RNS Number : 3296N

Braemar Shipping Services PLC

25 October 2016


("Braemar", the "Company" or the "Group")

25 October 2016

Unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 August 2016

Braemar Shipping Services plc (LSE: BMS), a leading international provider of broking, consultancy, technical and other services to the shipping, marine, energy, offshore and insurance industries, today announces unaudited half-year results for the six months ended 31 August 2016.


   --    Revenue in the first half was GBP70.2 million (interim 2015/16: GBP79.6 million) 

-- Underlying* operating profit of GBP1.4 million (interim 2015/16: GBP7.1 million), after charging one-off restructuring costs of GBP1.8 million (interim 2015/16: GBPnil)

   --    Underlying* basic EPS of 3.9p (interim 2015/16: 18.6p) 
   --    Net cash of GBP0.7 million at 31 August 2016 (net debt of GBP3.1 million at 31 August 2015) 
   --    Interim dividend remains unchanged at 9.0p per share 


-- Shipbroking division achieved a resilient performance in volatile conditions. Transaction volumes have improved and shipbroking is well placed for any upturn as it arises

-- Technical division suffered from industry wide activity reductions, especially in oil and gas exploration. A programme of management change and business restructuring is underway to realign the division to current market conditions

-- Logistics division maintained its performance and won a number of significant new contracts which are starting to bear fruit

-- A restructuring programme began during the period and has already realised over GBP3million of annualised cost savings. We will ensure the Group is well placed to respond to prevailing market conditions.

David Moorhouse CBE, Chairman of Braemar, commenting on the results and the outlook said:

"Braemar's divisions have worked hard in the challenging markets that we face and our senior management teams are taking difficult actions where needed to restructure our businesses to address this economic climate."

"The Board is confident in our long term strategy to grow the business through both organic and acquisitive business development. The Board expects the underlying financial performance, excluding restructuring costs of the Group, for the full year to be in line with current market expectations following the actions we are taking to make structural changes within the Group."


                         Underlying* Results          Total Results 
                       H1 2016/17   H1 2015/16   H1 2016/17   H1 2015/16 
--------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Revenue                GBP70.2m     GBP79.6m     GBP70.2m     GBP79.6m 
 Operating Profit       GBP1.4m      GBP7.1m      GBP0.3m      GBP5.3m 
 Earnings per Share       3.9p        18.6p         0.4p        13.3p 
--------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

* Underlying measures above are before non-recurring and acquisition related costs

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014.

For further information, contact:

 Braemar Shipping Services 
  James Kidwell, Chief Executive   Tel +44 (0) 20 3142 
  Louise Evans, Finance Director   Tel +44 (0) 20 3142 
 Stockdale Securities 
  Robert Finlay / Antonio          Tel +44 (0) 20 7601 
   Bossi / Henry Willcocks                        6100 
  Charles Ryland / Victoria        Tel +44 (0) 20 7466 
   Hayns / Stephanie Watson                       5000 

Notes to Editors:

About Braemar Shipping Services plc

Braemar Shipping Services plc is a leading international provider of knowledge and skill-based services to the shipping, marine, energy, offshore and insurance industries. Founded in 1972, Braemar employs nearly 1,000 people in more than 70 locations worldwide across its Shipbroking, Technical and Logistics divisions.

Braemar joined the Official List of the London Stock Exchange in November 1997 and trades under the symbol BMS.

For more information, including our investor presentation, visit www.braemar.com



Braemar experienced tough markets which have especially impacted the Technical division during the first half of 2016/17. This economic backdrop resulted in the materially reduced performance during the period. We are already taking action to address our cost base in response to the prevailing market conditions.


Revenue was GBP70.2 million in the first half of this year compared with GBP79.6 million in the first half of 2015/16 and underlying operating profit from continuing operations was GBP1.4 million (interim 2015/16: GBP7.1 million). Underlying basic earnings per share from operations were 3.9p (interim 2015/16: 18.6p). Operating profit was GBP0.3 million in the first half (interim 2015/16: GBP5.3 million) and earnings per share were 0.4p (interim: 13.3p).


The Shipbroking division achieved a resilient performance during the first half of 2016/17. Underlying operating profit was lower than the same period last year due to the anticipated weaker markets, although transaction volumes did increase. Our total shipbroking forward book at 31 August 2016 was approximately US$46 million, of which approximately US$22 million relates to the second half of 2016/17.

The Technical division reported an operating loss of GBP2.0 million in the period which includes GBP1.5 million one off costs following project completions and restructuring. Our restructuring process is ongoing and has already resulted in annualised cost savings of over GBP3 million. The underlying performance of the division was affected by the slowdown in oil and gas exploration, particularly with regard to offshore activities.

The Logistics division performed well, delivering a profit in line with our expectations and similar to last year.

