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Net Savings Link Inc (PK)

Net Savings Link Inc (PK) (NSAV)

Closed September 19 4:00PM

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Major Profits Major Profits 8 minutes ago
Everything is fine!

Running Wild Running Wild 12 minutes ago
StimulusPumper begging for no CRO on Tweety bird app...

Gee, wonder why? 🤣

Last thing NSAV bigly bagged scam pumpers want is an independent CRO coming in and blowing up the smoke & mirrors scam going on....

Bye bye scammers ATM

Man, this show is soooooo freaking good!

Cliffhangers & time bombs lurking everywhere!

As The NSAV World Burns 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Jack Sq Jack Sq 12 minutes ago
I’m voting for Tilton for president!
Bug2 Bug2 14 minutes ago
Of course you are a Harris supporter
neomania neomania 28 minutes ago
I think you mean 3 dollars. I have security its 70% when falls below $4 margin changes to 3 dollars
neomania neomania 33 minutes ago
300? I don't get it 100 % takes away any margin availability
Jack Sq Jack Sq 37 minutes ago
Schwab now has a 300% margin requirement on DJT. It is sinking fast and heading right into the gutter! Nsav will have company in that gutter!
nnvcfan nnvcfan 39 minutes ago
Justice be served! Justice
nnvcfan nnvcfan 45 minutes ago
Thank you for your optimism and enthusiasm, they're contagious! :)
lakers17 lakers17 2 hours ago
Yep, keep buying NSAV. LOL I see you did the same and said always adding with another one NHM*. How did that one work out for you? Oh I see on the expert market now like NSAV could be. Just shaking my head about the lack of OTC knowledge and lack of OTC trading skills some have.
Gooddolphin Gooddolphin 2 hours ago
They are actually doing me a favor by allowing me to pick up more shares at a price I didn’t believe was attainable anymore. I shall continue to add.
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ccore10 ccore10 2 hours ago
"Oh woe is me!" What a load of BS these guys put out. Why would Vik want anything other than what is best for himself? Why would Vik settle with them for less when he has already been awarded a final judgement? Plain and simple, he won in court, the onus is on NSAV to fight it and they dont have any money. Bad news for Tilton, Alfonso, and Osborn scam.
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lakers17 lakers17 2 hours ago
I also don't buy all the nonsense about paid bashers and paid pumpers but if there was a paid pumper you would be one for sure. There are no paid bashers on this NSAV thread. Pure horsecrap as an excuse for poor NSAV performance. NSAV .021 down to low .002s, only a 90% loss. Great job. As was said on the Apprentice, you're fired!
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lakers17 lakers17 2 hours ago
Pure horsecrap. Keep trying with your made up nonsense. If NSAV even had 100 million in revenues, let alone billions which they don't they would have paid off any lawsuit and moved on. The $43 in the bank is probably what they have. Everything else is made up. I doubt there are even 1,000 active members. 9 million members quickly became 431,000 in that bogus filing and I say virtually none are using this exchange which was recently down 13 days. Are they paying employees now or still in arrears? The 3 stooges, Alphonso, Tilton and Mike don't need to be paid. Keep making things up. Way worse than any non-believer. NSAV the golden turd. 💩💩💩
leverage102 leverage102 3 hours ago
NSAV Holding
Good morning $NSAV shareholders, Our good faith effort at a reasonable settlement with plaintiff Grover and his proxy has not been successful to date. We have instructed our counsel to file the same as a joint statement to the court. We remain opposed to the appointment of John Busacca and vehemently believe that his interests are conflicting at a minimum. In a new matter, multiple parties affiliated with Grover and his new partners have worked to tortiously interfere with the business operations and value of NSAV, conspiring on chat rooms and social media to spread misinformation. Much of this activity is aimed at extorting a settlement by harassment and cyber bullying at a minimum. Regardless, the company and management will fight on, and move to address the unjust value of the judgement which is completely unreasonable and based on an arbitrary stock quote. This will be addressed with every possible remedy being exhausted until it is corrected and/or offset by a greater amount in a counterclaim. We will continue to fight for our shareholders, being shareholders ourselves, against the unjust and arbitrary default judgement that serves no one but Vik Grover and his conspirators. Thank you.
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leverage102 leverage102 3 hours ago
Mr Dull Doesn't know anything about a CEX, 3 rd Quarter will have Greater than 11 Billion in revenue. Not including the Partnership with Staynex were NSAV will Generate 12 MILLION IN FREE FLOWING CASH. As the Utility Grows, so will the PPS $$$$$
Jack Sq Jack Sq 3 hours ago
Tilton will soon be sharing a prison cell with the Orange Jesus
Major Profits Major Profits 3 hours ago
"I think we know who hired these bad actors to bash"
Who do you think might have "hired" this person?
George Sharp - Advocate for truth in the OTC
$NSAV is 100% a scam. You don't have to believe me but then you can suffer like everyone else who hasn't did.
8:53 AM Β· Jun 19, 2024
Just wondering.

leverage102 leverage102 3 hours ago
Nah Mr Profits; the judgement amount is erroneous, which is why the judge is considering reopening the case. Also Vik opened himself up to a counter suit to equal or greater his amount due. which could offset. Judge said your request to reopen is taken under consideration.

