RNS Number:8554S
Braemar Seascope Group PLC
19 October 2005

                           BRAEMAR SEASCOPE GROUP PLC
            Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards

19 October 2005

Braemar Seascope Group PLC ("the Group") is preparing for the adoption of
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as its primary accounting
basis for the year ended 28 February 2006. As part of this transition, Braemar
Seascope is presenting unaudited financial information prepared in accordance
with IFRS for the year ended 28 February 2005 and six months ended 31 August
2004. This regulatory news release explains how formerly published financial
statements prepared under UK GAAP are reported under IFRS and provides the
appropriate reconciliations from UK GAAP to IFRS.

The Group's interim results for the six months ending 31 August 2005 will be
published on 25 October 2005. The interim results including all relevant
comparatives will be prepared in accordance with applicable IFRS.

IFRS does not affect the underlying business performance of the Group and has no
impact on cash generated from operations. The principal changes to Braemar
Seascope Group PLC's financial information under UK GAAP arising from the
adoption of IFRS are as a result of:

   *The requirement not to amortise goodwill
   *The recognition of other intangible assets arising on acquisition
   *The inclusion of a fair value cost associated with employee share options
   *A change in accounting for foreign exchange


   *Reported pre tax profit for the year to 28 February 2005 increases by
    #1.0m to #8.1m
   *Reported earnings per share for the year to 28 February 2005 increases
    from 23.67 pence to 29.50 pence
   *Reported net assets at 28 February 2005 increases to #28.0m from #25.0m
   *No impact on cash flows

For further information please contact:

James Kidwell, Group Finance Director (+44) (0) 207 535 2881

This announcement together with other information regarding Braemar Seascope
Group PLC can be found at: www.braemarseascope.com


In accordance with European Regulations for listed entities, Braemar Seascope
Group PLC is required to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards
('IFRS') for its consolidated accounts for accounting periods commencing 1 March
2005. The Group's first published interim statements under IFRS will be the
results for the six months to 31 August 2005. These will be published on 25
October 2005.

In advance of the publication of future results on an IFRS basis, we set out
below an unaudited restatement of financial statements which were previously
reported under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ('UK GAAP'), together
with a summary and explanations of the major changes. These adjustments are
explained in detail in later sections of this document. The information, which
is unaudited, has been prepared by management using its best knowledge,
judgement and interpretation of the expected standards and accounting policies
that will be adopted when the Group prepares its first complete set of IFRS
accounts as at 28 February 2006. It should be noted that only a complete set of
accounts comprising an income statement, a balance sheet, a cash flow statement,
a statement of recognised income and expense together with comparative financial
information and explanatory notes can provide a fair presentation of the Group's
financial position and operating performance. This financial information does
not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985 (as amended).

The major accounting changes which are required by the introduction of IFRS are:

   *Goodwill will no longer be amortised through the income statement and is
    instead included at cost less impairment charges and is subject to an annual
    impairment review. The amortisation for the year ended 28 February 2005
    under UK GAAP is reversed as part of the IFRS restatement.
   *On acquisition the excess of consideration over net assets acquired is
    required to be allocated over a larger, more defined list of intangible
    assets, with the unallocated balance representing goodwill. Intangible
    assets, other than goodwill, are amortised through the income statement over
    their expected useful economic life.
   *The fair value of share-based payments is recorded as an expense in the
    income statement, spread over the vesting period. Under UK GAAP there was no
    charge to profit because executive share options were issued at market value
    and Save As You Earn options were exempt any charge.
   *The fair value of outstanding derivative forward currency contracts is
    required to be included in the balance sheet and the movement in the period
    included either in the income statement (where hedge accounting has not been
    applied or to the extent that it has become ineffective) or in equity (where
    hedge accounting has been applied and remains effective).
   *Under UK GAAP trade debtors were valued at the contracted rate of
    exchange (rather than at the closing rate of exchange) to the extent that
    they were covered by a forward foreign exchange contract. Under IFRS all
    assets and liabilities are translated at the closing spot rate of exchange.
   *Under UK GAAP the share of a joint venture's tax charge was reflected as
    part of the Group's tax charge. Under IFRS the share of the joint venture's
    post tax result is reflected as part of the Group's profit before tax.

There are also significant changes in the presentation of the financial
statements including the presentation of the results of equity accounted joint

The unaudited financial information in the statements set out below has been
prepared in accordance with the International Accounting Standards ('IAS') and
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') expected to apply to the
Group at 28 February 2006. Certain standards are still subject to change. The
European Union has not yet adopted all of the IFRS (including amendments to IAS
19 'Employee Benefits' and IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and
Measurement') consequently on adoption of these standards there may be further
changes to the figures provided in this document.  Further IFRS may be
introduced between now and the finalisation of the 2006 Report and Accounts. As
a result there may be further changes when the Group prepares its first full
year IFRS financial statements. The Group's significant accounting policies
under IAS and IFRS are set out in section 9 of this document. The Group has
taken advantage of certain exemptions permitted under IFRS 1 - First-time
adoption of IFRS - and these are set out in section 11 of this document.


