RNS Number : 3462L

Pebble Group PLC (The)

05 September 2023

5 September 2023


("The Pebble Group" or the "Group")


Solid performance with strategic progress

The Pebble Group (AIM: PEBB, OTCQX: PEBBF), a leading provider of digital commerce, products and related services to the global promotional products industry, announces its unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 2023 ("HY 23" or the "Period").

Having achieved solid year on year growth in HY 23, the Board expects that for the year ending 31 December 2023 ("FY 23") the Group's results will be in line with market expectations.


 Statutory results              HY 23      HY 22   Change       FY 22 
 Revenue                     GBP63.3m   GBP60.3m      +5%   GBP134.0m 
 Gross profit margin            42.8%      38.5%  +4.3ppt       39.3% 
 Operating profit             GBP3.3m    GBP3.1m      +6%    GBP10.2m 
 Profit before tax            GBP3.1m    GBP2.8m     +11%     GBP9.7m 
 Basic earnings per share       1.37p      1.27p      +8%       4.55p 
 Other financial highlights      HY 23       HY 22    Change      FY 22 
 Adjusted EBITDA(1)            GBP7.5m     GBP6.7m      +12%   GBP18.0m 
 Net cash / (debt)(2)          GBP4.2m   GBP(0.1)m  +GBP4.3m   GBP15.1m 
 Adjusted basic earnings 
  per share(3)                   2.08p       1.88p      +11%      5.78p 

Financial highlights and outlook

 --    Group Adjusted EBITDA up 12% following solid trading across the 
 --    Facilisgroup: Revenue for HY 23 of GBP9.2m up 24% on HY 22 generating 
        GBP4.3m Adjusted EBITDA (HY22: GBP3.5m) 
 --    Brand Addition: Revenue for HY 23 of GBP54.2m up 2.5% on HY 22 
        generating GBP4.5m Adjusted EBITDA (HY 22: GBP4.4m) 
 --    Gross profit margins increase 4.3 percentage points to 42.8%, 
        driven by higher contribution from Facilisgroup and improved 
        margins at Brand Addition of 33.2% (HY 22: 29.9%) 
 --    Balance sheet strong and working capital cycle following its normal 
        pattern, with good profit to cash conversion resulting in a net 
        cash position at the full year expected to be circa GBP17m 
 --    The Board expects FY 23 results to deliver on market expectations 

Operational highlights

 --    Strong profit margins maintained in parallel with investments 
        into our technology, sales and marketing strategies 
 --              In Facilisgroup: 
                   *    New wins saw Syncore grow to 238 Partners at 4 
                        September 2023 (31 December 2022: 225) with a strong 
                   *    Commercio Stores, our ecommerce offering introduced 
                        in 2022, became revenue generating with, to date, 
                        circa 20% of Partners utilising the product 
                   *    Good progress made on the development of the Orders 
                        product, aimed at smaller distributors, with a Beta 
                        version launched in H2 2023 
 --    Brand Addition revenue growth continues to be underpinned by 
        its diverse and loyal client base with investments into ESG 
        and global capabilities further differentiating the business 
        with its target market 

Commenting on the results, Chris Lee, Chief Executive Officer of Pebble Group said: "Our attractive markets and blue-chip clients have seen Facilisgroup and Brand Addition trade solidly in the first half, as we deliver against our stated strategies. Both businesses have strong and differentiated market positions and we look forward to FY 23 when results are expected to be in line with market expectations. We anticipate that Facilisgroup will become the majority contributor to our profits as we move through 2024 ."

        Adjusted EBITDA means operating profit before depreciation, 
  (1)    amortisation and share-based payments charge 
        Net cash/(debt) is calculated as cash and cash equivalents 
  (2)    less borrowings (excluding lease liabilities) 
        Adjusted basic earnings per share ("EPS") represents Adjusted 
  (3)    Earnings meaning profit after tax before amortisation of acquired 
         intangible assets and share-based payments charge divided by 
         a weighted average number of shares 

Online analyst and investor presentation

A presentation for sell-side analysts will take place at 8:00am today by webinar. Those wishing to attend should email investors@thepebblegroup.com

The management team is hosting an online investor presentation with Q&A at 12.30pm on Friday, 8 September 2023. To participate, please register with PI World at https://bit.ly/PEBB_H123_webinar


 The Pebble Group                           Temple Bar Advisory (Financial 
  Chris Lee, Chief Executive Officer         PR) 
  Claire Thomson, Chief Financial Officer    Alex Child-Villiers 
  +44 (0) 750 012 4121                       William Barker / Sam Livingstone 
                                             +44 (0) 207 183 1190 
 Grant Thornton UK LLP (Nominated           Berenberg (Corporate Broker) 
  Adviser)                                   Ben Wright / Marie Moy / Yasmina 
  Samantha Harrison / Harrison Clarke        Benchekroun 
  / Ciara Donnelly                           +44 (0) 203 207 7800 
  +44 (0) 207 184 4384 

About The Pebble Group

The Pebble Group is a provider of digital commerce, products and related services to the global promotional products industry, comprising two differentiated businesses, Facilisgroup and Brand Addition, focused on specific areas of the promotional products market. For further information, please visit www.thepebblegroup.com .


Summary of results

We are pleased to report that both of our businesses, Facilisgroup and Brand Addition, traded solidly throughout HY 23, with the Group achieving Revenue of GBP63.3m (HY 22: GBP60.3m), Adjusted EBITDA of GBP7.5m (HY 22: GBP6.7m) and Operating profit of GBP3.3m (HY 22: GBP3.1m).

The Group's balance sheet is underpinned by Brand Addition's blue-chip client base with Group working capital and cash management following its usual in-year cycle. Our businesses have a good track record of converting profit to cash, which has continued, and the Group had Net cash at 30 June 2023 of GBP4.2m (30 June 2022: Net debt GBP0.1m and 31 December 2022: Net cash GBP15.1m).

Facilisgroup: providing a digital commerce platform for promotional products businesses in North America

Revenue and profit analysis

                          HY 23    HY 22     FY 22 
 Recurring revenue      GBP8.6m  GBP7.0m  GBP15.5m 
 Other revenue          GBP0.6m  GBP0.4m   GBP1.1m 
 Total revenue          GBP9.2m  GBP7.4m  GBP16.6m 
 Gross profit margin       100%     100%      100% 
 Adjusted EBITDA        GBP4.3m  GBP3.5m   GBP9.0m 
 Operating profit       GBP2.2m  GBP1.7m   GBP5.0m 

Total revenue, the vast majority of which is recurring, increased by 18.4% in USD, the business's home currency, and 24.3% in GBP, compared to HY 22. The strong profit margins have been maintained alongside investing in our technology , sales and marketing strategies.

