4 weeks ago
QNTM: That nice Lady --- from Virginia, a retired Cop --- 'confided' that to ME, too, in a ('Top-Secret') iHub private email; admonishing me NOT to tell anybody about that!! But evidently, she sent the same email to EVERYBODY!! I STILL like her, though --- especially her daily Food-&-Restaurant-Taste-Testing routines, all across New England!!! (See iHub's own "GAIL", below, in action!!!)
"Heck, I MYSELF begged iHub's 'GAIL' for some bucks to play the Markets!!! And she kicked-me-down ONE-MILLION-GREENBACKS!!! I LOVE that chick!!!"
4 weeks ago
QNTM: BEST of outcomes on your Post-M gambit there!!! (For me, what a FREAKISH turmoil at the end there!! I tried to DUMP all at the last 2-minute mark, but my E-Turd platform was failing miserably; so, I got stuck in the Post-M [E-Turd] routine, which also was screwing-up --- but I finally was able to DUMB all therein for a [shockingly] REASONABLE profit. This stock was NOT looking good all day long, and then it half-assed SOARED way near the end!! BONKERS stuff!!)
4 weeks ago
QNTM: Below is my inquiry of COPILOT about this Firm ---
MY QUESTION: "Does Wall Street think that QNTM's "UN-BUZZ" for alcohol is a joke?? Because people drink ALCOHOL to in fact GET "buzzed" and, as such, don't even WANT to get sober!!"
COPILOT: "It seems like there's some skepticism around Quantum BioPharma Ltd.'s (QNTM) product Unbuzzd, which aims to accelerate alcohol metabolism and reduce the effects of intoxication. While some people might indeed enjoy the feeling of getting "buzzed," there's also a market for those who want to sober up quickly, whether for safety reasons, to avoid hangovers, or to be more alert. The clinical trial results for Unbuzzd showed promising outcomes, such as accelerated alcohol metabolism, improved alertness, and reduced hangover symptoms. However, whether Wall Street views it as a joke or a viable product might vary among analysts and investors."