3 minutes ago
I agree with you 'farmI1234 !!!
I'm pretty sure most of the Savvy Investors, that have been paying attention,
have been loading the dips, and .0004's, for a while now.
I know I have, along with fishing down stream.
I doubt any Longs will get caught short,
16 minutes ago
Are we at $0.0001 yet? Minds over matter, don’t mind no matter. It was at $0.0004. I bought at 12:59pm for 40K shares at $20 with $6 commission and upped a $0.0001 to $0.0005. There is no others buy at last minute. Where is our team effect? We went thru $0.22, $0.08, $0.02, $0.01, $0.00053, $0.0004,