7 years ago
They haven't even broken ground yet. Loi's falling apart, IIROC trading haults, no returned phone or emails, satellite images of a run down factory with potential to purchase the next door property.
Took my lumps, watched another pnd. Just too much wrong with ACG.
There is another company I have put more money into with a better part of what I was able to recover from this "POS" which is helping to recover the loss I took.
Buyer beware, do your DD (DUE DILIGENCE).
7 years ago
Unfortunately, if you watch this stock fairly closely, and on a daily basis, you'll recognize that these bandits run an extensive, illegal "box" program, and do more churning than a butter mill. Surprised that the regulators haven't been on to it as yet, as it's been going on for a very long time.
7 years ago
What is the bottom on this thing, besides zero? Unfortunately I paid several times this, for what turns out to be far too much stock of this apparent dog. Amazing that they could run to $1.40 on initial hype and then after significant and expected corrections, crater down to these levels, despite the many positive developments they "say" have occurred. Is now looking more and more that it may be a house of cards built on a pack of lies. Certainly no one, except very early penny insiders, is making any money at these levels, yet the selling pressure has been and continues to be relentless. I'm sure the corporate investors are disgusted. Maybe they've decided to take their lumps and are simply blowing it out. Who knows? I personally have emailed the company four or five times looking for feedback, but every email has been ignored. Not good! Best of luck to all who threw good, hard earned money at this "thing"!
7 years ago
Alliance Growers Corp. has terminated its non-binding letter of intent with Spyder Vapes Inc. announced on May 29, 2018. The deadline for a formal agreement following due diligence was July 20, 2018. The due diligence was not completed by that date due to, amongst other things, a delay in completion of audited financial statements of Spyder Vapes."
Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard/c.acg/alliance-growers-corp#qixvRFxSedHCijmT.99
Starting to make me wonder about the legitimacy of this company.
Everyday down. Thinking I'll be lucky to recover %50 of my investment at the rate we are going.
Supposedly Petke met with investors and institutions but no names were mentioned or locations aside from city's.
Thinking all of the spaming that was happening a couple of months back on multiple message boards was likely insiders/paid promotion.
There really is not a lot backing up this company and the primary phone contact is forwarded directly to Petke's answering machine with a females voice.
Check and see how many IIROC trading suspensions there have been over the years. Something fishy going on here.
Whoever did the proof reading on ACG's website should re-read and make some corrections.
As far as contracting plantlets for other companies, I have not found or heard or seen anything.
Feel bad for the people who bought in at the $1.20 range and are now stuck in this POS. I'm in the same boat but at a lower pps...
My bad for putting blind Faith in this company.