Now your caught up*


Vik has changed his Posting Verbiage*. THINK ? THINK ? THINK $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Major Profits Major Profits 3 hours ago
Was Tilton a no-show and that was the reason for the Default Judgment? Trying to catch up here.


leverage102 leverage102 3 hours ago
I think we know who hired these bad actors to bash"
😭 1
Jack Sq Jack Sq 3 hours ago
Tilton is posting in here as β€œleverage102”. Busted!
🤣 1
Gooddolphin Gooddolphin 4 hours ago
Running Wild Running Wild 4 hours ago
Nasty, nasty people running this scam.

Who the F wouldn't run away from this with these people & their records?

IDK, it's a hella show!

As The NSAV World Burns 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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lakers17 lakers17 4 hours ago
Yep this is NSAV management. What fine upstanding people. This should be sticked.
Running Wild Running Wild 4 hours ago
Developer: Convicted felon

Michael Todd Osborn - money laundering, wire fraud, passing bad checks, stealing autos... All around good guy.
Lots of articles, can start here. (With thanks to others who have shared this great info on the board)


President, Secretary, Treasurer: Penny Stock Scammer

James A Tilton - SEC litigated & documented penny stock scammer, see SEC filings for examples of fake news PRs he puts out to scam investors.


CEO: Scammer

Alfonso Knoll - bankrupted scammer, shady AF. Nice YouTube series on his previous scams.

Here is one to start with.

Know your scammers & GLTA!

As The NSAV World Burns 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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lakers17 lakers17 5 hours ago
Funniest post of the day. Absolutely hilarious. NSAV is and will be a world leader of nothing. Especially with these three at the top. I would never believe any of these three. I bet Coinbase started just this way...Not!

Meanwhile, our great tech team is working overtime developing NSAV into a world leader.
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mfaphoto mfaphoto 5 hours ago
Truth of the matter is, at this point nobody knows what is going to happen. Not Vik, not NSAV. Everything is speculation. It seems the ball is in NSAV's court since they are filing papers. That is all that can be said until the next message from our CEO. Meanwhile, our great tech team is working overtime developing NSAV into a world leader.
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mfaphoto mfaphoto 5 hours ago
Truth of the matter is, at this point nobody knows what is going to happen. Not Vik, not NSAV. Everything is speculation. It seems the ball is in NSAV's court since they are filing papers. That is all that can be said until the next message from our CEO. Meanwhile, our great tech team is working overtime developing NSAV into a world leader.
ccore10 ccore10 5 hours ago
There will be no appeal, NSAV has NO LIQUID FUNDS, and the tokens are worthless at this point. Promissory notes are due, legal fees are owed, judgements that accumulate interest are owed. This company is DEEP in the red and the paltry tech is not enough to get it out. Vik knows there is no juice to squeeze from this lemon, so he wants his money from Tilton and thats end of story.
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lakers17 lakers17 5 hours ago
Keep trying. These posts are so misleading and way worse than what any non-believer in NSAV writes. Pretty much all made up. Show the proof. I go by hard numbers NSAV .021 down to low .002s down nearly 90%. Nothing else matters.
leverage102 leverage102 5 hours ago
2ND QTR Earnings were released; 11 Billion in Revenue $$$. * The Lawsuit will continue for years; unless there is a settlement.

Anyone who has appeal timeframe knowledge knows it takes 2 to 3 years just to get thru two circuit court appeals.

in 2 to 3 years; NSAVx will be off BIG TIME ; Like DOLLARS IMHO.