The table below summarise the impact of IFRS. Further details are given in
sections 4,5 and 6.

                           Year ended 28 February 2005
                                                  IFRS                 UK GAAP
                                                #000                      #000
Revenue                                       45,203                    45,057
Operating profit                               7,790                     6,566
Profit before tax                              8,130                     7,120
Profit after tax                               5,432                     4,358

Earnings per share (pence)                     29.50                     23.67

Net assets                                    27,985                    25,012


This section describes the accounting and financial reporting changes which
affect the Group's consolidated income statement and balance sheet in transition
from UK GAAP to IFRS. The financial impact of each change is set out is sections
5 and 6 respectively.

(a) Goodwill and business combinations
Under UK GAAP goodwill was capitalised and amortised over 20 years. The Group
has taken the exemption under IFRS 1 for Business Combinations. As a result the
net book value of goodwill under UK GAAP has been used as the deemed cost at the
date of transition. Under IFRS 3 goodwill is no longer amortised but is subject
to an annual impairment review. The impact on the Group's financial statements
of this policy is that all goodwill previously amortised in the year ended 28
February 2005 has been written back to the balance sheet and income statement.

(b) Share-based payments
IFRS 2 - Share-Based Payments - requires that the Group calculate the fair value
at the date of grant of awards of share options made to directors and employees.
The fair value is then amortised in the income statement over the vesting period
of the options with a corresponding credit to equity. In applying the provisions
of IFRS 2 - Share based payments, the group has adopted the exemption to apply
this standard only to awards granted after 7 November 2002 and vesting after 28
February 2004. No charge is recognised in respect of awards granted prior to
that date. Deferred taxation is provided in respect of the charge.

(c ) Foreign exchange
Under IAS 21 - the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates - trade debtors
are translated at the prevailing rate of exchange at the balance sheet date.
Under SSAP 20 trade debtors were permitted to be translated at the contract rate
to the extent that they were covered by forward foreign exchange contracts. The
adjustment to revalue the trade debtor under IFRS is reflected in income within
the income statement.

Under IFRS, a foreign currency translation reserve in respect of the conversion
of foreign currency denominated investments is required to be separately
measured and included in foreign currency translation differences in the equity
and reserves section of the balance sheet. Therefore there is an adjustment to
reclassify these translation differences out of the profit and loss reserve.

(d) Reclassifications

- Income Statement
Under UK GAAP, the profit on sale of investments is shown as an exceptional item
below operating profit whereas under IFRS this is reflected as an other gain
within operating profit.

Under UK GAAP, the Group's share of profits of associates and joint ventures for
the year to 28 February 2005 is shown before tax of #107,000 which is included
in the taxation charge.  Under IFRS, the Group's share of profits is reported
after tax with no amount in the taxation charge.

- Balance sheet
Under UK GAAP certain assets, which are expected to be recovered after more than
one year, and other non-current assets were shown as part of current assets and
shown separately as to their long term nature in a note to the accounts. Under
IFRS these are reflected within non-current assets.

(e) Financial Instruments
Under UK GAAP the mark-to-market value of outstanding derivative contracts was
not recognised in the balance sheet. Under IAS 39 - Financial Instruments:
recognition and measurement - the mark-to-market value of derivative contracts
is recognised in the balance sheet as an asset or liability. Where it can be
demonstrated that a derivative is an effective hedge the value is recognised
within a hedging reserve or, if ineffective, within the income statement.
Deferred tax is provided in respect of the gain or loss.

(f) Taxation
UK GAAP required deferred taxation to be recognised on timing differences
whereas IFRS requires that deferred taxation is provided on all temporary
differences including the revaluation of non-monetary assets and on un-remitted
overseas earnings to the extent that a tax charge is foreseeable. Under UK GAAP,
deferred tax assets and liabilities were shown on a net basis. IFRS requires
separate disclosure of deferred tax assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets
are reclassified as long-term assets to the extent they are recoverable after
more than one year.

(g) Dividend recognition
Under IAS10 - Events After the Balance Sheet Date - dividends are not recognised
until they are approved. The final and interim dividends approved after the end
of the relevant accounting period have therefore been reversed, resulting in an
increase in net assets at the end of each accounting period. Dividends will no
longer be shown as appropriations on the face of the income statement but
instead will be shown within the analysis of movements on reserves.

(h) Other intangible assets.
From 1 March 2004, business acquisitions have been accounted for in accordance
with IFRS 3 - Business Combinations - which requires the acquirer to allocate
the purchase price across the identifiable assets and liabilities. As a result
an intangible asset has been recognised on the acquisition of Braemar Seascope
Pty Limited (formerly Seawise Australia Pty Limited). Under IAS 38 - Intangible
Assets - the Group is required to capitalise the fair value of the forward order
book and to amortise it over its estimated useful life. In respect of the
purchase Braemar Seascope Pty Limited the Group has capitalised the forward
order book at a value of #215,000 with a resulting reduction in the value of
goodwill. The expected life of the forward order book is up to two years.


Braemar Seascope Group PLC
Consolidated income statement
                                                       Year to     6 months to
                                                     28-Feb-05       31-Aug-04
                                                          #000            #000

Revenue                                                 45,203          17,439
                                                      ----------       ---------
Operating costs                                        (37,535)        (14,297)
Other gains                                                123               -
                                                      ----------       ---------
                                                       (37,412)        (14,297)
                                                      ----------       ---------
Operating profit                                         7,790           3,142

Finance income                                              28               5
Finance costs                                              (53)            (50)
Share of profit from joint ventures                        365             171
                                                      ----------       ---------
Profit before tax                                        8,130           3,268
Taxation                                                (2,699)         (1,063)
                                                      ----------       ---------
Profit for the period attributable to shareholders       5,432           2,205
                                                      ----------       ---------

Earnings per share
Basic - pence                                            29.50           11.89
Diluted - pence                                          28.59           11.78

Braemar Seascope Group PLC
Consolidated income statement

               Six months to 31 August 2004           Year to 28 February
               --------------------                   2005                     ---  --------
                    UK      Effect of        IFRS          UK      Effect of          IFRS
                  GAAP     transition                    GAAP     transition
                              to IFRS                                to IFRS
                  #000           #000        #000        #000           #000          #000

Revenue         17,526           (087)     17,439      45,057            146        45,203
                 -------       --------     -------     -------       --------      --------
costs          (14,806)           509     (14,297)    (38,491)           956       (37,535)
Other gains          -              -           -           -            123           123
                 -------       --------     -------     -------       --------      --------
               (14,806)           509     (14,297)    (38,491)         1,079       (37,412)
                 -------       --------     -------     -------       --------      --------
profit           2,720            422       3,142       6,566          1,225         7,791
Profit on sale
of investments       -              -           -         123           (123)            -
Finance income       5              -           5          28              -            28
Finance            (50)             -         (50)        (53)             -           (53)
Share of
profit from
joint ventures     223            (52)        171         456            (91)          365
                 -------       --------     -------     -------       --------      --------
Profit before
tax              2,898            370       3,268       7,120          1,011         8,131
Taxation        (1,141)            78      (1,063)     (2,762)            63        (2,699)
                 -------       --------     -------     -------       --------      --------
Profit for the
period           1,757            448       2,205       4,358          1,074         5,432
                 -------       --------     -------     -------       --------      --------

Earnings per

Basic -           9.47           2.42       11.89       23.67           5.83         29.50
Diluted -
pence             9.39           2.39       11.78       22.94           5.65         28.59

IFRS Income statement adjustments
for the six months ended 31 August 2004                                  

                          Goodwill     Share    Foreign    Reclass-         Total
                      Amortisation   Options   Exchange   ification          IFRS
                               (a)       (b)        (c)         (d)   Adjustments
                              #000      #000       #000        #000          #000
Revenue                          -         -        (87)          -           (87)
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
Operating costs                548       (39)         -           -           509
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
                               548       (39)         -           -           509
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
Operating profit               548       (39)       (87)          -           422
Finance income                   -         -          -           -             -
Finance costs                    -         -          -           -             -
Share of profit from
joint ventures                   -         -          -         (52)          (52)
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
Profit before tax              548       (39)       (87)        (52)          370
Taxation                         -         -         26          52            78
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
Profit for the period          548       (39)       (61)          -           448
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------

IFRS Income statement adjustments
for the year ended 28 February 2005                                  

                          Goodwill     Share    Foreign    Reclass-         Total
                      Amortisation   Options   Exchange   ification          IFRS
                               (a)       (b)        (c)         (d)   Adjustments
                              #000      #000       #000        #000          #000
Revenue                          -         -        146           -           146
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
Operating costs              1,034       (78)         -           -           956
Other gains                      -         -          -         123           123
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
                             1,034       (78)         -         123         1,079
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
Operating profit             1,034       (78)       146         123         1,224
Profit on sale of
investments                      -         -          -        (123)         (123)
Finance income                   -         -          -           -             -
Finance costs                    -         -          -           -             -
Share of profit from
joint ventures                  16         -          -        (107)          (91)
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
Profit before tax            1,050       (78)       146        (107)        1,010
Taxation                         -         -        (44)        107            63
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------
Profit for the period        1,050       (78)       102           -         1,074
                           ---------   -------   --------    --------     ---------


