Exeter Selective Assets Investment Trust PLC (the "Company")

In accordance with UKLA Listing Rule 21.20(l)(i), the following list represents
the Company's investments, as at 30th November 2003, in other UK listed
investment companies (including investment trusts) which themselves do not have
a stated investment policy to invest no more than 15% of their gross assets in
other UK listed investment companies (including investment trusts):

Name of company                   Class of Share                 �'000    
BC Property Securities            Zero dividend preference       1505     
BFS Income & Growth               Zero coupon preference         119      
BFS Managed Properties            Ordinary                       255      
BFS UK Dual Return Trust          Capital                        15       
BFS UK Dual Return Trust          Zero dividend preference       595      
BFS UK Dual Return Trust          Geared Unit                    62       
Blue Chip Value & Income Fund     Ordinary                       210      
Blue Chip Value & Income Fund     Warrants                       11       
Britannic UK Income               Ordinary                       37       
ESCIF Securities                  Zero dividend preference       345      
Edinburgh Pacific & Income        Ordinary                       6        
Electra                           Ordinary                       423      
ELIT Zeros                        Zero dividend preference       5        
Framlington Global Financial &    Ordinary                       6        
GAGIT Securities                  Zero dividend preference       611      
Investment Trust of Investment    Zero dividend preference       5        
Jove                              Income                         111      
Jupiter Financial                 Ordinary                       270      
Morley Absolute Growth            Zero dividend preference       637      
Recovery                          Zero dividend preference       311      

These holdings represent 23.9% of the value of the Company's investment
portfolio at

30 November 2003.