The Gross Merchandise Value ("GMV") transacted through our technology increased by 9% to USD688m (HY 22: USD630m) and total Partners (customers of our flagship product, Syncore) at 4 September 2023 grew to 238 (31 December 2022: 225) backed by an increasing new business pipeline. Strong Partner retention rates continue, demonstrating how our technology and related services are key to their business operations.

Our aim at Facilisgroup has been to extend the breadth of our technology to offer both order workflow and ecommerce solutions to the circa 20,000 distributors across the North American promotional products market. We are pleased to report that by the end of 2023, the following products will be in market:

Syncore : Order workflow, focussed on distributors with revenues of >USD2m. This is our flagship product upon which results to date have been principally based

Commercio Stores : Ecommerce Stores, aimed at all sizes of distributors. Launched to market in H2 2022

Commercio Orders : Order workflow, focussed on distributors with revenues of <USD2m. Launched in Beta stage in H2 2023

Commercio Stores, our ecommerce offering introduced in 2022, is further developing its product features to position it as a leading solution in the promotional products sector. Total paying customers of this product at 4 September 2023 was 55, which includes 45 existing Partners of Syncore. The pricing strategy is based on a monthly fee plus a fee per store which, as Commercio grows, will in effect increase our percentage fee per USD of GMV. With the launches of Commercio Stores and Orders now completed we expect a decreasing trend of capital investment from circa 30% of historic Facilisgroup revenues towards a more normalised level of 15% to 20%.

As we bring new products to market, our revenue growth is expected to be delivered by increasing the GMV through adding new customers and increasing the services we offer. We intend to evolve our KPIs to reflect this, disclosing customer numbers, the GMV transacted through our platform and the resultant "Attach Rate" percentage derived from the amount of income earned against this GMV.

We believe that Facilisgroup, with its strong market position, current rate of growth and excellent profit margins, will become the majority contributor to Group profits moving through 2024.

Brand Addition: providing promotional products and related services under contract to many of the world's most recognisable brands

Revenue and profit analysis

                           HY 23     HY 22      FY 22 
 Revenue                GBP54.2m  GBP52.9m  GBP117.4m 
 Gross profit           GBP18.0m  GBP15.8m   GBP36.1m 
 Gross profit margin       33.2%     29.9%      30.7% 
 Adjusted EBITDA         GBP4.5m   GBP4.4m   GBP11.5m 
 Operating profit        GBP2.7m   GBP2.8m    GBP8.0m 

At Brand Addition, HY 23 revenue increased to GBP54.2m, 2.5% ahead of HY 22 with client retention remaining high. Revenue by client sector has broadly followed trends in the global economy, with revenues from our Technology and Consumer sector clients being lower in HY 23 than HY 22 whilst revenue from our Engineering and Transport sector clients has grown in the same period. Our sector diversity and embedded client relationships has insulated the business through a turbulent economic cycle.

Brand Addition supports its clients through providing complex services, ranging from the design of bespoke products and product ranges to the hosting of web stores. Our target market clients have promotional merchandise strategies that require creative product solutions with a strong and consistent sustainability focus, delivered across multiple geographies. We believe that Brand Addition is one of the few businesses with the skills, knowledge and experience to provide this level of service at scale. This has afforded the business the opportunity to improve its gross margins compared to the prior period whilst maintaining its EBITDA margins, after investing to support our clients evolving needs.

The majority of revenue of Brand Addition is generated through approximately 70 client contracts and with a new business development target list of 800 companies, Brand Addition has a large addressable market to grow into. Current new business tendering activity remains consistent with prior years. Through this new business development and growth within the existing client base, we aim for high single digit year-on-year revenue growth.

Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG")

ESG activity is a key component of our Group strategy and continues to evolve based upon business need, best practice and stakeholder comment. We have recently updated our ESG cornerstones and revised our ESG Materiality Assessment based upon feedback from a wide range of stakeholders and this development can be found under the ESG section of our website, https://www.thepebblegroup.com/about-us/esg/ . In Q2 2024, we will issue our third ESG Report, reiterating our ESG priorities, actions and progress against our targets.

Group outlook

We are continuing to deliver on our stated strategies for Facilisgroup and Brand Addition. Both businesses have strong and differentiated market positions and we look forward to FY 23 when results are expected to be in line with market expectations.

Christopher Lee

Chief Executive Officer

5 September 2023


                                        HY 23         HY 22         FY 22 
                                    Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited 
                                        GBP'm         GBP'm         GBP'm 
 Revenue                                 63.3          60.3         134.0 
 Gross profit                            27.1          23.2          52.7 
 Gross profit margin                    42.8%         38.5%         39.3% 
 Adjusted EBITDA                          7.5           6.7          18.0 
 Adjusted EBITDA margin                 11.8%         11.1%         13.4% 
 Depreciation and amortisation          (3.4)         (3.0)         (6.5) 
 Share-based payment charge             (0.8)         (0.6)         (1.3) 
 Operating profit                         3.3           3.1          10.2 
 Net finance costs                      (0.2)         (0.3)         (0.5) 
 Profit before tax                        3.1           2.8           9.7 
 Tax                                    (0.8)         (0.7)         (2.1) 
 Profit for the Period                    2.3           2.1           7.6 
 Weighted average number of 
  shares                          167,450,893   167,450,893   167,450,893 
 Adjusted Basic EPS                     2.08p         1.88p         5.78p 
 Basic EPS                              1.37p         1.27p         4.55p 

Our results demonstrate growth in both our businesses against HY 22 as we continue to progress our stated strategy.


Revenue for the Period to 30 June was GBP63.3m (HY 22: GBP60.3m), an increase of GBP3.0m (5.0%) compared to the same period in 2022. Facilisgroup total revenues increased GBP1.8m (24.3% increase on HY 22). Annual Recurring Revenue ("ARR") growth was 22.9% (17.4% when measured in Facilisgroup's home currency of USD). This was achieved through increases in our Management Fees from additional Partner numbers, implementation of a new tiered pricing structure and growth in our Marketing Fund where we benefited from increased Partner numbers utilising our Preferred Suppliers. The balance of the increase relates to Brand Addition, which grew GBP1.3m or 2.5%. Revenue by sector for Brand Addition has broadly followed trends in the wider economy.

