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Unicredit Bank AG

Unicredit Bank AG (UC170H)

Closed March 22 12:30PM

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MightyX MightyX 4 minutes ago
Not only are yall accumulating..yall redistributing to members at same accumulation price
mrwrn2010 mrwrn2010 6 minutes ago
Maybe it's good that he's quite what?
You def don't have the facts.
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 7 minutes ago
Florida Sheriff Goes Off During Press Conference
This Sheriff just went OFF! “All the gun laws we got in place didn't prevent it, did it?! Neither will any news ones!”
955 955 8 minutes ago
China Has Heavily Infiltrated Our Gov
False accusations against Elon Musk regarding involvement with China
Congress men & women working with China
Clintons handing over top secret missile guidance tech to China

Beginning @ 14:00 mark
Saving Grace Saving Grace 8 minutes ago
2024 will further see the continuation of metallurgical and technical studies aimed at unlocking more efficient processes for ore treatment, including advancements in flotation recovery techniques. By the mid-year mark, the company expects to finalize extensive test work, setting a path for future
Jetmek_03052 Jetmek_03052 9 minutes ago
Yes. I understand that.

But all that said - the general consensus is that NVDA will increase in price as we get into the last half of the year. Does it make sense that an insider would sell millions of dollars of shares in front of a such a probable runup?

Don't get m
janice shell janice shell 9 minutes ago
I’m happy to discuss solutions, but to simply say they need to “fire SuperElon” isn’t addressing the issue. It’s noise.

I haven't read this, but I'm guessing it would be useful in understanding some aspects of the problem.
urge2surge urge2surge 9 minutes ago
Yep fully agree. Patience and prosper.
hssbwwmp hssbwwmp 10 minutes ago
We'll see if it works out this time...if the new company has patentable products, and there is a new ticker, and there is revenue, and there is a lower OS, then the PPS should go up nicely, possibly to $.005 like it was in November 2022 or $.0124 like it was in October 2021!
Zorax Zorax 11 minutes ago
Why do I get the feeling and I was waiting for King to write there was no truth serum, it was just iced tea with a half an aspirin for odd taste.
Worried about crossing the Protest Lines at Tesler?

No problem come down to 1600 Pensilvania Ave Washington DC our top salesman Don The Con will hook you up with a 100% Tarrif on that Tesler
Dallas-Cowboys Dallas-Cowboys 12 minutes ago
Colette is a top notch CFO and has been with Jensen over 10 years and yes that is a drop in the bucket for her holdings. Unfortunately for these insiders there is never a good time to sell. She probably thought like most that GTC in normal times would have been her selling into strength.
phrocks phrocks 13 minutes ago
This coming month meaning March or April??
jimr1717 jimr1717 14 minutes ago
Have those Korean Hedge Funds increased their short to 6 Trillion yet?

No one is Fooled by the short garbage
100lbStriper 100lbStriper 14 minutes ago
hopefully it all ends next week.
MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 15 minutes ago
I drifted down to the bottom and got stuck. Tomorrow is another day.
100lbStriper 100lbStriper 15 minutes ago
and, its about time!!!
arizona1 arizona1 16 minutes ago
Gavin Newsom is toast at this point. Why do dems think they can EVER appeal to MAGAts when MAGAts can have the real thing like Trump?
NASDAQ2020 NASDAQ2020 17 minutes ago
❎️Upcoming NWBO Catalyst :
OMOLIVES OMOLIVES 18 minutes ago
What they seem to already forget is that DOGE is not new. It is merely a reorganization of the United States Digital Service. It went from a first gear approach to over drive. That is it.
Brodey79 Brodey79 18 minutes ago
Uplist won’t be the end all. It’ll help lots for sure but needs to be accompanied by nice financials. Some news won’t hurt either. Final agreement signed on Alchemy global/ some news on condor would be sweet. Like when will it be offered as an alternative to meta trader on alchemy markets/ when will
janetcanada janetcanada 18 minutes ago
🐞***ASII- Link to the trades:.....

🐞***From Barchart.....
stockprofitter stockprofitter 18 minutes ago

Fantastic news!
gio gio 19 minutes ago
I agree. Listened a couple of times and felt much better about things. His explanation about proving reliability was helpful and made sense. Loved that he reiterated it was best in class and that potential customers recognize that. The 18 month "norm" for getting through process to production w

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