We do not believe that demand for our services will be materially impacted by the forthcoming Brexit process or any associated market volatility, however there may be secondary economic effects that are currently difficult to foresee. Britain's intention to withdraw from the EU does not currently affect our long term growth and diversification strategy.


The Board has declared an unchanged interim dividend of 9.0 pence per share, in line with our previous dividend policy. The interim dividend will be paid on Friday 16 December 2016 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on Friday 18 November 2016.


Braemar is a business that relies on the strength and quality of its people. The Board would like to thank all staff across the Group for their significant efforts during the challenging first half of this year.


The Board remains confident in our long term strategy to diversify and grow the business through organic and acquisitive development. Recent management changes and business restructuring will ensure that we are able to continue to develop the business in the prevailing extreme market conditions. We believe the proactive actions that are being taken will result in an improved performance during the second half of 2016/17. The Board's current year expectations for the Group remains unchanged from our trading update published on 30 August 2016.

David Moorhouse CBE


24 October 2016


The trading performance in our major business units for the six months ended 31 August 2016 is detailed below.

 Shipbroking            Interim 2016/17   Interim 2015/16 
---------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Revenue:               GBP30.8 million   GBP33.3 million 
 Divisional operating   GBP4.0 million    GBP4.6 million 
  profit (1) : 

(1) Divisional operating profit is a management KPI used consistently throughout this report and represents the operating profit of the division before acquisition related and non-recurring costs.

As highlighted previously, rates in most shipping markets fell during the first half of this financial year compared with the equivalent period last year. Our teams continued to generate healthy transaction volumes, but softer freight rates resulted in a lower overall result for the division. A sustained weaker sterling exchange rate against the US dollar will benefit earnings, although the full beneficial impact will not be evident until the next financial year due to our rolling hedging policy.

After a strong year in 2015/16, tanker freight rates softened quite significantly towards the end of the first half of the financial year as new tonnage came into the market and port congestion eased. Nevertheless, oil and refined product trade flows remained strong and our teams performed well retaining a high market share and increasing deep sea transaction volumes.

The freight rates in the dry bulk market were depressed due to the continued over-capacity and weaker commodity demand in the core markets. Our team concluded a higher volume of transactions although low freight rates led to weaker financial results. A cost control programme has already been actioned to ensure that we are appropriately structured for the current and expected business climate. More recently, the Baltic Dry Index has risen and now stands at 842 compared with 332 on 1 March 2016 and an average of 600 during the first half. The increase is mostly felt in the Cape sector, which after our investment in this sector, should achieve an improved performance.

As expected, our offshore department continued to experience low levels of activity as a result of reduced global oil and gas exploration and production development activity. We maintained our core team in this area which will enable us to respond effectively when market conditions allow.

Our sale and purchase department concluded a significantly higher number of transactions for both second hand and demolition vessels compared with the equivalent period last year. However, average vessel values on concluded business were lower commensurate with the market.

 Technical              Interim 2016/17    Interim 2015/16 
---------------------  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Revenue:               GBP21.7 million    GBP28.6 million 
 Divisional operating   GBP(2.0) million   GBP3.1 million 
  (loss) / profit: 

The Technical division, particularly our Offshore and Engineering businesses, suffered from the slowdown in oil and gas exploration activity. We made a number of senior management changes in the division during the period and the new management team is implementing a restructuring programme to cut costs and create a better platform for division-wide service delivery and improved utilisation of professional staff. We incurred one off costs of GBP1.5 million (interim 2015/16: nil) during the first half following project completions and restructuring. This achieved office consolidation, reduced divisional headcount (by approximately 7%) and annualised cost savings of approximately GBP3.2 million.

Braemar Offshore, our marine warranty surveying and engineering consultancy business located in the Asia Pacific region, was adversely affected by project delays and reduced activity, in common with all regional service providers to the energy sector. We took action to reduce our cost base, particularly in the higher cost offices, and are continuing to focus on geographic centres of client activity.

Braemar Engineering, our consulting engineering business, concluded its three-year project for the design, site supervision and crew training for six LNG ("liquefied natural gas") carriers. Following completion of this project and the current downturn in the oil and gas sector, we restructured the team in the UK and re-located staff to our integrated London office. We are focusing on growing our engineering activity from both our offices in Houston and London.

Braemar Adjusting, our energy loss adjusting business, faced challenging conditions in our UK, US and Canada offices although we have received recent instructions which should see an improvement in the second half. The offices in the Middle East and Singapore have performed well with high staff utilisation.

Braemar incorporating the Salvage Association, our hull and machinery damage surveying and marine consultancy business, continued to diversify its service offering, but overall experienced a lower level of activity in the period. The number of instructions was similar to the same period last year, but we experienced lower average incident value.

Braemar Howells, our incident response and environmental consultancy services business, carried out a routine level of work with no significant project work undertaken in the period. The business is focusing on the development of its UK operations, particularly retained services and framework agreements with major customers.

 Logistics              Interim 2016/17   Interim 2015/16 
---------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Revenue:               GBP17.7 million   GBP17.6 million 
 Divisional operating   GBP0.9 million    GBP1.0 million 

The Ship Agency business services UK ports, the Port of Singapore, North America and Amsterdam and has joint arrangements with a number of worldwide agency partners. During the period the Ship Agency business generated growth through winning several blue chip global clients which has led to increased ship numbers. Despite a difficult market we are continuing to build our activities by expanding our presence in North America and the Far East as well as continuing to grow in Europe.

The freight forwarding business held its position in challenging markets. Freight rates were volatile, including an adverse impact from fluctuating exchange rates. We maintained our existing contract business and saw an improvement in project cargoes, though pressure in the oil and gas sector continues to limit our financial growth. We have invested in new Logistics teams in Houston, Atlanta and Singapore and are starting to see growth in the client base in these areas.

Other operating costs

                      Interim 2016/17   Interim 2015/16 
-------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Unallocated costs:   GBP1.5 million    GBP1.6 million 

Unallocated costs were slightly lower than last year reflecting the reduction in the size of the Group Board.

                             Interim 2016/17   Interim 2015/16 
--------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Acquisition related 
  expenses & amortisation:   GBP1.1 million    GBP1.3 million 

The reduction in acquisition related expenses and amortisation was principally due to a lower charge for the amortisation of other intangible assets arising from the merger with ACM Shipping Group plc during 2014.

The Group did not incur any separately identifiable non-recurring costs during the period (interim: 2015/16: GBP0.5 million).

Foreign exchange

A large proportion of the Group's income is US$ denominated and the average rate of exchange for conversion of US$ income in the six months to 31 August 2016 was $1.39/GBP (interim 2015/16: $1.535/GBP). The rate of translation as at 31 August 2016 was $1.31/GBP (31 August 2015: $1.54/GBP).

The Group maintained its treasury policy during the period so the full positive impact of the movement of the dollar has not yet been reflected in the results. At 31 August 2016 the Group held forward currency contracts to sell US$30 million at an average rate of $1.43/GBP (interim 2015/16: $17 million at an average rate of $1.52/GBP).


The effective underlying rate of corporation tax on profits was 24.5% (interim 2015/16: 25.0%). The rate is higher than the UK standard rate of corporation tax mainly due to disallowed expenses and higher overseas tax rates. The Group's profits are spread across a number of jurisdictions with both higher and lower tax rates.

Balance sheet

Net assets at 31 August 2016 were GBP101.6 million (interim 2015/16: GBP103.3 million). Overall, net assets reduced slightly compared with the equivalent period last year and have decreased from GBP107.3 million as at 29 February 2016. The main movement is the revaluation of the defined benefit pension scheme which has an increased liability of GBP5.5 million (interim 2015/16: GBP1.3 million) following the cut in the Bank of England base rate and associated reduction in bond yields. The scheme was closed to future accrual in 2015/16.

Net current assets (excluding cash and short term borrowings) were GBP16.4 million (interim 2015/16: GBP22.9 million). Trade and other receivables fell by GBP2.4 million to GBP60.6 million (see Note 10 to the Financial Information) and current liabilities increased to GBP44.1 million (interim 2015/16: GBP40.1 million), largely in trade payables and uncrystallised foreign exchange instruments.

We have been monitoring the progress of the potential sale of The Baltic Exchange to the Singapore Exchange ("SGX") which is expected to complete during the second half of 2016/17. The transaction has received the approval of The Baltic Exchange's shareholders and is awaiting Court approval. The Group holds a 2% stake in The Baltic Exchange and if the transaction completes the Group would realise a one off gain before tax of GBP1.5 million.

Borrowings and cash

Net cash was GBP0.7 million at 31 August 2016 compared with net debt of GBP3.1 million at 31 August 2015 and net cash of GBP9.2 million at 29 February 2016. Gross debt has fallen from GBP11.0 million at 31 August 2015 to GBP7.3 million at 31 August 2016.

The majority of cashflows during the period followed the normal business cycle and we expect the second half of the year to generate more cash than the first half due to the timing of bonus and dividend payments. During the period we entered into a new financing relationship with HSBC which provided total facilities of GBP30 million made up of a revolving credit facility of GBP15 million to support ongoing working capital needs and GBP15 million accordion facility to provide flexibility for future mergers and acquisitions activity. We repaid the borrowings from our former bank with funds drawn down on the new revolving credit facility with HSBC.

We are taking action to address the structure of our business, especially in the Technical division where the project activity levels are falling and contract timing is difficult to predict. This restructuring programme, along with the shipbroking forward order book, gives us the confidence for an improved performance in the second half of the current financial year and we continue to seek both organic and acquisitive opportunities to grow and diversify the Group over the longer term.

James Kidwell

Chief Executive

24 October 2016

Braemar Shipping Services plc

Consolidated Income Statement

                                             Unaudited          Unaudited         Audited 
                                            Six months         Six months            Year 
                                                    to                 to           ended 
                                                31 Aug             31 Aug          29 Feb 
                                                  2016               2015            2016 
 Continuing operations         Notes           GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
----------------------------  ------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Revenue                         4              70,217             79,585         159,125 
 Cost of sales                                (15,435)           (17,427)        (33,365) 
----------------------------  ------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Gross profit                                   54,782             62,158         125,760 
 Operating costs 
----------------------------  ------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Operating costs excluding 
  amortisation of other 
  intangible assets and 
  exceptional items                           (53,427)           (55,063)       (112,002) 
  expenses and amortisation      5             (1,066)            (1,270)         (2,668) 
 Non-recurring expenses          5                   -              (491)           (777) 
----------------------------  ------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
                                              (54,493)           (56,824)       (115,447) 
 Operating profit                4                 289              5,334          10,313 
 Finance income                                     13                 39              45 
 Finance costs                                   (152)              (174)           (432) 
 Profit before taxation                            150              5,199           9,926 
 Taxation                        6                (37)            (1,298)         (2,826) 
----------------------------  ------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Profit / (loss) for 
  the period/year                                  113              3,901           7,100 
----------------------------  ------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Loss for the year from 
  discontinued operations                            -                  -           (290) 
----------------------------  ------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Profit for the year 
  attributable to equity 
  shareholders of the 
  parent                                           113              3,901           6,810 
----------------------------  ------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Earnings per ordinary 
  share                          7 
 Basic - underlying 
  operations                                     3.88p             18.62p          34.70p 
 Diluted - underlying 
  operations                                     3.45p             16.87p          31.53p 
 Earnings per ordinary 
  share                          7 
 Basic - profit for 
  the period/year                                0.38p             13.32p          23.23p 
 Diluted - profit for 
  the period/year                                0.34p             12.07p          21.10p 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                 Unaudited    Unaudited   Audited 
                                                Six months   Six months      Year 
                                                        to           to     ended 
                                                    31 Aug       31 Aug    29 Feb 
                                                      2016         2015      2016 
                                   Notes           GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------------  ---------  --------------  -----------  -------- 
 Profit for the period/year                            113        3,901     6,810 
 Other comprehensive 
  income / (expense) 
 Items that will not 
  be reclassified to profit 
  or loss: 
 Actuarial loss on employee 
  benefit schemes - net 
  of tax                                           (3,611)            -     (296) 
 Items that are or may 
  be reclassified to profit 
  or loss: 
 Foreign exchange differences 
  on retranslation of foreign 
  operations                                         1,539      (1,195)     2,461 
 Cash flow hedges - 
  net of tax                                            89          131     (937) 
 Total comprehensive (expense) 
  / income for the period 
  / year attributable to 
  the equity shareholders 
  of the parent                                    (1,870)        2,837     8,038 
---------------------------------  -------  --------------  -----------  -------- 

Braemar Shipping Services plc

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                      Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited 
                                          As at       As at     As at 
                                         31 Aug      31 Aug    29 Feb 
                                           2016        2015      2016 
 Assets                       Notes     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                77,484      76,219    76,912 
 Other intangible 
  assets                                  2,450       2,487     2,684 
 Property, plant 
  and equipment                           4,996       4,314     5,104 
 Investments                              1,599       1,602     1,537 
 Deferred tax assets                      3,999       1,538     2,177 
 Other receivables                          458         237       355 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
                                         90,986      86,397    88,769 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                  10        60,559      63,005    58,135 
 Cash and cash equivalents                8,079       7,900    11,497 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
                                         68,638      70,905    69,632 
 Total assets                           159,624     157,302   158,401 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                             1,123           -     1,233 
 Trade and other 
  payables                               41,698      38,374    43,020 
 Short term borrowings                    7,335       9,551     1,800 
 Current tax payable                        743         960     1,640 
 Provisions                                 577         722       729 
                                         51,476      49,607    48,422 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Long term borrowings                         -       1,400       500 
 Deferred tax liabilities                   671         745       430 
 Pensions deficit                         5,500       1,299     1,211 
 Provisions                                 378         911       533 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
                                          6,549       4,355     2,674 
 Total liabilities                       58,025      53,962    51,096 
 Net assets                             101,599     103,340   107,305 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Share capital                 11         3,016       3,011     3,011 
 Share premium                 11        52,467      52,302    52,314 
 Shares to be issued                    (2,665)     (3,245)   (3,439) 
 Other reserves                12        28,102      23,886    26,474 
 Retained earnings                       20,679      27,386    28,945 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Total equity                           101,599     103,340   107,305 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  -------- 

Braemar Shipping Services plc

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited 
                                               Six months   Six months      ended 
                                                   31 Aug       31 Aug     29 Feb 
                                                     2016         2015       2016 
                                       Notes      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
------------------------------------  ------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Profit before tax for the 
  period/year                                         150        5,199      9,926 
 Loss before tax for the 
  year from discontinued operations                     -            -      (290) 
 Adjustments for: 
 - Depreciation of property, 
  plant and equipment                                 356          722      1,540 
 - Amortisation of computer 
  software                                            264          298        573 
 - Amortisation of other 
  intangible assets                                   188          568      1,080 
 - Other exceptional 
  and acquisition-related 
  items                                               878        1,193      2,365 
 - Finance income                                    (13)         (39)       (45) 
 - Finance expense                                    152          174        432 
 - Share based payments 
  (excluding restricted 
  share plan)                                         605          450      1,110 
 - Net foreign exchange 
  gains & financial instruments                       311        (321)      (524) 
 Changes in working 
 - Trade and other receivables                    (2,424)      (5,643)    (1,527) 
 - Trade and other payables                       (1,323)      (3,955)        750 
 Contribution to defined 
  benefit pension scheme                            (225)            -      (488) 
 Restructuring related 
  costs                                                 -      (1,199)    (1,632) 
 Provisions                                         (316)        (183)        189 
------------------------------------  ------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Cash (used in)/generated 
  from operations                                 (1,397)      (2,736)     13,459 
 Interest received                                     13           39         45 
 Interest paid                                      (152)        (174)      (432) 
 Tax paid                                         (1,504)      (1,201)    (2,688) 
 Net cash (used in)/generated 
  from operating activities                       (3,040)      (4,072)     10,384 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment and computer 
  software                                          (349)        (485)    (2,098) 
 Other long-term assets                             (166)         (67)      (111) 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                        (515)        (552)    (2,209) 
------------------------------------  ------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Proceeds from borrowings                           7,335        7,751          - 
 Repayment of borrowings                          (2,300)      (5,900)    (6,800) 
 Proceeds from issue 
  of ordinary shares                                  158          343        357 
 Dividends paid                          8        (5,020)      (4,989)    (7,648) 
 Purchase of own shares                             (458)        (280)      (428) 
 Net cash from financing 
  activities                                        (285)      (3,075)   (14,519) 
------------------------------------  ------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Decrease in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                (3,840)      (7,699)    (6,344) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of the 
  period/year                                      11,497       16,289     16,289 
 Foreign exchange differences                         422        (690)      1,552 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of the period/year                         8,079        7,900     11,497 
------------------------------------  ------  -----------  -----------  --------- 

Braemar Shipping Services plc

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                   Share      Share     to be       Other    Retained     Total 
                                 capital    premium    issued    reserves    earnings    equity 
                        Notes    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 At 1 March 
  2016                             3,011     52,314   (3,439)      26,474      28,945   107,305 
 Profit for 
  the period                           -          -         -           -         113       113 
  loss on employee 
  benefits schemes 
  - net of tax                         -          -         -           -     (3,611)   (3,611) 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences                          -          -         -       1,539           -     1,539 
 Cash flow 
  hedges - net 
  of tax                               -          -         -          89           -        89 
---------------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                               -          -         -       1,628     (3,498)   (1,870) 
---------------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
  paid                    8            -          -         -           -     (5,020)   (5,020) 
 Issue of shares                       5        153         -           -           -       158 
 Purchase of 
  shares                               -          -     (458)           -           -     (458) 
 ESOP shares 
  allocated                            -          -     1,232           -     (1,232)         - 
 Credit in 
  respect of 
  share option 
  schemes                              -          -         -           -       1,484     1,484 
 Balance at 
  31 August 
  2016                             3,016     52,467   (2,665)      28,102      20,679   101,599 
---------------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 At 1 March 
  2015                             2,998     51,970   (3,611)      24,950      27,966   104,273 
 Profit for 
  the period                           -          -         -           -       3,901     3,901 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences                          -          -         -     (1,195)           -   (1,195) 
 Cash flow 
  hedges - net 
  of tax                               -          -         -         131           -       131 
---------------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                               -          -         -     (1,064)       3,901     2,837 
---------------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
  paid                    8            -          -         -           -     (4,989)   (4,989) 
 Issue of shares                      13        332         -           -           -       345 
 Purchase of 
  shares                               -          -     (280)           -           -     (280) 
 ESOP shares 
  allocated                            -          -       646           -       (646)         - 
 Credit in 
  respect of 
  share option 
  schemes                              -          -         -           -       1,154     1,154 
 Balance at 
  31 August 
  2015                             3,011     52,302   (3,245)      23,886      27,386   103,340 
---------------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  -------- 




1. General information

The interim consolidated financial statements of the Group for the period ended 31 August 2016 were authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the directors on 24 October 2016. Braemar Shipping Services plc is a Public Limited Company incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales.

