,102,025

This news release may include certain statements relating to the Banco Espirito
Santo Group that are neither reported financial results nor other historical
information.  These statements which include (targets, forecasts, projections,
descriptions of anticipated cost savings, statements regarding the possible
development or possible assumed future results of operations) and any statement
preceded by, followed by or that includes the words "believes", "expects", 
"aims", "intends", "may" or similar expressions or negatives thereof are or may
constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, regulations, and case law.

By their nature, forward-looking statements are inherently predictive,
speculative and involve risk and uncertainty.  There are a number of factors
that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those
expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. These factors include, but
are not limited to, changes in economic conditions in individual countries in
which the BES Group conducts its business and internationally, fiscal or other
policies adopted by various governments and regulatory authorities of Portugal
and other jurisdictions, levels of competition from other banks and financial
services companies as well as future exchange and interest rates.  (Certain of
the factors that could affect actual results and developments are described in
Banco Espirito Santo's Annual Report and Form 20-F under the heading "Risk

Banco Espirito Santo does not undertake to release publicly any revision to the
forward-looking information included in this news release to reflect events,
circumstances or unanticipated events occurring after the date hereof.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange