2 minutes ago
some folks remind me of RipVanWinkle, slept through it all and dont know a thing about patterns or paths forward, or what progress means. people, if ur new here, pay no attention to the scalpers, they think low, think forward, think Release.
3 minutes ago
Yet CNNA without those financials 2016 and 2017 was very much alive and trading in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021,2022 and early 2023.
Do you understand the difference between being delinquent with the SEC and being able to trade, barely, since this garbage is in Expert Market?
3 minutes ago
LILMF: Oh, THANKS for your replies! (And for NOT calling me a " MAGGOT ", nor a " KOOL-AIDE-DRINKER ", inter alia, nor BRAGGING that you're the best CHART READER on Earth --- like iHub's Mr. ' TrendTrade ' loves to do, about EVERYBODY, except himself of course.)