Starting a business is never easy. Here are 5 tips you should follow if you want to launch your own independent carpentry business.
Carpentry businesses are great as there is always going to be a demand for them and they offer plenty of routes for specialisation. You could choose furniture making or even antique restoration projects. What’s more, deciding to start your business comes with many advantages. Some people really thrive being their own bosses and running a company. If you want to start your own carpentry business, here are some tips you need to follow.
Write a Business Plan
Your business plan is one of the most important documents you will write. It is also not something you just write at the launch of your business but will be an ever-updated document to help keep you on the right track. From funding to spending to projected growth, it will all be written here in your business plan.
Create a Brand
A good brand will help with company recognition. Not only do you need a name for the business, but you should also look into logos and even a colour for employee uniforms. You also might want to think about what vibe you want the company to have; a successful model across many industries is that of the friendly family business, for example.
Build a Portfolio
As a carpenter, you are likely to have had many projects you have worked on. You need to start taking pictures of every project and collate them into a portfolio for potential clients. These pictures can also be used for advertising campaigns for your social media presence. Have a look online for some free portfolio tips if you need some help putting it together.
Sort Out Your Tools
The right tools are going to help you go far. You should already have quite the collection but a professional independent company might need even more. Don’t be too tempted to buy an all-new set; the ones you have will do for now and you can buy the others as you get jobs which require them. Don’t neglect decent storage and security measures to help keep these tools safe too.
Get Insured
One of the very early things you are going to have to do is buy the right insurance to protect your company. Carpenter insurance is a special bundle of policies including things like general and professional liability insurance which will act as buffers in the event someone submits a claim against your company. Even if you run the most careful and professional business ever, you need to get some insurance. It is not worth risking your business over a lawsuit.
These are just five of the steps you should take when setting up your business. Planning a business takes a lot of time and energy and you need to make sure that you get everything write first time. Write a killer plan, make sure that you have everything you need to grow customers like a portfolio and insurance, and then work on your branding to make you stand out amongst your competitors. It won’t be long before your business is ready to launch!