leverage102 leverage102 5 hours ago


NSAV DEEP POCKET ACCESS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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lakers17 lakers17 5 hours ago
NSAV remains a nothing in the world of crypto. This is exactly how to start a new crypto exchange...Not! Anyone with a brain in crypto researches the exchange they will use as trust is lacking in crypto. No one I know would ever use NSAV as an exchange when there are like 1,000 others. Even the same 20 here have not sent them crypto money which says it all. I for one minute do not beleive any of NSAV's numbers except the $43 in the bank. Active member numbers? Laughable. Give me the real active members number and money invested on their exchange. I say it's next to nothing. Even a limited CRO will reveal what it needs to. Desperation is n the air for this POS.
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AlwaysKing AlwaysKing 5 hours ago
Can someone share with me what is transpiring with $NSAV right now causing such a massive drop in SP? Some kind of lawsuit happening I seem to understand from reading some of the posts? I came back here to start loading up for the second quarter earnings and now I'm not sure if it's a good idea!...? Isn't there a billion or so in generated revenues flowing in that can easily pay for whatever lawsuit is happening?
🤣 1
ccore10 ccore10 5 hours ago
Rough day for the pumpers! The truth has come out, Tilton proposed a sham of a deal, couldnt fulfill, and reneged at the last moment, forcing the court to appoint a receiver. This is worst case scenario, frozen NSAV funds (not that they had any), investigation into at least one chart of accounts. Leverage has been crying setllement for weeks and now that that lie is over he is on to a new one. NSAV doesnt have enough money to launch an appeal, ZEUS has less than 1000 transactions on the chain per day, no updates or advancements have been completed in 4 months. This ship is going down after just one day of hope that all the pumpers glommed on to.
leverage102 leverage102 5 hours ago
TheFirm TheFirm 6 hours ago
very interesting.....sound familiar?

two today with a similar tone of a fake place?

They are coming for the scams. if SEC walked in the door could they log them in? LOL
leverage102 leverage102 6 hours ago
NSAV THE GOLDEN tICKET $$$$$$$$. Don't need you to tell me to Stop; watch and LEARN FIRM.
🤣 1
lakers17 lakers17 6 hours ago
Oh they know which way to turn. Attack anything except NSAV. The problem has always been NSAV's credibility and lies. It still is. Around 20 or so have bought this entire story. The rest of the OTC had NOT! So just attack me or any other non-believer in this story. i don't give a crap. I know what I own in the OTC and crypto. Some here should not be investing in the OTC. Totally clueless to be sure. Desperation and invested way too much in a most likely scam. Their problem, not mine!
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leverage102 leverage102 6 hours ago
Mason esq is on the scene; NSAV and Tilt has representation. They will file another Joint Letter to the Judge. Patience $$$
lakers17 lakers17 6 hours ago
Absolutely hilarious and exactly what I predicted. These parties hate each other and there would be no settlement. Price dictates all. .0022 by .0023. The same 20 in Da Nile, up the river, emotionally married to NSAV, are trying to make any positive spin out of this mess. .021 to .002 is the only FACT I care about. The rest of the OTC is not buying this mess or believing this story. In my opinion Busaca will not be appointed by the judge and a CRO will be appointed minimally limited. But numbers will come out. NSAV has already lost the judgment. And some of the same clowns are still buying. What's that expression, throwing money into a bottomless pit. Me? I don't give a crap. I own so many OTCs that any loss here for me will be covered by my OTC winners. Rule#1 in OTC investing. Do not put all your eggs in one basket and spread your risk around. Same in crypto. Sadly many invested here more than they can afford to lose and own very few other OTCs. Just pure stupidity and greed that profits were not taken .015 to .021. So when's .06 and dollars coming? NSAV the next Coinbase, Amazon and Tesla? Best line ever! 🤣🤣🤣
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SeniorApollo SeniorApollo 6 hours ago
You can sue for anything, and chances are he won't show up anyway.
Lokotony Lokotony 6 hours ago
Oh yeah, he took all of my money in FOMC/ he wants my NSAV money.
jrsh jrsh 7 hours ago
Can Tilton not be sued for misconduct and gross negligence as director of a public traded company??? We should not forget that it's shareholders money which he willingly wasted!!!
Jwizzz Jwizzz 7 hours ago
If you think its a lost of time trying to settle, lets see how much Groover gets at the end of this…it will be long and coostly for sure
Jwizzz Jwizzz 7 hours ago
Dont be fooled by Vik Grover, he is a liar, and only thinks about himself, see in X post, there was attemps in settlement months ago!!! Tilton wanted to resolved this
😱 1
neomania neomania 7 hours ago
NSAV Shareholders don't know which way to turn and become concerned if VK can pay the bills.
leverage102 leverage102 7 hours ago
Posturing $$$$$. They had a deal, than,,, Let's see if a deal is done, or if Judge referrs to Trial Court. * Also a Judgement can be appealed. Many more variables. Best Play; make a deal. Not good for Vik will be trial, it will take another 2 years.



Jack Sq Jack Sq 7 hours ago
Weeeeee this is fun!

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