RNS Number:9514O
Keller Group PLC
22 August 2003

                                                22 August 2003

                       Keller Group plc
                    Interim Results for the
                 Six Months Ended 30 June 2003

 Keller Group plc ("Keller" or "the Group"), the global
 construction services group, reports further progress in the
 first half of 2003; highlights include:

  > Turnover increased by 11% to #278.7 million (2002:

  > Profit before tax* up 7% to #12.8 million (2002: #12.0m),
    after adverse #0.6 million currency impact

  > EBITDA interest cover of 11 times

  > Interim dividend raised 4.5% to 3.45p (2002: 3.3p)

  > Strong performance from Foundation Services

  > Encouraging first contributions from 2002 acquisitions,
    Keller-Terra and McKinney

  > Action taken to restore margins in the UK

  > Board succession plans completed

 * before exceptionals and amortisation of intangibles

 Tom Dobson, Keller Chief Executive said:

 "While   the  first  half  was  characterised  by  a   strong
 performance   from  the  Continental  Europe   and   Overseas
 business  and a steadily improving performance  from  the  US
 foundations  business, trading in the UK  was  disappointing.
 We   have   implemented  a  number  of  actions  to   improve
 performance in our two UK businesses.

 "Overall  our strong business fundamentals and an order  book
 representing  4  months' sales give  us  confidence  that  we
 shall report a further year of growth."


 Keller Group plc                            www.keller.co.uk
 Tom Dobson, Chief Executive                    020 8341 6424
 Justin Atkinson, Chief Operating Officer
 James Hind, Finance Director

 Weber Shandwick Square Mile                    020 7067 0700
 Reg Hoare/Josh Royston

  A briefing for analysts will be held at 9.15 for 9.30 am on
   Friday, 22 August 2003 at the offices of Weber Shandwick
 Square Mile, Fox Court, 14 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8WS

    Print resolution images are available for the media to
               download from www.vismedia.co.uk

Financial Overview

I  am pleased to report further progress in the first half  of
2003,  with Group sales up 11% at #278.7m (2002: #250.5m)  and
profit   before   tax,   exceptionals  and   amortisation   of
intangibles up 7% at #12.8m (2002: #12.0m).  Adjusted earnings
per  share were down at 11.6p (2002: 12.8p), mainly reflecting
the  issue of 5.2m shares in December 2002 in connection  with
the  financing  of  McKinney and of our 51% share  in  Keller-

While the first half was characterised by a strong performance
from  the  Continental  Europe and  Overseas  business  and  a
steadily   improving  performance  from  the  US   foundations
business,  trading in the UK was disappointing.   As announced
in  our trading statement on 27 June 2003, we have implemented
a  number  of  actions to improve performance in  our  two  UK
businesses,  Makers and KGE, as a result of which  exceptional
restructuring costs of #0.7m were charged in the  first  half.
Total  restructuring  costs in the year  are  expected  to  be
around #2m.

Operating   cash   flow  was  #9.9m,  down  on   last   year's
exceptionally  strong #18.3m.   Working capital  increased  in
the  period,  mainly reflecting high activity  levels  in  the
second  quarter,  particularly  at  Suncoast,  and  growth  in
southern  Europe  where working capital levels  are  generally
higher.    The  Group's  EBITDA net  interest  cover  remained
comfortable at 11 times on a pro-forma, rolling 12-month basis
(2002: 10 times).

The  average foreign currency exchange rate of the  US  Dollar
against  Sterling  was 11% weaker than in the  first  half  of
2002,  whilst  the  Euro  against Sterling  was  9%  stronger.
Cumulatively,  this had an adverse effect on operating  profit
before exceptionals and amortisation of intangibles of #0.6m.


The  directors have declared an interim dividend of 3.45p  per
share  (2002: 3.3p), representing an increase of 4.5%.    This
will  be  paid  on  31  October 2003 to  shareholders  on  the
register  at 3 October 2003.   This increase is in  line  with
our policy of maintaining a healthy dividend cover and seeking
to  reward shareholders with above inflation increases, whilst
at  the same time reinvesting our cash flow into the continued
growth of the Group.

Operational Overview

Foundation Services

Foundation  Services produced another good set of  results  in
challenging conditions.  Sales of #198.8m (2002: #173.8m)  and
operating  profit  before  exceptionals  and  amortisation  of
intangibles  of #13.2m (2002: #10.8m), were respectively  some
14%  and  23%  ahead of the previous year.  Operating  margins
improved from 6.2% to 6.6%.