Gross profit

Gross profit as a percentage of revenue increased to 42.8% (HY 22: 38.5%). Of this 4.3p.p.t increase, 3.3p.p.t is an increase in gross margins at Brand Addition as the business has maintained strong control of its supply chain alongside being able to improve gross margins to reflect the increasing complexity of the services demanded by its customers. The balance of the increase reflects the increasing proportion of Facilisgroup of the Group as a whole.

Adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted EBITDA was GBP7.5m (HY 22: GBP6.7m). The increase of GBP0.8m is made up as follows:

 -   Facilisgroup GBP0.8m increase from incremental revenue net 
      of the costs of investment to support delivery of the medium-term 
      revenue aspirations; 
 -   Brand Addition GBP0.1m increase as improvements in gross 
      margin have been invested in expertise to support the increasing 
      complexity of client services; and 
 -   Central costs increase of GBP0.1m. 

The Adjusted EBITDA margin increased to 11.8% (HY 22: 11.1%) as a result of the increasing proportion of Facilisgroup revenue to the Group EBITDA.

Depreciation and amortisation

The total charge for the Period was GBP3.4m (HY 22: GBP3.0m) of which GBP2.2m (HY 22: GBP1.9m) was the amortisation of intangible assets. In accordance with IAS 38, the Group capitalises the costs incurred in the development of its software and the increase is a result of continued investment in proprietary technology and specifically the digital commerce platform at Facilisgroup.

Share-based payments

The total charge for the Period under IFRS 2 "Share-based payments" was GBP0.8m (HY 22: GBP0.6m). This related to the awards made to date under the 2019 Long Term Incentive Plan and the Group Sharesave Plan (SAYE).

Operating profit

Operating profit for the Period was GBP3.3m (HY 22: GBP3.1m).


The tax charge for the Period to 30 June was GBP0.8m (HY 22: GBP0.7m) and is based on the full year Group expected tax charge for 2023. The expected rate for the year incorporates the increase in the UK Corporation tax rate from 19% to 25% on 1 April 2023.

Basic Earnings per share

The earnings per share analysis in note 5 covers both adjusted earnings per share (profit after tax before amortisation of acquired intangibles, share-based payments charge and exceptional items divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year), and statutory earnings per share (profit attributable to equity holders divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year). Adjusted earnings were GBP3.5m (HY 22: GBP3.2m) an increase in adjusted basic earnings per share of 0.20 pence. Basic earnings per share was 1.37 pence per share (HY 22: 1.27 pence per share) an increase of 0.10 pence.


In March 2023, the Board announced a maiden dividend payment in respect of FY 22 and in doing so stated its intention to implement a progressive dividend policy moving in the medium-term, towards its stated position at IPO of making dividend payments of c.30% of profit after tax. The Board remains committed to this decision but does not consider the introduction of an interim dividend payment is necessary at this time. An update on the dividend payment in respect of FY 23 will be provided at the time of the full year announcement in March 2024.


The Group had a cash balance of GBP4.2m at 30 June 2023 (30 June 2022: GBP5.4m, which included GBP5.5m drawn down from its GBP10.0m committed revolving credit facility).

Cashflow for the Period is set out below:

                                     HY 23       HY 22     FY 22 
                                 Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited 
                                     GBP'm       GBP'm     GBP'm 
 Adjusted EBITDA                       7.5         6.7      18.0 
 Movement in working capital         (9.7)      (14.8)     (3.4) 
 Capital expenditure                 (4.0)       (3.6)     (8.4) 
 Leases                              (0.9)       (0.9)     (1.7) 
                                ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Adjusted operating cash flow        (7.1)      (12.6)       4.5 
 Tax paid                            (1.5)       (0.3)     (1.7) 
 Net finance cash flows              (0.3)         5.2     (0.5) 
 Dividend paid                       (1.0)           -         - 
 Exchange loss                       (1.0)         1.0       0.7 
                                ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Net cash flow                      (10.9)       (6.7)       3.0 

The movement in working capital in the Period was GBP(9.7m) (HY 22: GBP(14.8m)). The outflow is in line with the normal in-year cycle which peaks in Q3. The reduced outflow when compared with prior period reflects the mix of sales in Brand Addition which have been weighted towards locally sourced products where the working capital cycle is shorter.

Capital expenditure in the Period was GBP4.0m (HY 22: GBP3.6m). This spend relates principally to investment in the Facilisgroup digital commerce platform which we expect to peak in 2023.

Lease payments relate to leases capitalised in accordance with IFRS 16.

Net finance cash flows in the Period of GBP(0.3)m (HY 22: GBP5.2m). HY 22 included GBP5.5m in respect of the utilisation of committed facilities less GBP(0.3)m interest payments in respect of leases capitalised in accordance with IFRS 16. At 30 June 2023 the committed facilities had not been utilised, interest payments on leases are consistent with HY 22.

Cash and liquidity

The Group's working capital cycle is unwinding as expected. The high point experienced in the period from June to August 2023 is reducing, as we progress towards the year end, with clients and Partners continuing to pay to agreed terms. The Group had Net cash of GBP3.1m at 4 September 2023. This includes GBP2.0m drawn down from the GBP10.0m committed revolving credit facility. The company continues to demonstrate an attractive profit to cash conversion and as such we expect Net cash at the full year end, 31 December 2023 to be in line with current market expectation of circa GBP17m (31 December 2022: GBP15.1m).

Claire Thomson

Chief Financial Officer

5 September 2023


                                             Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited 
                                          Period ended    Period ended     Year ended 
                                               30 June         30 June    31 December 
                                 Notes            2023            2022           2022 
                                        --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                               GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Revenue                                        63,317          60,316        134,025 
 Cost of goods sold                           (36,188)        (37,099)       (81,279) 
                                        --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Gross profit                                   27,129          23,217         52,746 
 Operating expenses                           (23,810)        (20,168)       (42,523) 
 Operating profit                                3,319           3,049         10,223 
 Analysed as: 
 Adjusted EBITDA(1)               6              7,480           6,698         18,042 
 Depreciation                     8            (1,115)         (1,134)        (2,384) 
 Amortisation                     7            (2,224)         (1,877)        (4,182) 
 Share-based payment charge      11              (822)           (638)        (1,253) 
 Operating profit                                3,319           3,049         10,223 
----------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------- 
 Finance expense                                 (266)           (245)          (520) 
                                        --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Profit before taxation                          3,053           2,804          9,703 
 Income tax expense               4              (751)           (673)        (2,090) 
                                        --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Profit for the period                           2,302           2,131          7,613 
                                        ==============  ==============  ============= 
 Basic earnings per share         5              1.37p           1.27p          4.55p 
                                        ==============  ==============  ============= 
 Diluted earnings per share       5              1.37p           1.27p          4.54p 
                                        ==============  ==============  ============= 

Note 1: Adjusted EBITDA, which is defined as operating profit before depreciation, amortisation, exceptional items, and share-based payment charge is a non-GAAP metric used by management and is not an IFRS disclosure.


                                                                      Unaudited        Unaudited       Audited 
                                                                   Period ended     Period ended    Year ended 
                                                                        30 June          30 June   31 December 
                                                                           2023             2022          2022 
                                                                 --------------  ---------------  ------------ 
                                                                        GBP'000          GBP'000       GBP'000 
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit and loss 
Foreign operations - foreign currency translation differences           (1,901)            2,443         2,190 
                                                                 --------------  ---------------  ------------ 
Other comprehensive (expense)/income for the period/year                (1,901)            2,443         2,190 
Profit for the period/year                                                2,302            2,131         7,613 
                                                                 --------------  ---------------  ------------ 
Total comprehensive income for the period/year                              401            4,574         9,803 
                                                                 ==============  ===============  ============ 


                                          Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited 
                                              As at       As at    As at 31 
                                            30 June     30 June    December 
                                  Notes        2023        2022        2022 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                            GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                  7        60,353      58,765      60,002 
 Property, plant and equipment      8         8,729      10,194       9,492 
 Deferred tax asset                             270         395         292 
 Total non-current assets                    69,352      69,354      69,786 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                 14,788      16,081      15,447 
 Trade and other receivables                 36,901      38,587      34,693 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    4,184       5,351      15,058 
 Total current assets                        55,873      60,019      65,198 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 TOTAL ASSETS                               125,225     129,373     134,984 
                                         ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Lease liability                    9         6,795       8,185       7,490 
 Deferred tax liability                       2,370       3,751       2,860 
 Total non-current liabilities                9,165      11,936      10,350 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                       -       5,500           - 
 Lease liability                    9         1,496       1,612       1,569 
 Trade and other payables                    28,403      30,485      36,413 
 Current tax liability                          397         169       1,063 
 Total current liabilities                   30,296      37,766      39,045 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                           39,461      49,702      49,395 
                                         ==========  ==========  ========== 
 NET ASSETS                                  85,764      79,671      85,589 
                                         ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Share capital                                1,675       1,675       1,675 
 Share premium                               78,451      78,451      78,451 
 Capital reserve                                125         125         125 
 Merger reserve                           (103,581)   (103,581)   (103,581) 
 Translation reserve                        (1,038)       1,116         863 
 Share-based payments reserve                 2,671       1,203       1,892 
 Retained earnings                          107,461     100,682     106,164 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 TOTAL EQUITY                                85,764      79,671      85,589 
                                         ==========  ==========  ========== 


                                Share     Share    Capital     Merger    Translation     payments   Retained    Total 
                              capital   premium    reserve    reserve        reserve      reserve   earnings   equity 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
                              GBP'000   GBP'000               GBP'000        GBP'000                 GBP'000  GBP'000 
At 1 January 2022               1,675    78,451        125  (103,581)        (1,327)          681     98,551   74,575 
                           ==========  ========  =========  =========  =============  ===========  =========  ======= 
Profit for the period               -         -          -          -              -            -      2,131    2,131 
Other comprehensive 
 income for the period              -         -          -          -          2,443            -          -    2,443 
Total comprehensive 
 income                             -         -          -          -          2,443            -      2,131    4,574 
Employee share schemes 
 - value of employee 
 services                           -         -          -          -              -          577          -      577 
Deferred tax on employee 
 share schemes                      -         -          -          -              -         (55)          -     (55) 
Total transactions 
 with owners recognised 
 in equity                          -         -          -          -              -          522          -      522 
At 30 June 2022                 1,675    78,451        125  (103,581)          1,116        1,203    100,682   79,671 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
Profit for the period               -         -          -          -              -            -      5,482    5,482 
Other comprehensive 
 expense for the period             -         -          -          -          (253)            -          -    (253) 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
Total comprehensive 
 (expense)/income                   -         -          -          -          (253)            -      5,482    5,229 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
Employee share schemes 
 - value of employee 
 services                           -         -          -          -              -          619          -      619 
Deferred tax on employee 
 share schemes                      -         -          -          -              -           70          -       70 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
Total transactions 
 with owners recognised 
 in equity                          -         -          -          -              -          689          -      689 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
At 31 December 2022             1,675    78,451        125  (103,581)            863        1,892    106,164   85,589 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
Profit for the period               -         -          -          -              -            -      2,302    2,302 
Other comprehensive 
 expense for the period             -         -          -          -        (1,901)            -          -  (1,901) 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
Total comprehensive 
 (expense)/income                   -         -          -          -        (1,901)            -      2,302      401 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
Employee share schemes 
 - value of employee 
 services                           -         -          -          -              -          743          -      743 
Deferred tax on employee 
 share schemes                      -         -          -          -              -           36          -       36 
Dividend paid                       -         -          -          -              -            -    (1,005)  (1,005) 
Total transactions 
 with owners recognised 
 in equity                          -         -          -          -              -          779    (1,005)    (226) 
At 30 June 2023                 1,675    78,451        125  (103,581)        (1,038)        2,671    107,461   85,764 
                           ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ------- 


                                                                  Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited 
                                                                     Period      Period     Year ended 
                                                                      ended       ended    31 December 
                                                                    30 June     30 June           2022 
                                                          Notes        2023        2022 
                                                                 ----------  ----------  ------------- 
                                                                    GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Operating profit                                                     3,319       3,049         10,223 
 Adjustments for: 
        *    Depreciation                                   8         1,115       1,134          2,384 
        *    Amortisation                                   7         2,224       1,877          4,182 
        *    Share-based payments charge                   11           822         638          1,253 
        *    Loss on disposal of fixed assets               8             3           -             19 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
  before changes in working capital                                   7,483       6,698         18,061 
        *    Change in inventories                                      659     (5,988)        (5,354) 
        *    Change in trade receivables                            (2,208)     (9,148)        (5,271) 
        *    Change in trade payables                               (8,089)         321          7,263 
                                                                 ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Cash flows (used in)/from operating 
  activities                                                        (2,155)     (8,117)         14,699 
        *    Income taxes paid                                      (1,545)       (326)        (1,712) 
                                                                 ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Net cash flows (used in)/from 
  operating activities                                              (3,700)     (8,443)         12,987 
                                                                 ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
        *    Purchase of property, plant and equipment                (349)       (444)          (945) 
        *    Purchase of intangible assets                          (3,687)     (3,104)        (7,434) 
 Net cash flows used in investing 
  activities                                                        (4,036)     (3,548)        (8,379) 
                                                                 ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
        *    Lease payments                                           (919)       (929)        (1,737) 
        *    Interest paid                                            (266)       (245)          (520) 
                                                                    (1,005)           -              - 
        *    Dividend paid 
                                                                          -       5,500              - 
        *    Receipts from secured loan facilities 
 Net cash flows (used in)/from 
  financing activities                                              (2,190)       4,326        (2,257) 
                                                                 ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 NET CASH FLOWS                                                     (9,926)     (7,665)          2,351 
                                                                 ==========  ==========  ============= 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                                          15,058      12,051         12,051 
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations 
  on cash held                                                        (948)         965            656 
                                                                 ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of period                                                           4,184       5,351         15,058 
                                                                 ----------  ----------  ------------- 



The principal activity of The Pebble Group plc (the "Company") is that of a holding company and the principal activity of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") is the sale of digital commerce, products and related services to the promotional merchandise industry. The Group has two segments, Brand Addition and Facilisgroup. For Brand Addition this is the sale of promotional products internationally, to many of the world's best-known brands, and for Facilisgroup the provision of digital commerce, consolidated buying power and community learning and networking events to SME promotional product distributors in North America, its Partners, through subscription-based services.

The Company was incorporated on 27 September 2019 in the United Kingdom and is a public company limited by shares registered in England and Wales. The registered office of the Company is Broadway House, Trafford Wharf Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, England M17 1DD. The Company registration number is 12231361.


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Group are for the period ended 30 June 2023. They have been prepared on the basis of the policies set out in the 2022 annual financial statements and in accordance with UK adopted IAS 34. Financial information for the period ended 30 June 2022 included herein is derived from the condensed consolidated interim financial statements for that period.

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have not been reviewed or audited, nor do they comprise statutory accounts for the purpose of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006, and do not include all of the information or disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should therefore be read in conjunction with the Group's 2022 annual financial statements, which were prepared in accordance with international accounting standards in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and international financial reporting standards adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it applies in the European Union.

Financial information for the year ended 31 December 2022 included herein is derived from the statutory accounts for that year, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph and did not contain a statement under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are presented in the Group's functional currency of Sterling and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand (GBP'000) except when otherwise indicated.

Accounting Policies

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 as described in the Group's Annual Report and financial statements for that year and as available on the Group's website ( www.thepebblegroup.com ).


Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using management's best estimate of the weighted average annual tax rate that would be applicable to expected total annual earnings.

Forward looking statements

Certain statements in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements are forward looking with respect to the operations, strategy, performance, financial condition, and growth opportunities of the Group. The terms "expect", "anticipate", "should be", "will be", "is likely to", and similar expressions, identify forward-looking statements. Although the Board believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, by their nature these statements are based on assumptions and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events could differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Factors which may cause future outcomes to differ from those foreseen in forward-looking statements include, without limitation: general economic conditions and business conditions in the Group's markets, customers' expectations and behaviours, supply chain developments, technology changes, the actions of competitors, exchange rate fluctuations, and legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments. Information contained in these financial statements relating to the Group should not be relied upon as a guide to future performance.

Alternative performance measures

Throughout the condensed consolidated interim financial statements, consistent with the Annual Report, we refer to a number of alternative performance measures ("APMs"). APMs are used internally by management to monitor business performance. The APMs that are not recognised under UK-adopted international accounting standards are:

   --      Adjusted earnings; 
   --      Adjusted EBTIDA; 
   --      Adjusted operating profit; and 
   --      Adjusted operating cash flow. 

See note 6 for the reconciliation of the APMs.

The Board considers that the above APM's provide useful information for stakeholders on the underlying trends and performance of the Group and facilitate meaningful year on year comparisons.

Key risks and uncertainties

The Group has in place a structured risk management process which identifies key risks and uncertainties along with their associated mitigants. The key risks and uncertainties that could affect the Group's medium-term performance, and the factors that mitigate those risks have not substantially changed from those set out in the Group's Annual Report which can be found on the Group's website ( www.thepebblegroup.com ).

Going Concern statement

The Group meets its day-to-day working capital requirements through its own cash balances and committed banking facilities. In assessing the appropriateness of adopting the going concern basis in the preparation of these consolidated interim financial statements, the Directors have prepared cash flow forecasts and projections for the up to 31 December 2024.

The forecasts and projections, which the Directors consider to be prudent, have been further sensitised by applying reductions to revenue growth and margin, to consider a severe but plausible downside. Under both the base and sensitised case the Group is expected to have headroom against covenants, which are based on interest cover and net leverage, and a sufficient level of financial resources available through existing facilities when the future funding requirements of the Group are compared with the level of committed available facilities. Based on this, the Directors are satisfied that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the consolidated interim financial statements.


The Chief Operating Decision Maker has been identified as the Executive Directors. The Directors have determined that the operating segments are Brand Addition, Facilisgroup and Central Operations.

Segment information about the above businesses is presented below:

Income statement for the period ended 30 June 2023

                                                                      Central    30 June 
                                  Brand Addition   Facilisgroup    operations       2023 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Revenue                                  54,153          9,164             -     63,317 
 Cost of goods sold                     (36,188)              -             -   (36,188) 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Gross profit                             17,965          9,164             -     27,129 
 Operating expenses                     (15,300)        (7,002)       (1,508)   (23,810) 
 Operating profit/(loss)                   2,665          2,162       (1,508)      3,319 
 Analysed as: 
 Adjusted EBITDA                           4,457          4,272       (1,249)      7,480 
 Depreciation                              (783)          (295)          (37)    (1,115) 
 Amortisation                              (670)        (1,554)             -    (2,224) 
 Share-based payment charge                (339)          (261)         (222)      (822) 
 Operating profit/(loss)                   2,665          2,162       (1,508)      3,319 
-------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Finance expense                           (176)           (22)          (68)      (266) 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) before taxation             2,489          2,140       (1,576)      3,053 
 Income tax (expense)/income               (612)          (526)           387      (751) 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the period              1,877          1,614       (1,189)      2,302 
                                 ===============  =============  ============  ========= 

Due to the timing on the delivery of orders, the Brand Addition segment of The Pebble Group Plc traditionally raises a higher number of invoices in the period July to December which results in The Pebble Group Plc's performance being weighted to the second half of the year.

All the above revenues are generated from contracts with customers.

Income statement for the period ended 30 June 2022

                                                                      Central    30 June 
                                  Brand Addition   Facilisgroup    operations       2022 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Revenue                                  52,926          7,390             -     60,316 
 Cost of goods sold                     (37,099)              -             -   (37,099) 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Gross profit                             15,827          7,390             -     23,217 
 Operating expenses                     (13,060)        (5,729)       (1,379)   (20,168) 
 Operating profit/(loss)                   2,767          1,661       (1,379)      3,049 
 Analysed as: 
 Adjusted EBITDA                           4,377          3,515       (1,194)      6,698 
 Depreciation                              (825)          (291)          (18)    (1,134) 
 Amortisation                              (518)        (1,359)             -    (1,877) 
 Share-based payment charge                (267)          (204)         (167)      (638) 
                                                  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Operating profit/(loss)                   2,767          1,661       (1,379)      3,049 
-------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Finance expense                           (185)            (9)          (51)      (245) 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) before taxation             2,582          1,652       (1,430)      2,804 
 Income tax (expense)/income               (620)          (396)           343      (673) 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the period              1,962          1,256       (1,087)      2,131 
                                 ===============  =============  ============  ========= 

Income statement for the year ended 31 December 2022

                                                                                  Year ended 
                                                                      Central    31 December 
                                  Brand Addition   Facilisgroup    operations           2022 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Revenue                                 117,391         16,634             -        134,025 
 Cost of goods sold                     (81,279)              -             -       (81,279) 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Gross profit                             36,112         16,634             -         52,746 
 Operating expenses                     (28,155)       (11,624)       (2,744)       (42,543) 
 Operating profit/(loss)                   7,957          5,010       (2,744)         10,223 
 Analysed as: 
 Adjusted EBITDA                          11,467          9,011       (2,436)         18,042 
 Depreciation                            (1,719)          (626)          (39)        (2,384) 
 Amortisation                            (1,232)        (2,950)             -        (4,182) 
 Share-based payment charge                (559)          (425)         (269)        (1,253) 
 Total operating profit/(loss)             7,957          5,010       (2,744)         10,223 
-------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Finance expense                           (388)           (13)         (119)          (520) 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Profit/(loss) before taxation             7,569          4,997       (2,863)          9,703 
 Income tax (expense)/income             (1,495)          (689)            94        (2,090) 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the year                6,074          4,308       (2,769)          7,613 
                                 ===============  =============  ============  ============= 

Statement of financial position as at 30 June 2023

                                                                                   As at 
                                                                      Central    30 June 
                                  Brand Addition   Facilisgroup    operations       2023 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                        38,095         22,258             -     60,353 
 Property, plant and equipment             5,744          2,750           235      8,729 
 Deferred tax asset                           92              -           178        270 
 Total non-current assets                 43,931         25,008           413     69,352 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                              14,788              -             -     14,788 
 Trade and other receivables              32,039          4,568           294     36,901 
 Cash and cash equivalents                 2,477          1,555           152      4,184 
 Total current assets                     49,304          6,123           446     55,873 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 TOTAL ASSETS                             93,235         31,131           859    125,225 
                                 ===============  =============  ============  ========= 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Lease liability                           4,618          2,177             -      6,795 
 Deferred tax liability                        -          2,370             -      2,370 
 Total non-current liabilities             4,618          4,547             -      9,165 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Lease liability                           1,179            255            62      1,496 
 Trade and other payables                 26,185          1,605           613     28,403 
 Current tax (asset)/liability              (56)            770         (317)        397 
 Total current liabilities                27,308          2,630           358     30,296 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                        31,926          7,177           358     39,461 
                                 ===============  =============  ============  ========= 
 NET ASSETS                               61,309         23,954           501     85,764 
                                 ===============  =============  ============  ========= 

Statement of financial position as at 30 June 2022

                                                                                   As at 
                                                                      Central    30 June 
                                  Brand Addition   Facilisgroup    operations       2022 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                        37,840         20,925             -     58,765 
 Property, plant and equipment             6,903          3,231            60     10,194 
 Deferred tax asset                          213            115            67        395 
 Total non-current assets                 44,956         24,271           127     69,354 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                              16,081              -             -     16,081 
 Trade and other receivables              34,813          3,769             5     38,587 
 Cash and cash equivalents                 2,905          2,219           227      5,351 
 Total current assets                     53,799          5,988           232     60,019 
 TOTAL ASSETS                             98,755         30,259           359    129,373 
                                 ===============  =============  ============  ========= 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Lease liability                           5,676          2,447            62      8,185 
 Deferred tax liability                        -          3,751             -      3,751 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Total non-current liabilities             5,676          6,198            62     11,936 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                5,500              -             -      5,500 
 Lease liability                           1,252            339            21      1,612 
 Trade and other payables                 27,233          2,665           587     30,485 
 Current tax liability                       393             18         (242)        169 
 Total current liabilities                34,378          3,022           366     37,766 
                                 ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                        40,054          9,220           428     49,702 
                                 ===============  =============  ============  ========= 
 NET ASSETS                               58,701         21,039          (69)     79,671 
                                 ===============  =============  ============  ========= 

Statement of financial position as at 31 December 2022

                                                                                  As at 
                                      Brand                      Central    31 December 
                                   Addition   Facilisgroup    operations           2022 
                                 ----------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
                                    GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                   37,863         22,139             -         60,002 
 Property, plant and equipment        6,449          3,004            39          9,492 
 Deferred tax asset                     137              -           155            292 
 Total non-current assets            44,449         25,143           194         69,786 
                                 ----------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                         15,447              -             -         15,447 
 Trade and other receivables         29,989          4,648            56         34,693 
 Cash and cash equivalents           12,655          2,265           138         15,058 
 Total current assets                58,091          6,913           194         65,198 
                                 ----------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 TOTAL ASSETS                       102,540         32,056           388        134,984 
                                 ==========  =============  ============  ============= 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Lease liability                      5,148          2,315            27          7,490 
 Deferred tax liability                   -          2,860             -          2,860 
 Total non-current liabilities        5,148          5,175            27         10,350 
                                 ----------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Lease liability                      1,221            303            45          1,569 
 Trade and other payables            33,543          2,075           795         36,413 
 Current tax liability                  258            805             -          1,063 
 Total current liabilities           35,022          3,183           840         39,045 
                                 ----------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                   40,170          8,358           867         49,395 
                                 ==========  =============  ============  ============= 
 NET ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)            62,370         23,698         (479)         85,589 
                                 ==========  =============  ============  ============= 

The income tax expense for the period ended 30 June 2023 is based upon management's best estimate of the weighted average annual tax rate expected for the full year ending 31 December 2023. The income tax expense is higher than the standard rate of 23.5% due to higher standard income tax rates in overseas territories. The income tax expense for the year ended 31 December 2022 was higher than the standard rate of 19% due to higher standard income tax rates in overseas territories.


Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all potentially dilutive ordinary shares. The Company has potentially dilutive ordinary shares arising from share options granted to employees. Options are dilutive under the Group Sharesave Plan (SAYE), where the exercise price together with the future IFRS 2 charge of the option is less than the average market price of the Company's ordinary shares during the period. Options under the LTIP schemes, as defined by IFRS 2, are contingently issuable shares and are therefore only included within the calculation of diluted EPS if the performance conditions are satisfied at the end of the reporting period, irrespective of whether this is the end of the vesting period or not.

The impact on basic earnings per share of the potentially dilutive share options issued under The Pebble Group Plc Long Term Incentive Plan on 21 December 2020, 8 June 2021, 29 March 2022 and 28 March 2023 and Group Sharesave Plan (SAYE) on 6 October 2021 and 25 April 2023 is GBPnil for the periods ended 30 June 2023 and 30 June 2022.

The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the following data:

Statutory EPS

                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited 
                                                     Period        Period     Year ended 
                                                      ended         ended    31 December 
                                                    30 June       30 June           2022 
                                                       2023          2022 
 Earnings (GBP'000) 
 Earnings for the purposes of basic and 
  diluted earnings per share 
  being profit for the period attributable 
  to equity shareholders                              2,302         2,131          7,613 
                                               ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Number of shares 
 Weighted average number of shares for 
  the purposes of basic earnings per share      167,450,893   167,450,893    167,450,893 
 Weighted average dilutive effects of 
  conditional share awards                          600,871             -        185,624 
 Weighted average number of shares for 
  the purposes of diluted earnings per 
  share                                         168,051,764   167,450,893    167,636,517 
                                               ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Earnings per ordinary share (pence) 
 Basic earnings per ordinary share (pence)             1.37          1.27           4.55 
 Diluted earnings per ordinary share (pence)           1.37          1.27           4.54 
                                               ------------  ------------  ------------- 

Adjusted EPS

The calculation of adjusted earnings per share is based on the after-tax adjusted profit after adding back certain costs as detailed in the table in note 6. Adjusted earnings per share figures are given to exclude the effects of amortisation of acquired intangible assets, share-based payment charge and exceptional items, all net of taxation, and are considered to show the underlying performance of the Group.

                                                       Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited 
                                                          Period        Period     Year ended 
                                                           ended         ended    31 December 
                                                         30 June       30 June           2022 
                                                            2023          2022 
                                                    ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Earnings (GBP'000) 
 Earnings for the purposes of basic and 
  diluted earnings per share being adjusted 
  earnings                                                 3,479         3,153          9,675 
                                                    ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Number of shares 
 Weighted average number of shares for 
  the purposes of adjusted earnings per 
  share                                              167,450,893   167,450,893    167,450,893 
 Weighted average dilutive effects of conditional 
  share awards                                           600,871             -        185,624 
 Weighted average number of shares for 
  the purposes of diluted earnings per share         168,051,764   167,450,893    167,636,517 
                                                    ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Adjusted earnings per ordinary share 
 Basic adjusted earnings per ordinary share 
  (pence)                                                   2.08          1.88           5.78 
 Diluted adjusted earnings per ordinary 
  share (pence)                                             2.07          1.88           5.77 
                                                    ------------  ------------  ------------- 

See note 6 for the reconciliation of adjusted earnings.


Throughout the consolidated interim financial statements, we refer to a number of APMs. A reconciliation of the APMs used are shown below:

                                                  Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                                     Period         Period     Year ended 
                                                      ended          ended    31 December 
                                                    30 June        30 June           2022 
 Adjusted earnings:                                    2023           2022 
                                              -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                    GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Profit for the period                                2,302          2,131          7,613 
 Add back/(deduct): 
 Amortisation charge on acquired intangible 
  assets                                                709            677          1,420 
 Share-based payment charge                             822            638          1,253 
 Tax effect of the above                              (354)          (293)          (611) 
                                              -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Adjusted earnings                                    3,479          3,153          9,675 
                                              =============  =============  ============= 
                                  Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                     Period         Period     Year ended 
                                      ended          ended    31 December 
                                    30 June        30 June           2022 
 Adjusted EBTIDA:                      2023           2022 
                              -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                    GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Operating profit                     3,319          3,049         10,223 
 Add back: 
 Depreciation                         1,115          1,134          2,384 
 Amortisation                         2,224          1,877          4,182 
 Share-based payment charge             822            638          1,253 
                              -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA                      7,480          6,698         18,042 
                              =============  =============  ============= 
                                                  Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                                     Period         Period     Year ended 
                                                      ended          ended    31 December 
                                                    30 June        30 June           2022 
 Adjusted operating profit:                            2023           2022 
                                              -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                    GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Operating profit                                     3,319          3,049         10,223 
 Add back: 
 Amortisation charge on acquired intangible 
  assets                                                709            677          1,420 
 Share-based payment charge                             822            638          1,253 
                                              -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Adjusted operating profit                            4,850          4,364         12,896 
                                              =============  =============  ============= 
                                     Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                        Period         Period     Year ended 
                                         ended          ended    31 December 
                                       30 June        30 June           2022 
 Adjusted operating cash flow:            2023           2022 
                                 -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                       GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Adjusted EBITDA                         7,480          6,698         18,042 
 Movement in working capital           (9,638)       (14,815)        (3,362) 
 Capital expenditure                   (4,036)        (3,548)        (8,379) 
 Leases                                  (919)          (929)        (1,737) 
                                 -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Adjusted operating cash flow          (7,113)       (12,594)          4,564 
                                 =============  =============  ============= 
                                                  Customer    and Development     Work in 
                                 Goodwill    relationships              costs    progress     Total 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
                                  GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2021                             35,805           10,241             21,321         423    67,790 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 FX difference on translation         312            1,014              1,207          38     2,571 
 Additions                              -                -              2,189         827     3,016 
 Disposals                              -                -               (15)           -      (15) 
 Balance at 30 June 
  2022                             36,117           11,255             24,702       1,288    73,362 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 FX difference on translation          22               67                436           1       526 
 Additions                              -                -                158       3,288     3,446 
 Disposals                              -                -              (911)           -     (911) 
 Reclassifications                      -                -                492       (492)         - 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2022                             36,139           11,322             24,877       4,085    76,423 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 FX difference on translation       (168)            (530)              (655)       (188)   (1,541) 
 Additions                              -                -                401       3,286     3,687 
 Reclassifications                      -                -              3,644     (3,644)         - 
 Balance at 30 June 
  2023                             35,971           10,792             28,267       3,539    78,569 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 Accumulated amortisation 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2021                                  -            1,647             10,469           -    12,116 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 FX difference on translation           -              166                453           -       619 
 Charge for the period                  -              265              1,612           -     1,877 
 Disposals                              -                -               (15)           -      (15) 
 Balance at 30 June 
  2022                                  -            2,078             12,519           -    14,597 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 FX difference on translation           -                5                425           -       430 
 Charge for the period                  -              289              2,016           -     2,305 
 Disposals                              -                -              (911)           -     (911) 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2022                                  -            2,372             14,049           -    16,421 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 FX difference on translation           -            (113)              (316)           -     (429) 
 Charge for the period                  -              277              1,947           -     2,224 
 Balance at 30 June 
  2023                                  -            2,536             15,680           -    18,216 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 Net book value 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 At 31 December 2021               35,805            8,594             10,852         423    55,674 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 At 30 June 2022                   36,117            9,177             12,183       1,288    58,765 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 At 31 December 2022               36,139            8,950             10,828       4,085    60,002 
                                ---------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------  -------- 
 At 30 June 2023                   35,971            8,256             12,587       3,539    60,353 
                                =========  ===============  =================  ==========  ======== 