    Braemar Seascope Group PLC
    Consolidated Balance Sheet
    As at 28 February 2005                               As at
                                       28-Feb-05     31-Aug-04
    ASSETS                                  #000          #000
    Non-current assets
    plant and
    equipment                              4,960         4,911
    Goodwill                              21,587        18,537
    assets                                   215             -
    Investments                            1,555         1,625
    Deferred tax
    assets                                   262           250
    receivables                               95           107
                                         ---------    ----------
                                          28,674        25,430
    Current assets
    Trade and
    receivables                           11,688         9,729
    Financial instruments                      -             -
    cash                                   4,434         8,329
    Cash and cash
    equivalents                            9,606         4,894
                                         ---------    ----------
                                          25,728        22,952
                                         ---------    ----------
    Total assets                          54,402        48,382
                                         ---------    ----------

    Current liabilities
    Trade and
    other payables                        17,170        11,633
    Current tax
    payable                                1,556         1,161
    Short term
    borrowings                             3,067         3,830
    Finance leases                            39             -
    Client monies
    held as escrow
    agent                                  4,434         8,329
                                         ---------    ----------
                                          26,266        24,953

    Provisions                               151           121
                                         ---------    ----------
    liabilities                           26,417        25,074
                                         ---------    ----------
    Total assets
    less total
    liabilities                           27,985        23,308
                                         ---------    ----------

    Share capital                          1,945         1,862
    reserve                                  396           396
    Share premium                          7,505         7,506
    Shares to be
    issued                                  (637)          (65)
    Merger reserve                        21,346        18,302
    Hedging reserve                            -             -
    reserve                                   (8)            -
    Other reserves                           100            61
    earnings                              (2,661)       (4,754)
                                         ---------    ----------
    Total equity                          27,985        23,308
                                         ---------    ----------
Braemar Seascope Group PLC
Consolidated Balance Sheets

                  At 31 August 2004                      At 28 February 2005
                  -------------           ---   ------   -------------           ---   ------
                      UK      Effect of         IFRS         UK      Effect of         IFRS
                    GAAP     transition                    GAAP     transition
                                to IFRS                                to IFRS
ASSETS              #000           #000         #000       #000           #000         #000
plant and
equipment          4,911              -        4,911      4,960              -        4,960
Goodwill          17,997            540       18,537     20,768            819       21,587
assets                 -              -            -          -            215          215
Investments        1,617              8        1,625      1,539             16        1,555
Deferred tax
assets                 -            250          250          -            262          262
receivables            -            107          107          -             95           95
                   -------       --------      -------    -------       --------      -------
                  24,525            905       25,430     27,267          1,407       28,674
Current assets
Trade and
receivables        9,961           (232)       9,729     11,688              -       11,688
Deferred tax
assets               180           (180)           -        262           (262)           -
assets               107           (107)           -         95            (95)           -
cash               8,329              -        8,329      4,434              -        4,434
Cash and cash
equivalents        4,894              -        4,894      9,606              -        9,606
                   -------       --------      -------    -------       --------      -------
                  23,471           (519)      22,952     26,085           (357)      25,728
                   -------       --------      -------    -------       --------      -------
Total assets      47,996            386       48,382     53,352          1,050       54,402
                   -------       --------      -------    -------       --------      -------

Trade and
other payables    12,746         (1,113)      11,633     19,093         (1,923)      17,170
Current tax
payable            1,161              -        1,161      1,556              -        1,556
Short term
borrowings         3,830              -        3,830      3,067              -        3,067
Finance leases                        -                      39              -           39
Client monies
held as escrow
agent              8,329              -        8,329      4,434              -        4,434
                   -------       --------      -------    -------       --------      -------
                  26,066         (1,113)      24,953     28,189         (1,923)      26,266

Provisions           121              -          121        151              -          151
liabilities       26,187         (1,113)      25,074     28,340         (1,923)      26,417
                   -------       --------      -------    -------       --------      -------
Total assets
less total
liabilities       21,809          1,499       23,308     25,012          2,973       27,985
                   -------       --------      -------    -------       --------      -------

Share capital      1,862              -        1,862      1,945              -        1,945
reserve              396              -          396        396              -          396
Share premium      7,506              -        7,506      7,505              -        7,505
Shares to be
issued               (65)             -          (65)      (637)             -         (637)
Merger reserve    18,302              -       18,302     21,346              -       21,346
reserve                -              -            -          -             (8)          (8)
Other reserves         -             61           61          -            100          100
earnings          (6,192)         1,438       (4,754)    (5,543)         2,882       (2,661)
                   -------       --------      -------    -------       --------      -------
Total equity      21,809          1,499       23,308     25,012          2,973       27,985
                   -------       --------      -------    -------       --------      -------

IFRS adjustments to 28 February 2005
balance sheet

                           Goodwill     Share    Foreign    Reclass-   Dividend         Other         Total
                       Amortisation   Options   Exchange   ification    accrual   Intangibles          IFRS
               Notes            (a)      (b )        (c)         (d)        (g)           (h)   Adjustments
ASSETS                         #000      #000       #000        #000       #000          #000          #000
Property,                                                                                                 -
plant and
Goodwill                      1,034                                                      (215)          819
assets                                                                                    215           215
Investments                      16                                                                      16
Deferred tax
assets                                                           262                                    262
receivables                                                       95                                     95
                            ---------   -------   --------     -------   --------      --------     ---------
                              1,050         -          -         357          -             -         1,407
Trade and                                                                                                 -
Deferred tax
assets                                                          (262)                                  (262)
assets                                                           (95)                                   (95)
Restricted                                                                                                -
Cash and cash                                                                                             -
equivalents                 ---------   -------   --------     -------   --------      --------     ---------
                                  -         -          -        (357)         -             -          (357)
                            ---------   -------   --------     -------   --------      --------     ---------
Total assets                  1,050         -          -           -          -             -         1,050
                            ---------   -------   --------     -------   --------      --------     ---------

Trade and
other payables                                                           (1,923)                     (1,923)
Current tax                                                                                               -
Short term                                                                                                -
Finance                                                                                                   -
Client monies                                                                                             -
held as escrow              ---------   -------   --------     -------   --------      --------     ---------
                                  -         -          -           -     (1,923)            -        (1,923)

Provisions                                                                                                -
                            ---------   -------   --------     -------   --------      --------     ---------
liabilities                       -         -          -           -     (1,923)            -        (1,923)
                            ---------   -------   --------     -------   --------      --------     ---------
Total assets
less total
liabilities                   1,050         -          -           -      1,923             -         2,973
                            ---------   -------   --------     -------   --------      --------     ---------

Share                                                                                                     -
Capital                                                                                                   -
Share                                                                                                     -
Shares to be                                                                                              -
Merger                                                                                                    -
reserve                                               (8)                                                (8)
Other reserves                            100                                                           100
earnings                      1,050      (100)         8                  1,923                       2,881
                            ---------   -------   --------     -------   --------      --------     ---------
Total equity                  1,050         -          -           -      1,923             -         2,973

IFRS adjustments to 31 August 2004 balance sheet

                           Goodwill     Share    Foreign    Reclass-   Dividend         Total
                       Amortisation   Options   Exchange   ification    accrual          IFRS
               Notes            (a)      (b )        (c)         (d)        (g)   Adjustments
ASSETS                         #000      #000       #000        #000       #000          #000
Property,                                                                                   -
plant and
Goodwill                        540                                                       540
Other                                                                                       -
Investments                       8                                                         8
Deferred tax
assets                                                70         180                      250
receivables                                                      107                      107
                                548         -         70         287          -           905
Trade and
receivables                                         (232)                                (232)
Deferred tax
assets                                                          (180)                    (180)
assets                                                          (107)                    (107)
Restricted                                                                                  -
Cash and cash                                                                               -
                                  -         -       (232)          -          -          (519)

Total assets                    548         -       (163)          -          -           385

Trade and
other payables                                                           (1,113)       (1,113)
Current tax                                                                                 -
Short term                                                                                  -
Finance                                                                                     -
Client monies                                                                               -
held as escrow
                                  -         -          -           -     (1,113)       (1,113)

Provisions                                                                                  -

liabilities                       -         -          -           -     (1,113)       (1,113)

Total assets
less total
liabilities                     548         -       (163)          -      1,113         1,498

Share                                                                                       -
Capital                                                                                     -
Share                                                                                       -
Shares to be                                                                                -
Merger                                                                                      -
Translation                                                                                 -
Other reserves                             61                                              61
earnings                        548       (61)      (163)                 1,113         1,438
Total equity                    548         -       (163)          -      1,113         1,498


Braemar Seascope Group PLC
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                        Year to   Half year to
                                                      28-Feb-05      31-Aug-04
                                                           #000           #000
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations                           11,044          1,622
Interest received                                            26              3
Interest paid                                               (52)           (20)
Tax paid                                                 (2,448)          (884)
                                                        ---------      ---------
Net cash generated from operating activities              8,570            721
                                                        ---------      ---------

Cash flows from investing activities
Dividends from joint ventures                                 -              -
Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired          (1,026)             -
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                  (175)          (102)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment          11              -
Purchase of investments                                     (21)           (26)
Proceeds from sale of investment                            386              -
Other long term assets                                        8             (4)
                                                        ---------      ---------
Net cash used in investing activities                      (817)          (132)
                                                        ---------      ---------

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares                        1              1
Dividends paid                                           (2,597)        (1,484)
Purchase of own shares                                     (572)             -
Payment of principal under finance leases                    (2)             -
Other                                                        (2)             -
                                                        ---------      ---------
Net cash used in financing activities                    (3,172)        (1,483)
                                                        ---------      ---------
                                                        ---------      ---------
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents          4,581           (894)
                                                        ---------      ---------

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period      1,958          1,958
Foreign exchange differences                                  -              -
                                                        ---------      ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period            6,539          1,064
                                                        ---------      ---------

Balance sheet analysis of cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents                                 9,606          4,894
Short term borrowings                                    (3,067)        (3,830)
                                                        ---------      ---------
                                                          6,539          1,064
                                                        ---------      ---------

Braemar Seascope Group PLC
Consolidated Cash flow
                                  Year ended 28                   6 months ended
                                February 2005                    31 August 2004
                              -----------------               ------------------
                     UK    Effect of     IFRS         UK    Effect of     IFRS
                   GAAP   transition                GAAP   transition
                             to IFRS                          to IFRS
                   #000         #000     #000       #000         #000     #000
Cash flows from
Cash generated
operations       11,052           (8)  11,044      1,618            4    1,622
received             26            -       26          3            -        3
Interest paid       (52)           -      (52)       (20)           -      (20)
Tax paid         (2,448)           -   (2,448)      (884)           -     (884)
                  -------     --------  -------   --------     --------  -------
Net cash from
activities        8,578           (8)   8,570        717            4      721
                  -------     --------  -------   --------     --------  -------

Cash flows from
Acquisition of
net of cash
acquired         (1,026)           -   (1,026)         -            -        -
Purchase of
fixed assets       (175)           -     (175)      (102)           -     (102)
Proceeds from
sale of fixed
assets               11            -       11          -            -        -
Purchase of
investments         (21)           -      (21)       (26)           -      (26)
Proceeds from
sale of
investment          386            -      386          -            -        -
Other long
term assets           -            8        8          -           (4)      (4)
                  -------     --------  -------   --------     --------  -------
Net cash used
in investing
activities         (825)           8     (817)      (128)          (4)    (132)
                  -------     --------  -------   --------     --------  -------

Cash flows from
Proceeds from
issue of
shares                1            -        1          1            -        1
Dividends paid   (2,597)           -   (2,597)    (1,484)           -   (1,484)
Purchase of
own shares         (572)           -     (572)         -            -        -
Payment of
under finance
leases               (2)           -       (2)         -            -        -
Other                (2)           -       (2)         -            -        -
                  -------     --------  -------   --------     --------  -------
Net cash used
in financing
activities       (3,172)           -   (3,172)    (1,483)           -   (1,483)
                  -------     --------  -------   --------     --------  -------

Net increase
in cash and
overdrafts        4,581            -    4,581       (894)           0     (894)

Cash and cash
equivalents at
beginning of
the period        1,958            -    1,958      1,958            -    1,958
Exchange gains/       -            -        -          -            -        -
losses            -------     --------  -------   --------     --------  -------
Cash and cash
equivalents at
end of the
period            6,539            -    6,539      1,064            0    1,064
                  -------     --------  -------   --------     --------  -------

(a) Under UK GAAP the movement in other long-term debtors was shown as part of
working capital within operating cash flows whereas under IFRS it is shown
within investing cash flows.


              Six months to 31 August 2004           Year to 28 February 2005
              --------------------                   ---------------------
Revenue              UK    Effect of        IFRS            UK    Effect of        IFRS
                   GAAP   transition                      GAAP   transition
                             to IFRS                                to IFRS
                   #000         #000        #000          #000         #000        #000
Shipbroking      13,364          (87)     13,277        32,274          146      32,420
Ship agency,
forwarding &
logistics         2,100            -       2,100         8,461            -       8,461
support           2,062            -       2,062         4,322            -       4,322
                 --------     --------    --------      --------     --------    --------
                 17,526          (87)     17,439        45,057          146      45,203
                 --------     --------    --------      --------     --------    --------

Shipbroking       3,421         (126)      3,295         8,673          190       8,863
Ship agency,
forwarding &
logistics          (226)           -        (226)         (282)        (931)     (1,213)
support              73            -          73           140            -         140
amortisation       (548)         548           -        (1,078)       1,078           -
impairment                                                (887)         887           -
                 --------     --------    --------      --------     --------    --------
                  2,720          422       3,142         6,566        1,224       7,790
                 --------     --------    --------      --------     --------    --------

