10 hours ago
9/1 split puts this at almost $10/share,which is SPAC territory.
My guess is they'll announce the SPAC partner in the next couple of days.
They must have everything lined up to make this move,because without big news to prop up a SPAC,they can drop pretty quick.
The shortsellers will be looking at this and licking their lips if Verses isn't ready with big announcements.
So IEEE,contracts,Atari results,and big investment have to all be ready.
With what will take place with a new Web 3.0 and Genius being the operating system for it,there should be PR after PR,month in and month out,possibly multiple weekly announcements.
Think what took place with DOS,Windows,IOS and project that for Genius.
4 days ago
If Genius really does what Verses says,and the Atari tests seem to show it plainly,then it can 'learn,reason,and plan'.
Every software company selling a product has to have their product updated continuously,and build new versions continuously because it just runs the same parameters over and over.
Genius would be upgrading itself within the systems it would be attached to.
Once Genius is released to ALL companies,it might become the go-to software for every company just because it'll be upgrading the entire system at all times.
No one else has a capability like this.
The initial contracts will let us know what the clients think of Genius.
4 days ago
The PR on Friday of a commercial partnership with AI Driller might seem to be a minor move,but it gets Genius out into another business sector,and if anything comes of it eventually,they will share profits with AI Driller...Win-win for both.
No loss for either one.
If they have agreed to this deal,then Genius is ready and they just have to choose the official date of release to the public.
This coming week should see contracts announced,as the CEO stated the end of Q1 would see contracts.Last week of Q1 is next week with general release right after that.
5 days ago
Gabriel Rene has stated that Verses would be signing contracts at the end of Q1.
That means next week we should be seeing news on that.
He has also stated that more than half the beta partners would be signing up for contracts
If that is so,then the decision is Verses' when that begins.And they wouldn't have stated any of this if the customers weren't ready.
He also stated that they would be releasing Genius in April,so unless they don't have customer support in place yet,then the first week of April should see that take place.
Why would they delay if they don't have to?
There shouldn't be any money raise taking place until they get that news out and drive the stock price up.
And after attending the Roth Conference,they probably have the investors in place for the next raise,after that news is out and proof of future revenues is in place.
1 week ago
This stock is right at the same point another stock I was in a few years ago was at.
GGI.v is a mining stock that had been up and down for months between .12-.18 as it was setting up a new mining project in BC in 2016-17.
The management team had been in and out of other projects for years in the area and the best the stock had done was .50 a few years before.
I had been holding and watching for many months and finally got fed up and sold at .17 ...I was so disappointed in management and the lack of movement,but they were still setting the play up.
Well,with a couple of weeks they hired two Geo's,who were well known to help out and one was a great promoter.
That stock started to run after that,and ran to over $5.00 in less than 6 months.
Verses is in that exact same position.All the big news is set to get released at any time,and this stock will run when it does.
The mining play was nickel,which is actually pretty rare to find.
Verses has something no one else has and everybody will want and need in this time where companies want to hire less and save money using legacy systems that Genius can adapt to.
Now is the time to show patience and wait it out.
1 week ago
The stock price is all going to come down to contracts.
Just the release of Genius alone won't move the price much,until they reveal the uptake of users at a later date.
Contracts lead to actual value of the company for the first time in its history.
Verses is a virtual company and is likely to remain that way,unless they would get into hardware,and so far they don't appear to be going that way,so they don't need to raise any money through a huge PP because the contracts will take care of any costs they have.They will have no overhead.
So,if they do a large PP at all,it would only be because they plan on one or more acquisitions,there would be no other need.
There are a few other virtual software companies out there and the only reason they raised money was for their IPO and it led to acquisitions.
Large investors will only throw big money at a project that has plans to grow,not on hope and a prayer.
Let's see where the contracts take this.
3 weeks ago
Reminder for April...“The private beta phase of Genius allowed us to validate its applicability across diverse use cases, including autonomous vehicle safety, fleet optimization, fraud detection, credit risk assessment, financial market modeling, and medication efficacy. These real-world applications have been instrumental in refining our product, and we are excited to move into the commercialization phase, making Genius available to the thousands of interested customers and partners who have requested access,” said Gabriel René, Founder and CEO of VERSES.