The term 'Company' refers to Braemar Shipping Services plc and 'Group' refers to the Company and all its subsidiary undertakings and the employee share ownership trust. The address of its registered office is One Strand, Trafalgar Square, WC2N 5HR, United Kingdom.

These interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The audited statutory accounts for the year ended 29 February 2016 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales. The report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph and did not contain any statements under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. The interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.

Forward-looking statements

Certain statements in this half-yearly report are forward-looking. Although the Group

believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable,

we can give no assurance that these expectations will prove to be correct. Because

these statements involve risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from

those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Accounting estimates and critical judgements

Preparation of the Group's financial statements requires the use of estimates and critical judgements that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Management make specific applications of judgement, not involving estimation, in the preparation of the financial statements, in particular the approach to revenue recognition, determination of exceptional and acquisition related items and business combinations. Principal areas where assumptions and estimates have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amount of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are in respect of the impairment review of goodwill, other intangible assets and impairment of trade receivables.

2. Basis of preparation and statement of compliance

This consolidated interim financial information for the six months ended 31 August 2016 has been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority and with IAS 34, 'Interim financial reporting' as adopted by the European Union. The half-yearly condensed consolidated financial report should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2016, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union.

3. Accounting policies

Changes in accounting policies

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these interim consolidated financial statements are consistent with those of the annual financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2016, as included in those annual financial statements. New standards and interpretations in issue but not yet effective as at the date of authorisation of these financial statements are deemed not to have a material impact on the results or net assets of the Group.

4. Segmental information

                                Shipbroking   Technical   Logistics         costs      Total 
 Six months to 31 
  August 2016                       GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Revenue                             30,826      21,726      17,665             -     70,217 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Divisional operating 
  profit / (loss)                     4,022     (2,012)         864       (1,519)      1,355 
  expenses and amortisation           (994)        (56)        (16)             -    (1,066) 
 Operating profit 
  / (loss)                            3,028     (2,068)         848       (1,519)        289 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Finance expense - 
  net                                                                                  (139) 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Profit before taxation                                                                  150 
 Taxation                                                                               (37) 
 Profit for the period 
  from continuing operations                                                             113 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Segment operating 
  assets                             91,399      36,264      18,285             -    145,948 
 Segment operating 
  liabilities                      (21,238)     (6,011)    (22,027)             -   (49,276) 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Six months to 31 
  August 2015 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Segment Revenue                     33,336      29,018      17,627             -     79,981 
 Intersegment revenue                     -       (396)           -             -      (396) 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Revenue                             33,336      28,622      17,627             -     79,585 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Divisional operating 
  profit / (loss)                     4,597       3,149         981       (1,632)      7,095 
  expenses and amortisation         (1,201)        (52)        (17)             -    (1,270) 
 Non-recurring items                  (491)           -           -             -      (491) 
 Operating profit 
  / (loss)                            2,905       3,097         964       (1,632)      5,334 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Finance expense - 
  net                                                                                  (135) 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Profit before taxation                                                                5,199 
 Taxation                                                                            (1,298) 
 Profit for the period 
  from continuing operations                                                           3,901 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Segment operating 
  assets                             93,145      36,269      16,848             -    146,262 
 Segment operating 
  liabilities                      (16,575)     (7,099)    (17,631)             -   (41,306) 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 

4. Segmental information (continued)

 Year ended 29 February         Shipbroking   Technical   Logistics         costs      Total 
  2016                              GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Segment Revenue                     70,699      55,612      34,143             -    160,454 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Intersegment revenue                     -     (1,329)           -             -    (1,329) 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Revenue                             70,699      54,283      34,143             -    159,125 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Divisional operating 
  profit/(loss)                       9,653       5,201       1,577       (2,673)     13,758 
 Acquisition related 
  expenses and amortization         (2,476)       (159)        (33)             -    (2,668) 
 Non-recurring items                  (777)           -           -             -      (777) 
 Operating profit                     6,400       5,042       1,544       (2,673)     10,313 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Finance expense - 
  net                                                                                  (387) 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Profit before taxation                                                                9,926 
 Taxation                                                                            (2,826) 
 Profit for the period 
  from continuing operations                                                           7,100 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 
 Segment operating 
  assets                             91,884      34,412      16,893             -    143,189 
 Segment operating 
  liabilities                      (20,449)     (5,352)    (20,924)             -   (46,725) 
-----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  --------- 

Segment assets consist primarily of intangible assets (including goodwill), tangible fixed assets, receivables and other assets. Receivables for taxes, cash and cash equivalents and investments have been excluded.

5. Acquisition related items

During the period, the Group incurred the following non-recurring and acquisition-related items:

a) Acquisition-related expenses and exceptional items

Included in acquisition-related expenses is a charge of GBP878,000 (six months to 31 August 2015: GBP702,000) relating to the Group's share retention plan in connection with the acquisition of ACM Shipping Group plc and a charge of GBP188,000 (six months to 31 August 2015: GBP568,000) in relation to the amortisation of acquisition-related intangible assets.

b) Non recurring expenses

During the six months to 31 August 2015 the Group incurred GBP491,000 in relation to restructuring activities as a result of the acquisition of ACM, no such costs have been incurred during the period.

6. Taxation

Current tax expense for the interim periods presented is the expected tax payable on the taxable net income for the period, calculated as the estimated average annual effective income tax rate applied to the pre-tax income of the interim period. Current tax for current and prior periods is classified as a current liability to the extent that it is unpaid. Amounts paid in excess of amounts owed are classified as a current asset.

The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, using tax rates that are enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.

The Group's consolidated effective tax rate for the six months ended 31 August 2016 was 24.5% (six months ended 31 August 2015: 25.0%).

7. Earnings per share

                                  Six months            Six months               ended 
                                       to 31                 to 31              29 Feb 
                                    Aug 2016              Aug 2015                2016 
 Total operations                    GBP'000               GBP'000             GBP'000 
----------------------------------  --------   -------------------  ------------------ 
 Profit / (loss) for the period 
 attributable to equity holders 
 of the parent                           113                 3,901               6,810 
----------------------------------  --------   -------------------  ------------------ 
                                       pence                 pence               pence 
----------------------------------  --------   -------------------  ------------------ 
 Basic (loss) / earnings per 
  share                                 0.38                 13.32               23.23 
 Effect of dilutive share 
  options                             (0.04)                (1.25)              (2.13) 
 Diluted (loss) / earnings 
  per share                             0.34                 12.07               21.10 
----------------------------------  --------   -------------------  ------------------ 
 Underlying operations excluding 
  non-recurring items and amortisation 
  of other intangible assets 
---------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------------  ------- 
 Profit for the period attributable 
  to equity shareholders of 
  the parent                                        1,142                5,450   10,173 
---------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------------  ------- 
                                                    pence                pence    pence 
---------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------------  ------- 
 Basic earnings per share                            3.88                18.62    34.70 
 Effect of dilutive share 
  options                                          (0.43)               (1.75)   (3.17) 
 Diluted earnings per share                          3.45                16.87    31.53 
---------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------------  ------- 

8. Dividends

The following dividends were paid by the Group:

                                 Six months   Six months      Year 
                                         to           to     ended 
                                     31 Aug       31 Aug    29 Feb 
                                       2016         2015      2016 
                                    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
 Ordinary shares of 10 pence 
 Final of 17.0 pence per 
  share (2015: 17.0 pence 
  per share)                          5,020        4,989     4,989 
 Interim of 9.0 pence per 
  share paid (2015: 9.0 pence 
  per share)                              -            -     2,659 
                                      5,020        4,989     7,648 
------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------- 

The Directors have declared an unchanged interim dividend of 9.0 pence per ordinary share, payable on 16 December 2016 to shareholders on the register on 18 November 2016.

9. Goodwill, intangible assets and property, plant and equipment

                                      and property, 
                                          plant and 
------------------------       ---  --------------- 
 Six months ended 
  31 August 2016 
 Opening net book 
  amount at 1 March 
  2016                                       84,700 
 Additions                                      349 
 Depreciation and 
  amortisation                                (808) 
 Exchange movements                             689 
 Closing net book value 
  at 31 August 2016                          84,930 
---------------------------    ---  --------------- 
 Six months ended 
  31 August 2015 
 Opening net book 
  amount at 1 March 
  2015                                       84,233 
 Additions                                      485 
 Depreciation and 
  amortisation                              (1,588) 
 Exchange movements                           (110) 
 Closing net book value 
  at 31 August 2015                          83,020 
---------------------------    ---  --------------- 

10. Trade and other receivables

                             Six months   Six months      Year 
                                     to           to     ended 
                                 31 Aug       31 Aug    29 Feb 
                                   2016         2015      2016 
                                GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
 Trade receivables               44,497       43,172    44,608 
 Provision for impairment 
  of trade receivables          (5,424)      (5,317)   (6,071) 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
                                 39,073       37,855    38,537 
 Other receivables                6,166        5,631     4,626 
 Accrued income                  11,911       16,552    12,379 
 Prepayments                      3,409        2,967     2,593 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
                                 60,559       63,005    58,135 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------- 

The Directors consider that the carrying amounts of trade receivables approximate to their fair value.