Net assets
                  As at        As at       As at         As at        As at       As at
              31-Aug-04    31-Aug-04   31-Aug-04     28-Feb-05    28-Feb-05   28-Feb-05
                   #000         #000        #000          #000         #000        #000
Shipbroking      19,068        1,458      20,526        22,881        2,957      25,838
Ship agency,
forwarding &
logistics         1,171           24       1,195           376            -         376
support             988            8         996           996            -         996
Share of
joint               582            8         590           759           16         775
                 --------     --------    --------      --------     --------    --------
                 21,809        1,498      23,307        25,012        2,973      27,985
                 --------     --------    --------      --------     --------    --------

Segment adjustments

- The adjustments are in respect of foreign exchange adjustments - see 4 (c)

Operating Profit
- The Shipbroking adjustments are in respect of foreign exchange, the cost of
share options and reclassifications into operating profit - see 4 (b) and (d)
- The Ship agency, forwarding & logistics adjustment is in respect of a goodwill
impairment charge.
- Goodwill amortisation charged under UK GAAP has been reversed.

Net assets
- The shipbroking adjustments in the year to 28 Feb 2005 are in respect of
goodwill amortisation (#1,034,000), the cost of share options (#70,000),
financial instruments (#1,076,000) and dividends (#1,923,000).


Net assets at 1 March 2004 under UK GAAP                                21,164
Reversal of proposed final dividend                                      1,491
Foreign exchange translation of debtors                                   (102)

Net assets at 1 March 2004 under IFRS                                   22,553


Basis of accounting and consolidation
The financial statements will be prepared in accordance with IFRS for the first
time for accounting periods commencing from 1 March 2005.  They will be prepared
on the historical cost basis, except for the derivative financial instruments
which are measured at fair value.  The principal accounting policies expected to
be adopted in the preparation of the 2005/6 Group accounts under IFRS are set
out below.

The consolidated accounts incorporate the accounts of Braemar Seascope Group PLC
and all its subsidiary undertakings made up to 28 February each year.

The results of companies acquired or disposed of during the year are included in
the group from the effective date of acquisition or up to the effective date of
disposal, as appropriate.

 All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on

Revenue recognition
Revenue consists of commission arising from tanker and dry cargo charter
broking, sale and purchase broking, offshore broking, financial consultancy
arrangement fees and fees for the supply of technical and agency services. The
policies for accounting for revenue are as follows:

Shipbroking - income is recognised when the company has a contractual
entitlement to commission, normally the point at which there is completion of
contractual terms between the principals of a transaction.

Technical services - fee income is recognised as invoiced for work performed and
/or in accordance with the agreement.

Agency, forwarding and logistics - agency income is recognised at the point when
the ship sails from the port. Forwarding and logistics income is recognised on a
shipment basis. Where the Group acts as a principal rather than as agent, the
turnover and costs are shown gross.

On the acquisition of a business, fair values are attributed to the net assets
(including any identifiable intangible assets) acquired. Goodwill arises where
the fair value of the consideration given exceeds the fair value of the net
assets acquired. Goodwill is recognised as an asset and is reviewed for
impairment at least annually. Impairments are recognised immediately in the
income statement. Goodwill is allocated to cash generating units for the purpose
of impairment testing. On the disposal of a business, goodwill relating to that
business remaining on the balance sheet is included in the determination of the
profit or loss on disposal. Goodwill written off to reserves prior to 1998 has
not been reinstated and will not be included in determining any subsequent
profit or loss on disposal. As permitted by IFRS1 goodwill on acquisitions
arising prior to 1 March 2004 has been retained at prior amounts and will be
tested annually for impairment.

Other intangible assets
Intangible assets acquired as part of a business combination are stated in the
balance sheet at their fair value at the date of acquisition less accumulated
amortisation. The amortisation of the carrying value of the forward order book
is charged to the income statement concurrent with the subsequent recognition of
the income. The carrying values of intangible assets are reviewed for impairment
when there is an indication that they may be impaired.

A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and
rewards of ownership of an asset. Assets acquired under finance leases are
recorded in the balance sheet as property, plant and equipment at their fair
value and depreciated over the shorter of their estimated useful lives and their
lease terms. Obligations under such agreements are included in liabilities net
of the finance charge allocated to future periods. All other leases are
operating leases, and the rental of these is charged to the income statement as
incurred over the life of the lease. Operating lease income is recognised in the
income statement as it is earned.

Foreign currencies
The functional currency of the Group is pounds Sterling. Transactions in
currencies other than pounds Sterling are recorded at the rates of exchange
prevailing on the date of the transaction. Foreign exchange gains and losses
resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at
year end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
foreign currency are recognised in the income statement.

In order to hedge its exposure to certain foreign exchange risks, the Group
enters into forward contracts (see below for details of the Group's accounting
policies in respect of such derivative financial instruments).

