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Unicredit Bank AG

Unicredit Bank AG (UC8FS7)

Closed March 23 12:30PM

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janice shell janice shell 6 minutes ago
Don't forget that Musk has also endorsed Germany's pretty new extreme right wing party...
BDEZ BDEZ 6 minutes ago
Abortionist: I Cut Unborn Babies’ Cords So They Can’t Scream
stealofadeal stealofadeal 6 minutes ago
$GEVI Looking forward for a big run with this one. So much potential and stuff going on.
north40000 north40000 6 minutes ago
Freshman #25 from Baltimore shot 2 pointer leading Maryland to win as clock expired.
RobotDroid RobotDroid 7 minutes ago
Wow, you are truly an idiot. If your not paid to say that, you really are not too bright.
zab zab 7 minutes ago
Meanwhile US attorney murdered in Virginia,  what is trump doing about it, or is he covering it up.
SecondLife SecondLife 7 minutes ago
Imindog Imindog 7 minutes ago
How’s those Margins and how’s that bottom line at Iqst ? Lmao oh there negative but yall are killing it aye
chilar4567 chilar4567 8 minutes ago
Has anyone ever seen a more disgusting picture than PAYS 1 year chart.
Hoping Wednesday 26th will see a turnaround out of the basement.
AlwaysRed AlwaysRed 9 minutes ago
Here I messaged that I sold my Short position after the SLV price rose due to the dollar:

I am not sure how lo they will get it.
ombowstring ombowstring 10 minutes ago
I'm glad that music has become such a big part of our lives. Maybe most of the credit for that goes to The Beatles exploding on the scene and then keeping it going. Johnny Boy Denver came up with a great song here, a classic, he hit the nail on the head expressing this eternal emotion for wanting to
janice shell janice shell 10 minutes ago
Hah! Flying hasn't been good since the mid-'70s. Unless you could afford first class, or maybe business.
Margin Buu Margin Buu 11 minutes ago
Your reading comprehension is low.
conix conix 11 minutes ago
Looks like the Dems are ramping up the resistance. March 29. At your local Tesla dealership.
janice shell janice shell 13 minutes ago
None of that surprises me.
CCSAB CCSAB 14 minutes ago
I'm quite happy with the news. As much as people believe the US Treasury has no right to claim SPS, they are accounted for in the most recent government reports. As of now the CET1 is 4.5% and would necessitate a drop to around 2.5% in order not to have to raise new capital (assuming exit within 1
janice shell janice shell 15 minutes ago
Oh yes! I've used them for that, too!
Nukemtiltheyglow Nukemtiltheyglow 15 minutes ago
Sob, CO State just shot a 3 pointer with 5.1 seconds to play. Leads Maryland 71-70. Dang, this is great for college basketball. 🏀 
Bubae Bubae 15 minutes ago
There is no ambiguity so no legal interpretation required. 😆 That promo driving 524 million in trades for Friday must have been a last cash grab before everyone discovered that the GlobeTrotter deal fell through. It worked! 🤣 These shysters will keep it quiet as long as possible it w
NASDAQ2020 NASDAQ2020 15 minutes ago
🔥9:30 am can’t get here fast enough
janice shell janice shell 16 minutes ago
At a guess, I'd say those trades were busted. You could ask your broker. But I suppose that would be too easy, and not conspiratorial enough.
ThunderousSeer8 ThunderousSeer8 17 minutes ago
This has fallen like 50% in the last three months. What are you talking about?
Zardiw Zardiw 17 minutes ago

TurboSteve18 TurboSteve18 17 minutes ago
Yea seriously. He could be working on advancing Ameca in private so it's fully ready to go public. Him being quiet doesn't have to be assumed as a bad thing