About FilterXFilterX is a data-analysis tool for UK fundamental financial information.
FilterX effectively provides users with the opportunity to screen all companies listed in the London Stock Exchange (LSE) combining screening criteria from a customisable selection of 200+ accounting figures and financial ratios.
Users are able to built their individual investing scenarios. From an initial table containing all LSE listed companies as the starting point, FilterX enables users to select and add numerous variables among those appearing in the UK Financials page, and customize it accordingly by editing the constraints they wish. Companies, which qualify for the filtering process, are then presented in the resulting table.
Preset Filters have been created, to get you started with the tool. Presets constitute a selection of some popular filters among investors and can be found in the launch-page of FilterX. Or alternatively, they are listed in the relevant drop-down menu.
Shuffling through Preset Filters offers the novice user the opportunity to become familiar with FilterX and its functionality.
The next step is to Start a New Filter by selecting screening criteria from a list of more than 200 financial variables that are available to help you create your personal investment strategy.
Finally, My Filters is a personalized library where users can store, edit and retrieve their favourite investment scenarios. This is an embedded functionality of the tool to save the results of your filtering process.
- It is of paramount importance to remember that, any resulting companies from the stock filtering process constitute only the starting point of more meticulous and in-depth research.