Assets and liabilities of overseas subsidiaries and associates are translated
into pounds Sterling at the exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date.
Trading results are translated at the average rates for the period. Exchange
differences arising on the consolidation of the net assets of overseas
subsidiaries are dealt with through the foreign currency translation reserve,
whilst those arising from trading transactions are dealt with in the income
statement. On disposal of a business, the cumulative exchange differences
previously recognised in the foreign currency translation reserve relating to
that business are transferred to the income statement as part of the gain or
loss on disposal.

Deferred taxation
Full provision is made for deferred taxation on all taxable temporary
differences. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised separately on
the balance sheet. Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that
they are expected to be recoverable. Deferred taxation is recognised in the
income statement unless it relates to taxable transactions taken directly to
equity, in which case the deferred tax is also recognised in equity. The
deferred tax is released to the income statement at the same time as the taxable
transaction is recognised in the income statement. Deferred taxation on
un-remitted overseas earnings is provided for to the extent a tax charge is

Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment are shown at historical cost less accumulated
depreciation and any impairment value.
Depreciation is provided at rates calculated to write off the cost, less
estimated residual value of each asset, on a straight line basis over its
expected useful life as follows (except for long leasehold interests which are
written off against the remaining period of the lease):

Motor Vehicles - three years
Computers - four years
Fixtures and equipment - four years

Investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for under the equity
method of accounting.  Investments are carried in the balance sheet at cost plus
post acquisition changes in the Group's share in the net assets of associates
and joint ventures, less any impairment in value.  The income statement reflects
the Group's share of the results of the operations of associates and joint

Derivative financial instruments and hedging - adopted from 1 March 2005
Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value and are subsequently
re-measured at their fair value at each balance sheet date. Recognition of the
resulting gain or loss depends on whether the derivative is designated as a
hedging instrument, and if it is, the nature of the item being hedged. Changes
in the fair value of derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting are
recognised immediately in the income statement. The Group designates derivatives
that qualify for hedge accounting as a cash flow hedge where there is a high
probability of the forecast transactions arising. The effective portion of
changes in the fair value of these derivatives are recognised in equity. The
gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognized immediately in
the income statement. Amounts accumulated in equity are dealt with in the income
statement at the same time as the gains or losses on the hedged items. When a
forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gains or
losses that were reported in equity are immediately transferred to the income
When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated or exercised, or the
entity revokes designation of the hedge relationship but the hedged forecast
transaction is still expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss at that
point remains in equity and is recognised in accordance with the above policy
when the transaction occurs. If the hedged transaction is no longer expected to
take place, the cumulative unrealised gain or loss recognised in equity is
recognised immediately in the income statement.
The fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts which are traded in active
markets is based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date.

Share based payments
The fair value at the date of grant of share based remuneration, principally
share options, is calculated using a binomial pricing model and charged to the
income statement on a straight line basis over the vesting period of the award.
The charge to the income statement takes account of the estimated number of
shares that will vest. All share-based remuneration is equity settled.

In accordance with the IFRS transitional provisions, IFRS2 has been applied to
grants of executive share options issued after 7 November 2002 that had not
vested as of 1 January 2005. No charge is recognised for grants or share options
vested prior to those respective dates.

Commissions payable
Commissions payable to clients are recognised in trade creditors due within one
year on the earlier of the date of invoicing or the date of receipt of cash.

Pension scheme arrangements
The Group operates several defined contribution pension schemes. The assets of
the schemes are held separately from those of the Company in an independently
administered fund. The pension cost charge represents contributions payable by
the Company to the fund.

Segmental analysis
The Group's primary segmental analysis is based on its three business segments:
Shipbroking; Ship agency, forwarding and logistics; and Technical shipping
support. The secondary analysis will be presented according to geographic
markets comprising UK and the Far East (including Australia). This is consistent
with the way the Group manages itself and with the format of the Group's
internal financial reporting.


Braemar Seascope Group PLC has taken the following exemptions, as permitted by
IFRS 1, in the transition to IFRS:

(a) Business combinations
The accounting for acquisitions that occurred prior to the transition date of 1
March 2004 has not been restated.

(b) Tangible fixed assets
The Group has chosen not to restate property, plant and equipment to fair value
at the date of transition. These are carried at historic cost which has been
taken as the effective cost for IFRS purposes.

(c ) Share based payments
The Group has elected to apply the exemption whereby IFRS 2 only applies to
share options granted after 7 November 2002 but that have not vested by 1
March 2005.

(d) Financial Instruments
The Group has taken advantage of the exemption under IAS 32 & 39 that enables
the Group to only apply these standards from 1 March 2005. Accordingly, any
hedging gains or losses at 1 March 2004 and 28 February 2005 remain off balance

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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