North America

The public infrastructure sector of the US construction market
remained resilient, although we saw continued weakness in  the
commercial  sector.   Despite this, Case, which  predominantly
serves  the commercial sector, gave another strong first  half
performance,  having  entered the year with  a  healthy  order
backlog.   In  particular,  Case Atlantic  made  an  excellent
contribution,  helped by a good result from the  large  Cooper
River Bridge project in Charleston, South Carolina.   McKinney
experienced  a  slow start to the year, with several  projects
delayed  due  to exceptionally wet weather along  the  eastern
seaboard;  however,  some improvement in  the  second  quarter
produced  a satisfactory half year result.   Both order  books
are well filled through the third quarter of this year and  we
are confident of their ability to continue to win business.

After a much improved second quarter, Hayward Baker returned a
first  half  result  close to last year's strong  first  half.
Its  most  significant contract during the period was  a  soil
mixing  project  for  oil storage tanks  in  Louisiana,  which
generated  some  $6m  of  sales.    Current  activity  levels,
together with a good order book, indicate that the business is
well placed for the second half.

Continental Europe & Overseas

Despite  challenging  market  conditions  in  several  of  our
markets, our Continental Europe & Overseas business had a good
first  half.    Germany, Switzerland, France and Portugal  all
saw  reductions  in  construction volume whilst  elsewhere  in
Europe,  most  notably in Spain, Italy,  Austria,  Sweden  and
Poland,   high   levels  of  public  infrastructure   spending
continued  to support demand.  Against this market background,
sales  and  margin  held up well, with good results  from  our
Austrian operation and from our developing business in Poland.
In   particular,  the  performance  of  LCM,  our  50%   owned
subsidiary in Sweden, was excellent and Keller-Terra, our 51%-
owned  Spanish venture acquired in December last year, made  a
very   good   first-half   contribution,   resulting   in    a
significantly  improved margin for the  Continental  Europe  &
Overseas business overall.

Our Overseas businesses experienced a number of project delays
in   Singapore  and  in  the  Middle  East,  although   recent
indications  suggest  that trading in  these  regions  is  now
returning to more normal levels. The results were also  helped
by  an impressive contribution from Malaysia, where Keller  is
undertaking  vibro  replacement work on several  large  public
infrastructure projects.


Market  conditions in the UK foundations sector  were  stable,
with  the  housing sector remaining strong and the  commercial
and  infrastructure sectors generally flat.    Volumes  within
our  UK  foundations business were up on the same period  last
year  and  the geotechnical and ground improvement  businesses
performed  solidly.   However, the overall result was  diluted
by  weak  margins from the piling business, where  competition
from   the  specialist  subsidiaries  of  general  contractors
continues to result in overcapacity in the market.

In  our June trading statement we said that we would be taking
steps  to  address  poor  performance in  the  UK  foundations
business  and subsequently we have withdrawn from  the  under-
performing heavy piling activities.  This leaves the  business
focused  on  its  higher value-added products which,  together
with  a  streamlining of processes and reduction in headcount,
are expected to improve margins going forward.


Following  a sluggish start to the year, activity improved  in
the  second quarter to produce a half-year result in line with
expectations.    Our Franki business performed well  although,
as  anticipated, Vibropile, which we acquired in August  2002,
did not repeat its exceptional contribution in the second half
of last year.

Specialist Services

The results for Specialist Services did not meet expectations,
with  sales  of #79.9m (2002: #76.7m) and an operating  profit
before  exceptionals and amortisation of intangibles of  #3.1m
(2002: #4.2m).   This shortfall was largely attributable to  a
weak performance from Makers.

North America

The  residential  sector  of the North  American  construction
market  remained  strong, particularly in the Southern  States
served  by  Suncoast's slab-on-grade business.   Although  the
commercial  sector  generally was weak,  Suncoast's  high-rise
activity improved following an expansion into new regions  and
a   resultant   increase  in  market  share.    However,   the
exceptionally wet weather at the start of the year  restricted
activity  levels  and  impacted on  Suncoast's  first  quarter
performance.  The second quarter saw a progressive recovery in
volume  but  increases  in the cost  of  Suncoast's  main  raw
material,  resulting from the introduction of new  tariffs  on
imports of steel strand, put pressure on margins in June.   As
a  result,  Suncoast  is  introducing  a  programme  of  price
increases which are expected to restore gross margins  in  the
fourth  quarter.    This, together with  a  healthy  high-rise
order book, is likely to produce a full year result broadly in
line with last year.


Makers'  first half was impacted by poor productivity  in  the
highways   division  of  its  infrastructure   business;   the
cancellation   of   a   new-build  car  park   contract;   and
disappointing   spend   under  its   London-based   partnering
agreements for social housing refurbishment.  Our June trading
statement   indicated  that  a  restructuring  programme   was
underway,  which  has  led  to  an  exit  from  the   reactive
maintenance business through the disposal of our 50% share  of
the   London-based  reactive  maintenance  joint  venture  and
closure of Makers' own reactive maintenance business based  in
the West Midlands. Our social housing business is now focussed
on  planned capital maintenance projects, predominantly in the
London area, but with scope to expand to other regions.    Our
car parks business, both new build and refurbishment, has been
amalgamated into our infrastructure business.   These actions,
together  with  a  reduction  in headcount,  are  expected  to
improve  margins going forward.   A further update on  Makers'
strategy  will  be  provided at the time  of  the  preliminary
results in March 2004.

Board Changes

In  March we announced our Board succession planning.    These
management  changes  were completed with  the  appointment  of
James  Hind, who joined the Board on 15 July 2003  as  Finance
Director.    James  takes over from Justin  Atkinson,  who  in
March  was  appointed Chief Operating Officer.  The Board  now
has  a balance of new blood and management continuity together
with  the blend of talents required to lead the next stage  of
the Group's development.

With the new team secured, Tom Dobson, who joined the Group in
1966  and  has  been Chief Executive for the past  six  years,
plans to retire from his position and from the Board in Spring
2004.  We are indebted to Tom for his enormous contribution to
the  Group and we will continue to benefit from his wisdom and
experience,  as he will remain an adviser to the Group  for  a
further three years.   It is planned that Justin Atkinson will
succeed Tom as Chief Executive.


As  we go into the second half, we anticipate little change in
our major markets for the remainder of the year.   Overall our
strong  business  fundamentals and an order book  representing
four months' sales, gives us confidence that we will report  a
further year of growth.

Dr J.M.West
22 August 2003

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the half year ended 30 June 2003

                                                                   Half year to      Half year to        Year to
                                                             Note       30 June           30 June    31 December
                                                                           2003              2002           2002
                                                                          #'000             #'000          #'000
Turnover from continuing operations                            3        278,730           250,494        510,971
Operating costs                                                        (266,489)         (238,235)      (479,727)
Operating profit
before exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles       3         14,904            13,826         34,344
Exceptional items                                                          (748)                -              -
Amortisation of intangibles                                              (1,915)           (1,567)        (3,100)
Operating profit from continuing operations                              12,241            12,259         31,244
Net interest payable                                                     (2,071)           (1,822)        (3,914)
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation

before exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles                 12,833            12,004         30,430
Exceptional items                                                          (748)                -              -
Amortisation of intangibles                                              (1,915)           (1,567)        (3,100)
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                            10,170            10,437         27,330

Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                     (4,292)           (4,118)       (10,684)
Tax on exceptional items                                                    224                 -              -
Taxation                                                       4         (4,068)           (4,118)       (10,684)
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                              6,102             6,319         16,646
Equity minority interests                                                (1,004)             (256)          (233)
Profit for the period                                                     5,098             6,063         16,413
Dividends proposed                                            5          (2,245)           (1,970)        (6,284)
Retained profit for the period                                            2,853             4,093         10,129
Earnings per share                                            6            7.9p             10.2p          27.5p
Adjusted earnings per share*                                              11.6p             12.8p          32.7p
Diluted earnings per share                                    6            7.9p             10.1p          27.3p
Dividend per share                                            5           3.45p              3.3p           9.9p

*Adjusted earnings per share is calculated before exceptional
items and amortisation of intangibles

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the half year ended 30 June 2003

                                                                   Half year to      Half year to        Year to
                                                                        30 June           30 June    31 December
                                                                           2003              2002           2002
                                                                          #'000             #'000          #'000
Profit for the period                                                     5,098             6,063         16,413
Currency translation differences on overseas investments                  1,083               311           (107)
Total recognised gains and losses                                         6,181             6,374         16,306

Consolidated balance sheet
as at 30 June 2003

                                                                          As at             As at          As at
                                                                        30 June           30 June    31 December
                                                                           2003              2002           2002
                                                                          #'000             #'000          #'000
Fixed assets

Positive goodwill                                                        66,398            58,467         68,529
Negative goodwill                                                          (142)              (53)        (2,239)
                                                                         66,256            58,414         66,290
Other intangible assets                                                     287               337            374
Intangible assets                                                        66,543            58,751         66,664
Tangible assets                                                          83,633            61,626         79,815
Investments                                                                   -             1,379              -
                                                                        150,176           121,756        146,479
Current assets

Stocks                                                                   17,434            12,141         15,147
Debtors                                                                 152,705           124,814        143,897
Cash at bank and in hand                                                 12,340             7,875         16,206
                                                                        182,479           144,830        175,250
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                         (154,184)         (129,838)      (141,404)
Net current assets                                                       28,295            14,992         33,846
Total assets less current liabilities                                   178,471           136,748        180,325
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year                 (63,235)          (51,878)       (72,341)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                  (10,392)           (6,814)        (7,840)
Net assets                                                              104,844            78,056        100,144

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                                                   6,507             5,974          6,498
Share premium account                                                    35,374            22,266         35,293
Capital redemption reserve                                                7,629             7,629          7,629
Profit and loss account                                                  50,430            40,876         46,494
Equity shareholders' funds                                               99,940            76,745         95,914
Equity minority interests                                                 4,904             1,311          4,230
                                                                        104,844            78,056        100,144

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the half year ended 30 June 2003

                                                                   Half year to      Half year to        Year to
                                                                        30 June           30 June    31 December
                                                                           2003              2002           2002
                                                                          #'000             #'000          #'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                 9,936            18,331         43,171
Returns on investment and servicing of finance                           (2,378)           (2,171)        (4,358)
Taxation                                                                 (5,772)           (5,817)        (8,975)
Capital expenditure                                                      (7,489)           (6,319)       (12,700)
Acquisitions and disposals                                                  207              (591)       (32,042)
Equity dividends paid                                                    (4,404)           (3,611)        (5,609)
Net cash (outflow) before use of liquid resources and financing          (9,900)             (178)       (20,513)
Management of liquid resources                                              369               633            (61)
Financing                                                                (4,980)           (6,641)        31,254
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                               (14,511)           (6,186)        10,680

Exchange differences on cash balances                                       570                 -             75
(Decrease)/increase in short term bank deposits                            (258)             (691)           235
Decrease/(increase) in bank loans                                         3,676             6,043        (16,553)
Decrease in loan notes                                                    1,451             2,776          1,595
Decrease/(increase) in finance leases                                       244              (169)          (825)
(Increase)/decrease in net debt                                          (8,828)            1,773         (4,793)
Opening net debt                                                        (67,995)          (63,202)       (63,202)
Closing net debt                                                        (76,823)          (61,429)       (67,995)

Analysis of closing net debt

Cash in hand                                                             10,257             6,460         13,865
Bank overdrafts                                                         (12,565)          (11,768)        (2,232)
Net (overdraft)/cash                                                     (2,308)           (5,308)        11,633
Short term bank deposits                                                  2,083             1,415          2,341
Bank loans                                                              (69,871)          (50,951)       (73,547)
Loan notes                                                               (3,852)           (4,122)        (5,303)
Finance leases                                                           (2,875)           (2,463)        (3,119)
Closing net debt                                                        (76,823)          (61,429)       (67,995)

Notes to the interim report:

1.   Basis of preparation

This interim report, which is unaudited, was approved by the board of
directors  on  21  August  2003 and has been prepared  following  the
accounting  policies set out in the Group's 2002  Annual  Report  and
Accounts.   The  figures for the year to 31 December 2002  have  been
extracted from the 2002 Annual Report and Accounts which received  an
unqualified  auditors'  report and which  has  been  filed  with  the
Registrar of Companies.

2. Exchange rates

   The exchange rates used in respect of principal currencies are

                                                                      Half year to     Half year to         Year to
                                                                           30 June          30 June     31 December
                                                                              2003             2002            2002
Euro:               average for period                                        1.46             1.61            1.59
                    period end                                                1.44             1.55            1.53

US Dollar:          average for period                                        1.61             1.45            1.50
                    period end                                                1.65             1.53            1.60

Australian Dollar:  average for period                                        2.62             2.70            2.77
                    period end                                                2.47             2.72            2.84

3.  Segmental analysis
Turnover and operating profit may be analysed as follows:

                                                                       Half year to     Half year to        Year to
                                                                            30 June          30 June    31 December
                                                                               2003             2002           2002
                                                                              #'000            #'000          #'000
Turnover from continuing operations

Class of business

Foundations                                                                 198,848          173,839        361,441
Specialist services                                                          79,882           76,655        149,530
                                                                            278,730          250,494        510,971
Geographical origin

United Kingdom                                                               57,142           50,228        106,738
The Americas                                                                130,571          127,505        242,567
Continental Europe and Overseas                                              78,783           64,014        135,599
Australia                                                                    12,234            8,747         26,067
                                                                            278,730          250,494        510,971
Operating profit from continuing operations before
exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles

Class of business
Foundations                                                                  13,237           10,767         27,678
Specialist services                                                           3,053            4,233          8,829
                                                                             16,290           15,000         36,507
Geographical origin

United Kingdom                                                                  930            1,771          4,323
The Americas                                                                  9,104            9,867         22,338
Continental Europe and Overseas                                               5,447            3,179          8,042
Australia                                                                       809              183          1,804
                                                                             16,290           15,000         36,507
Unallocated central costs                                                    (1,386)          (1,174)        (2,163)
                                                                             14,904           13,826         34,344

3.Segmental analysis continued

                                                                                   Half            Half
                                                                                year to         year to        Year to
                                                  Amortisation   Exceptional    30 June         30 June    31 December
                                                of intangibles         items       2002            2002           2002
                                                         #'000         #'000      #'000           #'000          #'000
Exceptional items and amortisation of

Class of business

Foundations                                                439           330        769             169            292
Specialist services                                      1,476           418      1,894           1,398          2,808
                                                         1,915           748      2,663           1,567          3,100
Geographical origin
United Kingdom                                             252           748      1,000             144            376
The Americas                                             1,343             -      1,343           1,443          2,802
Continental Europe and Overseas                            334             -        334              32            122
Australia                                                  (14)            -        (14)            (52)          (200)
                                                         1,915           748      2,663           1,567          3,100

Exceptional items comprise reorganisation costs in respect of the UK
businesses.  There were no exceptional items in the prior year.

4.  Taxation

Taxation based on the profit on ordinary activities is:
                                                                                Half       Half
                                                                             year to    year to        Year to
                                                                             30 June    30 June    31 December
                                                                                2003       2002           2002
                                                                               #'000      #'000          #'000
UK corporation tax at 30% (2002:30%)                                            (861)        87            342
Overseas tax                                                                   5,017      3,923          9,555
Deferred tax                                                                    (104)        85          1,817
Under/(over) provisions in respect of prior periods                               16         23         (1,030)
                                                                               4,068      4,118         10,684

5.  Dividends proposed and paid
Ordinary dividends on equity shares                                            2,245      1,970          6,284

The interim ordinary dividend of 3.45p per share (2002:3.3p) will be paid on 31 October 2003 to shareholders on
the register at 3 October 2003.

6.  Earnings per share

Earnings per share is calculated as follows:
                                                                         2003                          2002
                                                                Basic           Diluted        Basic         Diluted
Profit after tax and minority interests (earnings)         #5,098,000        #5,098,000   #6,063,000      #6,063,000
Earnings before exceptional items and
 amortisation of intangibles                               #7,537,000        #7,537,000   #7,630,000      #7,630,000

                                                                     No of shares                  No of shares
Weighted average of ordinary shares in issue               64,807,347        64,807,347   59,456,908      59,456,908
Weighted average of ordinary shares under option                    -         1,079,359            -         734,550
Weighted average of own shares held                                 -           195,044            -         242,596
Number of shares assumed issued (at fair value)                     -        (1,160,877)           -        (544,322)
Adjusted weighted average of ordinary shares in issue      64,807,347        64,920,873   59,456,908      59,889,732

Earnings per share                                               7.9p              7.9p        10.2p           10.1p
Adjusted earnings per share*                                    11.6p             11.6p        12.8p           12.7p

*Adjusted earnings per share is calculated before exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles.

7.  Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                                                  As at            As at            As at
                                                                30 June          30 June      31 December
                                                                   2003             2002             2002
                                                                  #'000            #'000            #'000
Profit for the period                                             5,098            6,063           16,413
Dividends                                                        (2,245)          (1,970)          (6,284)
Exchange differences                                              1,083              311             (107)
Issue of new shares*                                                 90               70           13,621
Net addition to shareholders' funds                               4,026            4,474           23,643
Shareholders' funds at start of period                           95,914           72,271           72,271
Shareholders' funds at end of period                             99,940           76,745           95,914
* Shares include share premium

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange