RNS No 9625d
6 September 1999

                            1999 INTERIM RESULTS

Molins  PLC, the international specialist engineering company, announces  its
results for the six months ended 30 June 1999.

                                                1999         1998
                                                Half    Half Year
                                                Year           #m
Turnover                                        59.1        101.4
Operating profit before exceptional items        1.9          5.0
Profit/(loss) before taxation                    2.0        (11.3)
Net cash/(borrowings)                            9.6        (13.7)
Earnings/(loss) per share                        3.7p       (43.0)p
Dividend per share                               2.5p         6.5p

Peter Byrom, Chairman, commented:

"These  results are in line with our expectations.  The packaging  machinery
businesses  are developing well. The tobacco machinery business is undergoing
radical  restructuring in response to very low levels of  original  equipment
demand  and  the consolidation and rationalisation of the major international
cigarette  manufacturers.  This process is not complete  and  we  are  taking
actions  to  improve the return on capital employed in the tobacco  machinery


Peter Byrom, Chairman         Molins PLC                Tel: 0171 638 9571
Peter Grant, Chief Executive

Issued by:  

Margaret George               Citigate Dewe Rogerson    Tel: 0171 638 9571


The  Packaging  Machinery division achieved  growth  in  orders,
sales  and  profits.   The tobacco machinery  business  faces  a
difficult  international market as a result of the consolidation
and  restructuring  of  the cigarette manufacturers  around  the

Six months turnover (continuing operations)

                                        1999           1998      
                                          #m             #m      
Tobacco Machinery                       35.8           52.2       -31.4%

Packaging Machinery                     23.3           19.6       +18.9%

                                   _________      _________    
                                        59.1           71.8       -17.7%
                                   _________      _________    

Tobacco Machinery

Demand for tobacco machinery has declined by more than 60%  over
the  last  three years.  The cost base of the Tobacco  Machinery
division has already been reduced by some #50 million per  annum
at  a one-off cost of #35 million.  The numbers employed will be
about  800 at the end of this year compared with 2,000  in  June
1997.  Internationally the demand for original equipment is very
low and in recent months the company has experienced a reduction
in  spares  demand from certain customers which  themselves  are
undergoing consolidation and rationalisation.

Restructuring is continuing within the provisions already  made.
The  transfer  of  the  spares  business  from  Peterborough  to
Saunderton  was effected at the end of last year and integration
into  the  Saunderton site has been a major focus in  the  first
half.  Work is in progress to improve manufacturing efficiencies
at  Saunderton.   Key  technical skills have  been  retained  to
ensure  that  Molins is in a position to take advantage  of  any
upturn in demand.

We are developing the aftermarket opportunities arising from the
substantial  installed base of Molins machinery  throughout  the
world.  Molins intends to play a key role working in partnership
with  its  customers  to  prolong  the  life  and  enhance   the
performance  of  existing  machinery,  supported  by  continuing
product development.

We  are  focused  on providing our customers  with  world  class
quality  and service from our spares and service operations  and
are re-organising our management structure and strengthening the
management team to achieve this.

Packaging Machinery

The increase in sales mainly reflects higher shipments at Langen
and  Langenpac. The senior management teams of both  Langen  and
Langenpac have been strengthened in the first half of this year.
Both  companies have full order books for the remainder  of  the
year and Langen won a major contract with a pharmaceutical group
for delivery next year.  Sandiacre continued to show good growth
in  North  America but sales were slightly down overall  due  to
lower  activity  in  Europe.   Molins  Food  Machinery  and  the
International Technology Centre continued to make progress  with
customer-funded, innovative teabag machinery projects.

Operating results

Operating  profits of the Packaging Machinery division increased
from  #1.4 million to #1.8 million (up 28%).  Operating  profits
of  the Tobacco Machinery division declined from #3.0 million to
#0.1  million.   Group  profit  before  tax  was  #2.0  million,
compared  with  #3.9  million  (before  exceptional  items)  for
continuing operations in the first half of last year.   Earnings
per  share  were  3.7p  compared with 8.1p  (before  exceptional
items) last year.

Shareholders' funds and cash

Group  shareholders' funds were #71.7 million at  30  June  1999
(1998: #67.1 million) compared with #70.4 million at 31 December

Net cash amounted to #9.6 million compared with #10.9 million at
31 December 1998.

The  net cash inflow from operating activities in the first half
was  #0.1 million (1998: outflow #1.3 million), after disbursing
#3.9  million  (1998: #3.5 million) in respect  of  exceptional
restructuring costs charged against profits last year.

At the Annual General Meeting shareholders approved a resolution
giving  the Company authority to purchase up to 10% of  its  own
share  capital.  During the first half year a total  of  200,000
shares  (0.56%  of  the shares in issue) were purchased  by  the
Company  for  cancellation, at an average  cost  of  126.5p  per

Post balance sheet event

On  26 August 1999 the Group entered into an agreement with  its
former  business, Langston, which was sold in  1998,  to  accept
early  repayment, at a discount, of the subordinated  loan  note
which  formed part of the proceeds of sale.  At the same time  a
number  of other Langston related assets have been realised  and
various  obligations have been discharged.   These  transactions
have  an overall cash benefit to the Group of some #4.0 million,
of which #2.5 million has since been received.


The  directors  have declared an interim dividend  of  2.5p  per
ordinary  share (1998:6.5p), the reduction being in  line  with
the  reduced level of final dividend declared in March this year
and  the  stated  intention to redress the balance  between  the
interim  and  final  dividends.  The interim  dividend  will  be
payable on 28 October 1999 to shareholders on the register on 24
September 1999 and is covered 1.5 times by earnings.


The  Board was pleased to announce on 4 May 1999 the appointment
of  Dr  Amar  Sabberwal as a non-executive director.   A  former
director   of  T&N  plc,  Dr  Sabberwal  brings  a   wealth   of
international experience in manufacturing industry.


Given  the very low levels of demand for original equipment  and
the softening in demand for spares in recent months, it will  be
a  challenge  for the Tobacco Machinery division  to  achieve  a
result in the second half of 1999 which is any better than  that
achieved in the first half.

The  benefits  of  the actions now being taken  in  the  Tobacco
Machinery division to improve manufacturing efficiencies and the
return  on capital employed will be seen progressively but  will
have  little impact on the financial results this year.  In  the
medium  term, the actions being taken to reposition the  tobacco
machinery  business  to serve its aftermarket  are  expected  to
restore growth, even if demand for original equipment remains at
a low ebb for some time.

The   flow  of  orders  for  the  Packaging  Machinery  division
continues to be encouraging and the division is expected to show
good progress in 1999 compared with last year.

Peter Byrom

6 September 1999

Group profit and loss account

                                      6 months to 30 June 1998            
                              6 months         Before                         
                            to 30 June    exceptional   Exceptional           
                                  1999          items         items    Total
                     Note           #m             #m            #m       #m  
- Continuing operations           59.1           71.8             -     71.8  
- Discontinued operations            -           29.6             -     29.6  
                                 -----          -----         -----    -----
                        1         59.1          101.4             -    101.4  
                                 =====          =====         =====    =====
Operating profit/(loss)
- Continuing operations            1.9            4.4         (16.0)   (11.6) 
- Discontinued operations            -            0.6             -      0.6  
                                 -----          -----         -----    -----  
                                   1.9            5.0         (16.0)   (11.0) 
Profit on sale of                                                      
discontinued operations              -              -           0.2      0.2  
Net interest                                                   
receivable/(payable)               0.1           (0.5)            -     (0.5) 
                                 -----          -----         -----    -----  
Profit/(loss)on ordinary                                                   
activities before taxation         2.0            4.5         (15.8)   (11.3) 

Taxation                          (0.7)          (1.6)         (2.4)    (4.0) 
                                 -----          -----         -----    -----  
Profit/(loss) for the                                                   
period                             1.3            2.9         (18.2)   (15.3) 

(including non-equity) 8&9        (0.9)          (2.3)            -     (2.3) 
                                 -----          -----         -----    -----
Retained profit/(loss)                                                      
for the period                     0.4            0.6         (18.2)   (17.6) 
                                 =====          =====         =====    =====
Earnings/(loss) per                                                        
ordinary share          7          3.7p           8.1p        (51.1)p  (43.0)p
                                 -----          -----         -----    -----  
Dividend per                                                        
ordinary share          9          2.5p           6.5p            -      6.5p 
                                 -----          -----         -----    -----

                                      12 months to 31 December 1998
                                    exceptional  Exceptional    
                                          items        items           Total
                      Note                   #m           #m              #m
- Continuing operations                   140.6            -           140.6
- Discontinued operations                  29.6            -            29.6
                                          -----        -----           -----
                          1               170.2            -           170.2
                                          =====        =====           =====
Operating profit/(loss)                                                     
- Continuing operations                     8.5        (16.0)           (7.5)
- Discontinued operations                   0.6            -             0.6
                                          -----        -----           -----
                                            9.1        (16.0)           (6.9)
Profit on sale of                                                     
discontinued operations                       -          0.2             0.2

Net interest                                                   
receivable/(payable)                        0.1            -             0.1
                                          -----        -----           -----  

Profit/(loss) on ordinary                                                   
activities before taxation                  9.2        (15.8)          (6.6)
Taxation                                   (3.4)        (2.9)          (6.3)
                                          -----        -----           -----
Profit/(loss) for the                                                    
period                                      5.8        (18.7)         (12.9)
(including non-equity)  8 & 9              (2.9)           -           (2.9)
                                          -----        -----           -----  
Retained profit/(loss)                                                      
for the period                              2.9        (18.7)         (15.8)
                                          =====        =====          =====   
Earnings/(loss) per                                                        
ordinary share          7                  16.3p      (52.5)p        (36.2)p
                                          -----        -----          -----   
Dividend per                                                        
ordinary share          9                   8.0p           -           8.0p
                                          -----        -----          -----

Group balance sheet

                                             30           30             31
                                           June         June            Dec
                                           1999         1998           1998
                                             #m           #m             #m
Fixed assets                                        
Tangible assets                            28.9         30.3           29.4
Investments                                 1.9          2.1            1.9
                                          -----        -----          -----
                                           30.8         32.4           31.3
                                          =====        =====          =====
Current assets                                      
Stocks                                     35.1         42.2           38.1
Debtors - due within one year              36.1         50.1           36.9
Debtors - due after more than one year     19.9         18.1           18.8
Business sale proceeds - cash                 -         24.4              -
Cash at bank and in hand                   11.8          3.2           13.7
                                          -----        -----          -----
                                          102.9        138.0          107.5
Creditors - amounts falling due                     
within one year
Borrowings                                 (1.8)        (6.5)          (2.4)
Other creditors                           (53.1)       (64.4)         (55.4)
Proposed dividend                          (0.9)        (2.3)          (0.5)
                                          -----        -----          -----
                                          (55.8)       (73.2)         (58.3)
                                          -----        -----          -----
Net current assets                         47.1         64.8           49.2
                                          -----        -----          -----
Total assets less current             
liabilities                                77.9         97.2           80.5
Creditors - amounts falling due                     
after more than one year
Borrowings                                 (0.4)       (10.4)          (0.4)
Other creditors                            (0.3)        (0.3)          (0.3)
                                          -----        -----          -----
                                           (0.7)       (10.7)          (0.7)

Provisions for liabilities and        
charges                                    (5.5)       (19.2)          (9.2)
                                          -----        -----          -----
Net assets                                 71.7         67.3           70.6
                                          =====        =====          =====
Capital and reserves                                
Called up share capital                     9.7          9.8            9.8
Share premium account                      25.6         25.6           25.6
Capital redemption reserve                  0.1            -              -
Revaluation reserve                        17.8         16.1           17.7
Profit and loss account                    18.5         15.6           17.3
                                          -----        -----          -----
Shareholders' funds 
(including non-equity interests)           71.7         67.1           70.4
Minority interests                            -          0.2            0.2
                                          -----        -----          -----
                                           71.7         67.3           70.6
                                          =====        =====          =====
Net assets per share                       200p         186p           196p

Group cash flow statement

                                    6 months to  6 months to   12 months to
                                        30 June      30 June         31 Dec
                                           1999         1998           1998
                                             #m           #m             #m
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from          
operating activities                        0.1         (1.3)           5.6
Returns on investments and servicing                     
of finance
   Net interest received/(paid)             0.1         (0.6)          (0.2)
                                          -----        -----          -----   
Net cash inflow/(outflow) for returns                    
on investments and servicing of finance     0.1         (0.6)          (0.2)
Taxation                                   (0.7)        (1.4)          (6.0)
Capital expenditure (net of sale proceeds) (0.4)         0.2            0.3

Acquisitions and disposals                               
   Investment in joint venture                -         (0.3)          (0.3)
   Sale of businesses                       0.2            -           24.4
                                          -----        -----          -----   
Net cash inflow/(outflow) for           
acquisitions and disposals                  0.2         (0.3)          24.1
Equity dividends paid                      (0.6)        (3.0)          (5.4)
                                          -----        -----          -----   
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before                       
management of liquid resources 
and financing                              (1.3)        (6.4)          18.4
Management of liquid resources              2.5            -           (4.6)
   Issue of ordinary share capital            -          0.1            0.1
   Redemption of ordinary share capital    (0.1)           -              -
   Decrease in loans and finance lease  
   obligations                                -         (0.4)         (14.6)
                                          -----        -----          -----   
Net cash outflow from financing            (0.1)        (0.3)         (14.5)
                                          -----        -----          -----   
Increase/(decrease) in cash 
in the period                               1.1         (6.7)          (0.7)
                                          =====        =====          =====
Closing net funds/(debt)                    9.6        (13.7)          10.9
                                          =====        =====          =====   
Reconciliation of operating                        
profit/(loss) to net cash flow
from operating activities
                                   6 months to   6 months to   12 months to
                                       30 June       30 June         31 Dec
                                          1999          1998           1998
                                            #m            #m             #m
Operating profit/(loss)                    1.9         (11.0)          (6.9)
Depreciation                               1.7           3.4            5.8
Movements in restructuring and                           
rationalisation provisions
   New provisions created                    -          16.0           16.0
   Cash movements                         (3.9)         (3.5)         (10.1)
Working capital movements                  0.4          (6.2)           0.8
                                         -----         -----          -----   
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from          
operating activities                       0.1          (1.3)           5.6
                                         =====         =====          =====   
Reconciliation of net cash flow
to movement in net funds/(debt)
                                   6 months to   6 months to   12 months to
                                       30 June       30 June         31 Dec
                                          1999          1998           1998
                                            #m            #m             #m
Increase/(decrease) in cash    
in the period                              1.1          (6.7)          (0.7)
Cash (inflow)/outflow from                      
movement in liquid resources              (2.5)            -            4.6
Cash outflow from decrease in                   
debt and lease financing                     -           0.4           14.6
                                         -----         -----          -----   
Change in net funds/(debt)     
resulting from cash flows                 (1.4)         (6.3)          18.5
Translation difference                     0.1          (0.1)          (0.3)
                                         -----         -----          -----   
Movement in net funds/(debt)   
in the period                             (1.3)         (6.4)          18.2
Opening net funds/(debt)                  10.9          (7.3)          (7.3)
                                         -----         -----          -----   
Closing net funds/(debt)                   9.6         (13.7)          10.9
                                         =====         =====          =====   
Reconciliation of movements
in shareholders  funds

                                   6 months to   6 months to   12 months to
                                       30 June       30 June         31 Dec
                                          1999          1998           1998
                                            #m            #m             #m
Profit/(loss) for the period               1.3         (15.3)         (12.9)
Dividends                                 (0.9)         (2.3)          (2.9)
                                         -----         -----          -----   
Retained profit/(loss) for the period      0.4         (17.6)         (15.8)
Property revaluation                         -             -            1.4
Goodwill adjustment on sale of business      -           1.9            1.9
Issue of ordinary share capital              -           0.1            0.1
Redemption of ordinary share capital      (0.3)            -              -
Other recognised gains and         
losses for the period                      1.2          (0.1)             -
                                         -----         -----          -----   
Net increase/(decrease) in      
shareholders' funds                        1.3         (15.7)         (12.4)
Opening shareholders' funds               70.4          82.8           82.8
                                         -----         -----          -----   
Closing shareholders' funds               71.7          67.1           70.4
                                         =====         =====          =====   

1.Segmental analysis
                                   6 months to   6 months to   12 months to   
                                       30 June       30 June         31 Dec
                                          1999          1998           1998   
                                            #m            #m             #m   
By activity                                                 
Continuing operations                                                 
Tobacco Machinery                         35.8          52.2          100.2   
Packaging Machinery                       23.3          19.6           40.4   
                                         -----         -----          -----
                                          59.1          71.8          140.6   
Discontinued operations                      -          29.6           29.6   
                                         -----         -----          -----   
                                          59.1         101.4          170.2   
Exceptional items                            -             -              -   
                                         -----         -----          -----
                                          59.1         101.4          170.2   
                                         =====         =====          =====
1.Segmental analysis
                                              Operating profit/(loss)
                                   6 months to   6 months to   12 months to
                                       30 June       30 June         31 Dec
                                          1999          1998           1998
                                            #m            #m             #m
By activity                                                 
Continuing operations
Tobacco Machinery                          0.1           3.0            6.4
Packaging Machinery                        1.8           1.4            2.1
                                         -----         -----          -----
                                           1.9           4.4            8.5
Discontinued operations                      -           0.6            0.6
                                         -----         -----          -----   
                                           1.9           5.0            9.1
Exceptional items                            -         (16.0)         (16.0)
                                         -----         -----          ----- 
                                           1.9         (11.0)          (6.9)
                                         =====         =====          =====

2.   At 30 June 1999, provisions for liabilities and charges include
#5.0m (December 1998: #8.9m, June 1998  #16.0m) in respect of
restructuring and rationalisation of the Tobacco Machinery division.

3.   Post balance sheet event
On  26 August 1999 the Group entered into an agreement with  its
former  business, Langston, which was sold in  1998,  to  accept
early  repayment, at a discount, of the subordinated  loan  note
which  formed part of the proceeds of sale.  At the same time  a
number  of other Langston related assets have been realised  and
various  obligations have been discharged.   These  transactions
have  an overall cash benefit to the Group of some #4.0 million,
of which #2.5 million has already been received.

4.   The results for the full year 1998 have been extracted from the
Group's  full  accounts  for  that  year  which  included   an
unqualified audit report and have been filed with the  Registrar
of Companies.

5.   The interim financial statements have been prepared on the
basis  of  the accounting policies set out in the Group's  1998
statutory  accounts.  In the half year results and  the  balance
sheet at 30 June 1999 FRS 12 and 14 have been adopted.

6.    The  financial information for the half year has not  been
audited, although the auditors have carried out a review.

7.   Earnings per ordinary share are based upon the profit after
taxation less the preference dividend and on a weighted  average
of 35,571,549  shares in issue during the period (1998:35,571,021).

8.   The preference dividend payable on 30 June 1999 amounted to
#27,000 (1998:#18,900).

9.   The cost of the interim dividend of 2.5p per ordinary share
for the six months to 30 June 1999 will amount to #0.9m.

10.  Year 2000
     The Company has established a comprehensive Group-wide programme
     to ensure that with reasonable certainty:
a)   all products currently supplied by Group companies have been
     tested and are year 2000 compliant when operated as designed
     and specified;
b)   all material management information systems are, or will  be
     in reasonable time, year 2000 compliant;
c)   key  suppliers  have demonstrated their  own  commitment  to
     continuity  of supply of goods and services and  have  given
     reasonable assurances concerning compliance of products.

Progress  in implementation is regularly reported to the  Board,
and such progress is considered to be satisfactory.
However,  given the unique nature and complexity of the  problem
it is not possible for any organisation to be certain that there
will  be  no  year 2000 disruption, even if its own systems  are
compliant in all material respects.

A  number  of  the Group's business systems have  been  upgraded
which,  as well as dealing with year 2000 compliance, will  also
have the benefit of increased functionality and efficiency.

Total expenditure in the six months ended 30 June 1999, relating
at  least  in  part to year 2000 compliance, amounted  to  #1.1m
(full year 1998:#1.3m, first half year 1998:#0.7m)  of  which
#0.6m  (full year 1998:#0.6m, first half year 1998:#0.3m)
represents capital expenditure.

11.   The average US dollar exchange rate for the period  to  30
June 1999 was US$1.61(1998:US$1.65) and the rate at 30 June 1999
was  US$1.58 (1998:US$1.67).  The rate at 31 December  1998  was



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