WebSafety Announces Launch of the DriveSafety App for Friday, April 3, 2020


Las Vegas, NV -- March 30, 2020 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- WebSafety, Inc. (www.websafety.com) (OTCMarkets: WBSI)
WebSafety today announced that the DriveSafety app will launch for sale on Friday, April 3, 2020.  The DriveSafety app may only be downloaded from the www.drivesafetyapp.com website.  The exclusive and proprietor DriveSafety app is built constructed on eight technology patents.

Mr. Rowland Day, the CEO and founder of WebSafety stated:  “Based upon the positive steps for the Nation’s health and the returning confidence in the economy, we feel that this is the right time to launch the DriveSafety app.  The DriveSafety app will launch this Friday, April 3, 2020 and may be downloaded from the www.drivesafetyapp.com website.”

“DriveSafety is the complete solution to stop the addictive habit of distracted driving.  We are grateful to have the patented solution to stop the deaths, injuries, and property damage that are taking place on the roads and highways everyday.”

“The DriveSafety app creates a safer driving experience for those in the car and on the roads and highways.  The death and injuries that are caused by texting while driving and other driving distractions are needless.”

About WebSafety

WebSafety is a software company that has created mobile apps for the Android and iOS mobile operating systems.  The WebSafety app allows parents to monitor questionable and potentially harmful content or a direct predatory exchange that occurs on their child’s mobile device.  The WebSafety app monitors downloaded apps, websites visited, social media, GPS tracking, allows curfew blocking, and provides real time notifications to the parent.  The parent uses a real time dashboard on their desktop, laptop or mobile device to stay informed of their child’s activities.
The DriveSafety app disables the mobile device from texting and performing other related distractions while driving a vehicle.  The DriveSafety app also supplies driving telematics to the driver or additional concerned parties in order to create a safer driving experience for those in the vehicle and for those on the highways and roads.

For more information, please contact:

WebSafety, Inc.
Rowland W. Day II
Tel: 949-350-6500
Email: rday@websafety.com