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OPERATING RATIOS - Profitability Ratios
  Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
  Return on Assets (ROA)
  Net Profit Margin
  Assets Turnover
  Return on Investment (ROI)
  Dividend Payout Ratio
  Plowback Ratio
  Growth from Plowback
  Net Income of Revenues

Growth from Plowback

Growth from Plowback ratio (or Sustainable Growth Rate), is the Plowback ratio multiplied by the Return on Equity (ROE). It measures roughly how rapidly the shareholders' investment is growing on an annual basis as a result of plowback. The formula is:

= Plowback Ratio * ROE
= [((EPS-basic - total annual dividend) / EPS-basic) * (attributable profit / average total ordinary capital & reserves)] * 100

Note: If the company had losses during the period under review, the ratio is not defined.

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