The Group tests annually for impairment, or more frequently if there are indicators that goodwill might be impaired.

                                    Fixtures    Computer   Right-of-use 
                                and fittings    hardware         Assets     Total 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
                                     GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2021                                 3,892       3,226         12,784    19,902 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Impact of foreign exchange 
  translation                            208         101            758     1,067 
 Additions                               114         330          2,388     2,832 
 Disposals                                 -        (69)        (1,713)   (1,782) 
 Balance at 30 June 2022               4,214       3,588         14,217    22,019 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Impact of foreign exchange 
  translation                              8          45             25        78 
 Additions                               213         288             83       584 
 Disposals                             (880)     (1,250)          (527)   (2,657) 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2022                                 3,555       2,671         13,798    20,024 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Impact of foreign exchange 
  translation                          (115)        (77)          (624)     (816) 
 Additions                               194         145            472       811 
 Disposals                                 -         (7)          (345)     (352) 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2023               3,634       2,732         13,301    19,667 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Accumulated depreciation 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2021                                 3,133       2,323          6,519    11,975 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Impact of foreign exchange 
  translation                            148          31            319       498 
 Charge for the period                   107         216            811     1,134 
 Disposals                                 -        (69)        (1,713)   (1,782) 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2022               3,388       2,501          5,936    11,825 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Impact of foreign exchange 
  translation                              6          67             20        93 
 Charge for the period                   126         235            889     1,250 
 Disposals                             (880)     (1,231)          (525)   (2,636) 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2022                                 2,640       1,572          6,320    10,532 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Impact of foreign exchange 
  translation                           (92)        (48)          (220)     (360) 
 Charge for the period                   245         205            665     1,115 
 Disposals                                 -         (4)          (345)     (349) 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2023               2,793       1,725          6,420    10,938 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Net book value 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2021                                   759         903          6,265     7,927 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2022                 826       1,087          8,281    10,194 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2022                                   915       1,099          7,478     9,492 
                              --------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2023                 841       1,007          6,881     8,729 
                              ==============  ==========  =============  ======== 
 Right-of-use Assets - net book    Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited 
  value                               Period      Period     Year ended 
                                       ended       ended    31 December 
                                     30 June     30 June           2022 
                                        2023        2022 
                                  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
                                     GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Leasehold property                    6,655       8,118          7,362 
 Fixtures and fittings                    43         127             87 
 Computer hardware                       183          36             29 
                                  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
                                       6,881       8,281          7,478 
                                  ==========  ==========  ============= 
   9.     LEASES 

Amounts recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position

In addition to the right-of-use assets included within note 8, the consolidated statement of financial position shows the following amounts relating to leases:

                                                 Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited 
                                                    Period      Period     Year ended 
                                                     ended       ended    31 December 
                                                   30 June     30 June           2022 
 Lease liabilities                                    2023        2022 
                                                ----------  ----------  ------------- 
                                                   GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Maturity analysis - contractual undiscounted 
  cash flows: 
 Less than one year                                  1,912       2,063          1,897 
 More than one year, less than two years             1,688       1,873          1,726 
 More than two years, less than three 
  years                                              1,684       1,633          1,627 
 More than three years, less than four 
  years                                              1,465       1,637          1,624 
 More than four years, less than five 
  years                                              1,019       1,418          1,091 
 More than five years                                1,611       2,685          2,207 
                                                ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total undiscounted lease liabilities 
  at period end                                      9,379      11,309         10,172 
 Finance costs                                     (1,088)     (1,512)        (1,113) 
                                                ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total discounted lease liabilities 
  at period end                                      8,291       9,797          9,059 
                                                ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Lease liabilities included in the 
  statement of financial position: 
 Current                                             1,496       1,612          1,569 
 Non-current                                         6,795       8,185          7,490 
                                                ----------  ----------  ------------- 
                                                     8,291       9,797          9,059 
                                                ----------  ----------  ------------- 

Amounts recognised in the consolidated income statement

The consolidated income statement shows the following amounts relating to leases:

                                                Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited 
                                                   Period      Period     Year ended 
                                                    ended       ended    31 December 
                                                  30 June     30 June           2022 
                                                     2023        2022 
                                               ----------  ----------  ------------- 
                                                  GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Depreciation charge - fixtures and fittings          644         788          1,655 
 Depreciation charge - computer hardware               21          23             45 
                                               ----------  ----------  ------------- 
                                                      665         811          1,700 
                                               ==========  ==========  ============= 
 Interest expense (within finance expense)            199         213            374 
                                               ==========  ==========  ============= 


The fair values of all financial instruments included in the consolidated statement of financial position are a reasonable approximation of their carrying values.


The Group operates equity-settled share-based payment plans for certain employees of the Group under The Pebble Group Plc Long-Term Incentive Plan (the 'LTIP') and The Pebble Group Plc Group Sharesave Plan (the 'SAYE').

On 28(th) March 2023, under the LTIP, the Group made awards of 1,655,496 conditional shares to certain Directors and employees. On 25(th) April 2023, under the SAYE, the Group granted awards of 417,932 conditional shares.

The Group recognised total expenses of GBP822,000 (period ending 30 June 2022: GBP638,000) in respect of equity-settled share-based payment transactions for the period ended 30 June 2023.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 05, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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