Movements on the Group provision for impairment of trade receivables were as follows:

                                        Six months   Six months      Year 
                                                to           to     ended 
                                            31 Aug       31 Aug    29 Feb 
                                              2016         2015      2016 
                                           GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
 At 1 March                                  6,071        4,477     4,477 
 Net provision for receivables 
  impairment                                 (185)        1,461     2,055 
 Receivables written off 
  during the period as uncollectable         (195)        (100)     (126) 
 Amounts previously impaired 
  collected in the period                    (781)        (510)     (569) 
 Exchange differences                          514         (11)       234 
-------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
 At 31 August / 29 February                  5,424        5,317     6,071 
-------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------- 

11. Share capital

                                      of   Ordinary     Share 
                                  shares     Shares   Premium     Total 
                             (thousands)    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------   ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 At 1 March 
  2016                            30,114      3,011    52,314    55,325 
 Shares issued and fully 
  paid                                47          5       153       158 
--------------------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 At 31 August 
  2016                            30,161      3,016    52,467    55,483 
--------------------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 At 1 March 
  2015                            29,983      2,998    51,970    54,968 
 Shares issued and fully 
  paid                               126         13       332       345 
--------------------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 At 31 August 
  2015                            30,109      3,011    52,302    55,313 
--------------------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 

12. Other reserves

                               Capital                                           Total 
                            redemption     Merger   Translation    Hedging       other 
                               reserve    reserve       reserve    reserve    reserves 
                               GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
------------------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 
 At 1 March 2016                   396     21,346         5,719      (987)      26,474 
 Cash flow hedges 
 - Transfer to net 
  profit                             -          -             -      1,233       1,233 
 - Fair value gains 
  in the period                      -          -             -    (1,122)     (1,122) 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences                        -          -         1,539          -       1,539 
 Deferred tax on 
  items taken to equity              -          -             -       (22)        (22) 
------------------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 
 At 31 August 2016                 396     21,346         7,258      (898)      28,102 
------------------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 
                               Capital                                           Total 
                            redemption     Merger   Translation    Hedging       other 
                               reserve    reserve       reserve    reserve    reserves 
                               GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
 At 1 March 2015                   396     21,346         3,258       (50)      24,950 
 Cash flow hedges 
 - Transfer to net 
  profit                             -          -             -         63          63 
 - Fair value gains 
  in the period                      -          -             -        101         101 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences                        -          -       (1,195)          -     (1,195) 
 Deferred tax on 
  items taken to equity              -          -             -       (33)        (33) 
 At 31 August 2015                 396     21,346         2,063         81      23,886 
                          ------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 

All other reserves are attributable to the equity holders of the parent company.

13. Contingencies

From time to time the Group may be engaged in litigation in the ordinary course of business. The Group carries professional indemnity insurance. There are currently no liabilities expected to have a material adverse financial impact on the Group's consolidated results or net assets.

14. Related parties

The Group's related parties are unchanged from 29 February 2016 and there have been no significant related party transactions in the six months ended 31 August 2016.

For further information about the Group's related parties, please refer to the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2016.

Principal risks

The directors consider that the principal risks and uncertainties that could have a material effect on the Group's performance are unchanged from those identified on pages 28 to 31 of the 2016 Annual Report. These include risks associated with our staff and cost structure arising from reliance on key people and our ability to retain our most important and high quality staff; risks arising from commercial, worldwide and external forces such as downturn in market conditions and the risk of increased competition across our various businesses; financial risks including currency exposure, particularly in relation to the value of the US dollar, and liquidity risk associated with the control of our working capital; professional conduct risks such as reputational damage to the Braemar corporate brand or professional error resulting in loss of value of client assets.

The Group holds professional indemnity insurance to an amount considered adequate for its size and potential exposure.

Statement of Directors' responsibilities

The directors confirm, to the best of their knowledge, that the consolidated interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with IAS34 as adopted by the European Union, and that the interim management report herein includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7 and DTR 4.2.8 of the Disclosure and Transparency rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

The directors of Braemar Shipping Services plc are listed below.

By order of the board

 David Moorhouse CBE, Chairman 
 Jürgen Breuer 
 Louise Evans, Finance 
 Alastair Farley 
 James Kidwell, Chief Executive 
 Mark Tracey 
 Alexander Vane, Company 



We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 August 2016 which comprises the condensed consolidated income statement, the condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the condensed consolidated balance sheet, condensed consolidated cash flow statement, condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity and the related explanatory notes. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the company in meeting the requirements of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("the DTR") of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority ("the UK FCA"). Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the DTR of the UK FCA.

The annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the UK. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 August 2016 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the EU and the DTR of the UK FCA.

Ian Griffiths

for and on behalf of KPMG LLP

Chartered Accountants

15 Canada Square, London, E14 5GL

24 October 2016

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 25, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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